hello friends and welcome to another herb review video in this session we're going over the category herbs that drain dampness herbs that drain dampness so in this category these herbs are of course dealing with dampness inside the body but when we say drain dampness we're specifically referring to the fact that these herbs promote urination to get rid of the dampness through that means so if you remember before we had a category herbs that clear heat and dry dampness and there those herbs were just kind of drying the dampness out it's like if you had a wet piece of cloth and you just set it out in the sun the water dries out so those herbs we are using the bitter flavor to just dry the dampness out well in this category these herbs are getting rid of the dampness but the way they do it is by promoting urination to drain the dampness out and so here we're more using the bland flavor to promote urination so in this category herbs that drain dampness that's what we're doing is promoting urination and so in bensky we say the category name is herbs that drain dampness if we look at the nigel weissman uh translation for this he says water disinhibiting dampness percolating medicinals and this is kind of a mouthful but i i actually kind of like this translation first of all medicinals is just what the word he uses for herbs so instead of herbs just because sometimes we're not always eating with plant parts sometimes we're dealing with insects or minerals he likes to use the word medicinal instead of herb but this is very descriptive we say water disinhibiting dampness percolating herbs so water disinhibiting it's like the water is inhibited it's not moving it's not there's something inhibiting it from coming out so what these herbs do is they disinhibit the water so that we can pee it out then we say dampness percolating percolating i think like that's how you make coffee as the water percolates down and drips down so when we say water disinhibiting we're disinhibiting the water and percolating the dampness out and downward so that's what we're doing with these herbs so we can kind of ask ourselves what does dampness look like if we're draining dampness what kind of conditions are these herbs treating with this dampness well at least in this category when we say dampness again we're talking about promoting water metabolism and promoting urination to leech dampness out of the body and so this this is kind of the bensky term that nigel weissman would say percolate dampness or disinhibit dampness bensky says leech out dampness by promoting urination and again this has to do with a problem of water metabolism that this water is not being properly transformed so it accumulates and turns into dampness so that's what we're doing is we're promoting urination and from a uh biomedical perspective we could say these herbs are diuretics that's our western term for promoting urination but so what does this dampness look like at least in the in the context of this category when you talk about draining dampness when we say dampness we're really talking about two different situations number one we can have fluid accumulation or water accumulation and by this we mean edema or thin phlegm so what is edema it's basically fluid accumulation so for edema you can think about like being puffy and swollen because you have water accumulation or fluid retention sometimes maybe you can think about sometimes women have this before their period that they just feel bloated and if you're like oh i'm retaining water that water is inhibited the water's not draining out properly so i feel uh bloated like i'm retaining water sometimes this happens a lot in elderly people when we get edema especially in the lower body that the legs start to swell up and accumulate fluids sometimes it can get so bad that you have these um we can call it pitting edema in the legs that when you you press in and leave a thumbprint the thumbprint stays there but sometimes it can get so bad like if you needle spleen 9 when you pull out the needle some fluid will come out with it that's just there's so much fluid accumulation in the lower legs so that would be an example of edema or water accumulation or um maybe this is kind of weird example that there used to be an old term water on the knee i think if uh if you remember that old game operation where you had to use little tweezers to pick out things and it would buzz at you uh that was one of the things is water on the knee and had a little bucket of water on the knee and basically what that refers to as a type of arthritis-like condition where you have inflammation and swelling but also water accumulation or fluid accumulation in that joint along with the inflammation and pain so that they called water on the knee and um that might be another example of edema or the types of things that would be treating in terms of draining dampness so that's number one it's just fluid accumulation that we're not metabolizing the water properly and the fluid starts to accumulate the other one is dampness combined with heat or damp heat conditions and this is something that we kind of talked about with our category herbs at clear heat and dry dampness and again there we are using the bitter flavor to just dry the dampness out here we're dealing with some similar things it's just that our way of dealing with the dampness is different is that we're draining it out through the urine so those are kind of the two categories of conditions we're dealing with in this category fluid accumulation and damp heat so let's just say something quickly about this term that we looked at thin phlegm we say that this can be good for water accumulation or edema or this condition called thin phlegm and so basically when we talk about phlegm in chinese medicine the chinese term is on means phlegm but so tan refers to the thick phlegm the thick viscous sticky phlegm the kind of stuff that you would cough up that's tan yin refers to a thinner more watery form of phlegm and so bensky translates this as thin phlegm but weissman uses the term room so for yin he says room like rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis and so this refers to a thinner type of phlegm that can just it's a watery substance that can collect in various parts of the body i think we most commonly talk about thin room collecting in the stomach and intestines but we can also have room collecting in the ribs underneath the ribs in the chest we can have it collecting in the um in the limbs causing swelling and so i just like to bring this up because a lot of times when we say thin phlegm a lot of people think that we mean like the person has a runny nose that if they have the sniffles and they have stuff dripping out their nose they say oh that's thin phlegm and really that's not what we mean when we say yin as in thin phlegm or room we're referring to something else this technically there are four types of room we have like propping room suspended room and all this stuff but it's referring to these very specific conditions of water accumulation inside the body in these various places and so this is just like one time i got in this argument on facebook about somebody saying uh what kind of what kind of formulas you use when someone has the sniffles and somebody responded like oh i like to use the formula xiaoching longtong minor blue green dragon decoction i was like well like really this is like a very strong formula it's a mahong formula it's for taiyon excess if we use some very strong herbs like mahwang some very hot herbs like ganjong and chichen it's like are you sure you should be using this for someone that has the sniffles and their response was well yeah in bensky it says that this formula transforms thin phlegm and that's what the sniffles are is thin phlegm i was like no i mean i know it says thin phlegm but that's not what we mean and when bensky says thin phlegm he's he that's his translation for the word yin and tanyan or room and that's referring to things like thin phlegm collecting in the chest causing shortness of breath or things like that or one time i had a patient a friend in school that she had this um water accumulating in the abdomen it was actually making a sloshing sound in her abdomen that's what we mean when we say thin phlegm we don't mean like a runny nose or anything like that so i just like to rant about that that's the kind of thing we're treating when we say drain dampness when we say thin phlegm that's what we mean we don't mean like runny nose and i think that's also like a a good argument for using weissman terminology that a lot of people don't like is terminology they think it's a mouthful or i think they think that the words are very unfamiliar but in this situation i think that's actually good that sometimes when we say thin phlegm we already have some preconceived notion in our mind that is actually not correct so if we use a word like phlegm room you're like what is room that gives us a new idea of what we actually mean by this because our concept of thin phlegm or phlegm room in chinese medicine might be very different than what we think of and when we hear that word in english so anyway that's just a little rant about tanyan or phlegm room let's but these are the types of things we're treating with these herbs or the herbs in this category is we can deal with general fluid accumulation like edema or thin phlegm water accumulation or conditions of damp heat so when we say water accumulation basically this like we said this is referring to there's some sort of obstruction of the normal metabolism of fluid in the lung so if you remember back to fcm when we talked about fluid metabolism the main things we were talking about were the lung the spleen and the kidney we said the lung is the upper source of water or the lung regulates the water passages in the middle jowl technically it's the stomach that absorbs the fluids but the spleen has a role of transforming dampness and then in the lower jaw it's the kidney metabolizes water we can say the kidney steams the water back up to the lungs or you can say the kidney like generates urine and sends it to the urinary bladder so it can be expelled out of the body so those are the the organs associated with water metabolism and basically if one of those organs shuts down and our water metabolism stops then that fluid can accumulate and that's what we mean by water accumulation that fluid accumulates we can get edema or swelling in the limbs we can get edema in the lower body swelling of the ankles pitting edema in the legs or we can have edema or thin phlegm in the chest and abdomen so that's what we mean and those are the the organs that we blame it on so for acute edema we might combine this with herbs that release the exterior so sometimes an exterior attack can block some of that fluid metabolism in the lung i think we talked about that in the warm accurate release the exterior category we talked about ma huang promoting urination and draining dampness so we might combine it with some of those herbs for chronic edema we're usually combining it with herbs that either tonify qi or tonify yang so if your spleen is deficient then the spleen can no longer perform its function of transforming dampness so we get this water accumulation so we're going to drain the water and support the spleen if we have kidney yang deficiency there's insufficient fire of the kidneys to steam and transform the fluids then we might want to tonify kidney yang with tonifying herbs plus using herbs that drain dampness to get rid of the water so that's what we mean by water accumulation we can also talk about damp heat basically if we have this dampness in the body and it combines with heat we get a condition of damp heat and at least in this category mainly what we're talking about when we say damp heat is lynn syndrome damp sores on the skin and jaundice so lynn syndrome i think we've talked about this before lynn syndrome we sometimes translate this as painful urinary dribbling uh or wiseman translates this as strangery now it turns out like when i first read that like is that a real word or is that did he just make up that word it turns out that israel were you can go look in the dictionary strangery is the condition we're talking about basically to me it sounds like we're strangling the urethra and so the the urine can't come out but basically when we say lynn syndrome we're talking about like uti like symptoms so we say painful urinary dribbling painful urination rough urination dribbling urination as in the flow of the urine is not smooth it just kind of dribbles out maybe you have a lot of urgency it feels like you really have to go but then when you get to the bathroom it just kind of trickles out or it starts and stops it doesn't come out smooth and can be very painful and then we call that lin syndrome i think in chinese i had a chinese teacher who described to me like this that um like when you have a faucet and you try to tighten the faucet all the way but it still