what's up guys Omni here you guys know what it goes another day another video last night I tweeted I sleep what recent news topic tweets videos you want me to talk about tomorrow C reminder if you guys like to be up and know about stuff that's happening around the world all the useless and non- useless information hit the Subscribe button okay I'll keep you guys posted and we're trying to reach some goals and otherwise if you're already subscribed you can hit that like button that would be awesome let's get into the news all right let's just get into it okay cuz everyone's been talking about this for like the past 24 to 48 hours it has to do with the streamer by the name of sketch who apparently is uh well he came out as gay or he got leaked that he had an only fans where he was gay and uh the past 24 48 Hours has been nothing but just clips and tweets of just a lot of popular people being like hey we stand for sketch some people trash and know like sneo and I didn't know the guy like that like that so I'm going to kind of dive into this in a way where if you have no idea who this guy is you will well now you're going to know hey guys this is sketch okay he's a twitch streamer okay this is him next to another twitch streamer who's been rising to popularity jinxy and uh yeah it's basically the new wave of a twitch celebrity who's basically rising to fame really really fast he started streaming I think back in like actually I think he had a YouTube on 2023 started streaming this year as a 2024 and Ma is already about to hit like a million subscribers he's like averaging around like 16,000 views per stream I think one time he peaked when he was streaming with another popular uh twitch streamer would think by the name of queso so yeah just a new streamer New Generation kid who's out here doing crazy stuff if you haven't seen him stream on his regular streams you've probably seen him stream with like other popular streamers like Kai or iow speed jinxy like he's just been everywhere kind of just floating around as a character who's pretty interesting or you know pretty funny and goofy so long story short somebody apparently linked that this man had a past history of being an only fans person not was he only fans he was gay only fans so that's like a double whammy it's like oh you're in the sex industry and you're gay and then that's when everyone starts like throwing a hissy fit and going crazy when this news came out it B blew up all over the entire internet you had streamers on both sides some just dunking on them like Bruce drop them off some people on chort saying like hey man it doesn't matter people like Banks apparently he was on to the airport before I even show you the video of him addressing this FaZe Banks the CEO of FaZe Clan himself it said not everything needs to be broadcast and farmed but since y'all want to jump to crazy assumptions sketch told me to post these receipts all the phas boys were with him last night sketch was my homie yesterday he's my homie today he'll be my homie tomorrow you guys are effing weirdos and in the tweet it says here where it says from sketch where it said you awake and then sketch said I'm sorry bro I didn't mean to involve y'all in which bank said bro what do you mean you're a boy you didn't have to dip you didn't have to involve us and anything bro you good sketch saying I'm over by the airport I didn't know what to do I'm so sorry in which uh uh Bank says come back you're good dude the boys pulled up on me woke me up they wanted to make sure you were good you're good bro come back we're all here you're the homie and which sketch said hey I'll come down I just need someone to talk to they said we're all posted come back you need me to call you a car and he said on the way so Banks being the actual actual actual actual ultimate homie here in this situation cuz I can imagine sketch being in a really dark and and scary kind of place actually the second picture here shows sketch here at 11:1 1826 I don't know if that's him leaving or coming back to the banks place but uh yeah he apparently left his shoes and uh and uh his glasses there I don't know what that means either but yeah Bang's definitely coming in strong because right there must be a dark moment where you get leaked out information that kind of private to the entire internet and the world and you're a super huge streamer you're kind of worried how everyone's going to like basically like make fun of you or poke fun of you or if your reputation is ruined quite the opposite actually I feel like this had the opposite impact but he thought might would have happened or the most part outside like a couple of oddballs like sneo and there there's a lot of people there's a I'm not going to lie there's still a lot of people who are being haters because obviously they either hate people who are gay or hate people who are in the sex industry and or both but for the most part in terms of what I've seen in terms of like public support it seems to be going towards sketch elant in the room I got a haircut I did not have sexual relations with that man I'm just kidding I did possibly oh my God that's how he started the stream this guy is an absolute freaking Legend and I have a lot of people to credit for I'll be honest plan a was and I will say candly was to probably eat a eat uh well probably to call it tws if this ever came out but some people saved me shout out Banks shout out my parents like shout out