Transcript for:
Systems Design: Tiny URL and Pastebin

hello everyone and welcome back to the channel today after much long waited time we are finally going to be getting back into our systems design interview questions starting off of course with tiny URL and ppin now I've just had the absolute pleasure of going 20 minutes into this video and then realizing that my microphone wasn't turned on and now I'm on absolute tilt so if any of you think that uh you know you're not looking forward to watching this probably hourong video just know that I'm looking forward to recording it and editing it a whole lot less anyways let's go ahead and get started before I freak out so today we're going to be talking about tiny URL and ppin and so the gist of these two is pretty simple basically we're going to be generating short links so in the case of tiny URL we might have something like and someone wants to make a short link for it called SL ABC same goes for for past bin If instead of entering my text here I was to write Jordan is sexy which we all know to be the case of course our paste would be pointed to by that short link so let's actually go through some formal problem requirements so basically what we're going to talk about today is a couple of important things the first thing is generating this unique short URL now the she the unique short URL more or less has to be unique obviously like I've just said but this is easier said than done and it's of course going to make our service slower so the other thing is that in addition to that URL I'm actually going to make this problem a little bit more complicated and hopefully a little bit more in-depth by adding some amount of analytics in this case the number of clicks per link now you might think that this is super easy as a matter of fact it is not and of course the reason it's not easy is because we have to be able to ensure that this number is actually accurate while it doesn't have to be there the second that click occurs eventually we do need to know the right answer so let's think about some performance considerations as well uh disclaimer I doubt that if I were to build a real tiny URL site there would be a trillion URLs that I have to support nonetheless this systems design problem wouldn't be very much fun if there weren't so as a result I'm going to name some obscene amount of scale and then we're going to try and figure it all out so let's imagine that for our median URL we've got 10,000 clicks the most popular URL is in the mid millions of them so that's going to be quite a bit and make things tougher like I mentioned there's going to be a trillion overall and then if we're talking about past bin certain past can actually be in the gigabytes and others are going to be in kilobytes probably the vast majority of those so let's think that in that case if we're just going to do some back of the envelope math over here we've got 1 trillion short URLs times 1 kilobytes worth of pastes that's going to be equal to a petabyte and that is certainly more data than we can store on one individual system we're going to have to be doing some partitioning at some point down the line another thing to note is just based on the actual use patterns of people who use tiny URL a lot of people are going to be clicking the link a lot more than they are generating links so as a result of that we're going to have many more reads than writes and that's probably the type of case that we want to be optimizing on so let's go ahead and actually start by talking about link generation because that is going to be the most critical part of this problem that we really need to understand so is possible if we really wanted to to basically just have some monotonically increasing sequence number for all of our short links but I think that's a pretty bad idea because then you basically need to lock on that number every single time for every single request that everyone's making so you can actually generate that short number instead what we should probably be doing is generating those links out evenly across our system and the way that we can do this is using a hashing function I think just to continue to make sure that we get very evenly distributed links we should probably put in things like like in the tiny URL case with the long URL a user ID and the create Tim stamp so we've got one example of that over here and as you can see it's going to Output some sort of string for us to use as our tiny URL key and so the question we should now be asking ourselves is how many characters do we actually need in our hash result well assuming that we're using 0 through 9 and A to Z that gives us 10 + 26 = 36 possible choices per character and so as a result that means per slot we have here we've got 36 * 36 * 36 * so on which is 36 to the N combinations where n is how many characters we're going to generate and so as a result if n is equal to 8 I looked this up on Google because I can't do this in my head we have around 2 trillion combinations and considering I said we need about a trillion links that should be good for us so the question now is what do we actually want to do on hash collisions cuz when you only have two trillion buckets and one trillion things you're probably going to have a decent amount of those well in the case of a hash collision at least on a single normal computer in our actual computer science programs we basically have two options one is that you can do something known as chaining which is creating a linked list out of each hash key bucket and the other is probing which is saying oh if this bucket is already taken why don't we try and put our value over here now in a database we can't really use a linked list so probably the only feasible thing is going to be probing so for example if we had you know the hash 32 fc1 ca8 imagine this was like base 36 or