kind of drips out you get this drip drip drip coming out of the faucet in chinese they call that lin so that's what we mean by lin syndrome and basically this in western medicine this is like a uti and again i just i just say uti just because it's it's something that we're familiar with but really i don't want to make a one-to-one correspondence between western medicine uti and chinese medicine lin syndrome because sometimes we'll have people with this uh this painful urination or urgent urination or unsmooth urination and then they go to the doctor and they get a culture and they say well technically there's no infection still in chinese medicine we might refer to it as lynn syndrome so that's something you can think about you can think about it as a uti most people are familiar with those symptoms but even if it's not technically an infection if we still have that rough painful dribbling urination we would still treat that as lynn syndrome and one of the ways we diagnose that is damp heat that damp heat is in the lower jaw that damp heat is obstructing the smooth flow of urine so it can't come out so the way we do it is we promote urination we percolate dampness to get rid of that dampness so the urine can flow smoothly again the other one is jaundice and basically your skin turns yellow technically i think we have two types of jaundice we say yin jaundis and yang jaundice and basically this refers to it's usually a damp heat thing but is it is it more dampness or is it more heat so young john this is more damp heat with a lot of heat whereas in jaundice is more dampness or even cold damp and i think technically we make some differentiation based on the color whereas like young jaundice is more tangerine color whereas yin jaundis is a different i'm not very good with color so i don't know i would say just look at the tongue and pulse but we can talk about jaundice in jaundice or young jaundice here we're probably talking more about the damp heat young jaundice so that's what we mean by draining dampness and these are the types of conditions we're going to treat mainly water accumulation as an edema and damp heat as in lynn syndrome painful urination or jaundice are the main things we're treating so we look at the properties of these herbs these herbs are either going to be bland or bitter and so basically the herbs that are more for treating water accumulation and edema those herbs are going to be bland because remember the bland flavor promotes urination to treat edema but the ones for damp heat those are more likely going to be bitter in flavor because the bigger flavor clears heat so it's usually one or the other bland or bitter depending on whether whether more for water accumulation or whether they're more for damp heat temperature is going to be neutral or cold again the ones that are more for edema are probably going to be more neutral in temperature where the ones that are for damp heat are going to be cold because we want to use cold flavored medicinals to get rid of that heat channel entry hopefully this is this makes sense as well kidney and ub just because we're draining dampness when we say draining dampness we mean promoting urination the organs are involved with urination are the kidney and urinary bladder we also say the spleen because again we're draining dampness and the spleen has an action of transforming dampness so those are the organs involved with dampness and with urination so some herbs might be more for the spleen and helping the spleen transform dampness and drain it out some herbs might be more belong to the kidney and you be in helping get things out of the lower jaw any questions and contraindications use caution with the in deficiency it's like we're draining dampness that's we're getting rid of the fluids if you're already dry you don't want to get rid of the fluids that you have so be cautious with yin deficiency and depleted fluids and again the main action is to promote urination again when we say drain dampness we mean promote urination and the main things we're dealing with are edema or water accumulation lin syndrome painful rough scanty difficult unsmooth urination painful urinary dribbling lynn syndrome and jaundice when that damp heat mexican skin turn yellow and so like we said these herbs may be combined with tonic so again if if your spleen don't work your spring's not transforming the dampness we can drain the dampness but we'll probably also want to tonify the spleen to take care of the root if your kidney don't work you don't not got enough kidney young to transform that fluids and you end up with swollen ankles yeah we can use these herbs during the dampness but we'll probably want to combine it with kidney on tonics to take care of the root or we might combine it with herbs that clear heat and dry dampness so if we have these damp heat conditions like uh lynn syndrome due to damp heat in the lower jaw that damp heat is blocking the smooth flow of urine on the one hand we can grain the dampness but we could also use those herbs that dry the dampness herbs like huang bai or things like that or same thing with jaundice that we can use that those bitter flavor herbs to dry the dampness and drain the dampness at the same time so it's very common to combine these herbs with other herbs that might treat the root condition so when we look in bensky the bensky text when he has this category herbs that drain dampness he just has one big category with all the herbs and that's a lot of herbs there are 21 herbs here and so it can be kind of difficult to like how do we differentiate these how do we how do we make sense of this huge list of herbs if all of these are abstrain dampness well it turns out if we look at other books and specifically like the nigel weissman and eric brand concise materia medica when we look at his chapter on herbs that drain dampness again he doesn't call it herbs that drain dampness he calls it water disinhibiting dampness percolating herbs we look at his book he actually divides it into three separate categories based on which thing are we treating are we treating primarily edema water accumulation are we treating primarily lynn syndrome painful urination are we treating primarily jaundice and so i think this is a little bit more helpful to divide it up into three categories but of course it's nigel weissman so the name the names of the categories are always kind of funny so we have water disinhibiting swelling dispersing medicinals so water disinhibiting that means we're promoting urination swelling dispersing that means we're treating edema so this basically means we're promoting urination to treat edema these are herbs that promote urination to treat edema urine disinhibiting stranguley freeing medicinal so urine disinhibiting just sounds like we're promoting urination stranguly freeing means we're treating lynn syndrome or painful dribbling urination so these are herbs that promote urination to treat lynn syndrome then just over here the last one just one little herb is dampness disinhibiting jaundice abating medicinal so again this is an herb that promotes urination to um to treat jaundice so that's kind of the way that i like to do it and that's that's actually the way i was taught and this is a even though bensky just had one big list of herbs my chinese teacher divided it up this way the same way that nigel weissman does but i mean to be fair i can kind of understand why bensky does it the way he does even though i prefer dividing it up into these three groups i can understand the bensky point of view where even though we can try to divide it into these three separate sections not every herb fits really well into one section it usually most of these herbs can do more than one thing so we just have to keep that in mind when we say this herb promotes urination to treat edema it's not only for edema it can also be used for lynn syndrome if we want to and also it can also be used for other types of dampness or we say this is a lynn syndrome herb it can also be used for edema maybe it can be used for vaginal discharge and other types of damp heat so we should just keep that in mind that these aren't very strict categories but in terms of dealing with a category of 21 herbs i do think it's kind of helpful to divide it up a little bit so again this is a lot of herbs and so some of these herbs are very important my own fooling is a very important herb and you know everything about that herb because it's going to come up very commonly other herbs we might just mention it quickly and say one or two important things and move on so again not all herbs are equally important so some of them we might just kind of go through rather quickly but let's go ahead and get started our first herb is fu ling poria fu ling poria fuling so fuling if you look here this um it's kind of a soft white substance it's kind of easy to crush if you have your sample and turns out fooling this is a type of fungus this is a type of fungus that grows around the root of i think a pine tree or a cypress tree but this is a fungus that grows around a root so that's fooling poria and like we said we divide these into three categories our first category is herbs that promote urination to edema to treat edema and fooling promotes urination to treat edema or if we look at bensky he says promotes urination to leech out dampness to leech out to get the dampness out of the body again nigel weissman would say promotes your um uh disinhibits urination so the urine urination might be inhibited so we disinhibit it so it can flow smoothly or we can go with the bensky way leech out dampness uh specifically for edema but can also be used for dampness causing diarrhea or even just difficult urination we're disinhibiting the urine so fooling a very important herb for promoting urination especially for treating edema well what's also very important about fooling and what makes it a very famous herb is it tonifies spleen chi tonifies spleen teeth so it's good for spleen qi deficiency with dampness so this could be like loss of appetite if you have this dampness collecting in the middle gel you're not necessarily going to feel very hungry because it's like you're already full of dampness so loss of appetite diarrhea that the spleen can't properly transform the food so we get this sticky diarrhea or distention just feeling bloated so fulang also tonify spleen cheat and this is really convenient because like we said we talked about how does dampness form one of the ways it forms is deficiency of spleen g the spleen is deficient it can't properly transform dampness so we get dampness and fluid accumulating fueling takes care of both it tonifies a spleen and gets rid of the dampness so sometimes it's like sometimes if we have spleen qi deficiency that spleen qi deficiency can lead to dampness but sometimes if we have dampness that dampness can encumber the spleen and lead to spleen deficiency so it's kind of like a chicken and egg thing but luckily we got our fooling that can take care of both tonifying the spleen and promoting urination to leach out dampness other one here is fooling also calms the shen calms the shen so it's actually we don't specifically say it tonifies the heart or anything like that we usually just say it quiets the spirit or quiets the heart to deal with certain types of shen problems like palpitations or insomnia so that's something that we'll also see come up in some of our formulas that fooling might be in certain formulas to calm the shen treating palpitations anxiety or insomnia so fooling again we said a lot of these herbs are neutral in temperature so fooling is neutral in temperature and that's convenient we can use it in both hot and cold situations and then we look at the taste it's sweet and bland the food is both sweet and bland it's sweet because it tonifies sweet flavor tonify so fooling tonify spleen chee and it's planned because the bland flavor promotes urination to drain dampness so if if somebody ever asks you like what are the tastes of fooling you don't necessarily need to memorize the taste of every herb but if i'm asking you what are the tastes of fooling what i'm really asking is do you remember the two major functions the fooling that it of course because it's in this category it promotes urination to drain dampness so it's bland in flavor but it also tonifies and that means it's sweetened flavor as well so in the case of fooling its tastes are very reflective of its major actions so that's really convenient our dosage is slightly larger than normal 9 to 15 grams so it's a little bit larger than normal and again channels kind of make sense we said that water metabolism is usually happens in the lung spleen and kidney so we're entering the lung spleen and kidney because those are our water organs and it also enters the heart because we have this action of quieting the heart or calming the spirit so that is fooling pouria fuling poria and again we said that this is the fungus that grows around the root of