[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to another neelson networking video in this video we're going to be going over in case the title didn't tip it off Metasploit and it uses in ethical hacking we're going to start off with a quick overview of the modules which are the guts of metas sploit and then we'll segue into three complete walkthroughs recording using my private lab of exploiting three different vulnerabilities using Metasploit to show you how the different modules in metas sploit operate that said we will also be using other tools during this video such as end map Jack the Ripper uh and more I don't want to spoil all the fun and or secrets and tell you now so enough of the chitchat why don't we just get straight to it and get into those met modules and as you can see I'm already signed into met so I'm going to go ahead and exit out and we're going to start from scratch that way everyone is on the same page and to start metas spit you're going to type in the C command sorry msf console but we're going to pseudo it so we're root uh hopefully you have the uh root you know permissions uh we're going to go ahead and do that after you enter that command it's going to go ahead and do St in its framework yada yada yada a bunch of craft going to come on the screen that looks scary don't worry about it that's typical and expected and then boom you get the one of many metas Spate loading screens so from here we're good to start now with the modules modules I should say because there's about uh 5,000 or so modules in Metasploit as of the last time I checked so what are they and uh why are they provided for you well of all those 5,000 or so there's seven main categories we're going to go over them real quick right now I'm not going to bore for you with death by power SL or PowerPoint power slide what power slide anyway um the first one is going to be the exploit module and modules there's about 2500 or so of these and these are going to be used to take advantage of vulnerabilities in Target systems you know they're going to take advantage of your software vulnerabilities your um weak configurations or um weak passwords or no passwords these are uh this is the module that's going to do that it's going to get you access to the machine um and then this next module the payload module Works hand inand with the exploit module and what they do is the payload um module are sets of malicious code that are used to create you know reverse shells um establish connection persistence perform other actions once you've compromised the system and then after that we have the auxiliary module which we will be using a lot in this um video and these are modules that provide additional functionality that are not directly related to exploiting those vulnerabilities they're used for like scanning uh fingerprinting uh or information gathering things of that nature then the next module is going to be encoders these are used to convert code or information the next one we're going to go over is evasion and these kind of go together uh this is to take a standard payload and what's the word I'm thinking it's to not convert it but to recreate it in a way that evades um antivirus and um firewalls and things like that it's to customize a canned payload uh to make it you know specific for each instance of an attack if that makes sense sorry that's probably not the most elegant way to say it but that's what you're getting uh and then there's the post module you can think of this as post exploitation this is after you're on you know you you've compromised the system you've run the payloads you want and now you're going to want to you know test the security controls to see how good they're um they're they're good at seeing stopping privilege escalation or uh how good they are at maintaining or stopping you from maintaining persistence or data exfiltration or things of that nature that's what the post things things you would do after the fact I actually have a whole video on this if you wanted to check it out and the last one is the no Ops or no operations and what I believe these are and I'm not an expert so I could be wrong but I believe these are you know it's instructions to once you've run the vulnerability You' run the exploit it keeps that remote connection open if you will it stop it keeps it from crashing after you run like a buffer overflow or something of that nature and again I I could be not 100% sure on that but that's pretty I'm pretty sure that's what it does so those are all of them but after those these are the four I want to focus on today the exploit the payloads the auxiliary and the post and with that said why don't we get back to the command line here and I want to show you where these modules live just in case you wanted to see and after that we're going to get into actually getting uh some scans and some Target systems going and and all that fun stuff so let's do it all right let's go ahead and open this up here let's go ahead and make it bigger and let's go ahead and open up a metas spit shall we remember we're going to run this command we're going to run it with root priv root privileges so we're going to run going to put in our top secret Nest approved password and we're going to let it boot up while it's booting up I just wanted to give you an FYI for those of you that apparently have sensitive ears or just you know you're annoyed by my keyboard I went out and got a new keyboard I loved my old keyboard but since I love you guys more I went out there and got a brand new one for you so hopefully if you appreciate that like I appreciate you you will you know give me a like for this video you will subscribe if you haven't and uh comment below and let me know if it's any better um I'm hoping it is because I went out of my way to do it so anyways here we are and you can actually see as metas the splash screen finish loads loading now I can't think after that Shameless plug I just my mind's gone as you can see it talks about the uh modules that are loaded here so I said about 5,000 and you know I was pretty close I may be under you know 500 or so but we're there um so since we here I wanted to show you the location real quick of if I can type where the actual modules live uh and they're going to be right here and