something then the next hash to click is going to be 32 fc1 ca9 and so on we can basically keep trying until we find an available one hopefully that makes sense so now the first thing I wanted to talk about for this video is writing those URLs actually assigning them and then as a result what type of replication that we need to use within our databases so of course even though we care more so about reads than writes we are still doing a ton of writs I mentioned there are going to be a trillion URLs and as a result of that we want to maximize that throughput so the first question that I wanted to ask is can we do so with replication can we use a multi-leader or leaderless replication schema because these are two ways of actually making sure you can speed up wrs it gives you the ability to write to many replicas and as a result you can increase your throughput and the answer that I think is going to be the case here is no sadly you cannot so let's come up with example here's me on the right Jordan and here's a businessman on the left we're both submitting URLs for Generation to the database at the same time and his is leading to my mine is leading to one of my favorite sites personally and then at the same time you'll notice that we've got the same short link so as a result we have a conflict and so when it comes to things like multi-leader or leaderless replication it's kind of arbitrary a lot of the time how you actually end up resolving which right is going to win so let's imagine that we use last right wins lww and my time stamp happens to be a little bit higher than his mainly just out of random luck because keep in mind we can't even trust distributed timestamps So This Server happens to have timestamp uh X and this one's got time stamp X plus one so Jordan's right wins and then all of a sudden this guy is reading Jordan's Link and he's saying WTF because he thought this was a business presentation so in theory you know if you wanted to play advocate here you could go and say that well okay maybe a few seconds later we could have told the businessman hey your right is no longer valid but at least in my opinion this is not going to be good here because most people generate their link they copy paste it they leave the site and then they paste it elsewhere so most of the time I feel that you probably want to be giving them the right link the second they click that button so of course this is going to rule out all sorts of databases that actually use leaderless replication and that's going to include any of the Dynamo style ones so Cass Andra Sila Rak Etc we want to be using single leiter replication okay next we are going to be talking about caching because caching is actually another way that you can speed up your rights assuming you're doing it properly by using a right back cache and so for example we've got these two guys over here which are basically in memory databases they're you know reddest databases in particular and the gist is that you can first write to them and then eventually some point down the line you can flush those out but what we encounter here is basically the same problem that we encountered above with multileader or leaderless replication which is that no one really knows the second they make the right whether their link is valid or not and as a result if they send it around in the meantime it could be someone else's link and that would be a problem so again same issue as before we can't really use right back hasing to speed up our rights that's unfortunate what about partitioning that's another way you can speed up your rights the more partitions that you have the more load you can put on each one and you can spread things out a little bit well in my opinion this is a perfectly valid way of speeding up our rights and we should totally be doing it so we can actually just go ahead and take all of our short URLs and partition on those so we've got all the ones through a through D over here e through h on the next one and so on and so on and so you might notice that I'm actually partitioning by short URL range as opposed to Hash range my argument for that is that the short URL is itself already a hash so things should be pretty evenly distributed we shouldn't have to worry about load too much also recall that I basically said whenever you want a short URL X and you can't get it you basically have to try x + one and so as a result x + one would be on the same partition as X so it means that you don't have to go to another partition randomly to make that right and it should in theory increase latency so another thing that is important to know with partitioning in general is that we probably should be using some sort of consistent hashing reasoning being that with consistent hashing hashing as opposed to hashing where you basically do mod n where n is the number of partitions with your short key that basically it means that whenever the cluster size changes fewer uh fewer keys are going to have to be redistributed so let's imagine this Arrow right here represents everything on this node over here and when I add a new node to the cluster now the only thing that's going to be moving is this range over here as well as just uh as opposed to just a variety of scattered keys throughout our hash range and so that is going to help us quite a bit okay so let's actually talk about our database schema and what things look like on a single node so you can see I've got an index right here or not an index but an actual table which has our 10 URL and ideally we want this to be unique like I mentioned we've got an actual URL a user ID a create time an expire time we'll talk about how to expire things towards the end of this video and also a number of clicks which again we'll talk about towards the end of this video so let's let's imagine we've got two users user one and user