[Music] my simple answer is everything so the objective delegation is for you get to the point where you're not doing actually any of the implementation to produce bigger and better results and I call this hoon add how that basically we all get into entrepreneurship we all start a business because we know how to do something and we get paid basically for the fact that we have a particular skill produces a particular result and when you do that you've actually kind of created a business but actually what you've created is a job and so the jump that you want to make is from having created a job for yourself or your you're the boss to actually having a company where you are surrounded by an increasing number of skilled individuals and these individuals can be inside your company they can be outside your company but what you want to do is to have more and more goals bigger and better goals and then say now who is it that can actually do the how for me I'm not going to do the how my how is to visualize a bigger and better result my how is to define the what of that result and the why of that result but and then define the who or rather who's who will actually do all the house and that's never ending so I was doing that 40 years ago and I'm doing it today and my delegations today are incredibly bigger than my delegations forty years ago so if this interests you and it triggers further questions that you have so just write it down in the comment section and we'll be back to you [Music]