Real Analysis Lecture Notes

Jun 26, 2024

Welcome to Real Analysis

Course: Math 131 at Harvey Mudd College


  • Real analysis involves learning real numbers and the process of doing mathematics.
  • Focus on communication, writing proofs, and presenting mathematics clearly.

What is Real Analysis?

Kronecker's Quote

  • Kronecker (1886): "God created the integers, all else is the work of man."
  • Interpretation:
    • Integers are simple, understandable, and natural.
    • Rational numbers and other constructs are human-made through mathematical processes.
    • Kronecker was a finitist: believed mathematics should deal only with finite objects.
    • Opposed irrational numbers and non-constructive proofs (e.g., sqrt(2)).
    • Disagreed with the existence of transcendental numbers like pi.

Historical Context

  • Greeks: Constructible lengths using ruler and compass (e.g., sqrt(2) is constructible but not rational).
  • Newton and Leibniz: Developed calculus; dealt with the infinite through tools like infinite series.
  • 1800s: Formalization of calculus foundations (e.g., Fourier series, Weierstrass, Cauchy).

Course Goals

  • Construct real numbers (lectures 2 and 3).
  • Start with simpler concepts: Construct rational numbers.

Basic Notations and Definitions


  • Definition: A collection of objects.
  • Notation: {objects}, e.g., A = {1, 2, 3}.
  • Special sets: Empty set Ø.
  • Subset: A βŠ† B means every element of A is in B.
  • Proper subset: A βŠ‚ B means A βŠ† B but A β‰  B.
  • More set operations: Union (A βˆͺ B), Intersection (A ∩ B), Complement (A^c), Difference (A \ B).


  • Binary relations: Relate pairs of objects (e.g., < on integers, sibling relation on people).
  • Equivalence relations: Satisfy reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.


  • A special type of relation that pairs each element of one set uniquely with an element from another set.
  • Example: f: A β†’ B

Constructing Rational Numbers (Q)

  • Start with integers Z: known arithmetics and order.
  • Goal: Extend integers to rational numbers Q.

Rational Numbers as Ordered Pairs

  • Represent m/n as an ordered pair (m, n) with n β‰  0.
  • Key concept: Equivalent fractions represent the same rational number.
  • Define equivalence: (p, q) ∼ (m, n) if pn = qm and n, q β‰  0.
  • Check equivalence relation properties: Reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity.
  • Rational numbers extend integers: n = n/1.

Upcoming Topics

  • Arithmetic on rational numbers.
  • Continue constructing real numbers from rational numbers in future lectures.