so a small you know 100 gram of glucose fine but don't do it all the time because your body over a long period of time is actually not meant to have that our bodies are meant to actually eat sugar in season to get fat for winter hibernation and at that time when we eat sugar in season to get fat for wi hybernation that drives Behavior towards eating more and storage of fat and then we burn that off in our hybernation fasting period that's what happens in the animal kingdom the benefits of fruit are clearly overstated both by the corporate world and by Nature so there's a talk of mine is fruit good or bad for you which stemmed out of a debate with a professor of nutrition if you're an animal fruit will drive Behavior so you'll see the fruit which is advertised in nature by being bright and shiny and sweet it will then drive you to eat it because a you're attracted to it you'll go and find it you'll eat it animals will do this in the wild all the time they'll eat it one day before you want to eat it as a human because they just wait for the sugar level to go up they will Gorge themselves on it it will turn into fat for that winter hibernation and they'll lie around in a lethargic phase I don't know if you ever seen those pictures of monkeys that are actually gorging themselves on fruit and then they're lying around in a drunken stuper guess what fructose does in the liver fructose gets converted by down the aldhy pathway into alcohol over a long period of time if you drink too much alcohol you'll get non-alcoholic fatty liver disease one of the causes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease you eat too much sugar over a period of time you'll get non-alcoholic Patty liver disease and I you know a part of this I think is actually what is related to Children's motivation we've got gen you know generations of kids who are not wanting to go out and do stuff but food is part of that and if they're actually if you actually sat down with your 5-year-old and your seveny old and gave them a glass of beer or wine every day you wouldn't you wouldn't expect good health outcomes well that's what sugar does in the liver that's just one of the pathways of sugar of fructose in the liver down the AL pathway is into alcohol production and so one of my SL is it's got you know put fructose in and you got a glass of red wine out the side again I'm simplify complex biochemistry but that's what it does the other thing that fruit does or what fructose does it actually stimulates um gin so gin is a hormone which is produced by the stomach to give you the tummy rumbling and it makes you feel hungry well fructose stimulates that fructose also also inhibits leptin so leptin's a hormone secreted from our fat so you've got plenty of fat on board plenty of storage the leptin is secreted and it tells your brain stop eating fructose comes in when you eat it tells you and inhibits that pathway so you're losing these Pathways of inhibition or you're gaining the pathway of stimulation to make you hungry which makes sense if you're a posum or if you're a squirrel or something trying to get hold of an enormous amount of sugar and carbohydrate so you can get fat for winter so literally you can overeat and again we see that in society you put sugar on the table but literally that food is laced with sugar so that you will eat more you will also get a bit thirsty because sugar and carbohydrates in combination you need more insulin to produce that insulin in the storm or water so you get more thirsty so it's a perfect thing to put in food in restaurants it's a perfect food to put in food by the processed food industry because it will drive behavior for you to eat more it's like if you open up a packet of chocolate biscuits it's really hard to eat one in nature it's really hard to eat one Cherry if I give you a bowl of cherries who can eat one