Transcript for:
Exploring Genesis: Creation and Fall

all right what I want to do change some things I'm gonna change a few things up I'm gonna do kind of a walk through the Bible now obviously you know there's 60 66 books a lot of chapters and so I don't know if I'm going to eat you by you know Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 2 3 and so on and so forth but I will kind of you know deal with it like that and just kind of walk through and reason I'm doing it is because I want us to be able to get back to basics I want us to be able to get what the scripture has to say I wanted to get in how heart and for us to get proper understanding because I wholly believe in the teaching style of here little there a little and precept upon precept but sometimes just as a foundation we need to know what the scripture says just how it says it just plain there's no taking anything out of context because that's all you're reading you're reading the whole chapter right so there's no other context so I believe the foundation obviously is the Torah so we got to start in the beginning we got a deal with everything line by line so what I'm going to do is this time obviously I do have my I do have my King James but what I'm going to do guess read it out of the scriptures right so we're gonna sound a little bit different because other translations have some of the words and the original words or been restored some of the names have been restored you know and instead of just Genesis it'll be like Bereshit you know things like that and it's just so we can enhance our understanding that's the whole reason I like the King James I don't have a lot of issue with the King James or anything like that I like that but sometimes when we hear the same thing people tend to tune out so when you know you have to periodically throw in a different word or whatever just to kind of perk their ears up a little bit so I want to do that I'm gonna read in Genesis week I'm gonna read through right and really like chapter one read through see how much time we have we only gonna go for an hour okay well I'm gonna go for an hour but I'm gonna read through and then we'll backtrack and we'll read again start breaking some things down breaking some words down I can go to the Strong's we can do some of that and get explanations for a lot of things right so I'll just read through because a lot of times when you read in and you stop and you talk people you know they read ahead anyway so I'm just gonna read through then I'm a double back and read again maybe from the King James looking at some of the words and the Strong's just in case you know we need a proper or a deeper understanding so with that this is a walk through the Bible starting at Genesis chapter 1 okay I'm reading from the scriptures right I still have my King James I have no he chewed the King James and only saying because I know some people like what's going on he's switching up you know I'm not abandoning the King James I like it but I also have the scriptures and I wanna you know I want to read through that and I want us to get used to hearing some words okay happy happy Sabbath minutes by Shalom Michael shabbat shalom so let's go ahead get a little bit of an understanding starting in Genesis right so I'm really embarrassing because again I want people to tune out too much okay in the beginning Elohim created the heavens in the earth and the earth came to be formulas and empty and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of Elohim was moving on the face of the waters hello him said let light come to be and light came to be and Elohim saw in a light that it was good and heal him separated the light from the darkness I'm just gonna pause real quick right here in verse 4 I want to do a sound check does everyone hear me okay do I need to hit the volume low just give me a 100 in your you know just comment 100 that way I know that you hear me down there cuz I could be talking and reading and know them no one hears what's going on so I'm just doing a sound check just type in 100 for me if you don't mind appreciate it awesome awesome thank you so I'm gonna continue verse five in LA and el-amin called the light day and the darkness he called night and there came to be evening and there came to be morning one day and Elohim said let an expanse come to be in the midst of the waters and let is separate the waters from the waters delevingne made the expanse and separated the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse and it came to be also and we're we're gonna go back and gonna break down a few things verse 8 in helping call the expanse heavens and there came to be evening and there came to be morning the second day instead let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place and let the dry land appear and it came to bestow and Halloween called the dry land earth in the collection of the waters he called seas Ellen saw that it was good and helloween said let the earth bring forth grass the plants that yields seed and the fruit trees that yield fruit according to its kind whose seed is in itself and the earth and it came to be so and the earth brought forth grass the plant that you'll seed according to its kind in the trees that yield fruit whose seed is in itself according to its kind and Elohim saw that it was good and there came to be evening and there came to be morning the third day and Elohim said let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night and let them be for signs and appointed times and for days and years to notice that let them and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth and it came to be so Elohim made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and the stars and helloween set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to separate the light from the darkness and Ellen saw that it was good and there came to be evening and there came to be morning the fourth day and Ellen said let the waters teem with shoals of living beans and let birds fly above the earth on the face of the expanse of the heavens and helloween created great sea creatures in every living being that moves which with which the waters teemed according to their kind and every winged bird according to its kind helen saw it that it was good and heaven when he blessed them saying be fruitful increase and filled the waters in the seas and let the birds increase on the earth and there came to be evening there came to be morning the fifth day and Elohim said let the earth bring forth the living beings according to its kind livestock and creeping creatures and beasts of the earth according to its kind and it came to be so and helloween made the beasts of the earth according to its kind livestock according to its kind and all that crept on the earth according to its coming in heaven saw that it was good and Elohim said let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and up and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the ground and Ella ween created the man at his image in the image of Elohim he created him male and female he created them and I went blessed them and Elohim said to them be fruitful and increase and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over all creeping creatures on the earth