Understanding Entropy: From Steam Engines to the Universe

Jul 10, 2024

Understanding Entropy: From Steam Engines to the Universe


  • Topic: One of the most important but least understood concepts in physics, affecting everything from molecular collisions to the direction of time.
  • Key questions: What do we get from the sun? The answer is energy.
  • Energy received from the sun = energy radiated back into space for most of Earth's history to maintain temperature stability.

Historical Context: Sadi Carnot and Steam Engines

  • Sadi Carnot: Son of a Napoleon general, interested in improving steam engines.
  • Sadi Carnot's ideal heat engine: Reversible with no friction or losses.
  • Key insights: Efficiency is determined by temperatures of the hot and cold sides, not the materials/design.
  • Lord Kelvin: Introduced the absolute temperature scale based on Carnot's engine.

Efficiency and Entropy

  • Ideal heat engine efficiency equation: Efficiency = (Work done / Heat input)
  • Real engines are less efficient due to friction and heat loss.
  • Rudolf Clausius: Introduced the concept of entropy, measuring energy dispersion.
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics: Energy spreads out over time, leading to increasing entropy.

Molecular Model and Probability

  • Simplified model with bar analogy and energy packets.
  • Probability of energy dispersal: Energy of hot bar spreads to cold bar.
  • Ludwig Boltzmann: Higher number of configurations means higher probability of energy dispersal.

Entropy in Practical Systems

  • Air conditioning example: Decreases entropy locally but increases it globally.
  • Life and entropy: Life accelerates entropy increase by converting low-entropy energy into high-entropy waste.

Cosmic Entropy

  • Early Universe: Low entropy due to uniformity despite high-density and temperature.
  • Gravitational Clumping: Contributes to entropy as matter becomes more clumped and energy gets spread out.
  • Jacob Bekenstein and Stephen Hawking: Defined entropy for black holes; black holes have maximum entropy.

The Arrow of Time and Heat Death

  • Entropy defines the direction of time, transitioning from less probable (low entropy) to more probable states (high entropy).
  • Heat Death of the Universe: Ultimate state where energy is completely spread out, leading to no change over time.


  • Entropy explains phenomena on all scales and affects everything from simple heat transfer to the evolution of the universe.
  • Both low and high entropy states are low in complexity; the middle range is where complex structures, like life, thrive.
  • Important to understand and appreciate entropy's role in our lives and the universe.

Additional Learning

  • Promoted: Brilliant.org for further learning on physics, mathematics, and more.