Abdominal X-ray: No bowel obstruction, no pneumoperitoneum
CT with Oral Contrast:
No bowel obstruction, gastric thickening, peripancreatic/perinephritic fat stranding, appendicitis, or dilated abdominal aorta
Ultrasound with Doppler:
No cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hydronephrosis, appendicitis
Decreased flow in Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA)
CTA of Abdomen: Occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery confirmed
Acute mesenteric ischemia secondary to atrial fibrillation (not on anticoagulation)
EKG Findings
Rate: ~150 bpm, irregular
Rhythm: Atrial fibrillation
No ST segment elevation or depression
IV fluids (prefer Lactated Ringers)
NG tube to decompress bowel
Antiemetics for nausea
Analgesia for pain
Antibiotics to prevent bacteremia/sepsis
Anticoagulation with Heparin
+/- Thrombolysis: Consider if not a candidate for embolectomy
Embolectomy: If patient is a surgical candidate
Dilatation of vessels: Papaverine if perfusion needs improvement
Vasopressors (cautiously): Use inodilators like dobutamine/milrinone if needed
Key Points
High suspicion for acute mesenteric ischemia in elderly females (>60) with atrial fibrillation, especially if not on anticoagulation, presenting with diffuse abdominal pain out of proportion to physical exam findings
Differential diagnosis is broad; utilize history, physical exam, labs, and imaging effectively
Keep mi and other systemic factors in mind even with primarily abdominal symptoms
Approach should be methodical and cover both immediate treatment and underlying causes