Fine-Tuning Strategies with Axolotl Overview

Aug 24, 2024

Axolotl and Fine-Tuning Strategies


  • Today's agenda:
    • Discuss Axolotl's usage
    • Review honeycomb example from previous session
    • Q&A with Wing
    • Zach's presentation on parallelism and Hugging Face Accelerate
    • Q&A session

Key Considerations for Fine-Tuning

Model Capacity

  • Common questions for beginners:
    • What model to fine-tune?
    • Should I use LoRa or full fine-tune?

Base Model Selection

  1. Model Size:

    • Options: 7B, 13B, 70B, etc.
    • Recommendation: Use 7B models for most cases due to faster performance and easier GPU allocation.
    • Popularity indicated by download counts.
  2. Model Family:

    • Examples: Llama 2, Llama 3, Mistral, Zephyr, Gemma.
    • Choose current or trending models for testing (e.g., Llama 3).
    • Community resources: Hugging Face, Local Llama subreddit.

LoRa vs Full Fine-Tuning

  • LoRa (Low-Rank Adaptation) is often preferred:
    • Reduces number of parameters to train.
    • Easier on GPU memory constraints.
    • Full fine-tunes might offer higher performance but are resource-intensive.

Understanding LoRa

  • Concept:
    • LoRa uses low-rank matrices to adjust weights, making it less resource-heavy.
    • Compared to full fine-tuning, LoRa has significantly fewer parameters (e.g., 128,000 vs 16 million).

Key Takeaways about LoRa

  • Most fine-tuning in practice utilizes LoRa.
  • QLoRa is an extension that quantizes weights, further saving memory.
    • Performance impact is minimal but ensures efficient storage.

Transitioning to Implementation

Using Axolotl

  • Axolotl simplifies the fine-tuning process, allowing users to focus on data rather than code errors.
  • Configuration: Use YAML config files, often starting from examples.
  • Important settings to customize: Data set path, loss functions, etc.

Steps to Get Started

  1. Run Preprocessing: Prepares data for training.
  2. Train the Model: Use the command line interface to execute training.
  3. Testing and Evaluation: Check model outputs against expected results.

Honeycomb Case Study

  • Honeycomb aims to simplify querying through natural language instead of using HQL (Honeycomb Query Language).
  • Evaluations: Write unit tests and assertions to ensure model outputs are valid.
  • Data synthesis: Generating additional data points to improve model performance.

Debugging and Best Practices

  • Importance of evaluating your data and outputs.
  • Learn to iterate on your evaluation process and test results.

Modal Integration

  • Modal: A cloud-native platform for running Python code remotely.
  • Ideal for hyperparameter tuning and model training with Axolotl.
  • Example provided for integrating Axolotl with Modal for simplified training processes.


  • Fine-tuning LLMs effectively requires understanding model choices, efficient use of tools like LoRa, and leveraging frameworks like Axolotl and Modal.
  • Continuous evaluation and iteration are key to improving model outputs.