Manifest Anything in 3 Days

Jul 21, 2024

Manifest Anything in 3 Days


  • Promise: Resolve any problem using this method (e.g., doubts, fears, health problems, desires for material possessions, emotional well-being).
  • Guarantee: Lawful and infallible - what is impressed on the subconscious mind will manifest in reality.
  • Method: Impress your subconscious to manifest desires in 3 days.
  • Personal Experience: Method has worked for the speaker, sometimes in just 24 hours.

Key Concepts

  • Subconscious Mind:
    • Produces outer reality based on what is impressed upon it.
    • Open during sleep, making it an ideal time to impress thoughts and desires.
  • Neville Goddard's Ladder Exercise:
    • Visualization before sleep to impress subconscious mind.
    • Results manifested despite contrary affirmations during the day.
  • Joseph Murphy's Concept:
    • Avoid using willpower to force the subconscious; it can create resistance and produce opposite results.
    • Enter a drowsy/sleepy state to minimize effort and open the subconscious mind.

Method for Manifestation

  1. State Akin to Sleep (SATS):
  • Enter a drowsy state before sleep.
  • Visualize the desired outcome vividly using all five senses.
  • Feel as if the wish is already fulfilled.
  1. Affirmations During the Day:
  • Use affirmations that imply the desired outcome has already happened.
  • Examples: "I'm so happy to live in my dream home," "I'm so grateful this deal went through," etc.
  • Use specific affirmations tailored to your desire

Additional Tips

  • Keep Trying: Even if it doesn't happen immediately, persistence is key.
  • Avoid Resistance: Forcing the subconscious creates resistance and hinders manifestation.
  • Mental Diet: Maintain a positive mental conversation aligned with your desired outcome.

Success Story Example

  • Illustration: Young girl resolved a legal problem by imagining a happy resolution in a drowsy state before sleep.
    • Used detailed mental imagery and conversations with her attorney.
    • Result: Out-of-court settlement as imagined.


  • Application: Use the method to resolve any problem or achieve any desire.
  • Engagement: Leave a comment with your experiences.