y'all like I [ __ ] up but I'm changed um yeah I that's about it though like my my original plan was there's two two things one either be delusional and think it's never going to come out or two what's the plan after the plan after was not very good if I was alone and I was at my house I probably wouldn't be talking to you right now but the people at FaZe Banks especially um and my friends that I've made over the past couple years came and they saved me oh my God I'm so happy bro good freaking Lord dude it's man why why are we still here bro not going to sit here and pretend and be naive about the fact that homophobia doesn't exist like in spad okay I'm not going to be that guy or be that ignorant or whatever but like I just feel like man I I'm glad that there is the times have changed if you would have done this maybe 10 years ago it would have been completely um different but now it's 2024 and you have people coming out in space on support for the homie and saying yo Squad it's cool it's all right man you did some gay only fans cool you had a side hob you had you had a second stream of income that's that's actually like not a big deal bro you were still the homie man and some people really feel like if these kind of Secrets come out that it dehumanizes them and the relationship that they had in the past with certain people just crumbles and it goes away but it kinds of show that's not the end all Beall like people kind of like they used to be and there's a lot of good people in the world you got Banks out here again shout outs to him for keeping this man alive cuz basically saying that yeah if he was somewhere in a dark place then he would have offed himself the thing is guys is that bullying is like super like crazy especially on Twitter but also in 2024 as well so I can imagine this guy who's so connected to the internet probably receiving like waves on waves on waves of bullying from fellow streamers which we'll talk about in quite in a second and just people in general and I'm sure that can weigh heavily man like I am glad that this is the result that played out but in Another Universe if banks or somebody wasn't there on time on top of all of the hate that's already naturally existing for people like him or people for what he was or what occurred yeah man this is something could have gone either way really fast so guys this is the part where I show you guys some of the responses from the people who are close to him a lot of big streamers a lot of big YouTubers a lot of famous people came out of nowhere and was like yeah man I love the homie and screw everybody else who doesn't but he also had a few haters as well so I'll play a couple of clips from a couple of people that you guys might know of probably this one being jinxy jinxy being one of the biggest twitch streamers out there right now and as well up there with kaat and just blew up really fast he had this to say with his friendship of sketch he was the person that you saw in the beginning of the video that was taking a picture with scet but uh yeah Sketch will be my friend no matter what so that's all like you sketch will be my friend no matter what so yeah and he didn't hurt anybody so maybe don't hurt him because he didn't he didn't hurt anybody oh [ __ ] and W Banks yet again um yeah cuz seriously I'm not [ __ ] trolling um you never know you really do never know and this genuinely could have saved sketch's life so w you [ __ ] Banks all right [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I was um I Ser guys I'm look I'm I'm sorry if I know I didn't stream yesterday um and I'm sorry if I can't do a normal stream today just a lot of [ __ ] happened and I never talk about stuff like this but it's different when it's your friend and it's actually your friend so um I don't think I can do like a normal stream tonight I'll probably not probably I'll definitely definitely do a normal stream tomorrow um I'm sorry guys uh I just doesn't feel right to [ __ ] play video games and act like nothing happened yeah so again scary as hell bro when someone who's your friend was that close to just being gone from this Earth for simply existing by the way a lot of people are actually comparing this situation to Dr disrespect because the amount of hate that he was receiving for just literally being exposed as being gay was just ginormous apparently to the extent of similarities with doct disrespect like I was like what in the world is going on my man like he just said didn't hurt nobody he just literally existed and found somebody found out about a past where he didn't hurt nobody and he was just getting jump it's and it's always the same thing that we see every single time when it comes to these things is people bullying people to the point and then you realize oh my gosh I might have just bullied someone into killing themselves oh man and then the clown emoji go away FS for for sketch FS for you know all this [ __ ] and then it just turns right and then everyone's like I should have did that oh man I feel bad I feel bad it's the same I feel like the internet doesn't care they really don't it's just people out here being mean then somebody dies and then they go oh maybe it shouldn't have been mean and then the next day they doing that [ __ ] like [ __ ] Clockwork I'm not going to lie this is how I view the situation you feel what I'm saying why does something that somebody else do get you so mad to the point where you got to go on the