Doctrine of Sanctification & The Second Coming

Jun 4, 2024

Lesson 11: The Doctrine of Sanctification

Key Concepts

  • Sanctification is not an immediate event but an ongoing, cooperative process.
  • It begins at conversion and continues until death.
  • Sanctification requires the cooperation of both God and the believer.
  • Reflecting the likeness of Christ involves time, effort, and grace.

Important Points to Remember

  • Conversion Leads to Change: True conversion should lead to changed behavior.
    • If there is no change, doubt arises about true conversion.
    • Sanctification serves as evidence of genuine grace.

What We Believe About Sanctification

  • Definition: The process beginning at regeneration where God conforms believers to the image of Christ through His word and Spirit.
    • Christians grow in holiness and love for God and others.
    • Involves submission to Jesus, obedience to God's word, and walking by the Spirit.

Five Points to Unpack the Doctrine

  1. God Conforms Believers to the Image of Christ

    • 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24: God sanctifies completely, keeping us blameless.
    • Wayne Grudem describes sanctification as the progressive work of God.
    • Contrast with justification: Justification is a one-time act, sanctification is ongoing.
    • Using Luther’s metaphor: Sanctification is akin to a rehabilitation process post-justification.
  2. Believers Grow in Sanctification Throughout Their Lives

    • Romans 6:19 emphasizes ongoing process.
    • Initial break from sin at regeneration (positional sanctification).
    • Progressive sanctification: growth varies but trends forward.
    • Completed at death or the Lord’s return (perfect sanctification).
  3. Believers Grow in Sanctification by Grace

    • Philippians 2:12-13: Work out your own salvation, for God works in you.
    • Salvation encompasses all aspects: regeneration, justification, sanctification, adoption, glorification.
    • Sanctification is cooperative: God’s energy (grace) propels it but we must respond.
  4. Believers Grow in Sanctification with Other Believers

    • 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13: Growth in love for one another leads to sanctification.
    • Sanctification in community: Jesus’ prayer for unity, Paul’s emphasis on mutual support.
  5. Believers Grow in Sanctification Through Spiritual Disciplines

    • 1 Timothy 4:7-8: Train yourself for godliness through spiritual disciplines.
    • Emphasis on God’s word and prayer.
    • Holy Spirit initiates and energizes these practices, but the believer must continually choose them.

Related Scriptures and Illustrations

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24: God sanctifies completely, faithful to do it.
  • Romans 6:19: Present yourselves as slaves to righteousness, leading to sanctification.
  • Philippians 2:12-13: Work out salvation, God works in you.
  • 1 Timothy 4:7-8: Train for godliness.


  • Sanctification is a lifelong process involving divine grace and human response.
  • Emphasizes growth in Christ’s likeness, assisted by spiritual disciplines and Christian community.
  • Ultimate sanctification completed upon death or Christ’s return.

Lesson 12: The Doctrine of the Second Coming


  • The Bible emphasizes the ultimate appearance of God’s kingdom.
  • Focus on Jesus Christ’s revelation as Sovereign Lord.
  • His return will bring about final victory over sin and death.

Core Beliefs

  • Jesus will return bodily, in power and glory at a time unknown to us.
  • He will raise the dead and judge the world.
  • The righteous receive glorified bodies, the unrighteous face eternal destruction.
  • Creation will be fully renewed and God’s people will reign with Him forever.

Key Points of the Doctrine

  1. Jesus Will Return Bodily

    • Acts 1:1: Jesus will return in the same way He ascended.
    • Return signifies the establishment of God’s kingdom and removal of evil.
    • No emphasis on dates/times but on fulfilling the Great Commission until His return.
  2. Jesus Will Judge the World

    • Matthew 25:31-32: Jesus will judge all nations.
    • Apostles Creed: He will come to judge the living and the dead.
    • Judgment is both comforting and terrifying; motivates holy living and evangelism.
  3. The Resurrection of the Righteous

    • 1 Peter 1:3: Born again to a living hope through Jesus’ resurrection.
    • Ensures our future resurrection; full completion of salvation on the last day.
  4. Eternal Destruction for the Wicked

    • 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9: Eternal punishment for those who don’t obey the Gospel.
    • Biblical evidence is strong; reflects God’s justice and holiness.
  5. Creation Made New and Glorious

    • Revelation 21:1: New heaven and new earth.
    • God’s plan to reverse the evil consequences of sin; fully redeemed universe.
    • Material creation is valuable; we will dwell in a perfect creation with God.


  • Anticipate Jesus’ return with hope and responsibility.
  • Focus on fulfilling the Great Commission while awaiting His return and judgment.
  • Confident in the promise of resurrection and new creation.

Discussion Time

  • Engage with small group leaders for further discussions and questions.