it's going to be for I oh my God believe this might be a rough video so if you go in here and you do that and we go into modules and we do this you can see them so you know we got the auxiliary you can read I don't need to read them off to you but that's where they're going to live they're going to live right here under us Sr share Metasploit framework modules so if you ever want to see and you could go in and you can go in the like exploit and do an LS Ln in there and you can see and then they're kind of subcategorized and then if you wanted to go in Windows because everyone knows it probably has the most right we go LTR and there's a lot and then if we wanted to do um what's a good one let's do SMB that's everyone's favorite right go in there there's a lot in there so you can see they got a lot of modules here whoops I don't want to exit that I want to clear out of that all right to get started let's imagine we are on an approved Network you know we're working for a client that's given us permission we are on the network but they haven't given us any other information um so the first thing I would do is I would say what is my IP address and I'd go and I'd look and I'd say okay so it looks like that's my IP looks like we're probably going to be on the 1020 network but to try to to verify that I would then run an IP route and as you can see our default gateway is going to 1021 and you can see that right here yes in fact we have a 10224 so that's going to be a 255 255 255 z um subnet broadcast range so what we're going to want to do here is we're going to start off with a uh quick end map scan of the environment and we're going to do that go and map DF for fast and then we're just going to do this and I'm going to put in an asterisk here for wild card you could just do 024 but I'm lazy or efficient however you want to look at it so this is going to run a quick M map scan and boom we're done so we're going to go up to the top here and we're going to look right where we started from which appears this is a little hard to see but it appears right here all right so first of all I am on a virtual box virtual Network for this lab so there's going to be a little noise here from you know some of the virtualization technology and that's what you're seeing right here the default gateway these devices so this is the first legitimate device that we're bringing up here and this is going to be one of the machines we're going to play with today and it looks to be a Linux box the next device down looks to be a Windows box and that's at that IP and then the fourth one is going to be my own box right here which is a c Linux box so now we have a little bit of a lay the land here why don't we go ahead and Target this machine here and see if we can get a little bit more information there's a lot showing here already right lots of services running on these ports maybe we can get some version here and we can actually look to see if there's any known vulnerabilities for these and to do that we're going to run and want to run another end map scan my favorite tool but we're going to take it a little bit further whoops I cannot even type here today people it's this new keyboard honestly it's your fault so bear with me uh 10213 see if I did that right that looks good to me we're going to go ahead and run it this will take a second because we're actually doing a much thow more thorough scan so let's just pause here and it looks like it finished so let's go ahead and scroll up and here we go okay so starting top up we'll go first Port that's open it looks like it's running vsftp Port 21 and that's not good there's several known vulnerabilities for that but scrolling on down to the Treasure Trove of goodies here we got SSH open here um it looks like it's using some weak ciphers down here very weak actually I'm sure we could get in that way uh TC or not TCB DNS is running on 53 80 so there some kind of web server running uh 111 RPC we got 139 and 445 that's going to be SMB uh let's see we got a bunch of stuff down here keep going down here we got my SQL we have post rescu right here we got VNC we got a lot um okay where to start all right you know what it sounds fun let's start with a database and my SQL uh let's just go there's this is we'll start with postr gr post post Gress SQL say that fast that's how you say it um we'll go ahead and start with that because I know out of the box they're used to be a vulnerability and we'll test to see um if this still has this weak configuration where I know the um database names ship with a template one and a template zero default database and if the administrator doesn't go through and clear those out or rename them we can try to get in there that way uh using Brute Force at least test passwords against it so that sounds like a good attack to start with um and so we're going to want to do is first thing in um metas spit you can do a search so we're going to want to do is search for what we're looking for so we're looking for post grass SQL post SQL and we're going to hit enter and we're going to get the results now you're going to get the matching modules this is why we went over the modules first so you'd have a little Foundation of what we're doing and if you look you can see this is going to be an auxiliary this would be a post module this would be an exploit module so it kind of hopefully mix a little more sense to you with that little bit of background we have there and we're looking for one because I want to try to Brute Force this login one so we're going to start with number seven lucky number seven so what we would do is we would do use seven if you're efficient or lazy you could also do use and cut and paste this whole line of code here and it would do the same thing but I'm lazy so we're going to hit U7 and once we do that you'll see right here in red it highlights that we are using an ex Au ilary uh scanner module under postgress and right here so what we're going to want to do is then hit op or hit we're going to type options and once you do that it gives you a list of all the options that you can set um so what you can also do is you can also hit a question mark and that will give you a list if you weren't sure of you know options or what other module commands you needed and you could