two the way that we've organized our schema we actually have a little bit of a problem which is that in theory they could be both adding the same row with the same key for their short URL at the same time and our database wouldn't be able to do anything about it why well normally you would want to be locking on this key but in our case this row didn't actually exist yet before they added them and so we don't actually have anything to lock on so how would a database internally actually go ahead and do something like this well there's two possible solutions one of which is called predicate locks predicate locks are pretty simple they're basically just locks on rows that don't exist yet and you specify a query on that row so in this case you know as you can see we would be taking everything from the URLs table where the short URL key is the thing that the conflict was on and so what this sty looks like uh in turn is if user one says create the link but also give me the lock on short uh short URL X User two can do the same thing but the database is now going to come back and tell him to kick rocks because that is now taken then he's going to have to go back and create link X+1 and then finally the database can say okay so a couple things to note here first off is that predicate queries can potentially be expensive why because they have to go through the whole database and actually find all the rows that potentially apply so something that could make this a little bit faster is actually using an index on this short URL field why because an index basically means that this guy is going to be sorted internally and as a result of sorting by tiny URL now all of our queries are going to be o of log on that field because we can binary search there instead of having to do a linear scan which would be o of n additionally note that right over here we've got two sets of network calls made by the guy who basically lost the raise condition and now has to try to get link X+ one what we could do instead is use some sort of stored procedure Advanced database function where it's like if x is taken grab x + one or something like that and that way we could maybe do all of that writing with just one network call perhaps it would speed things up a little bit okay another way that we can also handle this in addition to predicate locks is by actually materializing conflicts so as opposed to you know locking on rows that don't exist yet what if we actually just grab the lock on rows that do exist well how can they exist we basically just write every single possible key to the database now you may think to yourself oh this has got to be a ton of Rights we have a trillion possible short URLs or actually two trillion because there are that many combinations well keep in mind that uh basically there's one bite per character there's eight characters per short URL and that actually only comes out to 16 terabytes which is really not that much in the grand scheme of things you'll probably still have to partition but again not that much data and so now when user one and user two go ahead and try to both right to the same key user one can go ahead and grab the lock user two is going to lose the database is going to say try again and then he can try with a different row okay now let's talk about potential database engines because of course this is something we want to be thinking about as well the first thing to note is that for a problem like this we actually don't really ever need to do range queries maybe with the exception of a predicate lock so a hash index could be fast but at the end of the day we are storing about a petabyte of data and you know your interviewer might not let you get away with that one they might just say that's going to be too expensive choose an actual on disk index to use and so if we are limited to on disk indexes that gives us two choices first off the LSM tree second off the B tree now the trade-offs for these are in my opinion somewhat simple the LSM tree is going to be a little bit worse for reads because when you read you typically have to read from multiple SS tables and possibly the LSM tree as well and when you write you're basically just writing over to the LSM tree which is in memory so that should be relatively quick you'll flush it later on the other hand for a b tree you're basically writing straight to disk which is a little bit less efficient but at the end of the day when you're reading you only have to Traverse the tree one time there's no concept of having to check multiple different files and so a b tree is literally just going right through finding the piece of data that you want it's all sorted and then you're good to go so in this case because we are prioritizing reads over wrs generally here I think I would like to opt for the B tree oops accidentally did that but I'm open to hearing what anyone else has to say there so let's actually go ahead and choose a database because now we have some good parameters with which to filter our choices down we've already said we want single leader replication we've already planned on doing some amount of partitioning we want a database that uses a b tree index and personally for me considering the Simplicity of all of it I think that would just make it my sequel uh for me I could see why someone might say mongod DB if they're particularly inclined to no SQL but it's not like our data structures that we're using here in our data model are particularly complex I don't really see the argument for a document data model so I personally would lean towards my SQL okay so let's start talking about read speeds because that's the thing that we really want to be optimizing here like I mentioned there are a ton more reads than there are wres so so far we've already discussed the fact that we're going to be using replic replication not only