and hello I'm say it see I've given you every plant that yield seed which is on the face of the earth and every tree whose fruit you'll see to you it is for food and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to every creeping creature on the earth in which there is a living being every green plant is for food and it came to be so and Halloween saw all that he had made and see it was very good and there came to be evening and there came to be morning the sixth day okay so I just read all of chapter one and I read it out of the out of the scriptures there and now I'm gonna go back right and then we're gonna stop in spots and you know get understanding from different words different meanings and stuff like that now we were looking at a pre flood conditions before you know any type of natural catastrophe and there's a little picture it's just a picture I'm not saying that's exactly what it is but there's a picture here okay let me show you guys it's a picture that looks at pre-flood earth right there's a canopy over the earth okay there's a canopy so when you talk about the water separating the waters it means there is a water vapor canopy above okay there's a lot of scientists people who you know creation science and stuff like that say there's first there was a canopy above the earth and then between the canopy and what we call the ground okay that is one of the heavens as the first heavens alright there's an expanse that's a firmament the sky right and then the second water is under the crust of the earth and it and before when it starts to flood when you read the flood account when it starts to flood it bursts open right so it bursts open water from underneath the ground and that's how we we got what is called the sea right so that's when we gets the flood okay so there was a canopy so there's pre flood conditions whereas many accounts that say there was there was well over 50% more oxygen you know on the earth right perfect conditions you know they've already eaten like conditions right everything was perfect I mean so perfect you can walk around make it a whole day you know Adam and Eve right so anyway I'm gonna go through that and I'm gonna go back to the King James but I'm using the King James with the strong so that when we come across particular words we can look them up immediately right so I'm gonna do it where we can look them up immediate Genesis 1 and 1 so I'm looking at it from there okay now I want to use these because sometimes translation words you lose meaning I don't want that you know to necessarily happen but I want to get back to you know a little bit of familiar but here's what we'll do to stop it in the breaking down right so we read all chapter 1 we got everything in contact so should be fun ok so we're gonna go back to that in the beginning God Elohim created the heaven and the earth and earth was without form form and boy okay so form it's too hot all right formless confusion unreality emptiness or formulas Ness okay about form and then boy okay it is a hot couple who love the transliteration okay it is Hebrews 9:22 emptiness void way so really nothing there right okay and doctors was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God said the light I said the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness so he started dividing the light from the darkness remember there's no Sun yeah there's no moon not yet right but remember him in Revelation the Sun and the [ __ ] they are the light thereof okay he's not subject you know the Mosiah is not limited like us you know it's dark and we have no light source with or but we can't see right not so for him okay not so for him and God and God saw the light that it was doing God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light day and the darkness he called night okay this is something he could see and he can discern he's not subject to or limit it like we are okay and the evening and the morning were the first day so I said in the scriptures and it says here in the King James and the evening and the more why he called the evening first because that's how the Hebrews reckon their days they start with the evening first anyway when the Sun Goes Down that is a new day okay not twelve o'clock at midnight okay not 12:01 you know in the morning it's a new day for the Hebrew the evening starts that day okay that's why you've got any desert i k first day verse six and God said let let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters okay and let it divide the waters from the water so that's verse six that's where it confuses people okay remember you have the earth you have the water that that we have right now the water that we have right now you have the sky the atmosphere that we live in breathe the birds flying in the stuff or it's also the heavens the firmament and then you have the water canopy that broke open when the flood came right there's that firmament okay rakia extended surface or expanse permanent okay flat base support firmament a vault of heaven supporting waters above okay then you have considering Hebrews as a solid and supporting waters abort but that's why you see that's why they have that canopy okay that is above that's why you have the canopy okay so that was from the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters it's the sky that we have that's dividing the waters from the waters and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament which is under the ground from the waters which were above the firmament or above the sky okay under the firmament which was in the ground it was what we call see right now season rivers and stuff like that right now and above the firmament and it was so and God called the firmament heaven so the sky right now and you go outside the sky that is ahead that's one of them remember the Bible references third three heavens write unto the third heaven stuff like that so you have the sky that you see right now in the daytime and at night you know the big black thing where you have all these little stars and stuff that's the second heaven okay and then the third heaven is where the Most High father resides okay let's see here second evening morning with a second day okay God and God said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry then appear and it was so okay verse 10 and God called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters called the scenes and God saw that it was good okay so when they get well this is what we have now as the Seas okay things changed a little bit you know after the flood and you know tectonic plates moved and all that but we're not gonna get into that part of it anyway okay so verse 11 and God said let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seeds and the fruit trees yielding fruit after its kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind near the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind and God saw that it was good and the evening in the morning were the third day and again it says in the evening in the morning starts with the even again and then even in the morning where the third day this is how the Hebrews reckoned a day right a lot of times people like to change that and shift it around and it just the Sun just has no job anymore the