see them right here all right I should have probably said that before I did it but pretty much you're going to need search you're going to need options and you're going to need set and you're going to need run or exploit however you want to do it out of this list right here um sorry I'm kind of went down the rabbit hole but that's what you're going to need so again we're going to start there and you can clean your screen so you're going to do that and what we're going to want to do is go again to options and what we're going to want to do is change a couple of these parameters these are parameters that we'll want to change so blank passwords do we want it to try blank password sure we do of course we do why not I mean if they're silly enough to do that we're good so how you change this is you type set and then whatever the name variable is passwords and we put true and now if we go back there you go and Brute Force speed we don't really to do anything with that database see it's smart enough to already know based on the module we're in that this is what we're going to try to do and then down here we don't need to change anything here the password option if we wanted to and you knew the password you could actually put it here you could say you know set password this password and it would run that uh we're not going to do that we're going to use a password file which is located here um you know we could go there and look at it but for the sake of time we don't need to it's going to be your standard um Metasploit password list there's a password list user list there's a whole bunch of them actually they come with Cali Linux as well um but that's what we're going to use that way we're using more than one because obviously if you don't know it you're you're going to need to brute force it and that's what we're doing so we're going to reference this and then down here there's a couple things we need to set our Host this is going to be the target machine so we're going to do set our hosts 10213 and then continuing down we're going to need to let's see here username again we don't need the username we're going to use the username file uh and then last one verbos is already set usually this is set to false so that's weird that it's set to True uh and then we're going to I think we're good here um is there a oh actually okay I skipped one what we want to do here is we want to set stop on damn keyboard success that's just my spelling right and we're going to want to make that true so what that's going to do is while it's scanning if it happens to come to the correct password it's not going to continue to go down the password list because what if we had 20,000 passwords right that would be kind of annoying so once we're good we can go ahead and clear this and we can run it and boom it went ahead and ran and as you can see we had fail fail fail fa fail and then boom we were successful so now we know that we can log in with the password username and password postgress postgress against the database template one so that's great now we have a a user account we're certain of so now we can go ahead and we can um try to use a different module to see what else we could do here like let's say let's say we wanted to see um if there was a way to um get more get other database names so why don't we try that so first we're going to need to change modules so we need to do search postgress and we're looking for one that will let us do a SQL generic query we got 10 and 11 here uh but we're going to go with 11 I like 11 better than 10 right that seems like a better number here we're sticking with the lucky numbers so set or not set we're going to use 11 and we're going to hit enter and we're going to clean this up because that's one of my picky things there I do not like it when the screen's all messy and for this one instead of options I'm going to show you another thing you can do which is info this actually gives you your options and it also gives you a description of what we're going to be doing so options gives you the parameters you can set or the variables whatever you want to say and then uh the descriptions will give you those exact things but it gives you a little detail on what the actual module is so I probably should have started with that one and then gone to options but whatever you know I took care of you either way so now what we're going to need to do is look at this so we're going to go against database template one right we're good password we know the password so we can we can use that password and um username We There we go and then here's the important part we need the our hosts so again set our hosts and we're going to go 10213 what we're going to want to do here is we're going to want to give it a SQL statement so we're going to want to do is we're going to go let's see what set see and this this will change depending on the database um but I think this should work for this one databases set SQL show databases so when we run this command this is what the this is the command it's going to run against the SQL so what we're going to do then is we're going to run oh and we're going to get denied okay maybe that doesn't work for post let's see maybe that only works for my SQL so let's try let's try this set SQL select dat name again my typing from PG database let's see that's not going to work is it nope oh wait I didn't run it okay all right cool all right so as you can see these are the databases so there's actually a database there's template zero so whoever this was did not change the default at all but created this one hell helpful I wonder who that could have been um so there you go so now we're in there now what we can try to do is we can try to see if we can grab the password file so let's do set SQL select um or actually let's do I don't know if this will work load uncore file and what we're going to do now we're going to have to use regular Expressions to because you could see I'm going to have to use a slash that it's not going to be happy with that's why I'm using this regular expression here so we're going to go to Etsy pad I don't know I call it that but sounds good to me going to close that out put it oops one quote in there and if we're lucky that will display the password list to us let's see what we get