for fault tolerance but also to speed up reads because replication is going to allow us to read from our follower replicas in addition to our leader and also multiple partitions which also means that for every partition we're going to have less load as a result of the fact that there are now more places to actually read from which is going to be really great now it is worth noting that in this case of single leader replication because we are going to be using asynchronous consistency or eventual consistency would probably be be the better word to use it is possible that a client over here could read from a follower get some stale data where maybe it thinks there's no actual URL to redirect you to when in reality there has been over here but it just hasn't been replicated yet um I do think that in this case you could maybe add some application logic to go check the leader replica but at the same time you should probably be careful with that you never know how many times they're just like Bots that are constantly spamming all of your followers to actually look for you know redirects or anything like that you might end up putting a lot of load on your leader as a result okay so maximizing read speeds we've spoken about replication we've spoken about partitioning but next let's speak about hot links because I did mention that certain links are going to have a ton of traffic they're going to have millions of clicks and as a result we need to find a way to actually deal with those it would be great if not every single one of those requests uh for a particular hotlink result had to go to the database especially because they're all returning the same thing and so what would be a good thing to do here well we should probably introduce some amount of caching so again the caching layer the thing that's actually nice about it is first of all we can scale this thing independently if we have you know a ton of hot links maybe we need more caches additionally we can also partition the caches by the short URL in the same way that we would our databases so that more or less all of the requests for a particular hot link can go to the same cach or same set of caches and that way we don't have to basically recompute that value multiple different times on many caches so as you can see all these guys want ABC right here the best thing to do is to all have those requests go to the top cache and then maybe this guy would be I don't know like H through Z requests or something like that okay so we've already spoken about the fact that we want caching but how are we actually going to make sure that the data that we want gets in the cache well when talking about caching or CDN or anything like that in general there are two concepts that we have to consider we can either push the data to the cache basically in advance when it's created or we can pull it in there so in my opinion I don't think pushing is really going to work here because at the end of the day we don't know which links are going to be popular beforehand there's no way on our servers to say like ooh I can tell this link is going to be super hot let's put it in the cache beforehand so we can warm it up no that's probably not going to happen so at the end of the day we're going to have to be pulling that data in there somehow so there are basically three methods of writing data to our cache that we can consider the first one we've already spoken about which is the right back cache we've already said we can't really do this because it's going to lead to data inconsistencies and right conflicts which is not going to be feasible for us the second one which is a possibility is going to be the right through cache so in the right through cache which you can see over here the gist is basically that in addition to writing to the database at a given time you also write to your cache now if you need to you can use two pH is to commit to make sure that they always stay in line or you can just do best efforts uh but the gist is you can do that personally I don't think it's necessary for us because it's going to slow down our right speeds a lot and the vast majority of these links we really don't even want in our cash in the first place so it's not that useful to do a write through in my opinion we should probably just do a write around cache which is basically where you just go and write to the database as per usual and then as people will eventually read from the cache the database will send its results for first to the cach and then back to the user so as you can see that's what's happening down over here and of course you know we are obviously going to run out of room as our cash gets filled up with all of these short links and of course we want to keep the most popular results because that's how we get the most us usage out of our cash the way that I personally would do this is pretty standard which is just least recently used eviction whatever entry in the cache has least you know been least recently used whenever we're performing a read from it get rid of that one popular it with a new piece of data hopefully simple enough Okay so we've spoken about some reads we've spoken about some wrs we seem to have a pretty fast solution in terms of our replication our partitioning our caching but now let's actually go and talk about a potential solution for our analytics so if you recall when I showed us the database schema we do have a column for clicks and in theory what we could do is just go ahead and update that right you know we've got let's say 100 for the short link a bc1 2 3 we could have the guy on the left increment it by one when he makes the click a guy on the right increment it by one when he makes the click however what many of you might already be anticipating is that without any sort of locking this is going to be a race condition why because this