Transcript for:
MFC Application Setup in Visual Studio

this video I will show you how to set up an MF see that is a Microsoft foundation classes application this is simply just the setup so the first thing you're going to want to do this is a Visual Studio 2015 go to file new project and then locate your visual c++ if you do not have this installed you are going to have to click on it and say install notice for like I would have to install this so if MF C does not show up click on visual C++ and then there should be a local file here that says would you like to install MF C or you need to download the following tools to install MFC from the visual studio select the MFC application name it whatever you want put it in the directory of your choice click OK next what you're going to want to do is this is going to be for a console application the difference between these two click Next is that a multi document as you look up at the preview right here allows us to have see what we have right now is an application we can view documents within that application that's not what we want to build at the moment instead we want to build just a focused application and in terms that is called a dialog based so go ahead and click on dialogue based notice that as soon as I click dialogue based MFC gets selected and all the other ones get grayed out as for use HTML dialog no enhanced MFC controls I just leave it as default and then the other thing you'll want to change or at least in my case I'm changing is I do not need the security development lifecycle since this is just a test environment and then the next thing you're gonna want to do is you're going to want to change from use MFC DLL date click Next the next thing you're gonna want to do is probably have what we have up here is like an expand and minimize button so click on minimize box maximize box if we hover over it it tells us exactly what this is specify a min window that has a maximize button specify a window that has a minimize button we do not need these two right here just leave the rest as default click Next I'm gonna honestly leave on ActiveX controls I don't need to play around with any of the rest of this click Next notice that it has two created or generated classes and click finish okay now that we have our application loaded one of two things you'll want to know note that I have a grid setup by default when you see this you won't have a grid it'll probably look like this instead the first thing that you're wanting you're going to want to do is get rid of this little text field right here that says to do place dialog controls here go ahead and click on your delete button and delete that great go ahead and save it and then to see grid differences go up to the this is again 2015 format guide settings and you can change rulers and grids none grid click OK or if you have your toolbars toolbar enabled you can actually go off to the right here like I do and you can change it from a toggle grid or a grid to basically setting up rulers but I'm going to keep it at grid next let's make sure the application actually runs click local windows debugger do you want to run this yes I want to build it and there we go we have a blink application if I click okay it closes out the application at the moment that's because that's what the ok button is doing and the same thing for cancel cancel would close out the window thanks for watching