and here we go and apparently I'm not lucky why doesn't it not like that all right maybe this module this should work maybe it only works against my SQL so let's try changing the module here because there's actually a better module actually that might work for this so let's go back to post grass and what we want to do is look for another query one we're going to use 10 now this isn't my lucky number we're going to go with it anyway so now we're going to use this one we're going to clear it up and what we're going to do is we're going to try this a little bit differently so what we're going to do is we're going to use the um options that's not different that's not what we're doing different we're going to set our host 10213 not 14 and we're going to use this module which let me show you here this is actually it Imports a file on the local postgress server so what this is going to try to do instead of trying to read that using the actual SQL we're going to actually just try to use Metasploit module to go out and read us the file so pretty cool right maybe I should have started with this one but it wasn't my lucky number so whatever so what we're going to do here is we're going to make sure we got our database we got we got our username yep we got our password we got our there okay so we should be good to go here all we should need to do is well we want to be able to see what it returns so we're going to set verbos to true because otherwise we're not going to see anything and we're going to go ahead and we're going to run it and boom look at that it just ran and returned the what's in the PSS swd file which anyone could see um so you know that's great it doesn't really help us because there's no hashes in or anything but it gives us usernames so apparently The Flintstones are here we got some Molly uh we got we got lots of stuff in there and very helpful it stored it right there so that's great so let's see now we got that let's let's just go ahead you know what let's do this let's go options and let's see if we can get if this is poorly misconfigured we might be able to gra grab the shadow file so let's try set R file and we're going to set it to because this will contain the hashers and we're going to go ahead and run it and look at that look at that boys and girls here we go we have the hashes which means we can try to crack that with another tool so let's go ahead and do that browse here because apparently that's where it's putting these files right so let's go CD and let's go that I don't think that would matter but we'll do it anyway and let's see what we got all right so here are those files and what I'm going to do is I'm going to rename them and I'm going to rename the first one I'm assuming this is the first one we did which would have been the password so we're going to go like this and I'm just going to go right and then we're going to rename we'll be lazy see lazy and efficient just not correct we're gonna move the last text file to Shadow correct so we got Shadow and password let's just cut shadow that looks ugly so that would be our hashes and let's cut and that's going to be our user P cool so we're good here so at this point what we can do is we can try to use the unshadow command which is from Jack the Ripper and we can do password and we can do Shadow and we'll do that to combine them and we'll do pay to win because you know I'm a I play video games and I don't like pay to win so we're g do that just because I thought that would be funny for some reason and if you don't play video games you don't know what that means it's funny just trust me so now at this point what we're going to do is we're going to use John which is built into Metasploit by the way you notice I have have not left metas while I'm doing all this not since end maps not I've done all this from within Metasploit we're going to run this against pay to win do database and boom all right so it just ran it it told us it didn't really like the hash but whatever it still came back and it found the password for root is root oh my God that's intelligent and we don't know that until let's verify so let's go ahead and use telet because we saw that was open and let's just see if we can get in use inet there and we're going to log in and look can't do that who am I I'm root who's on just me so here we are we went through we used postgress to query the database got the database names we then went ahead and pulled down two different files and then we went ahead and pulled them over to our local C box using metas then we went ahead and actually used Jack the Ripper or John the Ripper whatever you want to say um Jack the Ripper sounds good but it's actually John and we went ahead and um unshaded them put them together and we brute forced them and boom here we are we are now logged in now of course this in a world in a real world situation would not have been probably as easy hopefully not because for one they would have changed their default database name they wouldn't have had such pathetically weak passwords and they certainly as hell wouldn't have had root root as their root password if they were they deserve to be fired and I would literally make that recommendation in my report if that were the case uh but all these would have been really really really nefariously it would have had to have intent almost to have this bad of a misconfiguration and this poor of security controls on a system so anyways I'm GNA get off my soap box right now and we're going to move on and I'm just going to show you we went through a lot of that right there just to um you know pull up our database and all that but what if you just wanted to use you wanted to be really lazy and you did not want to do that because that was not at all what I meant to do uh I wanted to actually just get out of that um module so bear with me while this restarts here but you got to see another cool metas Splash there you go so what we what I meant to do was I wanted to search for another module that will actually just get us in a shell without having to go through all that the problem is it's not going to get us root but it would get you in assuming they have one so we want to look for is right over here lucky number 13 actually unlucky number 13 right so we're going to want to use 