Transcript for:
Fall Prevention and Use of Restraints in Nursing

Hi, I'm Meris. And in this video, we're going to  be talking about fall prevention, both within the   hospital and at home, and the use of restraints.  I will be following along using our Fundamentals   of Nursing flashcards. These are available on our  website, And if you're following   along with your own, I'm starting on card number  75. All right. Let's get started. Okay. So first   up, let's talk about fall prevention in the acute  care setting, so this is within your facility.   As you can see, we've got a lot of bold red text  here and key points for you to pay attention to.   So let's talk about this, rounding hourly on  your patient. It just means poking your head   in and making sure that they're doing  okay, that they don't need anything,   that they are still in their bed. That's going  to help to prevent falls. If your patient is   confused or can't follow instructions, we  want to move their room closer to the nurse's   station. That's a really good noninvasive way  for us to be able to keep a close eye on them.   We of course, want to make sure the floors  are clean, dry, and uncluttered. But also,   we can set a bed alarm. So your bed for the  patient should always be locked and in the lowest   position for all patients all the time. But we can  also set bed alarms for patients who are at high   risk for falls, and that way, if they get out of  bed, we can hear it and come running immediately.   So we also want to make sure that anything the  patient needs, like their water, their glasses,   dentures, all of those things, are within reach of  their bed on the overbed table. If it's far away,   your patient's going to try and get out  of bed to get the things that they need,   so keep them close to the bed. Another thing is to  make sure that the patients are wearing nonslip,   well-fitting footwear. This is why all of the  socks in the hospital have those grippy things on   the bottom. Those are nonslip socks. And then we  also want to encourage our patients to sit up and   dangle their legs on the edge of the bed before  standing up so that we don't have that orthostatic   hypotension, which could lead to falls. Now, let's talk about what to do at home   to prevent falls. You'll see here we have  some big, bold red things here as well. Very   important to know, this is highly testable content  for nursing school and for NCLEX because it has to   do with patient safety, right? And patient  safety is always number one. So first up,   we have remove scatter rugs. Scatter rugs make  your house look really cute and cozy, but they   are a fall risk because you can slip and fall or  trip on them. We also want to have good lighting,   especially over stairs. We want to mark the edges  of our steps with colored tape or reflective tape.   We want to tape down electrical cords, so actually  tape them down. Don't put them under a rug or just   leave them free, right? If we tape them down, it  makes them less of a tripping hazard. And we want   them to be behind furniture or against a wall, if  possible. We want to have grab bars in the shower   and bathtub so that we don't slip and fall there,  a nonslip mat on the shower floor. And then also,   just like we talked about in the last video,  we need to make sure that our patients know   how to use their assistive devices correctly.  So that overs fall prevention measures within   the acute care setting and also at home. Next up, we are talking about restraints.   Restraints are very important to understand  for nursing school because there is a lot to   know about them, when to use them,  nursing care, when to stop them,   all of those sorts of things. So let's get  into it because there is a lot to go over.   First and foremost, we have two types, physical  restraints and chemical restraints. Physical   restraints are anything you physically put on your  patient, right? A vest or hand mitts, those are   physical. But chemical restraints are things that  are going to keep your patient sedated or calm,   things like benzodiazepines or anti-psychotics.  So don't forget, medication can be a restraint.   Order requirements, this is what we need to have  an order for restraints. We need the provider to   do an in-person assessment of the patient within  24 hours of the order. The order only lasts for   24 hours, which means that after it is up, if the  patient continues to need restraints, we need a   new order. PRN orders are not allowed, which means  I can't have an order that says to restrain the   patient PRN or as needed. That's not how it works.  We restrain them until restraints are no longer   needed, and we immediately discontinue them. And  like I said, a new restraint order every 24 hours.  The documentation portion is very important. We're  going to be documenting the rationale. Why is the   person in restraints? The time they have been in  restraints. The patient assessment findings. What   is their general well-being? Are they calm? Are  they breathing? Are they doing okay, or do they   still seem agitated? We're going to document that  and then what care we offered and provided to the   patient. So I offered toileting, fluids, range of  motion exercises. "The patient received range of   motion exercises and fluids, declined toileting."  