a tree and it turns out we can actually use different parts of this fungus for slightly different properties or slightly different actions will have a slightly different effect depending on which part of the fungus we use so fooling just refers to regular fooling you sometimes see it like this in little curls that's kind of the traditional way to they prepare it and basically it's this big block of fungus and it's like you're taking a vegetable peeler and peeling off thin slices and as you peel off those thin slices they curl up into a little tube so that's what it looks like here sometimes you'll see it sliced and so you'll have kind of big but thin slices and then some modern um uh distributors sometimes i see it like chopped up into cubes so it's very common to see this in very different ways i think the the curled up one is the most traditional but you can also see it in thin slices or in cubes so that's our just our regular fooling that has all of these actions but it turns out we have a couple different forms one of them is true fooling chur fooling pouria rubra trufuling this is red fooling so true means red or in latin rubra means red so this is red fooling this is i believe more on the outer portion of the fooling not close to the root but closer to the outside is a little bit more red in color and basically because it's red fooling it's good for dampness when there's also heat signs so if you remember we said that regular fooling is neutral in temperature chur fooling is slightly cold in temperature so we're going to use true fooling when we have this edema watery tension signs of dampness well we also have some heat signs that might make us want to use chur fooling because it's a little bit colder so basically you can think that red means heat tri-fooling does the same thing as fooling but it's better at treating heat conditions so that's true fooling for edema with heat signs or when you say scant dark difficult urination means some there's some heat there another form is fooling fooling p porya cutis fooling p remember p means skin or bark or peel so fooling p is the skin of fooling it's the outer portion of the fulang fungus so p means skin or cutis i assume mean skin like when you talk about cutaneous we're talking about the skin so that's a latin cutis i assuming skin but again it's the skin of fooling and the thing about it's the skin of fooling so it's good for edema under the skin so edema under it so i'm not like not like we have water accumulating in the organs but you have this edema right under the skin it's something you can you can poke at and feel it there so this is a very common thing we'll see that herbs end with pee are the skin of the herb and they're good for edema under the skin so that's a fooling pee edema under the skin it's a skin of fooling it's good for edema under the skin and finally we have one called fushan fushen is porya sclerotium periradicus again shen means root like renshen is ginseng man root your fushen is the portion of fulang that includes the root so this is we said fulang is a fungus that grows around the root here we took a slice of it and that slice includes a cross section of the root or in latin we say porysclerodium perradicus radicus means root so pararadicus means the part that's around the root and so basically this does similar that it promotes urination to leech out dampness but but this one we emphasize the action of calming the shen so fushen calms the shen so we're going to see this come up in formulas like you may have heard of the formula guaypiton restore the spleen decoction this is for spleen qi deficiency with heart blood deficiency that a person has splenchy deficiency and dampness but this is causing them um because the spleen is deficient it's not supplying enough blood to the heart so you end up with palpitations anxiety insomnia so this could be the situation where we want to use fushen because on the one hand we're supporting the swing and getting rid of the dampness but we're emphasizing this action of quieting the heart and calming the spirit so fushen is good for the shen so basically of all our forms fooling has all the major and uh major functions it promotes urination get rid of dampness and it tonifies the spleen and calms the spirit but i would focus on it's good for dampness it's good for tonifying a spleen true fooling is red fooling red means heat true fooling is good when we have heat signs fulang p is the skin of fooling it's good for edema under the skin and fushen calms the shen so those are the different forms of fooling and i feel like this is something they like to ask questions about so it may be that you'll get one or two questions about what are the various forms of fooling and what are their specialties so i think that's something to keep in mind and this is something that a lot of times when you go into a clinic you will see these different forms of fooling all right next to each other in the herb room that we actually we do make use of these different forms of fooling so i think it's a good thing to know and it's also just looking at the name you can you can usually tell the differences between those different forms next is juuling polyparous ju ling polyperus polyporous polypeperous it's jooling so we can see by the the name in chinese sounds very similar to fooling the name in latin sounds very similar to poria if we look at our sample it even looks kind of similar this is just another type of fungus maybe the way we can tell it apart is jeweling always has this darker border around the outside whereas fooling tends to be pure white jeweling has this it's usually smaller pieces and has a darker border around the outside turns out jooling is very similar to fooling it promotes urination to leach out dampness especially edema diarrhea vaginal discharge can be dampness in the lower jaw or difficult urination because there's damage obstructing the smooth flow of urine so dueling also leeches out dampness or disinhibits the disinhibits dampness disinhibits urine so it's very similar but we can point out there are a few key differences between fooling and juuling so one juling does not tonify spleen cheat does not tonify the middle gel so if we remember back to fooling we said it's um it leeches out the dampness but it also tonify the spleen juuling does not do that so that's one difference between fooling and dueling number two juuling is colder than fooling so remember fooling is neutral in temperature dueling is slightly cool so it has a colder temperature and so again we can we might deal more with things that have some possible heat signs associated with it so jeweling is cooler than fueling and juuling is better at promoting urination so it doesn't really support the spleen as much but it's much better at draining that dampness out we could say it's diuretic action is much more powerful for dueling rather than fooling so those might be some reasons why would you choose one versus the other if we want a stronger action of promoting urination maybe we'd go to jeweling if we wanted something a little bit more balanced between promoting urination and supporting a spleen we might go to fooling honestly in formulas sometimes we use both together we'll use the two in combination but that might be important that we want to know the differences between fooling and jeweling so that's zhu ling polyporus or polypepperous [Music] is water plantain this year water plantain i guess water plantain is different from regular plantain that you would buy at the store but i don't really like plantains so i don't know very much about this but it's apparently water planting so it's uh we're in this category of herbs that promote urination to treat edema so this is good for promoting urination to treat edema or for leeching out dampness so this one we say it's especially for dampness in the lower jowl so if remember when went back to fooling it entered the spleen and did a lot of spleen things this year is more about kidney and ub about things in the lower jaw so we could say edema but also difficult urination vaginal discharge is a lower jaw thing we got the dampness in the lower jaw diarrhea and dizziness dizziness is kind of interesting again if we're talking about thin phlegm when you have that thin phlegm accumulating that can actually cause dizziness so zucchini is good for that and we can also specifically it's good good for damp heat in the lower jaw so again this is something where even though we put in this category of herbs that promote urination to treat edema we see it's actually doing kind of both it's it's really good for it is really good for treating edema but it's also good for some of these damp heat conditions like lynn syndrome or damp heat diarrhea or even say spermatorrhea as part of draining damp heat from the lower jaw this is just a note to myself in bensky we say it settles ministerial fire i think weissman says more specifically it's good for deficiency heat and so kind of the idea here especially when we talked about like the spermatoria kind of the idea here is if you have some yin deficiency some kidney in deficiency you might end up with some heat in the lower jowl as a result of that yin deficiency remember we just talked about that category herbs that clear heat from deficiency when you have some yin deficiency you can end up with some heat and it turns out by draining that damp heat from the lower jaw that can take care of some of that deficiency heat so again one of our symptoms for kidney in deficiency in men was seminal emission or spermatorea and so it's kind of like sushi we can use in that way if we have some yin deficiency causing heat and that heat is accumulating in the lower jaw and combining with the dampness then this can by draining out that heat that can help out with some of that yin deficiency so um again zushier really what i would think about with zuchier is where uh it's very good at promoting urination but i would think about lower jaw again when you're talking about fooling we were talking a lot about the spleen and the spleen transforming dampness here we're talking more about kidney and uv and things in the lower jaw so it might be good for lower body edema swelling in the legs but also stuff in the lower jaw itself as in difficult urination or vaginal discharge so that's what i would remember about zuccier alice modus rhizoma is water plantain and think dampness in the lower jaw promoting urination to get rid of dampness from the lower jaw kidney you be so that's this yeah next is don guatsa benin cassia semen [Music] this is winter melon seed don guatagua means melons means seed this is winter melon seed so don guatsa as for its functions here we're again we're draining damn this but here we specifically clears heat and drains dampness so again even though we're putting this in this category uh herbs that treat edema we can still say this doesn't quite fit in there really more saying this is clearing damp heat but it's especially for vaginal discharge due to damp heat so again we're talking about damp heat in the lower jaw causing vaginal discharge so that's don guata's specialty in terms of draining dampness think vaginal discharge and then it also has an action of discharging pus so for lung abscess and large intestine abscess and i think we kind of talked about that in the heat toxicity category we talked a lot about abscesses or accumulations of pus due to heat toxicity and so here we have another herb that discharges plus for that lung abscess and large intestine abscess so that's don guatsa and again i think its specialty is uh vaginal discharge i feel like they're like i mean i was trying to think of some way like some way to make a joke about remembering this about the fact that it's called don guatsa maybe you can make some joke about dong like if you get too much dong you're going to end up with vaginal discharge that's the result of having too much dong or you could have large intestine abscess depending on where you like to put your dong but it turns out we have it we actually have another herb in this category with dong in the name so maybe that's not a good way to remember it but don guata think vaginal discharge on this one we can see the dosage is a little bit larger than normal and because it's a seed like we talked about with some of our other seeds we need to crush it before cooking it so that's don guata ben and cassie i see men winter melon seed causing treating vaginal discharge you got too much damp heat in your lower jaw from all that dong all that winter dong han fong ji stefania tatandai radix han fong ji [Music] stefania tetrandra radix han fong ji so han fang ji we're in this category herbs that promote urination to treat edema han fong ji promotes your nation to treat edema it's especially good for lower body edema so again when we say lower body edema we can mean lower body as in low legs or it can mean lower body as in the lower abdomen lower jaw so here we say for when we say lower body we're