guy might read 100 first this guy might read 100 first and then they're both going to say set it to 100+ 1 so now they're going to write 101 and this guy's going to write 101 and then this gets set to 101 instead of 102 too and keep in mind that for very popular links this is a real possibility if you've got hundreds of thousands of people clicking it every single minute you're going to have a lot of these conflicts and you would need to implement locking and when you're implementing either locking or Atomic operations for something that's popular enough the database might not be able to handle that so keep that in mind it's probably too slow using this sort of naive implementation so what's a potentially better way that we can do this well what if we were to use stream processing so basically my idea is that we dump the data somewhere where we don't need to grab a lock in order to dump it there and then we can go ahead and aggregate it later so in theory you know we could dump it to a database but the question is do we need to dump this to a database a database might be slower than just dumping it to something like a you know inmemory message broker or a log base message broker because at the end of the day that's basically just either something in memory or a write ahead log that you're writing to so again I feel like we should rule out the database it's just going to be slower to write to and additionally we've also got our in-memory message broker which is good however I also did say that I want to ensure that the analytics results that we get are actually correct now the issue with an inmemory message broker is that it's in memory which means it's probably less fault tolerant barring it using a right ahead log and as a result even though it's super fast it's not going to be as durable and so what I would prefer to do is meet these things in the middle use a l based message broker where everything is kept on disk we've got offsets for every single entry and essentially what we're doing is writing to a right ahe head log and as a result of that it is going to be durable now an example of such a solution would be Kafka if you want to use AWS maybe AWS Kinesis but uh let's try and keep things open source here so I'm going to say Kafka okay so now let's actually talk about the consumer of these events how is it that once we have the events placed in some sort of you know queue that that we can go ahead and process them what technology do we want to use to do so well we've got a few options one of which is that you know we could have something dump to htfs or you know S3 or anything like that and then eventually run a batch job on it in my opinion uh this would probably give us analytics to infrequently but it really depends on your users right if they're content to have analytics once per day then you could do that but I feel like most people would like a little bit of a shorter granularity than that maybe every couple minutes maybe even every few seconds so personally I'm not a fan of the batch processing solution additionally another thing that we could do is use something like aachi flank which is more of a real-time solution so in this case we would process every single event that we receive from Kafka individually now personally I don't also think this is necessary because at the end of the day if we're processing every single event individually this also means that every single event is going to lead to a right to the database and there's not really any reason to put that much load on it now to be fair you could write custom flank code that basically just goes and says you know maybe every 10 that you'll upload to the database but in my personal opinion the best option here is probably just going to be something like spark streaming where Spark streaming natively supports something like mini batching which is configurable and we could just say something like hey give me mini batches of 100 clicks and so as a result every single 100 clicks you would go ahead and write to the sync in that type of interval so the very nice thing about these stream consumer FR Frameworks like spark streaming like Flink is that they actually ensure correctness at least within the stream processing system so they basically say that between EV every event that gets to Kafka and the actual eventual state of our stream consumer that all of those events are only going to be processed once however spoiler that is going to break down whenever you have some sort of external system like a database so let's go ahead and talk about that the question is are our events actually going to be processed exactly once if our thing here is just going to be you know do plus 100 Maybe not maybe things would be a little bit different if we actually aggregated the total count in our stream consumer and then occasionally updated the database but I think it makes sense to basically just take every single mini batched event and then upload it right to the database so again like I said my question is is do things actually get run exactly once and is it possible to have certain race conditions that could cause us to have an incorrect click count in my opinion yes so like I mentioned events are only processed exactly once internally so that means within here events are processed exactly once but here's an example of something that can happen from spark streaming we say to the database hey add 100 clicks and right before the database can respond saying hey you know I acknowledge this even though it went through on the database for some reason this internet connection gets cut off spark streaming goes down and then when it comes back up it doesn't see that database acknowledgement it doesn't realize that the event was processed and now it's going to have to process it again so it's going to say plus 100 one more time and