13 and there as you can see it's switched over to the module we're going to want to use and we're going to want to do options and this one's going to be pretty pretty easy we're going to do set our host and we're going to go 10 0 23 and we do need to set the L hosts and we're going to go the L host is going to be you I guess that's Local Host which is going to be four in my case and we're going to set verbos to true and we're going to clear and we're going to do I don't know why old habit di not LS we're going to do options again and let's see we look good so we're going to do here is run or if you want it to be really cool you could just type in uh exploit or apparently not exlo did I not did I get an error and I didn't pay attention because I was moving too fast I think I did and no one told me all right so now we can be cool and we can run it and we go through here and boom when you get in here and it says a session has opened you now have a shell on that machine however ever if you do who am I not a who I am o and it's probably not going to run from here so we're going to need to go shell and then we're going to need to do who am I you can see I am not a root so I don't have as much right like if I go I can see it but if I already like pseudo or um LS pseudo let's see so if I were to do CAD in the PSE sudoers it's going to deny deny me so I wouldn't be able to see other files I don't have permission to see so you would then need to find a payload to try to get your rout so that said I think that is going to be it for the uh post rule um example I wanted to give you so what I'm going to do now is I am I am not having fun with this keyboard I'm going to get out of the shell I'm going to shut down my interpreter I'm going to clear it out and we are going to move on to to another one so I'm going to go ahead and pick another thing to pick on and and I think we'll go with VNC but you know I don't remember the port it was on so we're going to rerun our nmap scan right here so let's do that we probably don't even need the port number but I wanted to see what else was running on there because I need to do two more examples here because that was the deal and I'm a man of my word so we're going to just run it because I honestly don't remember and my habit of clearing the screen is coming back to bite me SS sv- a1213 and we're going to let that run and while it runs this seems like the optimal time to ask you if you are enjoying this video to please hit that like button down below it doesn't cost you a Cent and it really helps with the channel I'm sure you've heard it on everyone else's YouTube channel and you're like whatever dude um but it does honestly because then YouTube says oh wow people are really engaged it puts me in front of more people then I get more subscribers and then we spread and we grow and then we're awesome so if you could do that I would really really really appreciate it and if you really don't want to miss any future videos you want to subscribe that's even better and you again you don't want to miss our weekend questions and things like that we do a lot of fun for the community around here at least I'm trying to do more and more as I build this channel out um and you don't want to miss future updates you know U memberships team me or Channel memberships and things like that and external website and quizzes and tests and training and all that great stuff that's coming so anyway that was my Shameless plug once again and during that time this has stopped so we are good to go and let's check out what we got on here all right so we do have VNC which I thought which is on 5900 for some reason I thought it was on 6,000 but I think maybe I was thinking IRC which is old school like um Internet relay chat I don't know if anyone here ever used that back in like um uh AOL uh and then what else could we do how about NFS nff solid okay so maybe we'll do those too okay so that sounds great so we're going to go with VNC and we're going to go with NFS so for VNC it should be pretty straightforward right we just need to find the module for VNC and that is anything but straightforward we're looking for um Linux so we're going to go ahead and do VNC Linux maybe and no and I'm looking more for um like Brute Force because how VNC usually works especially on Linux it's not going to have a a username it's just going to be a password so we should be able to brute force it using a um a dictionary or a password file or dictionary list or password list whatever you want to call password list isn't really the ter but um anyway I'm going down the rabbit hole here so what we're going to do is we're going to look for VNC login okay and that's better so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to use the auxiliary and we're going to use the scanner so we're going to do use zero uh and then we're going to do options all right and it looks like it came in at 5900 we probably didn't need to go look it up but you know what we needed to see what else we wanted to play with after this because we have to do three things uh so it looks like we need to set our our hosts as always that's going to be us or no that's going to be the machine we're targeting which is going to be the machine we've been picking on all day so we're going to go there and we got verbos on we're using this password file again remember we're not going to try to do a username because we already know that VNC usually only uses passwords um we're going to leave blank passwords right now um I don't think VNC would work with the blank password but you know if what if we if this didn't work we could always come back and try it so I think we're good to go here I think we'll just go ahead and run it and see what we get and we have a successful password of password um which is very secure so what we're going to do is we're going to clean this up again and now we can actually try connecting to it and to do that or we just go VNC viewer 10213 and we put in password and just like that we are in there now what does this do for us you know what um I'm not really sure how we would use this now to get a prompt interesting so let's see is there a way to right click on this there we go all right so we'd have to right click on it and maybe go to here we go oh look at