Sun is just a big flashlight okay and just have no job these things have a job we reckon days nights months seasons okay the moon reckons a month right things like that the Sun reckons a day if you know how many is you know and the moon governs the night so on and so forth but a lot of time they just take jobs away from then from these celestial bodies that the Lord put in there for us all right and let the and let them in verse 15 oh I'm sorry I don't wanna skip that verse 14 and God said Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night okay so what divides the day from night what what governs today okay the Sun from the night and let them be for what signs and for seasons and for days and for ye okay we use all of them okay to reckon these things okay so sign off science signal a distinguishing mark a banner remembrance miraculous sign Holmen warning token in sign standard medical proof okay that's what we're using us that's h4 sign it's H or Hebrews 226 okay Hebrews 226 this is just breaking down Genesis we're starting right from the beginning and breaking it all down okay so we want to look at signs and for seasons and for days and for years season what's a season what's amoled okay appointed place appointed time a meeting sacred season a set feast appointed season appointed meeting appointed place appointed - okay so what do we do we use like for example we used to the moon - reckon our months right that's an appointed time okay we use that to reckon our feast days it's enough point to time okay 14 days from the month of a bid then something so on and so forth right but we do it from checking you know the moon so that's what they're used for us okay four days and four years you know what years are 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so 16 and God made two great lights here we go now he makes the Sun and he's gonna make the moon and God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day the greater light to rule the day okay it gives a son a job let's do his job okay to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and he made the stars also their stars also he said all this in order he said all this in order a lot of times I see a lot of people you know they're talking and any they just put everything on one knee play everything on the start a play everything on the moon and put everything on to someone to let each let each celestial body do its job okay that's all that's that's all I'm saying they each celesta body do its job okay so and the evening and the morning were the fourth day and God said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and the file that may that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven that's how now you know that is the you you know that's part that's heaven also the atmosphere that you see we know that's heaven as well because what he said let the ones bringing forth abundantly and the moving creature that hath life and fowl which you know of birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven okay so we know in the sky birds fly in the sky birds fly in heaven okay they don't fly in space and they don't fly in the third heaven where the father is I mean I'm assuming here that birds if nobody could whatever but we don't see it my point we don't see it but we do see where birds fly and that is in the heavens or in the firmament okay so that's how you know that's one of the heavens and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and after and in every Wingate file after his kind and God saw that it was good these statements after it's kind after its kind after its kind that's why he have a lot of people don't believe this we have a lot of believers who do not subscribe to evolution okay now talking about mm-hmm all evolution I'm talking about that I'm not talking about there's various forms of evolution but we're talking about from example an animal one animal comes one species coming to a completely different species okay a micro macro evolution we're not talking about that we're not talking about a horse ever becoming a turtle that's that's all I'm saying after its kind after its kind after its kind that's why people they they really bang on this particular part because the most high is very deliberate okay now their forms evolution is inside the species okay in a micro form yes okay you could take you know zebra a horse donkey mule they're in the same class they're a similar class you can cross breed those a bank cross spread right but you can't cross breed a zebra in a turtle it's just not gonna happen right so 22 and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let the five multiply in the earth okay and the evening in the morning were the fifth day okay so we're starting to get you know the big picture blueprint idea of what the most high is going to do and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth after his kind and it was so and God made the beasts of the earth after his kind and the cattle after his after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God said that it was good so again after his kind you're gonna see that constantly over and over that's that that just tells you that it's after his kind okay so and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth 27th 2008 and female created he them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea okay replenish okay male to feel or said to feel the earth or be full or to be full of fullness abundance to be full the accomplish to accomplish the ended to concentrate feel the hand to be filled the arm would be satisfied to be accomplished be ended to feel to satisfy to fulfill accomplish complete okay replenish because you're gonna run out it already created creatures and he already created plants and vegetables and things like that's a replenish you know Joe Adams first job was to be a farmer okay be a farmer to be pledged to restore to keep growing things like that okay to feel to accomplish okay so let's go ahead and keep going be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth verse 29 and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat it shall be food you shall eat that so originally we were vegetarians originally and to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life I have given every green herb for meat or for food and in it was so and God saw everything that he made and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day okay again the evening in the morning were the sixth day how people don't like that they don't like the fact that it reads that way because they want to changes I no no no you reckon the day another way that's the problem okay I'm just going by right what it says and looking at multiple translations when I do it okay that's other people's problem that want to believe otherwise that's fine we believe everyone has a freedom believe whatever they want okay so now we're gonna be verse chapter two from the scriptures again we're only gonna go an hour okay so I'm going back to the scriptures but this translation then we'll go to the Strong's I'm sorry to the KJV with the Strong's okay chapter two thus the heavens and the earth were completed and all bear arraigned and in the seventh day Elohim completed his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and