that right there is going to be bad because now we're going to have an incorrect count of clicks so we've got a couple of options that we can actually do the first is two-phase commit right we would have some coordinat node over here which basically says hey are you ready and are you ready to commit this thing and assuming they both say yes du then it would say okay go ahead and commit it now that is notoriously slow ideally we would like to avoid it so maybe another better option would be to use something like an item potency key where in addition to storing the total clicks count let's say there are 1500 clicks the database also says Hey the last key I saw was uh key number a12 uh 45 Z and so you know let's say this one this first right was a1245 Z whenever this next right comes along because uh it is actually the same event from spark streaming that would also have key a1245 Z and then the database would say hey wait a second these two are equal don't process this one I don't want to listen to it and that is one way of guaranteeing that our pushes to the database are in fact item potent again another way like I mentioned which in retrospect might be easier is to just keep track of total count in spark streaming because then we don't have to worry about you know external numbers being published but that's also going to fail if we potentially have multiple spark streaming consumers so again I personally think an item potency key would make a lot of sense the issue with the item potency key is let's say we had you know 10 spark streaming consumers you know SS SS s SS and they're all publishing over here now we need to store this item potency key times 10 for every single publisher which is inconvenient you know if all of a sudden there are 100 Publishers now we need to store 100 extra keys that's not great how can we do this uh or rather how can we get around this well we could just make it so that we only have one publisher per row so what I'm saying is that we would only have one instance of spark streaming per short URL so let's say short URL ABC is only being published clicks by this guy right here and so the way that we can do that is we can actually partition our Kafka q's and of course our spark streaming consumers by the short URL and this way we ensure that basically only one consumer is going to be publishing clicks for a specific row at a time which is really good the first one I mentioned is that one there's fewer item potency keys to store per row and additionally now let's say we had two spark streaming things publishing to the database at the same time they would have to grab locks on this row ABC because otherwise we would run into the same problem as before we would have a race condition and so again we want to be trying to avoid grabbing locks whenever possible okay hopefully that much at least has made sense let's quickly talk about expired links because this is definitely worth a discussion so I mentioned in my data model that you know when you create the tiny URL link you should have some field for being able to expire one so let's actually just go ahead and use a batch job to do that we probably don't need to run anything like spark here it's not that much data uh I feel like a nightly batch job would do it and additionally you really don't even need a lock either because at the end of the day uh you know you're only grabbing it for the row that's being red so yeah maybe you do need a lock for that particular row of the one currently being red just so that no one is you know continuing to overwrite it while you clear out the data but at the same time you know the most expensive batch jobs are those that have to grab locks on everything because they're doing some sort of aggregation and in this case we're really not I think uh a simple Crown job would probably get it done and the pseudo code that we' be running is right here which is basically you know if the time of the batch Shob is greater than the expired time of the row just clear it out and uh yeah should be simple enough okay let's finally talk about paste bin because so far we've been talking as if this was all tiny URL and the reason I group P past bin into this kind of video is because they're two very very similar problems but the one exception with paast bin is that you can have super large pastes and so like I mentioned some of them could be in the multiple gigabytes of size we are going to support that and so as a result we probably cannot be storing them as a field in our database I did look it up I think uh postgress supports Fields up to 4 gabt for long text so let's imagine we could have one that's 10 gigabytes and it's not going to fit in there so a few options that we have one of which is uh you know storing them in hdfs which we probably shouldn't do because it's generally more expensive uh especially considering that we don't need the data locality of being able to run batch jobs where our pastes are stored because there's no batch jobs to actually run on them we're literally just storing them and then returning them so in my opinion something like an object store like Amazon S3 would make a whole lot more sense so like I mentioned likely preferable cheaper no batch jobs blah blah blah you just heard me say it the other important thing to do is note that because these files are so large we want to be able to deliver them to the user relatively quickly and so some sort of caching would be of great use to us now if you've watched my CDN video you would know that those are great for things like static content which our pastes are you can't actually modify a paste after the fact that you've made it and so again a CDN is basically this geographically distributed cache which is going to enable us to deliver those static files particularly quickly we could again use some type of lru policy to