saying damp leg chi i believe uh when bensky says leg chi this is a this is a specific type of disease leg chi and uh it's similar to berry berry which is a disease i'm not sure people get anymore but if you want to look up berry berry that's usually what i mean when we say leg cheap and presumably there are a couple different causes of leg g and this is specifically for damp type leg g so that's something that's we have dampness in the legs gurgling sounds in the intestines that's lower body abdominal dissension acid so han fong ji think lower body edema the second function and actually probably the more important function is han fong ji is expels wind damp to treat b syndrome especially for hot b so i can't remember if we talked very much about b syndrome yet because it turns out in the next section our next category is herbs that treat b syndrome but if remember b syndrome this is a condition of an external invasion of wind cold damp this wind cold damp gets into the channels and obstructs or blocks or impedes the smooth flow of qi through the channels causing pain usually joint pain or difficulty bending and stretching the joints basically b syndrome is like arthritis and so that's something we'll talk about more in the next section i think we've talked a lot a bit a little bit before we remember we talked about chiang huo treats b syndrome chang huo is better for b syndrome in the upper body doohul is better for b syndrome in the lower body and we said think about uh maybe you have somebody that they have some old knee injury and when the weather outside is cold and damp and rainy then they get this uh their achy knee acts up they have some people that they can tell when it's going to rain because their knee starts acting up and we could say that's oh that's a sign that the wind cold dampness of the environment is affecting the joints it's obstructing the free flow of qi and causing joint pain so that's b syndrome and we normally say it's caused by a combination of wind cold and damp well it turns out if that wind cold damp stays in your joints long enough sometimes it can transform into heat and we get something called hot b so again this is like arthritis this is joint pain but instead of being a cold condition we can say that the the joint is red swollen and warm to the touch so that's what we mean by hot b so it turns out han fong ji is treating this type of hot b maybe think about like um a lot of times our example is rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid arthritis this is this isn't the condition where oh my elbow gets sore when it's cold and damp rheumatoid arthritis tends to be swollen red and warm to the touch so that's an example of hot b and it turns out bensky puts han vongjii in this category herbs that drain dampness other books like nigel weissman or chen and chen tend to put this category or tend to put this herb in the category herbs that expel wind dampness so other books actually put this in the category herbs that treat b syndrome because it has a strong action of treating b so we can say it has these two functions it could be that the second one is actually more important because i think we don't necessarily have a whole lot of herbs that treat hot b so it could be that second function of treating b syndrome is actually more important because a lot of books will put this in the category herbs that treat b syndrome so that's han fung ji it does promote urination to treat edema think lower body edema but also also think of treating b syndrome so that's han fung ji stefania chandra radix han fong ji you can think that this is stefania radix if you look at the latin name stefania you can think of that stefania she's a hot b uh she's good so she's good for hot b she's a that han fong ji look at that look at that herb it's a it's a sexy so steph stephanie is a hot bee she's good for hot b that's stephanie she's got a lot of dampness in the lower jaw cause i don't know but stephanie's a hot bee she's good for treating hot bee han pong ji iran quickest seaman e seaman this is jobs tears i actually don't know if you say jobs tears or jobs tier so i guess somebody in the chat tell me is it jobs tears or jobs tears type it out so i can so i don't keep saying the wrong thing iran quickest semen so this is something sometimes people call it pearl barley people think it looks like barley and it's true it looks like barley this is actually not barley it's similar but it's actually a different species i talked to warren sheer wrote a cookbook about um chinese herbs called ancient wisdom modern kitchen we did a podcast with him and he said he very specifically researched this about the different different types of things and he said you researched this and ee wren even though it looks like barley it's a separate species from barley so if you have some gluten thing or some issues with barley ee run is actually totally separate so even though it looks similar it's a different thing and you can't really substitute them either don't think that if you go to the store and next to the rice they have some barley that's not the same thing as ee grand this is something different so iren this is another important one um that we see come up quite a bit it's not quite a bit but we can use it commonly especially in food therapy so ee run promotes urination and leeches out dampness again for i should say mostly for edema and diarrhea we could also say difficult urination but this is the one we put in this category herbs that promote urination to treat edema i say it's mainly for edema very similar to fulang it also tonify spleen cheek so this is another herb that we'll see pop up very commonly in our spleen chi tonifying formulas because it has both an action of tonifying spleen chi and getting rid of the dampness because those two problems tend to go together so eeren is another one that does both that it promotes urination to get rid of the dampness and supports the spleen you can also say israel treats b syndrome especially when there's a joint mobility or spasm so maybe not necessarily a painful condition but more like mobility or spasms and it's another one that can clear heat and discharge pus for lung abscess and large intestine abscess so i guess those last two are kind of important i would think more about the first two as being the major herbs if you if you want to remember one or two things about ee gren i would say promotes urination to leech out dampness and tonify spleen cheat because one will we'll see this in some of our formulas for diarrhea due to dampness due to spleen sheet deficiency with dampness causing diarrhea we'll see ee wrench pop up there and it's also going to be very common to use in food therapy and so because even though it says technically not barley it kind of looks like you can cook it like like the same way you'd cook barley so it's very common if we want to give somebody some food therapy recommendations or supporting the spleen and taking care of dampness we might prescribe congee like a rice porridge because rice is also very good for supporting the spleen and draining dampness we'll say cook some congee but then add in some ee gen to help tonify the spleen and drain dampness but if we use it in decoction notice the dosage is larger than normal just because this is like a food it's very mild so when we use it in concoction our food type herbs we tend to use a larger than average dosage but we can say similar to fooling i mean it's slightly cold but similar it's sweet and bland again it's bland because it's promoting urination it's sweet because it's tonifying the spleen so that's and then maybe we can point out remember at the very beginning we talked about powder the different ways we can prepare the herbs in order to change or enhance its functions well it turns out we can all we can powder ee wren that we can dry fry it which is basically you put in a hot wok and just like toast it you do put in a wok but with no oil so that's we call it dry frying and then it becomes ciao ee dren and that enhances its ability to tonify the spleen so if we have to choose between promoting urination and tonifying the spleen if you want to do more tonifying the spleen you can use the chao iren version of euron the dry fried ee run so that's an example of using powder to alter or change the emphasis of the actions of an herb so that's iren sir is telling me it's pronounced job like job's tears i think that was i think he was a a care person in the bible i think the book of job we don't say the book of job it's the book of job so that makes sense jobs tears or coi or quickest semen so again think about uh spleen g deficiency damn that's because we're taking care of both and we're going to see this come up in our formulas for spleen she deficiency diarrhea so in terms of uh getting rid of damages it's good for edema and good for diarrhea due to spleen g deficiency dampness so that's ee dren coicos semen ee jen and here we have one that's it's gonna say it's not i don't want to say that it's not on the syllabus i think it's it is on the syllabus i'm not i'm not sure if it's on the ncc um list but um another one i like to prefer to put in this category is zindabarus resomatus cortex sheng jiang pi this is ginger peel so remember in warm accord release the exterior we talked about shenzhen is ginger root fresh ginger well shenzhen tea is the skin or the peel of ginger so it turns out when we look in bensky or really any material not just menski usually they discuss shenzhen p alongside shenzhen which kind of makes sense it's just a different form of the of the plant of the root but usually you put shenzhen in the category warm a could release the exterior i kind of feel like shenzhen p belongs more in this category herbs that drain dampness and just because when we talk about shanghang p yes it it may or may not have these other xiangjiang functions of promoting soyuz and harmonizing no gel but it promotes urination to treat edema especially for edema under the skin so this is another example of this is the skin of the herb so it's good for edema under the skin so even though i think this slide is in our warm a could release the exterior category because that's where bensky talks about it i feel like it makes more sense here in this category just because any time i've seen shenzhen pee in a formula it's for this function for promoting urination to treat edema especially for edema under the skin because p means skin or peel or cortex it's the skin of shenzhen so it's good for edema under the skin and so here those are our um herbs from the category uh or from the weissman section herbs that treat edema or dampness disinhibiting water or swelling dispersing medicine herbs that treat edema so maybe we can just mention a few formulas that kind of illustrate this so uh one major one is ulangsan which is not regulate the middle pill looks like i made a i made a mistake in my slides boolean's on is not regulate the middle pill looks like i made a copy base there oolingsan is five ingredient with poriya powder oolingsan ooh means five ling means fooling or jeweling uh san means powder a wooling sand five ingredient with poria powder and so we can say this is this is actually a jongjeong jing formula and it was originally for this taiyang disorder where you have a water buildup and it's a like a taiong excess sort of thing not sure we really treat a whole lot of taiyong syndrome in the clinic but it turns out we can also use it for spleen qi deficiency leading to water accumulation so edema heaviness in the body diarrhea due to dampness or water anything urinary difficulty because there's urine blocking the smooth flow of urine possible vomiting and diarrhea so this is uh the spleen crapped out the spleen is no longer it's failing in its function to transform dampness so we give this water accumulation and so we can see some of our our herbs from this category this year draining dampness and here we have this combination of both fooling and jeweling so here's an example where we're using both of them together fooling plus jeweling so this is an example of when the spleen fails to transform water and dampness we get things like edema heavy body urinary difficulty we'll use these herbs like sushier fooling jeweling you can notice wager is also there wager or cinnamon twig so if you remember way back the war mac had released the exterior we said guajir is really good for taiyang deficiency and that's why we have this tai yang disorder but if you remember the second function of wager it has a section of warming and unblocking and one of the things that we said is it warms the uv and unblocks the uv uh so that the urine can flow and so wager it's a warm we said it helps warm warm that has some action of helping out the spleen as well so here we're dealing with the spleen but we're also using the action of unblocking the uv to deal with urinary retention so we have wager that's an herb that we've seen before but we're using it for that function