allene blessed the seventh day and set it apart because I he rested from all his words with Elohim in creating that name these are the births of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that Yahweh Elohim made earth and heavens now no shrub of the field was yet on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up okay not yet okay he gave the blueprint together but he gave the blueprint in the beginning right and so now he's just now it's about to come come to pass right okay now no struggle yeah earth plant feel had yes front up okay Elohim had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to till the ground right so he said you know let us create man in our image and all that right that's just a blueprint okay a lot of people they say well the one account is way different from the Genesis 2 account or whatever think up the first one is kind of like a blueprint these are all the things I'm gonna do right and then you get a little bit more detail in chapter 2 right ok on the ground but a verse 6 but a miss went up from the earth and watered the entire surface of the ground okay so a miss went up from the earth okay and Yahweh Elohim firm form the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils breath of lives and the man became a living being okay obviously the King James is a living soul and Yahweh Elohim planted a garden in Eden to the east and there he put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground Yahweh made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food which the Tree of Life in life in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from there it divided and became foreheads the name of the first is bhishan it is the one surrounding the entire land of how a lot where there is gold and the goal of the land is good and bdellium is there and shall stone and the name of the second river is Gahan it is the one surrounding the entire land of cush and the name of the third river is head the head the quail it is the one which goes toward the east of Usher and the fourth river is that you freeze and Yahweh Elohim took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it in to guard it and Yahweh Elohim commanded the man saying eat of every tree of the garden but do not eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die and Yahoo Elohim said it is not good for the man to be alone I am going to make a helper for him as his counterpart and from the ground Yahweh Elohim formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them and whatever the man called each living being there was its name so the man gave names to all the livestock and to the birds of the heaven and to the every beast of the field but for the man there was not found a helper for him as his counterpart right so it happened and happened yet again he'll say it then he do it say it didn't do it right so 21 so Yahweh Elohim caused a deep sleep to fall on a man and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed the flesh in its place and the rib which yahweh elohim had taken from the man he made into a woman and he brought her forth to the man and the man said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh this one is called woman because she was taken out of man for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh and they were both naked and the man and his wife yet they were not ashamed ok so just read chapter 2 and of course we're gonna break that down as well just did chapter 2 I'm gonna break there down look at it in the Strong's she launched along this Ragsdale okay so we're just doing some back to the basics walking through the Bible looking at it from the scriptures and then looking at it out you know the KJV right what's strong so we can look up different words to get a deeper meaning so Genesis chapter 2 and one over in the KJV with the Strong's okay so we can look at a couple of things here thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made now a lot of people have a problem with the seventh day right now the moon was not created okay Orson was not created on the first day in neither account right so he set up he set up this system for us to follow okay we know that the Sun and Moon was created you know later on like a fourth fifth day we go back all right and then it's how can we create this and it's gonna govern okay govern the days governor nights and stuff like that but he's given us an example okay one two three four five six seven rest one two three four five six seven rest okay that's really that simple but I know in veritably every time I even mention the Sabbath there's gonna be somebody who's gonna have a problem someone's gonna say whole brother no you got to look at the lunar Sabbath you can't look at the Roman reko Gregorian calendar Julian counting you can't do that you just I mean you're gonna have that that beat it's not gonna end until my side comes back it's not is that that argument is just not gonna win until the Messiah comes back okay that's that's really this really all it is to it you know is it's an old it's an argument whole argument and I've given so many reasons or whatever but it doesn't matter when someone sticks to their own that's it I look at it from both angles trying to look at the merit a loner Sabbat versus a seven-day Sabbat and I look at the arguments of both sides of looking at hours and hours well people do hours in video after video explaining you know the email calendar and the Lunik and just it's okay alright okay if it's that Hey God be with you okay if it'sif is that God be with you go ahead so verse four these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens and every plant of the field before it was in the earth in every herb of the field before it grew before it had before he actually did it remember we just read it in the first chapter all the things he did and then right here the very next chapter hadn't happened yet right so you know it's not that Moses you know it was schizophrenic or something or he just forgot is one chapter to the next okay so we just got to understand that his blueprint if I kind of tell you my plans well I'm gonna do this and I build this on the bill that you know I'm a homestead I'm gonna do all these things right I just told you I'm gonna do it but you go to the land it's not done yet but the next time you see me I'll be doing it I'll be building it right so the middle of five for the Lord had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground with a formula they hadn't trained yet okay that's why people when you get to Moses that's a lot of people kind of you know wineries any believe in because it's like so but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground right so that's how got water originally hidden rain it but the mists from the earth okay the water came from under the earth okay cuz I know some people think well what about the rain and grow it up just telling her the very next line how I got watered first okay verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living soul okay and the Lord can't you know what let me look up soul okay soul nough fish right soul self life creature person appetite mind living being desired motion passion all that is contained in you so it's who you are