Transcript for:
SAP COGS Split Configuration Overview

in this video i will explain how to configure saeps for hana to split the cost of goods sold account when we post a goods issue so instead of having one line item for cost of goods sold we will have multiple line items based on the cost components of the item we are selling as you see in this example so instead of having one line item for cost of goods sold here i have four line items and this is very important in saaps for hana because saep is recommending that we use account based kupa or account based profitability analysis and if you don't run the cost of goods sold split you will not have visibility on the split of course of goods sold in account based cooper and the same concept i'm going to explain today can also be applied to the variances of production and the variances of actual costing in material ledger so this also can be split based on the cost components of the item that are being produced or being sold so today i will show you the process and i also show you the configuration steps on how to do this [Music] i will start by showing you the item that i will use in the demo today to display the material master data the transactions mm03 and this is the material code and i want to display the coasting tool view to display the cost estimate so this is our cost estimate if i click on current i already did a full playlist explaining product costing or product cost planning where i explained how the cost estimates work and also the cost components so if you have any questions or if there is anything you don't understand you can check this playlist now in this item if i go to the coastal components you see that we have raw materials production material overhead and production over it so when i post a goods issue i want sap to automatically split my cost of goods sold into these components now let's go into the process first so first i'm going to create a sales order and post a good issue before we do the configuration so we see what is the standard case then i will do the configuration and post another goods issue so we can see how sap will split the cost of goods sold so to create a sales order the transaction is va01 again i will fill all the details needed insert the customer and the customer reference the material we are selling is 506. and we are selling five pieces for example and save then i will post the outbound delivery and the goods issue so slash n vl01n shipping point and this is our order number the order is available in 23rd of april the storage location ag 11 and the big quantity is 5 post goods issue now let's display the financial entry so go to change or display go to the history and there is the outbound the the goods issue so display the document go to document information fi documents accounting document so this is the normal financial entry we have a debit to the inventory we have a debit to the cost of goods sold account and we have a credit to the inventory account with the cost of the item now also if you check the list of the documents that have been posted we only have one accounting document so this is the standard case before we do the course of goods sold split now let me show you the configuration steps on how to configure this configuration we go to spro ospro then go to financial accounting general ledger periodic processing integration material management here we have define accounts for splitting the cost of goods sold start the transaction and i already did the configuration before the video i will explain to you exactly what we do so first we start by defining a splitting profile and this is very easy all you need to do is click here and for example let me create another one ag01 for the controlling area enter and this is it this is how you define a splitting profile then you assign the source accounts the source account we assign the custom goods sold account this is the account we want sap to split so if i go to source accounts here i assign my cost of goods sold this is the same account we saw in the financial entry a minute ago then we go into strategy sequence and in my case i'm only defining one strategy so there i will split the cost of goods sold based on the release the cost estimate so this is the current existing cost estimate for the item i'm selling then go to target accounts and here we define the accounts that the cost of goods sold will be split into so for every cost component you can assign a different account or the same account so here as you see i have my cost component structure and then for the raw material cost component it will go to this account for the production cost component it will go to this account and so on again i already explained all of this in the product costing playlist so you can check it if you don't know what is acoustic component structure and then at the end you also choose one as a default value which means that if there are any other coaster components that i did not assign in this list they will all automatically take the value from the default line then go to offsetting accounts and here we define the offsetting account that will clear the cost of goods sold account because when we post the goods issue sap is going to post two financial entries the first one is the normal one so debit the cost of goods sold and the credit to inventory but then sap will post a second financial entry which will credit this item this account the setting account and will debit the different cost of goods sold split accounts i will show you this after we finish the configuration then you go to company code settings and you activate this for your company code it is not activated from my company code now this is why when we did the example sap didn't post the splitting now i will activate it for the company code so ag and i will make it away active or available from zero one zero one two thousand twenty one and assign the cost to splitting profile here ag00 and save now if i try to post another goods issue for my company code sap will split the financial entry so let's go and create another sales order again i will use the same details the same customer and save now i'm going to post the outbound delivery and the goods issue 0 1m storage location ag-11 pick the quantity three and post-goods issue now let's display the financial entry outbound delivery display history display the goods issue document information if i documents now this time as you see we have two accounting documents instead of one so the first one will be the standard entry for for the goods issue which is accredited to the inventory and a debit to the cost of goods sold then the second entry will be a credit to the cleaning account so this is the offsetting account that we defined in the configuration and it will be credited for the full value of the cost of goods sold and then we will have debit to the different line items based on the cost of components so i have raw material production overhead and production over it these are the accounts i just assigned in configuration and this is it i hope the video is easy to understand if you have any questions you can always leave me a comment thank you for watching and i'll see you again soon