baijiu is a very famous herb for tonifying spleen cheese so baiju and fuling is a combination we'll see together quite a bit because baijiu is good for tonifying spleen fooling good for draining dampness so here's an example of what we mean when we say water accumulation or edema and here's an example of a formula we might use when spleen is deficient and can no longer transform water so we're taking this dual action of tonifying the spleen and promoting urination to get rid of the water so that's oolingsand we have another one called wupison five peel powder pison here i actually use the correct english name wu pison file five peel powder again p means skin or peel or bark or outer layer and so here we have five ingredients all of them have p in the name and again we specifically we see fooling pea remember fooling we had all those different forms of fooling regular fooling is good for tonifying the spleen and draining dampness uh true fooling is good for edema but when or urination problems when there's heat signs red means heat uh fooling pee is the skin of fooling so it's good for edema under the skin fushen is good for the shen so here in our five p or five skin powder we see fooling p and then again we see our shenzhen p the skin of shenzhong is good for adena under the skin so we have this is good for skin edema generalized edema heaviness but again edema under the skin we see our tongue coat has a white greasy coat because of the dampness this is dampness accumulating and a deep pulse so that's on five peel and so that's just like to throw that in as an example of when we might choose fooling p rather than just regular boolean here's an example where it comes up so those were our herbs that are mainly for treating edema again not all of them just treated only edema there's some overlap but next we move into our herbs that treat lynn syndrome lynn syndrome uh wiseman called this urine disinhibiting strangulary freeing medicinals and we have when he says strangery he means lynn syndrome or painful rough difficult urination where the urine is not flowing smoothly this is usually due to a damp heat pathogen blocking the smooth flow of urine so the urine can't get out it dribbles or is rough or is painful so later when you get into i think later semesters of fcm or diagnosis and treatment whatever you call those classes later we'll talk about the seven types of lin syndrome there are seven types of lin syndrome here we're just going to talk about the first four because those are the more interesting those are the ones that are going to come up in this category so we talk about lynn syndrome we're talking about this rough painful difficult urination but we have a usually due to a damp heat pathogen but we have a couple types we have uh heat strangurie or hotline julian and so this is we have a damp heat pathogen blocking the smooth flow of urine and our main symptom is a burning sensation this is hotline so we have a lot of heat signs when we say damp heat it's the heat that's predominant and so we have a lot of painful burning sensation uh with urination we have bloody lin or blood strangery or schweilen shui means blood and so this is lynn syndrome difficult painful rough urination when there's blood in the urine so this is very typical of a uti urinary tract infection we'll have this urgent but scanty urination with blood in the urine so that's schwelin bloody lin cloudy lin or this cloudy stranger yeah i forget what i forget what why smell how weisman translates this but i have seen it as cloudilyn or gaolin in chinese cloudy lin i think you might say milky stranger milky lin milky or cloudy um here the urine is cloudy or milky why is it cloudy or milky uh two possibilities excess and deficiency in an excess case of cloudy ling syndrome the reason the urine is cloudy is because there's dampness there's like there's in terms of a damp heat pathogen blocking the smooth flow of urine this is there's a lot of dampness and that dampness is coming out in the urine and turning the urine cloudy or milky so that's one type of gaolin then we also have a deficiency type of gaolin with deficiency what's happening is because the because there's deficiency the kidneys can't hold in the essence and so there's essence that's leaking out with the urine and so that essence is turning the urine cloudy or milky so it's like i'm trying to preserve my jing but my jing is coming out in my urine it's turning cloudy but that can happen with both men and women that cloudiness could be a sign that the essence is leaking out with the urine then we say stoneline we can say stonelin sherlin or sometimes it's a shaolin sandlin that they're they're very similar it's just stonelin means like urinary tract stones kidney stones you got stones coming out shaolin means sandlin it's just it's like there's sand coming out which i which i'd assume means they're smaller particles they haven't yet formed the big rocks it's more like a sand thing but there we're basically talking about kidney stones or urinary tract stones and so those are different types of lin and we might see some of these pop up that some of our herbs might be they're all good for lynn syndrome but some might be better for certain types of lynn syndrome so that's something we're going to pay attention to with our herbs that treat lynn syndrome so our first one is chichenza plantaguino semen plant a guinness semen this is plantain seed so we talked about water plantains the chia now we have plantain seeds plant again semen so so we've kind of moved into the section of herbs that treat lynn syndrome herbs that are promoting urination but treating a damp heat condition of painful dribbling urination so chuchienzo promotes promotes urination and clears damp heat uh it's good for lynn syndrome or edema due to damp heat so again there's some overlap it's not like it only treats the lint syndrome and we completely left edema behind this still treats edema but here we're talking specifically about damp heat some more for edema or more for lynn syndrome or edema due to damp heat this is also interesting we can also say it promotes urination to solidify the stool for diarrhea due to damp heat or damp summer heat so kind of if you remember when you talk about damp heat it's very common that a loose stool sloppy stool or diarrhea is a condition that can occur with damp heat we're going to have a sticky loose stool because there's damp heat and so what we're saying here is to get rid of that damp heat we can uh guide that damp heat out through the urine and once we get rid of the damp heat through the urine that will take care of the diarrhea so that's kind of that's kind of interesting that we're even by promoting urination we're treating the diarrhea but again kind of the underlying factor here is we're getting rid of the damp heat through the urine we're disinhibiting the urine so that damp heat can come out so that's chuchienza i think damp mostly that i would think damn peatland syndrome but think about promoting urination to get rid of damp heat gittienza also has an action of clearing liver heat to brighten eyes i think this is something that we talked about before when we talk about the liver the eyes are governed by the liver so when we have heat in the liver channel we can have eye problems like dry eyes red eyes itchy eyes swollen eyes and so we have this action clear liver heat to brighten eyes i think we talked about this before with in the drain fire category and jouer mingza in the drain fire category those are two very famous herbs for out of the section of clearing liver heat two bright and eyes so those are some other herbs with that action now we have one more chuchienza is another one that clears liver heat to brighten eyes i think technically bensky says this can also be for eye problems due to blood deficiency but it's going to depend on how we combine it with other herbs if we combine it with other tonifying herbs like gochitsa then we can use it for eye problems due to blood deficiency or if we combine it with heat cleaner herbs we can use it for eye problems due to liver heat liver young right and so chiccienza is another herb that clears liver heat to brighten eyes also clears long heat for cough with copious plum i can't think of anything off the top of my head where we use this for this herb for the action so i think the main one is for promoting urination to clear dampita think of chuchienza as uh promoting urination to clear damp heat and if you have your sample of chichinsa i don't know if you can tell from this picture but these are very tiny seeds these are very tiny seeds and what happens is they're so small when you cook it into a decoction if you pour your decoction through a strainer oftentimes these seeds are small enough that they'll go right through the strainer and you end up with like a bunch of chichenza in your herbal decoction and people don't like that so we often have this uh thing of this instruction of when we cook chichen chichenza put it in a tea bag put it in one basically a tea bag just so that these little seeds don't slip through the strainer and end up in your decoction so that's chuchienza plantain seed promoting urination to take care of damp heat especially for lynn syndrome or difficult rough painful urination sure talcum hwa sure talcum washer is talcum or talc or the a powder you can see i i didn't put a picture here because it turns out like it's like talcum it's a white powder it turns out it's really hard to take a picture of a white powder i think um i i think i had some slides where i just uh i googled white powder and i like found a picture of cocaine and that's kind of what it looks like it's just a pile of white powder i think baby powder is talcum or talc hua sure so why sure uh we're in this category of treating lynn syndrome so it promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome so why sure promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome and again we can think about this it's a mineral it's a white mineral maybe you can think it looks like ice so it's good for clearing heat specifically promoting urination to treat lynn syndrome this is a very important order for treating hot lin syndrome so jetlin are painful rough difficult urination where a burning sensation is one of our key symptoms for hotlin we can also use this for diarrhea due to damp heat so again we're getting rid of that uh damp heat and that will help out with the diarrhea so washer is promoting urination to get rid of damp heat specifically for hotline and for diarrhea due to damp heat what's also interesting about hwa sure is it clears summer heat as well washer clear summer heat so i think so far we've learned a few herbs with this action of clearing summer heat it turns out we don't have a specific category of clearing summer heat but we they're kind of scattered throughout our other categories so i think our most famous one is gua watermelon shi gua is good for summer heat because you eat watermelon during the summer other food items we talked about were you do and you do is green bean or mung bean you do clear summer heat and who yeah is lotus leaf also clear summer heat we also talked about qing hao ah sweet wormwood or artemisia qinghao from the clear deficiency category clear summer heat and now here we have another one washer clear summer heat of all those i think i think um shigua is probably the easiest to take you can just if uh if it gets hot during the summer you can tell your patients eat some watermelon beat the heat it's to clear out some of that heat generate some fluids and promote urination to deal with summer heat sure it turns out i think is a very important one because we do have a formula called lyo isan leo is on to one powder this is like basically on our nccm list there is one formula that's good for summer heat and it's yo esan leo isan is two herbs washer plus gonzal licorice in a six to one ratio so six parts washer one part gansai so basically we have one formula that's good for summer heat the main ingredient is washer probably a good idea to remember that washer treats summer heat and also this is talc so we can use it topically to treat damp related skin problems so we can say that washer absorbs dampness when we use it topically because it's like a powder it's baby powder so things like eczema damp sores summer rash think about your hot and sweaty during the summer you can use some of that washer to absorb some of that dampness it's kind of like i got those fat thighs and so when it's hot my fat thighs rub together and they create a lot of heat and dampness and i get these rashes down there you can use washer to absorb some of that dampness so maybe that's how you can remember how sure besides promoting urination to treat lymph syndrome the this kind of summer heat and skin problems go together because usually you get hot and sweaty and damp and have all these problems with the during the summer where your damp skin is rubbing together but you