right that which breeze the breathing substance of being the soul intervene and living living being you guys can read that okay it's it's it's you know just give you an idea this also you know that's what it all is okay no fish okay the Hebrew fifty three fifty fifteen okay so you have that alright verse eight and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had fallen and out of the ground may the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to be pleasant to the sight and good for food The Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of you me and the river went out of Eden to water the garden and from events it was parted and became into four heads okay so four heads all right head rush okay ere top summit upper part chief total some height front beginning head like head of a man or head of an animal tip top of a mountain height stars cheap head in case of four head head front beginning okay division company band and some okay so we got that and that is the Hebrew for heads to seven to one eight okay the name but the first is a son that is that is it which compass the whole land of havilah where there is goal and the goal of that land is good there is Bellingham and the Onyx stone in the name of the second river is get home the same is that that compass the whole land of Ethiopia and the name of the third river is hit aquel that is which goeth toward the east of Assyria and the fourth River is Euphrates and the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof shall thou shalt surely die and the Lord God said it is good for the man should be alone I will make him an help meet for him okay we read it over here which says in hello who said is not good for man to be alone I am going to make a helper for him as his counterpart right and our team does he in 18 all right so 19 and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof and Adam gave names to all the cattle and all the follow the air and to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found a help meet for him and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof in the rib which the Lord had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto Him and Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my fresh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and they were both naked and then the man and his wife and we're not ashamed ok so let's see ok so now we have verse both chapters chapter 1 chapter 2 we read it in the scriptures and we're also rated in the KJV and so that summers are not working so we just read through that want to get us a deeper understanding okay we can do the same thing with a chapter three but let me see how long for this so I wanna make sure I can get an out okay so we can get one out so we read we will have done three chapters after this okay so we're gonna jump in and do chapter three and again I just want to go through look at certain words look behind it get a deeper meaning and go back and forth to give you guys a different perspective okay coming from the scripture so now chapter three and this will be the last chapter that we kind of go back and forth with so chapter three of Genesis and the Nahash was more crafty okay now hush and the Nahash was more crafty than all the lives of the field which Yahweh Elohim had made and he said to the woman is it true that Eleen has said do not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said to the niosh we are to eat of the fruit of the tree of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is a midst of the garden Allah meaning has said do not eat a bit more touch it lest you die and then a hush said to the woman ye shall certainly not die he right out the gate line but sorry we're just gonna read through fella he knows that in the day ye eat of it your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be like me knowing good and evil and a woman saw that the tree was good for food that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise and she took up the fruit and ate and she also gave to her husband with her and he ate he was right there then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made lowing coverings for themselves and they heard the voice of Yahweh lean walking about in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Yahweh Elohim among the trees of the garden and Yahweh Elohim called unto Adam and said to him where are you and he said I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked so I hid myself and God and he answered who made you who made you know that you were naked again who made you know that you were naked have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded that ye should not eat and a man said the woman whom you gave to be with me she gave me of the tree and I ate and Yahweh Elohim said to the woman what is this that you have done and the woman said that know how she deceived me and I hate and Yahweh Elohim said to the niosh because you have done this you are cursed more than all livestock and more than every beast of the field on your belly you are to go and eat dust all the days of your life and I put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed and he shall crush your head and ye shall crush his heel to the woman he said I greatly increased your sorrow and your conception bringing forth children in pain and your desire is for your husband and he does rule over you and he does roll over you and the man and to the man he said because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you saying do not eat of it cursed is the ground because of you and toil you are to eat of it all the days of your life so working really really hard this is how it is and the ground shall bring forth thorns and thistles for you and ye shall eat and you should don't eat the plants of the field okay anybody who's done agriculture know that your crops don't always grow okay you get past that growing season yeah it can be pretty rough by the sweat of your face you are to eat bread until you return to the ground for out of it you were taken for dust you are and to dust you return and the man call this why his wife named Allah because she became the mother of all living and Yahweh Elohim made coats of skin for the man and his wife and dressed them and Yahweh Elohim now you saw a debt okay and Yahweh Liam said see the man has become like one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand to take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever so Yahweh Elohim sent him out for the Garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken and he drove the man out he place carob on the east of the Garden of Eden and a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way to the Tree of Life okay all right all right sorry guys um yeah you got rough it got rough there for him you know you gotta rest their form so we're gonna look at it and the KJV okay gonna look at any KGB will look behind some words and we'll start you know breaking down a few things so we can be edified okay so now I said the chapter to its inward it use right there then a hush right through the hush alright and so I like this was before own serpent no I'm sorry nikasha excuse me nikasha and the pronunciation key okay serpents they image okay so that's what it does