internet and Bully the like and say crazy [ __ ] you would think that this murdered somebody like like bro like you feel me like you would think the murder somebody by the way is is talking bro and it's like bro what the like we I got Chad this the thing bro like me personally I'm not in no space to judge anybody for what they do or what they have done you feel me that's not me that's not my body bro I can't do that I want to know why because I'm human I'm human we are human it's always the people who have like the biggest skeletons in their closet that tend to be the loudest ones pointing fingers and being judgmental over most people I feel like it's it's always them it's for some reason it's like the ultimate projection in order to kind of protect or Safeguard whatever is they're hiding their secrets or the ones that just end up being the one because we are all freaking we all do stupid [ __ ] all of the time and sometimes the stupid [ __ ] we do aren't even really stupid it's just we existed and people won't agree with what we do like being gay isn't stupid but quite literally he's getting bullied for the fact that that he was in some gay activities I don't know if he was gay or if he's not gay someone said the fact that he saw God or something I don't know but honestly I don't even care because it's none of my business right and it's not something that I think that somebody should be ostracized or penalized for when he's not out here hurting other freaking people I I've always had one freaking Manion man is live your life however you want man just don't hurt people that's it that's just just try not to hurt other people and and if that's the case then just you do you homy and I ain't going to judge you and we can live in this space where we all disagree on a bunch of things but let's just try not to hurt people in the freaking process and that simple concept is just something that just goes over so many people's head because there's this I mean y'all know how the world works right people want to control other people they hate their lives so much that they dedicate their entire life to figuring out how to control other people's lives like you ever thought about that like that's basically how it falls down to imagine you have your own ass whole ass life to live your own future your own decisions everything that none of these people are affecting you with right and you're just like I'm going to dedicate my entire life to figuring out how to control everyone else's life like what the hell bro imagine being mad that someone you know is gay you know what I think I think that's gay I think it's I think it's more gay to be mad at someone else finding out they're gay to actually be gay brings us to sneo everyone's favorite cuck that's right sneo over here the guy that likes the fake pretend being Muslim and a lot of other things in order he just says whatever he the hell that he can say it's one of the biggest people that I think I can think of that like to just rage bait essentially right he just says things to piss people off does he believe in any of it probably not but he knows what to say in order to get like people to like hear what he wants to say whether it's responding out of Rage or well he's saying something that I agree with so I'm going to uplift him and push him anyway regardless if I think that he believes it or not that's basically sneak on a nutshell he's been in a lot of drama you probably seen him too many times but yet unfortunately you got to see him again because he had this to say about sketch he gets the kid Audience by being a [ __ ] autistic getting the iPad kids who are already from the vaccines and from all the social media they look at all day long and then now they're exposed to what he what every day they want to go what's up brother and they see the guy that they look up to what's up brothering right up that hole and now he's a hero because he changed because he was an addict he what what was he addicted to anyone ask you know what's crazy because the same thing happened with Christopher Mr Beast because white guys in America they need to go under cover as victims because otherwise they're always going to be called Nazis they're going to be called you know the oppressor colonizer white people need a disability so they can either choose trans or Autism Chris for Mr Beast chose trans sketch chose autism now he's a victim now the whole industry sees him as this poor little baby poor little baby sketch the little poor I don't know why people like that I I Jen bro I'm nothing against the guy nothing against the guy I don't I I don't understand understand it must be for the PE the vaccinated autistic brain iPad kids that's who it's for Jesus [ __ ] Christ this after the fact that he realized that dude was about to off himself because he was getting bullied so hard for for the exposure like this is the kind of energy that he's coming into this space with because like where is the humanity bro a dude is a actual living human being who was thinking about not living anymore and this is the energy that you want to carry PA not all these buzzword like antivaccine all this stuff saying the art word sneo just doing this thing where I feel like he's the kind of guy in my opinion who repeats the titles of tabloids right or articles right doesn't know the the substance whatsoever if you actually have a intellectual conversation with him to try to dive into the thoughts that he's