on YouTube we are recording now yes hello everyone this is Alan y we're going to do a 150 run and get carried by our good friend here socket but I'm G to try my best to hold my own but in general if you watch him he will be doing better more proper strategies than myself so just keep that in mind can I just drink the antidote and then go in or do I really have to bring it uh you can I use a antivenom it has to be an antivenom cuz the baboons use Venom oh I see okay but I'll just bring it yeah let me know when you're ready ready let's go all right super so I'll just have take a peek at your invocations not going to make any just want to see what they for feature reference here we go nothing too crazy good go go go all right I'm going to start with our monkey room here drop two items on the ground and pick these two items up right kill every monkey you see I'm sorry I'm not talking to you I'm talking YouTube right now so oh okay is is corruption but I've got you keep your chat open for this part one of us one of the players is going to get red vision and uh one of the objects in the room will glow red and then you're going to go interact with it pillars okay uh I got I think we have to stand here uh no there's no issue okay U repair repair pillars it plays a noise whenever it switches to a different person that's what that was okay I got I got confused because it just switch to me h no worries uh vents dangerous fumes shout out fumes for real I think that's it okay nice I took zero damage very nice I wish fumes was here with us me too all right so let me go in first here and then I get Agro and then you can come in all right you can come in on I'm kind of [ __ ] right now there we go Gap is off so you don't have to worry about that b Dash is off the a boulder and stand by it one person per Boulder but socket is doing some weird strategy where we don't have to do that yep I oh no I love it when I press on something and it doesn't get equipped all right could on you next bro I beat the [ __ ] out of him look it's like almost dead look at that that was so fast I see where the problem was last time I was uh I equipped my blowpipe while I was being like knock backed at the start is it going to aggro on you or me uh me okay with the flexy little skip I see sorry I've got places to be this one's gone by pretty fast not going to lie nice can okay I got hard side uh I got the hard side okay top left boot LLY cck and oh yeah sorry knives star bird Diamond W nice you need a combo powder do have your own um wasn't completed fast enough sorry did you ask me if I got a combat achievement right uh do you need a combat pot sorry h no I have one okay uh stand over here LOL good enough so same thing just hit the ranger when it spawns and then I will kill the little bugs that heal it and then P range nice if you want to you can blowpipe these scabs that are spawning nice that's pretty good all right uh just hit the major when it spawns over here uh pretty mly we actually don't need a pre- range right now watch out for the AOE all right and then just kill this and we're chilling I probably could have hit some of these so well look how easy that was now I just hit the boss until it dies for that was pretty fast that was good that's faster than my doo 540 times we left a Divine super Combat on the ground Z I don't I don't need that the Bug's going to have it okay I can I can claim power here actually okay as long as I have assault that's most important right all right got three mirror solve for all right I just sniffed some nice salts uh use your bof or blow pipe on the I think blowpipe on the Shadows does the most damage on these yeah then go back to charant on this guy watch out uh just stand still and try in it what are these circles under me uh they spawn whenever you move around and they will like just like damage you and do some stuff uh pray range and us your uh Shadow times okay and then pre magic and then use range I use Magic on him or range on the shadow Sor why did I take so much damage there uh prely and now range you kind have to pay attention to the overheads cuz he switches so often uh range all right memory game all right snow spr age and hit the Shadows nice grab the little San serum don't mind me little bit of GP yeah that's where the money comes from in the raid true because I got 36 from our almost expert last time you know what I should do I should record like my POV of the same raid good idea like proof that you're not ahking beat the allegations no I'm just kidding that is true I need to beat the allegations oh my God we might actually get perfect Crown this we might I didn't get hit oh my God I got it let's go that's awesome and last time I did so bad remember yeah we did so bad all right let's do this uh you can just range it you don't have to worry about bgs I'll do it I had a fun time here too but I have 100 spec uh that's okay once you bgs it past like what 20 it doesn't even do anything all right we will win this okay pray magic and then stand over here nice we're safe range the bed you old man holy [ __ ] I'm G try a jug here nice dude oh you saved me bro we skipped like half the fight our DPS is just too good it's faster that was so LAX we look how fast that was it's too easy all right right um yeah do we get a claim here or no oh we do okay yeah we do I'm just going to get uh yeah take life I'm going to take life as well so I don't need anything else we could make like sub 25 minute assuming everything goes right up just going to get both osas which will basically ensure that this is going to be a win for me okay I have full Crystal and I'm ready I've begun Channel go okay this whole fight should be way easier than last time just make sure you be separate right yeah you spread out and then you join together on the second one but I think we'll honestly skip it so I usually just stand here and here and then on the second one you move in but we just skipped It Anyways okay we're just too good my easy magic now oh yeah magic magic first always watch out for the Shadows on the ground right away oh scary all right time to melee the core look at you with the TVA not the blood TVA though this is blood Tova is it I think look at me I naturally knew to switch to range this time nice range oh you scared me for a second there cuz it kind of looked magicky to me gun on myi this is Magic then magic we're just ripping through this guy yep oh no whenever he does that like Stone attack you have to run away all right should be dead here I'll bgs it I'm going to as well buddy all right let's see who hits higher oh 30 I hit it a zero 17 like you got to do what that M gaming he like quadruple S Plus he's going to toone on that bgs okay there all right so same thing I'll get the left skull as you get the right for for a professional Magic for prayer SI yeah either works do you need Brer or no no no why heal just rage face yeah he heals on the magic wow I still Ambrosia right let's go don't you say nothing not bad though deathless 150 look you did almost more damage the leech the leech every time still that was so mad during that I'm happy with my performance that rate I got 353k 113 or 156k man let's go that's okay okay well thanks so much for the help of course