is putting the hebrew word back in its place right so Nakash now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field okay see subtle meaning subtle shrewd crafty sly sensible shrewd sensible prudent crafty okay slick alright more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman this is chapter three for anybody just joining us yeah his God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden the answer is yes not every tree but in any way and the woman said unto the serpent we eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden but of the fruit of the tree that's which in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die okay and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die okay big lie right there you you you will die okay you you one time we've been dying ever since right so big line right off the gate for God does know that in the day you eat thereof then your eyes shall be open that part's true and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil okay still alive okay still a guy yeah God's know good and evil but we don't know all good oh you don't know everything but thirst for knowledge about thirst for knowledge verse six and when a woman saw that the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to be to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat so there it's kind of like curiosity killed a cat I think they damn curious they're curious if you know we do believe this but they were believing everything that the serpent all enough Nakash was telling they're believing it they were just they're like okay the funny thing is when you're questioning the Most High now you're calling him a liar now you're calling him a liar as it he's not like us if he says you're gonna die if you do this you're gonna die on you do that or you break my commandment I'm gonna have to punish you and all that he's on me he's not a man he is a being he is a ell of his word he's going to keep his word okay he means what he says he's not our elohim is not the father of lies he has no reason there is no reason to lie to us and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for God going and a day there then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil and what I want me saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took the other fruit thereof and did eat and also and gave also her husband with her and he did he that was an opportunity for Adam to step in and say whoa no he did he that's exactly what he said for us not to do with that but did he do that no he didn't step up right we'll get to that in a minute and their eye and the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons okay so when they believe in the Bible says nothing about an apple remember that just tells you that lies that they put out there okay obviously when you grow when you were little there tomorrow and heat and and Eve they bit the Apple well they bit the Apple what it just says fruit it doesn't say you know otherwise another lie another fairy tale okay verse eight and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden and the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto Him where art thou let me look at something real quick okay nothing Hebrew it says it yahuveh right or Yahweh - it works - okay and that's the board and then the God of course is Elohim as well we go Yahweh or yova Elohim okay so that's the God is a Hebrews four thirty okay Hebrews four thirty and lord I want to remember we suppose we look at words is thirty sixty eight Hebrews 3068 the Hebrew word is yeah hold buh yeah oh ah okay all right okay so when I get into a note I know some people out there they go Yahoo uh I get it so I'm say y'all way so I'm gonna say yeah I like a citizen songs we get it okay I'm just not and the reason why I'm emphasizing guys just so you know the reason is because if you guys been researching for a while you already know there's a lot of arguments there's a lot of debates what's the true name and all that stuff you know got a high Yahweh you but that's not what this lesson is about okay I'm just looking up different words just giving you what it says here looking at what it has an attacks I know you can go to thousand of the text and find different translations I get it okay no brother you got to go back to the paleo Hebrew and in the misery attic text and I get it I get I've been been doing the research okay I get it but for the sake and the purpose of this lesson I'm not really gonna debate that Somali I'm only bringing it up because you can see look at under the videos and here every time not every time most of the time I do a lesson it digresses into something else completely completely different okay completely off the wall okay so I'm just trying to keep everything in context again the purpose of doing it this way is so that we just read the Bible straight through we just read it straight to remember you if you've been following a ministry if you've been following you know the founder is really you you already know every single lesson is line upon line precept upon precept here a little there a little you know that's that's that's the way I teach it right but this time I'm just going straight through right we're just going straight through now like I said I don't know if I'm gonna do it week to week to week to week right good I'm just loving we're stopping at Genesis 3 this time and next week pick it up in Genesis 4 read it outer scriptures then come back and read it out of the KJV yeah I may do that for a while then I may stop do another lesson and then come back to doing this ok but this particular series is gonna be you know walk through the Bible right so I got all it's a lot of Bible okay it's gonna take a long time you know especially you need to three chapters you know a week okay so we give you guys homework assignments sabasha la uh mister oh my bro okay so if I sit alone my bro so yeah you guys have questions or anything and put it in there and we'll go back and look look at you know some of the questions or some of the comments and stuff so you guys have comments you go ahead and I put it in there and we'll deal with it so let me go ahead and finish up chapter three cover themselves heard the voice right so verse eight and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God Lord God amongst the trees of the garden and look I called unto Adam and said unto Him where art thou and he said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told thee that thou was naked there's out eating of the tree wherefore I commanded thee that thou should not eat ok and the man said the woman whom thou gave us to be with me she gave me of the tree and I did eat so the first thing he did was he do his wife under the bus right now don't get me wrong she was wrong ok she was wrong she did it but he did not have to follow her ok he didn't have to follow her he could have just stepped up in better fact when she said that they're talking to the Nakash when she was talking to the serpent when she was talking to Satan don't no no no we're not dipping with him we're not dealing him come over here woman let's go hey we're not we're not talking in we're not dealing with he already lied he already said it old God didn't say you're gonna surely