talking about has no idea what he's talking about as has been done many many times in the past and any kind of past interviews where they've asked them things like oh you're Muslim can you uh do verses from like the Quran but it's just weird weird man to come in with this kind of like energy when it comes to this situation right somebody who seems to be a genuinely cool person who puts out genuinely cool good energy right starts getting bullied for having a problematic past and now this guy wants to come out here enraged that people aren't angry at him or are trying to protect him or trying to keep him feeling good so that he doesn't feel like he needs to kill himself like imagine that's what you're angry about is people showing support for him and saying it's going it's all right homie you should keep living because we all care for you and you're like Ah that's the problem with life in the world these days is everyone's a freaking victim like why is that your way that you speak to people why is why does your brain work like that and you guys can probably imagine sneo burning every single bridge that has ever existed between him and other creators over and over and over this remember there was a stream when I think it was like sneo and then he was walking past I think like Aiden Ross and kaet or speed or something like that he kind of was just there and they saw his ass right and they just kept walking like this man it's like the person that no one wants to freaking be around bro and it's like it's like Andrew Tate but like the the loser version of it if you can already call ENT a loser if you want but at least you kind of know that he has like a crowd he has some respect for some people but like sneo is like the opposite version of Andrew Tate and it's just I this guy man I I don't know bro I I don't know what he's doing but it's not a good thing Corin up here saying sneo genuinely shut the f up you're saying someone isn't genuine because they didn't randomly disclose who they effing once they blew up on social media you sound so incredibly dense yeah that's another good point to as well like sketch blew up blew up all right he was just some dude last year and now this year he's that dude so I don't think guy was coming here and expecting to be like some internet famous and ation and then suddenly everyone's up and his growing his business about some of the things that happened in his past any guys I think we spent enough time talking about this situation more the story who cares who actually cares the fact that so many people care and being so violent about it that the kid was thinking about taking his life is just absolutely obscene why do you care about what someone else's sexual history is bro that it that's kind of gay bro if you're one of those straight people who are like oh I again kind of gave you bro to be [ __ ] watching some other guy bro have you ever thought about that who cares man dude is a good guy and that's the thing I think that matters the most is what's happening in the heart man and if homies not bothering nobody and it's giving good energy and helping out people and being a freaking just overall like nice person and as everyone can see people keep interacting and saying yeah I've met with Sketch he was a good guy to me can you guys just chill let this man live quite literally that's the whole situation that's happened with sketch I'll let you guys know if there's anything that evolves from it but yeah as you can see a couple of haters trying to take advantage of the situation just to you know push their agendas and other people showing their support to be like hey homie don't take your life because this life is worth living in it and we want you to stay in it that's just basically the bottom line all right guys what the hell are you talking about rest in peace Cartoon Network why was Cartoon Network trending like literally all day last night what do you mean recipes Cartoon Network what do you mean it's over bro uh Mythic saying since recipes Cartoon Network it was trending I think this is a good thing to talk about especially if someone who's trying to get a job in the industry what do you mean Cartoon Network is dead spread the word about what's at stake for animation post about your favorite cartoon network shows using # recipes Cartoon Network stop playing with me stop playing with me stop playing with me there's no way there's no way wow so this is where cartoons get made not anymore Cartoon Network is essentially dead and other big Animation Studios are not far behind what the hell what happened to all the animation workers a lot of them are unemployed in record numbers in fact and many have been unemployed for upwards of a year but they carried the industry during the pandemic that's right when Co first hit animation was able to operate completely remotely making it one of the only forms of entertainment that could continue production uninterrupted but Studios decided to pay them back by canceling projects Outsourcing jobs and laying off artists on mass but why would they do that why else greed big studios make their finances look better by reducing spending and cutting staff CEOs and Executives reaping the monetary benefits for themselves so they want to reap huh I'll show them reap I don't think you'll be doing much with a plastic Scythe but you can help by spreading the word post about your favorite cartoon network shows you wish were still around using # rip Cartoon Network and stay tuned for more ways to help tag by following this account animation is under attack which side are you on okay got it so not dead but the industry is dying okay okay we got baited there we got a little baited all right I thought Cartoon Network was gone gone what they're saying is that Cartoon Network and a bunch of these Animation Studios are becoming a hollow version of their former selves because of the corporations cutting cost and dang being unemployed for over a year and and my guess too as well probably adapting a lot of freaking AI into the whole process I don't know what happened after that Whole sag after drink I don't know how much it protected animators but I feel like whatever happened after that when I'm trying to control and make sure AI doesn't take over their jobs I feel like it's going to be happening anyway it's probably one of the main reasons why they are cutting so much of the cause I'm reading this it says the end of an era Cartoon Network has officially shut down here are all the shows that made our childhood 100,000 likes plus and it says readers added context Cartoon Network has not shut down God damn it we got rage baited we got scare baited okay we got fear baited all right brother come on man so guys we have a quick update when it comes to the Sniper Wolf situation between her and uh Mo critical we talked about yesterday where it looks like he made a video talking about the fact that she uh basically copyright strike somebody for her own content she replied and said it was not her and we ended the video saying hm was it her or was it not it was one of those situations where no one cared because nobody likes her so whether did it or not she's still going to come out at the bottom because no one likes her so like no one's going to be like yeah my bad sorry we missc called you on that Leah because we still hate the fact that you are a bad person that you doc Jack films and you've done other bad things that people have talked about as well but it looks like Charlie has come out with a new update video saying Sniper Wolf did not strike a channel and in this video specifically he talks about the fact that it looks like it was somebody else which is a huge issue in the YouTube thing I knew that was always a potential case uh simp simply because this is happens all the time especially with me as well where someone who's not the content creator will pretend to masquerade as the Creator as their shell company and then basically copyright all videos that have to do with that content creator making them think like hey bro this is my content I'm moist critical I'm Omni and I'm copyright striking this there's just someone out there who's abusing YouTube's terrible garbage dooo butter copyright system it's still really freaking bad cuz once some random person puts that dag on claim on your video then you have to like literally dox yourself in order to stop this from happening this is the same situation that happened and over and over again and YouTube has still not been able to put some practice in place to protect people from these abusive copyright strikes that a lot of these channels like think it's true they're like oh dang okay I got copyright stried by omony I guess I'm not allowed to do this no you got copyright strike by someone else who's basically trying to soak up your income illegally and and YouTube has not figured out a way to stomp this apologies to Sniper Wolf I'm sorry for the big headache that this must have caused when she didn't do it she wasn't the one that issued the strike so yeah big update to this story here and hopefully a happy ending with YouTube getting that strike taken off of one giant onions Channel as well as preventing that group from doing this kind of [ __ ] in the future and maybe this is pie in the sky like maybe I'm just on the [ __ ] crackpipe for this thought but maybe YouTube will do even more to make the strike system a lot more strict and a lot more difficult to have things like this squeak through the cracks yeah nah definitely come on Charlie you're definitely smoking the crack Pike okay come on brother you've been on YouTube for a billion gazillion Gaz until you Charlie buy YouTube itself you know dag on well this ain't going down anytime soon but you know go to him for apologizing for jumping the gun on there it's a situation anyone could have seen CU it looks like it was literally coming from her channel so you wouldn't reach out to Leah in any kind of situation when it says hey take from your channel kind of situation apologize Ayah people are still going to dislike her Sniper Wolf is what it is but yeah it looks like again one of the examples that happened rampantly where people come in with these fake copyright strikes trying to take and absorb money from other content creators and other YouTubers and they have no idea that they're basically getting washed another crazy thing that you guys want me to talk about uh jelly craft saying crunchy roll removed comments under their episodes what what do you mean bro that's pretty huge crunchy roll is always always been known for when you go to their videos and you have a comment section of people talking about it right they even have it done in a way where I know some of you guys are thinking well that's good CU there's no spoilers cuz that's what I was worried about as well but I think they have something in there where they can like they remove comments