can also use it internally for internal signs of summer heat like our fever headache difficult urination things like that so that's washer uh washer again it has this um cooking instruction of washer as a powder so we want to put it in a bag like a tea bag otherwise we'll just have this talcum floating in our decoction and that is not pleasant to drink so washer if we're going to cook it in decoction we need to put it in a tea bag just so we don't end up with a with a powdery decoction and as for the name hua means slippery and sure means stone so sure is slippery stone so maybe you can think that it's hot and you're hot and sweaty and so you get all slippery uh or you can think of you have some damp heat obstructing the lower jaw obstructing the smooth flow of urine so washer makes things slippery so now the urine can come out instead of being difficult and painful and inhibited we're making that we're making everything slippery so it comes right out washer slippery stone and whenever i talk about washer and say it's like talcum or baby powder people are always asking me doesn't that stuff cause cancer and honestly i don't know i tried to read up on this and it seems like everybody says something different as far as i can tell when we talk about talc causing cancer i believe this was specifically johnson and john this is i don't want to get sued i believe this is specifically one manufacturer of baby powder had certain manufacturing problems where their baby powder may have ended up with asbestos in it so i think it has something to do with the mining practices of a specific company that was making baby powder i'm not entirely sure if pure talc causes uh would cause any of these problems by itself so people always ask me that i'm like i i don't really know if you wanna go look up talcum and read for yourself um but one application of this if you remember before in the heat toxicity category we talked about this uh formula ching daison indigo powder ching daison indigo powder and of course in chiang dai san the main ingredient is ching dai remember we talked about ching dai in the clear heat resolve toxicity category it's especially good for rashes and skin problems so we brought this this powder up before in that category we take ching daisan we can use it as a powder and apply it topically or we can mix it like with a vaseline or petroleum jelly and make it into a plaster and called chiang dai gao ching dai plaster anyway if you remember we were talking about this is good for all types of skin disorder due to dampness and itching so all types of skin disorders that prevent that present with erosion heat swelling itching and pain things like acute eczema contact dermatitis and that means like poison oak poison ivy plant things allergic dermatitis so all these things where we have itchiness and dampness in the skin we said ching dai is from our heat toxicity category it's indigo it's especially good for skin problems shu sure gao remember we talked about that in the drain fire category sure gao we can take it internally and it's good for lung and stomach heat that's good for yang ming channel heat but sure gao we can cook it or calcine it and becomes shu sure gao or dwan trigao then we can crush into a powder it's good for clearing heat topically from the skin well we talked about that we said there's another powder in there another white stone powder a washer and so here we see hwasher is being used applied topically to take care of these skin problems then we also have huang bai from the damp heat category clear heat dry dampness is another one we can use topically to take care of skin problems so this is an example of washer talcum being used in a topical formula to help with certain skin disorders so that's just something i like to bring up because this is a kind of a fun example it's kind of a fun thing to make in class sometimes i would use this as a class demonstration we would mix these together and turn it into ching dai gao so that's hwasher talcum again like we said we want to put it in a bag because it's a powder that's washer talcum or slippery stone so it's good for summer heat we don't have a lot of herbs that treat summer heat so it should probably remember washer for summer heat and also a very important herb for hot lynn syndrome mu tong a kebabi i call this mu tong a kevi i call us this is a very this is a good one the name is very important we'll talk about that later but mootong a kevi i call us is in this category of promoting urination treatment syndrome so it's good for promoting urination to treat lynn syndrome for difficult urination due to damp heat in the lower gel that's what that's just what we mean by lint syndrome there's a damp heat pathogen blocking the smooth flow of urine so by promoting urination we're getting rid of that damp heat and uh helping with the lynn syndrome but what's also important about mutong is it also clears heart heat for the condition of heart heat pouring into small intestine so mutong treats heart heat pouring in the small intestine and so if you remember i believe we did talk about this before i believe we talked about this in the category herbs that drain fire and we talked about it with the herb don julie lofeteri herba don julie bland bamboo leaf that's another herb that has a specific function of clearing heart heat for heart heat pouring into the small intestine so if you remember what we said is there are three main symptoms or three categories of symptoms for heart heat if we have heat in the heart we're gonna see shen problems that heat disturbs the spirit so we're gonna see shen problems like anxiety insomnia irritability palpitation the heart starts pounding or racing in your chest we can consider that a shen problem so number one heat disturbs the shen and causes shen problems number two is we're going to see mouth sores or tongue source at the heart sprouts in the tongue so when we have heart heat it's very common to see mouse sores or tongue sores and number three was urination problems and the way we explain this the urination problems we say heart heat is pouring into the small intestine so there's heat in the heart that that heat goes to the yin yang pair of the heart the small intestine and now we have heat in the small intestine it goes to the taiyong pear the urinary bladder and then we get urination problems difficult rough painful urination so that's how we explain heart heat pouring into the small intestine causing urination problems so here mu tong is treating this heart heat pouring in the small intestine for like irritability or shen problems irritability anxiety insomnia mouth sores because the heart sprouts in the tongue so heat in the heart will go up into the mouth and cause mouth sores and difficult urination due to heart heat pouring into the small intestine so a mutong a very important herb for heart heat pouring into the small intestine we'll talk about that a little bit more later mutong we also say it promotes lactation so this would be for poor lactation i think we say specifically due to blood stagnation not we talk about poor lactation insufficient lactation there's not enough breast milk coming out basically our two possibilities is we might have some deficiency usually blood deficiency that there's not enough blood or nourishment to actually produce the milk and that's why we have insufficient lactation or it could be that there the milk is there there's enough of it but it's not flowing out so we can have lactation due to stagnation that's usually what we're talking about with mutong and then we can say that mutong unblocks the channels to treat b syndromes or sometimes we say it unblocks the blood vessels that's why it's good for certain types of blood stagnation so stagnation causing insufficient lactation stagnation causing amenorrhea or stagnation causing b syndrome we can usually say for hot b or ruby so again i would say the name of this herb is important because mu means wood it's like the when we talk about the five phases the wood phase is mu means wood or i think tree is a better translation for that because we say moo we're not necessarily talking about lumber or dead wood that you would build a house with we're more talking about trees that grow upward and spread outward because that's that's what the liver does the liver goes upward and spreads outward the color of wood is green so we're talking about green wood when we say moo that's not important what's more important is tong first tone means free flow so tong means unblock or free flow so like there's a very famous saying in chinese medicine but [Music] so it's kind of fun when you say it fast at once and what that means is basically where there's stagnation there's pain where there's pain there's stagnation so this is a very kind of a famous saying in chinese medicine so it turns it's kind of fun because tong fourth tone means pain tong first tone means free flow so we're saying uh where there's a lack of free flow you have pain where there's pain there's a lack of free flow so i guess the point here is tone first tone means free flow or uninhibited or last time when we talked about the downward draining herbs we talked about this phrase free the stool that these uh these downward draining herbs unblock the intestines and free the stool that or that word there we were using as tone first tone and so in the name of this herb it means free flow or unblock and that's what this herb is doing it's unblocking the the urine it's unblocking and creating smooth flow of urine by treating lint syndrome it's unblocking the smooth flow of breast milk to promote lactation it's unblocking the blood vessels to treat amenorrhea and stagnation that's unblocking the channels to treat b syndrome so we say tong unblocking that's telling us the functions of these herbs so mu tong tong means unblock or free flow or freeing freeing the movement and so that's what we're doing we're freeing the we're freeing the urine so it can come out smoothly or freeing the breast milk so it can come out smoothly and we're freeing the channels to treat that b syndrome so that's mu tong a kebabia us very important for treating lynn syndrome uh difficult urination and also we should especially say it's good for heart heat pouring into the small intestine so it turns out this comes up in a formula called dauterson guide out the red powder dalterson guide out the red powder and we can say this is a formula for heart heat pouring into the small intestine so irritability heat in the chest thirst with a desire for cold drinks is a sign of heat red face soars in the mouth because again the heart sprouts in the tongue so that heat in the heart comes up into the tongue also for dark scanty rough painful urination basically lynn syndrome or difficult urination due to heart heat pouring into the small intestine the tongue is red because of the heat the pulse is rapid because of the heat and it turns out that our main herbs are the ones we talked about mutung acabiacalas and don julie lofeteri herba both of these herbs have this very um distinct or funny action of clearing heart heat pouring into the small intestine and here they're used together in a formula for heart heat pouring in the small intestine so maybe it's a good idea to remember that mu tong and don julie are good for heart heat pouring into the small intestine specifically manifesting as rough dark scanty painful urination but also for irritability shen problems and mouth sores so that's mu tong a cubia collis heart keep pouring into the small intestine it turns out we have another one called dunshin sao junkie medulla or junzi medulla again uh apologies to the native chinese speakers i'm very bad at pronouncing the pronouncing the word sao people a lot of chinese people tell me it sounds like zao like that so i have trouble with this uh this consonant in particular when i say tsao so if it sounds like i'm saying dongshin dao sorry anyway dunchin thao promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome and we're in this category of promoting urination treatment syndrome dongxinsau promotes your nation treatment syndrome not a whole lot else to say we can also say that dungeon cell also has this action of clearing heart heat for heart heat pouring into the small intestine but again it's it's a little bit more mild than mu tong you if you remember our our formula dalcher son mutong was there but deng xin sao was not there so it's a little bit more mild we don't necessarily use it but it is good especially for childhood sleep disorders so so this is a little bit more mild to use for children when those when children have heat in the heart it manifests these shen problems in this case insomnia sleep disorders where they have some irritability and also some dark scanty urine or our specific type of shen problem is night terrors due to heat in the heart so that's when we use dungeon sao and we can also say it's for insomnia due to kidney and heart not communicating this is something