die I was there he did say we eventually died he didn't step up that's the point ok the stuff that's I'm picking out little things that we can learn ok from there so right there right there was a problem ok he could have stepped up ok and then he said and I did even 12 not 13 he said and the Lord God said unto the woman what is this a thou has done and the woman said the serpent beguiled me and I did eat she was curious that's true the circuit Debbie got her but she did he okay the serpent beguiled me and I did eat and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou had done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every breath of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and the dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life and then we come with a prophetic statement here comes a prophecy verse 15 and I will put enmity enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed now in the scriptures see that that's capitalized there okay it's capitalized there which is aa seed sowing offsprings or her offspring okay order or the the semen are our descendants or cast arity children okay all right so now we have an idea of the seat okay her see it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel okay so we already know the Messiah will bruise his head basically crushed and step one the serpent okay unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply multiply thy sorrow and thy conception okay birth pains and delivering a baby in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee again this is taurah same thing i just emphasize that because a lot of a lot of us forgive mark here a lot of us for forget what the scripture says and forget that this is in Torah right they forget that for whatever reason they forget that okay 17 and and on to Adam he said because thou has hearken unto the voice of thy wife because you listen to her because when you know better I'm sorry fellas mean you know better when you have to do what you have to do you cannot hide behind your wife's skirt you got a man up you you cannot hide behind your wife's skirt it is something you know you got to do and she don't she not trying to go that way she's not trying you've got to do it anyway I'm sorry that's just how it goes you gotta man up you gotta be the head of your house you gotta get it done this is this that simple okay that's something you listen to and you know something's right okay well you know and I said oh you can never listen to your wife I'm not saying that I'm saying you always gotta leave you man always has to leave husband you got to leave every single time okay you can you you you stay in the driver's seat that's that's what how it has to be okay you stay in the driver's seat because you cannot in the judgment you cannot hide you cannot stand before the father yeah and you're being questioned okay and you and every excuse you had will be my wife here but my wife here but my wife can't do that alright also wife doesn't cover you you cover your wife she doesn't cover you you just gotta remember that okay cuz you hearken to the voice of your wife and has eaten of the tree of which I command thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eat all the days of thy life you know work hard and yeah it's rough asking actually any homesteader it's hard artwork right thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field that's gonna be hard gonna be rough going and the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground so until you die you're gonna be working until you die so this idea of retirement yeah I'm not saying hey I'm not saying you can't retire but I'm saying you got stay busy you got to keep doing something right but you know hey let them tell let other people tell you okay this is in this way my face I eat bread to the ground far out of it was too taken was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return and Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of the living right and we go to me remember we had kabob right eat kebab the first woman in life about that's why that name is restored in descriptions okay STR the mother of all living to apple also and to his wife did the Lord make copes of skin and clothe him now you saw the first death when he got that skin you can just make skin houston-area got it from some animals so now we have death because they sent because Sam was entering disobedience which what it was it was disobedience of sins disobedience this will beam into whatever Lord says disobedient to his Lord this will being to his commandment right so right here he all he wanted was obedience listen to what I'm saying okay and Adam also and his wife did the Lord made coats of skin and clothe them and the Lord God said Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken and he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of Tree of Life okay so they cannot do it not sure bones guys I'm basically angels right okay cut rah okay Carew a rapture cherub cherubim an angelic being as guardians of beaten as flanking God's throne as an image form hovering over the Ark of the Covenant as a charity of your whole body angles that's where there's cherubim angels and jellybeans okay so we got you know that's an hour I go to the we go to the video so I can see you guys are comments quick look at the comments all right shabbat shalom everybody shabbat shalom Michael Prince okay Trisha Trisha happy Sabbath shabbat shalom yeah host Seth Ben is orell shabbat shalom family how's it going appreciate you joining thank you thank you so much no no no no argument brother no argument there Esteban cut still though shabbat shalom shalom miss Ragsdale how are you doing you so faithful I say that because she's so faithless as always join me you humble me every time I appreciate it thank you Miss Ragsdale my bro shabbat shalom and I can read this other one on its front toe about Esperanto gotcha the name is Oh Sandra okay okay gotcha shabbat shalom huh standard shabbat shalom it's advised to love I got you okay Ruby on hibari Shalom Ruby on oh I'm sorry if I said they're wrong it's a little new there Ruby honor okay shabbat shalom Jake are three another faithful I see you pop up I see you pop up cool cool Jake r3 shabbat shalom all right anything sent along to all Yas people family family blessings everybody my bro he got in there again okay why was King not listed in the genealogy genealogy of Adam the short answer brother is he was cut off that was it that's why they were saying it was until set to where man started to start worshiping you know God again basically he was he's disinherited he was just you know God don't know him you know and he's like that and it was until simple and that's why I know Noah comes out of the line of sin so it was just disinherited he's like hey lord I have nothing to do what you know more you're not one of these you know you're not called by his name Gino prints okay yeah no problem Shalom Shalom brethren no problem alright just one day uh getting there with you guys by hearing and hearing by shabbat shalom how are you doing glad you're able to make it yeah I just want to jump in and do just want to do a quick lesson dealing with just just kind of getting a deeper understanding so I