that have spoilers or maybe there's like a spoiler tag or something like that but it's usually really popular someone also told me that apparently they might have like removed like reviews on there as well quot at crunchy road we prioritize creating a safe and respectful Community environment to main the standard we are hiding all existing user generated content including comments and reviews across all our platforms and experiences although the support post does not explain why the decision was made a user crunchy rooll support conversation posted on our crunchy rooll seated elaborated on the features removal this decision was made to ensure a safer more respectful and higher quality environment for all users crunchy Ro support re said this change helps us reduce harmful content prevent misinformation and improve overall user experience while the removal of crunch rolls comment section seemly came out of nowhere for user animated YouTuber Jeff th theorizes the decision came out in the aftermath of a homophobic review bombing of Twilight out of focus which premiered on July 4th during Anime Expo weekend IGN reached out to crunchy roll for coming oh okay people saw some boy love on crunchy roll and then they started review bombing it and then oh either way this is too far do you wrote in regards to Crunch ask in comment section crutch R should be moderating not nuking at all killing off the community's years of History isn't a solution so I I do know that once crunchy roll got acquired by Sony any kind of soul that you felt like this company had is gone okay it's about to become standard and streamlined just like Netflix just like HBO Max okay whatever you thought made you feel all warm and cuddly and cozy and separated you from all the other streaming services like yeah I can leave comments and talk or yeah I can do review nope it's gone Sony will take the soul out out of everything cuz that's what big corporations do in order to streamline the process and it seems like to me that having the reviews and having the comments is just liability enough to just take it away because they don't feel like it literally adds any substance to the Streamline people are coming here to watch the anime and they can go somewhere else to talk about it it feels like that's the executive decision that's being made to avoid any kind of future like mess ups or liabilities in this situation it doesn't pay Sony and crunchy rolling any money that's just kind of what I look at it and that's probably what's happening but yeah rest in peace to crunchy R comment section also what you really need to know oh my God Gladiator 2 the first trailer has officially been released it's a thre minute trailer that I can't watch with you guys I'm so sorry bro they're going to Nuke me even if I just show this they going to Nuke me bro but yeah the first Gladiator I think came out like over 20 years ago with Russell Crow it's it's the cult fan it's it's it's one of the ones that all the Bros watch it's one of the movies that if you're a film you know person you have to watch Gladiator it was a masterpiece and it's just a staple when it comes to film after 20 plus years they have now announced the freaking trailer for it it's 3 minutes and I hate three minute trailers cuz usually it's just a very strong summary of the show so I didn't want to watch the whole thing just not spoil myself but in terms of actors homie I got your boy Den zel Washington that's right DW himself is in here in the building about to russle some jimmies and and mess up the Roman Empire you already know just you already know just with him and loone like it's that's got to be strong it's got to be strong but it doesn't end with him you got your boy Pedro Pascal okay everybody loves some Pedro Pascal you know top tier actor so you know that's going to be something clean everyone's looking forward to they got this guy who seems to be like the new bad guy I recognize his face but I don't know from what or where unfortunately but he's he looking looking very villainous here so I'm I'm going to just assume that he's the new up down guy and this guy too seems to be the main person from Gladiator his name is Paul mcow I'm not exactly sure where I've seen him from in other movies but a lot of people think that you know in terms of the the trailers that he has a lot of presence similar to Russell Crow I'm very curious Russell Crow um as Gladiator is is unmatched man that man's voice his line his delivery his speeches wo epic okay if you haven't seen Gladiator 1 brother do yourself a favor you know set some time out put a slot get a nice evening put up the TV get you some popcorn a nice little drink some scotch or some whiskey or some bourbon just get in there start sipping that bad boy and just kind of absorb the energy because it's a really really really good good movie in my opinion I think definitely one of the tops of the top so yeah Gladiator 2 comes out November I needed to come out right now I can wait I can wait until November but yeah I can't wait to watch that all right guys all for today's episode you made it to the end drop a like okay just Nintendo record lets me know you made it to the end of the video and it means the world to me subscribe if you guys haven't already thanks for listening to your daily dose of news and I'll catch you guys later on these streets even though these streets ain't safe all right all right guys y'all take it easy be safe page