that we are high-tech on this other guy's machine so let's go if config and verify where we're at we are definitely on another machine we're there let's go and make sure we're actually root which we are and we can do that and let's do a as well so we can see we got lots of good stuff in here we can even go in here we could probably steal his private key um and if we did cat o and there you go so there's lots you could do in there obviously you're a root and in the real world if this guy had a password of password uh I would I I don't even know what to say so that's that I'm going to go ahead and actually let's just shut this down luckily that's my Virtual Lab so we don't have to fire anyone but obviously if you're were to find a weak password like that you would you need to let people know and let them decide what's going to happen so that's our little VNC hack there um it works pretty well um on older VNC versions newer ones probably like I said have a threshold that would lock you out if you did this too many times but if you have you know eternity who knows so um anyways let's clear out of that and the last one I wanted to do was um NSF right and I don't know should we just go for NSF let's go for it all right and what I'm looking for I'm actually looking for a mount point right here so okay um or this one that's OSX NOP um what's five in M all right this is what I want right here what we're going to do we're just going to scan to see if we even have rights to mount it it showed up in the um in map scan as it was um mountable or um at least it was running so we should this should tell us if it actually is mountable so let's just see here if we do use five sorry my brain's dead this is really a much longer video than I thought so hopefully you're enjoying it let's go here and go use that and then let's go options and let's just do let's get info to see if this is a scanner okay perfect this is what we need it's just going to scan and tell us if we can mount it and if we can we're actually going to use commands we use metas spit to do it but we could even do this out of metas Spate right now the important thing to see is if we can even do it and that's where Metasploit comes in so what we're going to do is we are going to set our hosts 10 02 13 again and we're going to run it and yes it is mountable and it's mountable right here on the main root not the root like the root user but the actual root of the file system that is beautiful so what we're going to do now is we are going to make a directory and you can put this anywhere you want I just happen to put it where it belongs which is on the mount or the MNT folder which is short for Mount and I'm just going to name it hack me and what we're going to do we're going need to give it some rights and we're just going to be sloppy here and do 777 but you know it will work hack me and then I'm going to go into MNT and if you go to hack me right now nothing here right so what we're going to do is we're going to now Mount that remote server well we're going to attempt to in or on this server and then when're going we switch change to the directory we should see that system uh their that server's file system so what we're going to want to do is we're going to do Mount which is this typical Mount command we're going to do a no lock we don't want it to lock anything and then we're going to go 10 Z to 13 is the server and then we're going to tell it what directory now if there was a subdirector that was writable you'd need to do that instead of just the Slash and now we need to tell it where on our system we wanted to mount it and that's going to be hack me and we're going to hit enter and we should be good so now if we go into hack me there's a bunch of stuff here how are we sure this is the other server well we're not because this could be our server right so what we can do is we can now go to um let's go to the home directory because remember we know the users on this so they had Fred Betty all those people so we go in here and look all those are on here now if we open another session on our Alle box here and we go to home there's only one user there so if we go here you can see Mount hackable home so we're actually on that other server now what you can you do from here I don't know uh okay so that's another problem so this is actually taken me no that took me to the root fer on my Cali box so let's go back and do this and I wonder if we this may or may not work we're going to try so we're going to go MNT hack me root and see what happens and then let's see where we are and there you are boom now you are in the root of that other users box so if we do an LTA we do it let's go into uh the SSH and let's c those authorized Keys again not that way and boom there you go we have root access remotely through NFS pretty crazy right and from here you could you go in here and you and you could cat that pass you could cat that shadow you could do it all so this might be the most powerful of all of them so anyway because we're at about the 40 minute Mark if I do my math correctly which God only knows if it's correct um means we're at the end of this video so those were the modules what they do how we've used them you know we used the exploit the payload well we didn't really use the payload too much it was built into the exploit for most part today's video um but we use the auxiliary a lot and so we got a good taste of Metasploit in the future I plan to go into in-depth probably won't be the most entertaining video but in- depth of each module and then give you a better explanation of um how they all function and how they work um in a little bit more detail but I wanted to give you something a little bit entertaining while also knowledgeable and it gives you a lot to go out and practice so anyway enough about that if you enjoyed this video you know the jural please like And subscribe smash the share button do anything you want you know post it all over the Internet it's all good use it I know we have a few teachers that use it for their students whatever you want to do I hope this is entertaining I hope it's useful I hope it's familyfriendly because I try to watch my language here and I most of all hope you loved my keyboard so anyway have a great rest of your day talk to you later