Right? Now, this card right here, this is card   number 78. I want you to really, really focus on  this card and make sure you understand everything   that's being said here because this covers the  nursing care, which is always what we are focused   on, right? What's my job as the nurse? So there's  a lot here, and most of it is bold and red,   meaning very important. So alternatives first,  right? We go least to most restrictive. So that   means if my patient is pulling out their  lines, tubes, and drains, I don't just put   them in full leather restraints, right? We're  going to start by trying to distract them.   We're going to move them closer to the nurse's  station. We're going to try and use a technique   of giving them something to do. "Hey, can you fold  these washcloths for me?" We're not going to jump   to restraining them. If we have to, we can, but  we're going to move incrementally up that ladder.  The restraint needs to be tied-- okay, this is  so important, and I'm going to use my hands to   show you. And I'm sorry, but very important. The  restraint needs to be tied in a slipknot fashion,   quick-release fashion, meaning when I pull on the  long tail, it's immediately untied. So that's for   emergency purposes, right? The other thing is that  it needs to be tied to a part of the bed frame.   The bed frame moves with the bed, meaning it  goes up and down as the bed is raised or lowered,   right? So bed frame goes up and down,  but the frame itself is unmovable,   meaning does not move by itself. So for instance,  the side rail, that is going to move by itself,   right? I can put it down. I can bring  it up independent of the bed moving.   That's not where I want to tie it because if  I put the bed frame-- put the side rail down,   now it's really, really tight, right? And then I  put the side rail up, and now it's really slack or   loose. So I want to tie it on an unmovable part of  the bed frame, but it is moving, meaning that it's   going up and down, but not moving independently.  I hope that makes sense. That really trips a lot   of students up. It can be confusing. So just  remember, bed frame, not side rail, not head   of the bed that goes up and down, bed frame. Okay. I'm going to assess my patient's status   and behaviors every 15 minutes. That is very fast  for assessments, right? That's very frequent,   I should say, for assessments. Most of the times,  we don't assess things every 15 minutes if you're   in general med-surg or something. Every 15  minutes, you need to be checking in on that   patient. And the big reason here being something  called positional asphyxia. Your patients could   fight against these restraints, right, and get  themselves all twisted and turned in a position   where they cannot breathe adequately. And if they  cannot breathe adequately, they can asphyxiate,   or suffocate, and die, even while they are  restrained. So we check on them every 15   minutes. I really want to hammer that point home.  We take vital signs, provide range of motion,   and offer fluids and toileting every two hours.  That's more consistent with what you're used to.   And then as soon as the patient is no  longer a risk to themselves or others,   we discontinue the restraints. We never restrain  a patient because it's convenient for us,   because we like having them in restraints,  absolutely not. As soon as they no longer meet   the requirements for the order, we discontinue,  okay? If we need to check skin integrity,   we can take off one restraint at a time, do range  of motion, check the skin, place that restraint,   then come over and remove the other restraint,  okay? So that's an important distinction between   removing restraints one at a time in order to  provide care and removing restraints entirely.  Restraints are very big in nursing school.  There's a lot of questions about it because it   really is important to protect your patient's  legal rights to not have false imprisonment,   right, to not have things done to them against  their will, unless it is medically necessary   because they are a threat to themselves or  others. So be sure you're familiar with this.   This is going to come up for you in Funds, in  med-surg, in mental health. It's going to be   very, very common nursing test-taking knowledge  for school and for NCLEX, so be familiar with it.  Okay. So that is our review here for fall  prevention and restraints. I hope it was   helpful. If it was, please like this video and  let me know. If you have a really great way to   remember something, I super want to hear it, so  please leave it in the comments so that I can see.   And then be sure to subscribe to our channel  so that you are the first to know when our next   video drops, which is going to be talking about  skin integrity, specifically pressure ulcers,   pressure injuries. Very, very, very important  stuff for nursing school, so you don't want   to miss it. Thanks so much, and happy studying. I invite you to subscribe to our channel and share   a link with your classmates and friends in nursing  school. If you found value in this video, be sure   and hit the like button, and leave a comment and  let us know what you found particularly helpful.