make sure that only the most popular pastes are going to be in there and as a result hopefully things should go well so as you can see what we would want to do perhaps at least in my opinion is try and perform all of these rights in series because if we want all of these rights to go through 1 two and three to the CDN to the S3 and the database then we would have to use some sort of two-phase commit which again can get very expensive and annoying so personally what I would do is from the client I would just first write to CDN when that basically goes through I would then write to S3 assuming that still goes through I would then write to the database the reason I don't write to the database first and then S3 and then the CDN is that if the database right goes through and then the right to S3 fails it's going to seem like a paste exists when the data for it actually doesn't so it's more important that we get the data uploaded to our Object Store and our CDN first and then after that we can go and talk about uh putting things in the database so now you may note that I am actually writing to the CDN before pulling things in here I think this is maybe one of the few cases where uh right through actually makes a lot of sense because at the end of the day uh if we use right around we're going to have to have a cash Miss and that cash Miss is going to be gigantically expensive for a 10 gbyte file so it would be greatly beneficial for us if that was already in the CDN considering how few rights there are relative to reads that being said again open to debate on this one okay take a deep breath guys we're almost done so of course we finally made it to the last diagram where I've tried to put every single thing together so let's go ahead and do that here's our writer this is going to be someone who's generating a link here's our reader this is someone who's going to be reading a link so the writer is going to do the following assuming that this is for tiny URL and not past bin then you're only going to be writing over to the servers but if it is for past bin like I mentioned you'll probably be hitting S3 over here and you're also probably going to to be hitting your CVN which will eventually geographically distribute that content as needed so anyways we've got a load balancer before we basically horizontally scale out all of our URL assigning servers note that I do have our URL assigning Service as something completely different than our URL reading service over there on the right however I think in reality they would probably be on the same box I mainly did it this way for clarity of diagram though I do think it is fair enough to make them their own microservices considering the fact that there are so many more reads than there are writes so once we hit our assigning service we're now going to have to hit a database and actually write our data so as you can see I have those partitioned by the range of the short URLs a through l m through Z and of course we've also got our single liter replication single liter rep and this is going to be our URL table which ideally should be stored in my SQL now of course like I mentioned to be speeding up our reads we also want some sort of distributed partitioned replicated cache which we can just use redus instances for so as you can see this is similarly partitioned by short URL so that we can you know D duplicate the amount of data that we're storing and just use the same caches for the same types of data now note that you know for example if there's a key that starts with a and it gets a ton of traffic and there's a key that starts with b and it gets a ton of traffic you know one cach might not be enough for that so in those cases we may have to actually get some replicas of a particular cash instance okay so hopefully we've touched on that a little bit now let's start to touch upon reads so we've got our reader over here and the reader in the at least the tiny URL case is going to go to the URL read it's going to turn return something from the cash ideally or if it's not in the cash we're going to have a cash Miss that's going to go over to the database the database is going to load the appropriate cache and then as a result of you know going and clicking that link We we are going to now upload our click data the fact that we performed a click over to Kafka which is over here as you can see again we've got multiple different partitions to support the fact that we want just one spark streaming instance publishing per row and then we've got our spark streaming layer over here which ideally should be sharded in the same way that our Kafka qes are now eventually you know let's say every 10 seconds or something or more so probably 10 messages because this is mini batching spark streaming is going to say oh shoot I just saw you know you now have 50 more clicks well if there's 10 messages you can probably only have 10 more clicks and then it's going to go over to my SQL and do a single database upload which is going to be a lot less expensive than having to grab a ton of locks now of course the last component of this whole system is well where are we keeping all of this partitioning info how do we know what load balancer is pointing where you know what database URL is what that's what we have zookeeper for which is really connected to everything zookeeper is great it is you know completely consistent and I should say strongly consistent and it is a coordination service it is effectively a nice key Value Store of all of the metadata information that we're going to need about the various pieces of our system well guys give yourselves a pat on the back I certainly need one I know this was a pretty long video hopefully the content was actually useful because I now need to go cry a little bit anyways have a great rest of the night I will see you in the next one