we'll talk about later that normally the water of the kidney is supposed to balance out the fire of the heart so if if kidney water is deficient it doesn't come up and cool off the heart until the heart fire flares out of control and we call that uh heart and kidney miscommunication our heart and kidney not communicating so we can say this is an error for insomnia due to that type of pattern but basically uh in addition we definitely want to know that it's good for uh urination problems due to damp heat so it promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome but it's also good for heart heat causing shen problems and this heart heat pouring into the small intestine so the way i remembered this initially the way i remember this is if you look at the name dung shin sao that sheen the character sheen means heart so dang shin sao has the word heart in it it's good for clearing heart heat especially for heart heat pouring into the small intestine so when i was in school that's how i remembered it is sheen means heart it's good for clearing heart heat later when i started teaching i had a chinese student who said yes it's true that sheen does indeed mean heart however as a compound term dang sheen when you put them together means lamp wick so dunchin sao is lampwick herb it's kind of like if you have an oil lamp and you're you're lighting the whey uh dungeon is lampwick the herb actually looks like this lamp wick that's lighting the lighting the lamp and so you can think about dungeon style as lampwick herb if you have a child who's who can't sleep and is afraid of the dark it could be that you'll want to light a night light you'll want to have a they're afraid of the dark so you turn on a night light or you light a lamp and so that can maybe help you remember that lampwick herb is good for night terrors or childhood sleep disorders so that's dangchin sao medulla either think of sheen means heart so it's good for heart heat or you can think of it's a lamp wick you're turning on a night light for your children who can't sleep so that's dang shinsau junsi medulla i guess that sounds like a lot more wholesome than the the dong comments i was making later earlier stephanie being a hot bee so sorry we're mixing those two now we're talking about children who can't sleep anyway next is chumai the anthi herba promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome especially for shuilin or bloody land so promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome it's good for any type of lint syndrome but we especially for blood in the urine and it also invigorates blood but again it's not a major herb it turns out we have an entire category of herbs that invigorate blood so this would be more of a secondary herb so chumai just think lynn syndrome if you want to remember anything special think about blood in the urine bienshoe promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome for lynn syndrome due to damp heap so yeah good for it's in it's good for lynn syndrome if we wanted to add anything else we can say this is another herb that's good for parasites and again when we say parasites in chinese medicine we can mean real intestinal parasites like tapeworm hookworm pinworm or we can mean for fungal infections like tinea damp skin lesions with itching so sometimes we mean real infections or sometimes we mean fungal infections actually i put hookworm there i think hookworm isn't actually worm i think hookworm is a fungal infection so either one we're talking about intestinal worms or we're talking about itchy skin fungus infections so and it turns out these two are often used together as paired herbs we could say this is the way up here chumai plus bien shu and it's good for um treating lynn syndrome i think when i said she is that sounded more french than chinese so it's getting late um but yeah damn peatland syndrome chuma bienchu just kind of remember they belong to this category uh de futsa coqui fructus now d means earth zooming seed i don't remember what the other one means d futsa kokyo hits promotes urination to treatment syndrome it's also just good for damp heat so we can use it either internally in a decoction or we can use it externally as a wash for treating skin problems due to damp heat so eczema scabies fungal fungal infections genital itching so if you remember before when we talked about some of the some of the damp heat herbs we mentioned this um patent formula called yin care that you can you can go you can find this on amazon yin care and it's something that we can use for these damp heat skin problems we can you can use it for like regular skin problems but we can actually it comes with like a douche applicator so a lot of people use it um as a douche as a for like yeast infections for vaginal issues and so we we looked at some of the herbs there a lot of them were damp herbs we had things like huang bai clearing heat and drying dampness from the low lower jaw cushion bitter root remember cushion is good for your cooch so it showed up in there in that formula it turns out defusa is another one that's in this formula yin care for these damp heat skin problems so in addition we can take it internally to promote urination and get rid of the damp heat that way we can also apply it externally for these damp heat skin problems and one example of that is this formula yin care so that's d futsa kokiya fructus ah we're still going bca dyscoria hypoglycemia b b promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome i'm not sure this is a very commonly used herb um so i'd mostly remember it belongs to this category of uh draining dampness but but specifically for promoting urination to treat lynn syndrome if we wanted to say anything special we would say this one is for gaolin or cloudy lin so this is especially for the dampness so we can say for cloudy cloudy urine where the dampness is actually coming out in the urine and causing it to turn cloudy or even for vaginal discharge due to dampness in the lower jaw so that's what if you want to remember something special about bca i might remember gaolin because that stands out but maybe you just want to remember that belongs to this category drain dampness and promoting urination to treat lynn syndrome yes don quixote don quixote now thai fructose don't quit or we can call it don quixo don't quit now by fructose again it's in this category herbs that treat lynn syndrome it treats lynn syndrome uh we can say it's for hotlin uh so burning sensation it's good for bloody lin or blood in the urine or it's good for stone land when we have stone urinary tract stones we can say it's for this it's also promotes urination to edema you can maybe remember it benefits the breasts for insufficient for insufficient lactation due to stagnation so again this is similar to mutung but also painful swollen breast early stage breast abscess so the thing about when we talked about heat toxicity pugonging we said was good for breast abscess we said that um mang xiao the salt could be applied externally for breast abscess and by taking care of those breast abscesses it could help the milk flow this is kind of a similar thing where it can be either for insufficient lactation due to stagnation or for some painful swollen mastitis or breast abscess and moistens the large and destined to relieve constipation so yeah this is another herb that has dong in the name maybe that's another i guess maybe you could you just think the same thing you got you had too much dong and you ended up with a uti you ended up with that uh burning sensation when you pee you got blood in your urine it's because you had too much dong benefits the breasts i'm sure there's some dong penis joke you can make in there moistens the large intestine i'm not going to judge you based on where you like your dong so don quixote good for those things i'd probably just remember maybe just remember lynn syndrome if you want to remember benefits the breasts you can do that too moistens large intestine that's really just because it's a seed like we said these seeds tend to have oils that generally lubricate the large intestine and maybe that's important if you like dong sure way pyrosci fullium i think this is why they don't let me teach in real schools anymore sure way pyrocyphoil fully i'm way promotes urination to treat lynn syndrome we're in the category promoting urination to treat lint syndrome this herb promotes urination to treat lint syndrome again we can use it for hotlin painful uh burning sensation bloody lin blood in the urine or for stoneline due to damp heat so maybe so even though we say it's for all three of those i think the way the one i remember is like we said sure means stone and so this is especially this is good for stone lin so that's what i remember about this herb uh clears heat and stops bleeding so again if we have an herb that clears heat and stops bleeding and an herb that treats lint syndrome we put them together it's probably a really good herb for bloody lin also for lung heat i'm not sure how often it's used for that again i would just remember this is in our category lynn syndrome good for lynn syndrome oh good we're finally done jin chien sao this is this is another one that it's not on the syllabus i believe it's not on the ncclm list but i like to include it because it's actually a very useful herb it's an herb that you should have in your clinic it's an herb that you should be familiar with jin chen sao i don't know what that latin name is supposed to be but jin chen sao means gold coin leaf jean means gold uh like we said that jin hua is a gold and silver flower jean means gold jin shin sao means gold coin leaf and yes it's in this category that it promotes urination but i'd say it's specialty is that it's good for stone so we say promotes urination and expels stones for so it's good for various types of limbs but especially for sherlin or stoneline so you can use it for urinary tract stones or kidney stones clears liver gallbladder damp heat and expels stones so it's good for gall stones so so that's why i think this is a good herb to have because these are things you might see and this is something that i mean it could be if a person has kidney stones that's a very serious thing you want them to go to the doctor you want them to go to the er and and make sure they don't have any problems but maybe as an adjunctive treatment some people might use jin chian sao to help with that because this is something that we can just drink it you can use it as a single herb and just drink it as a tea so it's a leaf you can just uh pour it in there and pour boiling water over it and drink it as a tea the dosage is larger than average 15 to 30 grams so if you're gonna do this you need to use a pretty good dosage of it um but we use this for stones let me just mention here jin shin sao means gold coin herb and so actually uh i think this might be the first one we learned but eventually there are three herbs that uh have this action of dissolving stones they all have gene in the name so this one jin chen sao gold coin leaf hygiene sha and then jeane jean is chicken gizzard so you can think that chicken gizzards are part of a chicken's digestive tract that chickens peck and they eat stones and they get these stones in their gizzard to help them digest food so chicken gizzards are good for dissolving stones you can eat you can take this lining of the chicken gizzard and use it to dissolve stones but the one in this category is jinshan sao so that might be it's usually not on our syllabus but we usually have it in our clinic in our herb room and it's a good one to know so in this category of herbs that treat lynn syndrome we can talk about some formulas so basically we said that bensky just has one big list of herbs that drain dampness but these other books divided up that herbs that treat edema herbs that treat lynn syndrome and herbs that treat jaundice and one of the reasons i feel confident that we can divide it up this way is our major formula for treating damp heat lin syndrome is called ah jongson i must have done a really bad job of copying and pasting bajunks on is eight rectification powder apparently i copied and pasted and forgot to change the english names so bajung san is eight rectification powder this is our main formula for damp heat lin syndrome with dark turbid scanty difficult and painful urination the tongue has a yellow greasy coat because there's damp heat that damp heat is blocking the smooth flow of urine but gets reflected on the tongue as a yellow greasy coat it gets reflected in pulse as a rapid slippery pulse rapid means heat slippery means dampness rapid and slippery means damp heat anyway this is our main formula for damp heat lin syndrome there are eight ingredients six of those eight ingredients were basically just listing out the herbs in that category so that's why i say we can be pretty confident that these herbs that their specialty is treating lynn syndrome because just we just put all of them