Transcript for:
Ricky's Struggles with English Pronunciation

Ricky Ricardo. Here, honey, I'll show you what I mean. Now, you take this book and pretend that our child has come to you and said, Daddy, read me a good night story. All right. There you are, Daddy.

Once upon a time in the woods lived a peasant. He was a good man with a noble heart. He spent his time in the forest cutting down boogers from the trees.

Wait, wait, wait just a minute. What is this boogers? Boogers, right in there.

That's boughs. B-O-U-G-H is bough? Right. Wow. He spent his time in the forest cutting down boughs from the trees.

Cutting wood all day made his hands strong and raw. One day... That's rough. Spelled the same way as the other.

O-U-G-H. That's right. That shows how little you know about the English language. So I made a little mistake. Macy's hands strong.

and rough. One day he cut wood so fast that by three o'clock in the afternoon his day's work was through. When the...

Dear? Frau? T-H-R-O-U-G-H is pronounced through. Through, that's what I always say. Now stop picking on me, will you?

You're getting me all confused. His day work was through. It started to rain on the way home, and he got so wet that his nose became red, and he developed a

I know it can't be cow. It's cough. Oh, that did it.

I had enough. Or should I say anew? No, enough. Enough. I don't see why you have to have such a crazy language anyway.

In Spanish you don't have all those ow, oh, ooh, off, oof sounds. In Spanish you got a sound, it sounds the same all the time. You write it the same way, it sounds the same way. No matter what you put it, it comes out the same way.