hope you guys aren't saying we were able in one hour we did three chapters and technically we read three chapters twice right basically we were three chapters twice till we did each chapter from the scriptures and each chapters from the KJV and we went ahead and look behind a word so I'm gonna I'm going to continue to do the series like this right and we're just gonna go for an hour or see where it takes us we're gonna go for an hour so we can you know just get a deeper understanding okay so I appreciate all you guys if there's no other questions or comments concerns or anything like that I'm gonna let you guys get back to your blessed blessed Shabbat I hope and I pray that the most high the most high bless each and every one of you guys okay a couple of questions are coming up when you always say it to Eve your desires will be toward your husband does it mean that the church was searched after Christ yeah a lot of people like my like yourself I mean it's a good question I know you're drawing an analogy so that's that's cool um yeah that is the desire if you think about it like this here we as people where we are conditioned to worship right we're conditioned with that's just what we are we celebrate we worship we do thing we look for that higher power we look for a liar get me wrong we look for a yah but people they follow a false yeah sometime they follow a false God somewhere they thought that's how you get into various different religions why because we're built to worship everyone keep saying oh every religion is just gonna be to manipulate and all that yes some people do manipulate man duh they do Jews where they can to manipulate the minds of others I get that but what I'm saying is our need to worship something because um description has said that God put eternity in our heart we put some there's something bigger we know instinctively intuitively there's something out there bigger than us right there's just something out there bigger than us we know it be the God of the Hebrews right and so we're gonna seek after that and yes Israel being the church yes we do we will seek after that some of us are gonna find it okay some of us are gonna find it and we got it we're gonna find it on the narrow gate you know the Messiah a few there be that find it okay the pathway is to pass the righteousness estimates that's the way to get there so absolutely the church will seek search after him not everybody's gonna find him but yes the church was searched after women question brother who were the people King was afraid of that's a good question that's a good question now here's something we can't prove anything would either have no evidence I can't prove anything like that now when you go from e okay she's the first woman named in the Bible and then you go a long way before another female is ever even named right but anyway this what one theories is there's a lot of theories they wouldn't have time to go through all of them but I'll just go to one I'll just go to one well there is this I don't need they had a number of children period right they had a number of children period only a name or name and then later set there was named or whatever so anyway they took wives of their sisters now you gotta understand that there's different conditions back then first you got out on the idea you have perfect DNA no genetic defects whatsoever so then they took their sisters that came from that they're nameless nameless and faceless and they began you know sons and daughters after that that's why later on in Leviticus you get a law that says okay no more brothers and sisters you know cousins and stuff like that no more of that okay there's enough people out here you don't need to do that basically right so the theory is the theory is they took from their sisters our siblings they had relations with their you know sisters and then later Seth came and you know then you have that now obviously there's other people out there saying you know added me with the first people there are some other people they have a book of Lilith and Adam have another wife Lilith and there were other people and stuff like that I understand I studied the theories and stuff like that I'm just offering one theories I also keep in mind I didn't say there's only one theory there's a lot but yeah there's some people that just said that on there there are other people they're just they're just saying that I'm more inclined to believe you know the sibling theory but I've read the other theories too I read some other theories I'm sure I'm probably gonna pop up and I'm sure other one's gonna pop up and I'll read those as well okay but just to give you an answer to your questions siblings the reason why is because then our DNA was perfect okay perfect no defects whatsoever the conditions around us the atmosphere everything okay was perfect so you didn't have to worry about any genetic defects when you got together at that time now you do got to worry about it but back then you didn't have to you just didn't have that okay there was no there was no issues so anyway I hope that answers your question in part I'm not saying that it's gonna satisfy you and you're just gonna run with that I'm just saying that's one of the many theories right there's one of the many theories out there as who is these other people so anyway guys it looks like that's the end of the questions there so we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up and again like I said I hope you guys enjoy your blessed Shabbat this is the day that the Lord has made and I appreciate off you guys joining me found of Israel as I transition you know as I transition you know the direction I'm going in is homesteading so like I said a few videos a few lessons back you know I know the background is different standing behind a podium and you know teaching into the camera like that so you know no problem see let me get that name again I see go back up real quick Sandra ok sister Sandra no problem no problem sister Cindy I appreciate you guys joining me hey guys tap that notification bell so anytime I do like a lot like it could pop up I do want to do in every Shabbat but other times it may be a special message or something in the blood that I need to share with you guys so hit the notification bill so that you'll miss any of the lives also put subscribe sharing some other the people let's get the conversation going right now in this particular series that I'm gonna do and it's gonna be long because the Bible's really big long series is walking through the Bible and so I want to walk through every book of the Bible except maybe Chronicles I'll go through first king first and second Kings and all that then chronicles well I don't think I'm gonna go through and this person to get that person and this person to get that person and so I don't think I'm gonna do that so I'm just saying that early on but this is i'ma make this a new playlist right it's gonna new playlist of walk through the Bible so we can just break down every frickin book and it's gonna take a while but there you have it walking through the Bible appreciate you guys appreciate you guys shabbat shalom one and all so I hope someone's been edified by this lesson so until next time search the scriptures and prove all things