together into this formula for treating dam peatland syndrome so bajung-san this is probably a very famous formula something you'll probably definitely see being used in the clinic i'd say it's almost overused that whenever somebody comes in with a uti they automatically think let's give them ba jung-son eight herb rectification powder you can see mu tong uh tong means to unblock free flow it's unblocking the free flow of urine washer was talcum's slippery stone we said it's a very important herb for uh lynn syndrome due to heat chichinza was our plantain seed we have chumai and bienshu we said we often use these together as paired herbs dengshin sao that was our lampwick herb that's good for heart heat but here we're using it for the action of promoting urination to treat lynn syndrome then these the other two herbs that are not from this category it turns out we've already learned those as well so we say jerza gardenia fructus that was in the drain fire category we said that djirza clears heat from all three jiao and specifically drains it out through the urine so this is another urination herb da huang is rhubarb root da huang ray radix at rhizoma that was in our last category of downward draining herbs da huang is really good for treating constipation but if you remember we had all these functions of da hong we said it purges the large intestine it's good for clearing heat it's good for invigorating the blood then at the very end we said it's good for damp heat especially for jaundice and lynn syndrome and so the reason i brought that up is because it's in this very famous formula for lynn syndrome so da huang we can i can pretty confidently say has an action of treating lin syndrome because it's in this formula ba jung-sun so this is this i just like to bring up because you're going to see this formula used in clinic and it's basically we took all of these herbs that treat lynn syndrome and just stuck them together in one formula and that's ba yongsan a very famous formula for treating uh urinary tract infections or difficult painful burning urination possibly with blood in the urine and then our last of those categories we we said when we have herbs that drain dampness we could divide it up into herbs that treat edema herbs that treat lynn syndrome and then herbs that treat jaundice and there is only one herb in our herbs that treat jaundice and that is yin chen some people call it yin-chen some people are yin chen hao so artemisia scopariai herba yin chen or yin chen hao basically yin chen is very good for jaundice yin chen is our number one herb for jaundice technically we can use it for either yin type jaundice or yang type jaundice so yang type jaundice due to damp heat or yin type jaundice due to cold damp depending on how we combine it i think we want to use it for yin type jaundice we have to combine it with some other herbs but either way yin chen hao is our number one herb for jaundice if you remember anything about yin chen hao think jaundice whenever he see yin chen hao think jaundice so it turns out we have a formula for jaundice it's called yin chen hao tong guess what the chief verb of yin chen hao tong is it's yin chen hao so here we have this is a formula for yang type or damp heat jaundice so whole body jaundice with a color that resembles fresh tangerine so i think yin type jaundice has more of a dull yellow color this is bright tangerine slight abdominal tension urinary difficulty because again we have damp heat blocking the smooth flow of urine thirst and we only take little sips um yeah so sometimes we say this says thirst with with little sips or sometimes we say thirst with no desire to drink and this is a damp heat thing that because of the heat we feel thirsty but because of the dampness we don't want to drink anything so we can say thirst with no desire to drink or here we're saying thirst but you only take little sips because the heat makes you thirsty but you got all this dampness you don't want to like chug a whole bunch of water because oh you got this dampness you only take little soups and little or no sweating sweating i don't know why we say sweat anyway yellow greasy coat because of the damp heat rapid slippery pulse because of the damp heat this is jaundice due to damp heat what when you see jaundice what herbs should you think of think of yin chen hao but again we also see some other herbs we learned jerzo good for clearing um clears heat from all three jowl and drains it out through the urine we probably if you go back and look at your jersey notes we probably said something about it treating jaundice here's an example of jertsa treating jaundice and again we have da huang big yellow we said da hwang besides being a purgative it also clears damp heat for lin syndrome and jaundice da huang huang means yellow jaundice is when your skin turns yellow huang means yellow you pee out yellow stuff so da huang is good for urination problems and for jaundice and so here we have a couple examples of da huang being used in that way but the point here is this is yin chen hao tong and it's our uh it's a formula for jaundice so whenever you see yin chen or yen chen hao think jaundice can be used externally to treat damp related skin problems if i were to remember anything about yin chen or yin chen hao i would think jaundice so those are our herbs that drain dampness so if you want to do a quick summary first we start off with all of our foolings remember we start off in uh herbs that treat edema or we could say dampness disinhibiting swelling dispersing medicinals is a nigel weissman's way of saying promotes urination to treat edema so our first one is fooling remember fooling it's bland in flavor because it promotes urination but it's also sweet in flavor because it codifies the spleen so we definitely want to remember those two things about fooling chur fooling is red fooling red means heat trifuling is for edema with heat signs or urination problems with heat signs cooling p is a skin of fooling it's good for edema under the skin and again we saw that with our formula pisan five peel powder fushen is the part that includes the root fushen calms the shen after that we had juuling jooling sounds similar to fulang but julian is different in that it's better at promoting urination it does not tonify the spleen like fooling does and it's colder in temperature so juuling a more powerful diuretic action but it doesn't have that ton flying action that fooling does this yeah water plantains this year promotes urination but specifically lower jaw and our associate entered the kidney ub channel so think about lower jaw don guatsa drains damp especially for vaginal discharge because you you're you're into dong and you gotta you got a yeast infection it's also good for some large intestine issues er lung abscess han fung ji it does promote urination to drain dampness but it also treats hot b syndrome other books will actually put this in the b syndrome category so han fong ji is stefania tetron diuretics uh that's stephanie she's a hot bee iran job's tears uh again kind of similar to fooling in that it's bland in flavor because it promotes urination but it's sweet in flavor because it tonifies the spleen so we use this in a lot of spleen qi deficiency with dampness formulas especially when there's either edema or diarrhea due to dampness we also said it's good for b syndrome and some other things but i remember similar to fooling sweet and bland because it promotes urination and tonifies after that we got into our lynn syndrome one so chichinsa is plantain seed good for lynn syndrome edema diarrhea so that lower damp soft washer is talcum powder so very important for lint syndrome also clears summer heat we haven't had a lot of herbs at clear summer heat so remember washer is good for summer heat mu tong tong means free flow or unblock so it unblocks the urine so the urine can come out it unblocks the nipples so the breast milk can come out it unblocks the channels to treat b syndrome but mutong is also very important for heart heat pouring into the small intestine it comes up in that formula dowcherson guide out the red powder dangchin junsi medulla also good for lin syndrome we saw it come up in that ba jung song but a dung sheen sao also for heart heat pouring in the small intestine especially for childhood sleep disorder so childhood insomnia childhood night terrors dengshin sao means lampwick herb and so you can think about if your children have night terrors you want to turn on a night light or you want to light a lamp so use lampwick herb chumai and benshu are good for lynn syndrome defusa good for lynn syndrome but can also be used externally to treat damp heat skin problems so we can use it for problems on the skin we can use that as a wash if you've got a yeast infection or things like that bca lynn syndrome if you want you can think gowling uh sure way lynn syndrome sure means stone so that's why i think of stone lin don quixote good for lynn syndrome also benefits the breasts and he said it's kind of like a mutong and uh don quixote are the ones here that benefit the breasts but um don quixote also think about like breast abscess mastitis in terms of benefiting breast not only treating lactation also treating breast abscess mastitis and then yin chen or yen chen hao think jaundice so yin chen yin chen hao think jaundis and those are our herbs that drain dampness so that's it for this category herbs that drain dampness that was a long one we're at like two hours right now it is 10 10 p.m my time i'm running out of steam so that's what we're going to say for herbs that drain dampness if you're here live thank you for being here live if you're watching this on the replay thanks for watching this on the replay as always special thank you to the patreon members for supporting the youtube channel the website and everything we do we've been going through all of the categories as live streams and then recording them so we have live lectures i think some some people prefer this style more than the condensed version sometimes i try to make a scripted form where i get everything down it concises concise but complete as possible this is more of a free form me babbling and saying inappropriate things that i will probably regret later also i think some people like this form a little bit better um but this is something we've been going through all the categories uh we'll pick up next time in herbology 2 with herbs that treat b syndrome or herbs that dispel wind dampness but again thank you to the patreon members for supporting this website if you want to support them there are different ways you can do it you can join the patreon and that's like a monthly pledge you can give a one-time donation through buy me a coffee you can send me a package of peanut m ms through my p.o box which is listed in the description below um or there's also some there's some merchandise and some affiliate links if you want to buy things through amazon you can use the affiliate links to give me a commission even though i think everybody hates amazon right now speaking of draining dampness and peeing into bottles there are notes on the website i think as of this recording i don't have flash cards or a practice test but that's going to be something i'm doing in the next couple days so if you're watching a recording of this go to tcmstudy.net under the herbology 1 tab there will be some notes flash cards and practice tests if you want to know when the web when we come out with new content you can join the mailing list and that's kind of the best way to keep in touch or join the facebook join the instagram where i make silly memes and say also inappropriate things in picture form on instagram i think that's all we have for today oh if you want to um this is like an extended two-hour lecture on this category if you're studying for finals studying for year ends maybe studying for boards uh we do have uh review courses which are a little bit more concise where we just go through each of them and say one or two important things about each herb and so that's probably better if you're rather than studying in depth if you're just reviewing for finals there are review courses that's a paid course it's unteachable and so there we go through all of the categories we go through all of the herbs there are handouts videos practice tests there there's the audio version if you don't want to watch the video you just want to listen to it there's the audio version as well and so that's in the description below as well if you're studying for boards rather than doing the single herb one i'd say just do there's a formula review go through that where we go through all of the formulas on the nccum list so those are paid courses that you go to teachable.com to log into those but there are links to that in the description below that's another way we you can support the website and the youtube channel at this point i'm rambling thanks for being here we'll see you next time have a good night [Music]