Transcript for:
Ultimate Boys vs Girls Ninja Challenge

today we're competing in the  ultimate boys versus girls ninja challenge the winning team gets F the losing  team in the face let's get to the first challenge   whoever does the most slip in this Square  wins oh yeah each team picks one person for   each challenge let's see who they'll pick okay  guys if you want to go you should go so then you   can do the agility course yeah I think that's  a good idea you're really good at doing play   I don't know guys I will definitely try  my best I believe in you I honestly it's   I'm triol can legit don't mess up  please whoever does the most splits   in the Square wins if you land outside  the square you're out all right who's going here he goes one flip he is amazing at back flips I don't  know what happened I I'm a little disappointed   Hut but he Gator too far forward so you're  how did you get guys that's crazy [Music] 2 how did you get one I don't know I thought you  were good at these that was so surprising this is   a cowy challenge whoever does the most Round House  kicks without putting their foot down wins all   right who are you going to pick okay hear me out  me I will not go let's go let's go okay well I'm   the only one who's really done Marshalls but it's  just kind of like balance and Claire's really good   at balance done this but yeah practice balancing  you do this from the boys team who's up I got   ready girls team yeah's go yeah you ready you have  kick at your head height you have 1 minute Ready Set want to get come on that's my ha oh he's down he touched his foot  down she keeps kicking my head you have 15 seconds left 2 1 that was crazy she hit my hand on  like 60 of those kicks we have the scores   back ready you did 54 kicks oh my let's  go that was really awesome you did 84 k that was crazy 84 the Girling it it's we're  doing amazing well at this point looks like   the boys are going to get pied it's going to be  Paxton versus Payton in the next challenge let's go all right that's a jump front  kick Payton Paxton whoever does   the highest jump front kick wins  oh don't fail this for the boys   he's taller than me but I'm going to give it my  best shot it says the girls are winning you're   going first guys I cannot let Payton win reck  and Hutch sold on the first two they should have   won easily and now me I definitely have a chance  he's taller that's the only thing but I can drop   yeah I'm more flexible I think I definitely have a  chance this is level one you ready guys [Applause]   one level one is super easy so after  to level two yeah right there level [Applause] two oh my goodness for level three I'm going all  the way up this is level three life [Applause] that was crazy this is level four good luck that was C it's not over yet we're on  to level five let's go let's go let's go they   barely made level four so I don't know if they're  going to make level five comment down below level five what the hey but I mean  there's a chance he doesn't make it right it's just col that's the next challenge  but whatever let's just go this is a group   challenge whoever does the best flip off this  mini [ __ ] gets the highest points let's see it Ashton all right so that will be a 10 Ash and I  will judge each of your flips from 1 to 10 and   it's a combined score for your whole team to see  who wins we're ready to judge all right who's up first front flip with a full twist  Claire gets a five and a [Applause] 4.5 all right reck's a pretty good  tricker let's see what skill he's going to do oh I don't know quite what that was he  would have landed straight on his head if   he was landing on M he would have died he did a  side flips and then just and he started spitting   I don't even know how to score that if you  would have landed that flip I would have given   you like a nine or even a 10 it  was crazy but you get a 5.5 and a six that was actually really good I've never  seen him do that before that's insane guys that's   actually the flip that Ashton did that would have  gone intense he barely missed the landing but that   was really good good job that that was actually  pretty good I've never seen him do that before   I don't think we're going to be able to beat them  this round but pxton I was really impressed 3 two 1ud let's go let's go Jackson is carrying the  boys team he's doing an amazing job   today I don't know if I can land  the trick I'm going to do but I'm   just going to Chuck it all right Payton  you got this open oh yeah she look so good she landed it so good I I think she  so I think Pax was better but was really   anding double front so you're doing a front  score and you're Landing for it that's like   I don't know how I landed that this thing  is so hard to see like I jump on it and I   just like fall just from jumping on it P  is crazy great flip Payton you get nice y let's go you got this for the boys get  this you got this these are the last two   contestants in this Challenge and then  we can see who the winning team is let's go hey that was pretty good she went for a  double Pro flip she kind of Hit the front of   the trampoline and I might have taken some bounce  but not bad not bad she still did great I think   you did you did good skill at something they call  it half out it's a double front half turn I think   that's what she was going on she jumped on the  front of the [ __ ] and that I think that just   ruined it for her I'm going to do that but a  double front Pike if you do the double pkee   will definitely yeah three drob for you you get  7.5 and a seven PR good that still really good to   that's amazing score all right Hut you're last  to go you get to decide this for the boys it's oh he tried a double front Pike so a little bit  more difficulty than priya's but he didn't make   it still yeah neither did Pria though so  it's going to be a close call and that's   all right let go front P pches score is and a  7.5 and eight that means the total score is 42   for the girls w w that hey that pretty cool  and the total score for the boys is 44 and half we were so close oh my go okay I'm getting  a little bit nervous they're catching up I don't   know I still have hope we can do this right  now we're tied right now if the boys win they   take it all and if we win we get to pie the  boys in the face and I really want to pie   them so we got this we have to go we have  to win I'm not getting pie the face today   I'm confidence but I'm also kind of scared cuz  I myself if if there's like one move where we   fall if we fall well we're not going to fall I'm  going P you guys you guys no you're not yeah yeah   yeah actually yeah we are actually no you're  this is the final Challenge and will decide   the winner you have to go through this agility  course break these board the team who gets all   three people through the course wins and if you  fall you have to restart okay you guys ready 3 2 1 [Music] go is destroying it there you go keep good  yeah all right come on R where are you this is so I do not want to fall get it with that you want it the girls are destroying the girls oh my goodness [Music] yeah one Hold On Tight you got it [Music] back yes go yes go go go go go back go  go go hold on go go go go go don't fall come on come on sh you guys come on yes yes got cu the boys won that challenge  girls it's time to get P go she's   nervous that um Ric's going to slam it  really hard well replay the gymnastics   video replay it look at the pie run that  back run that back look how hard she is guys hey girls are you ready no boys are you ready  this is my first time being on the other side of   this yeah okay hav been TI more times than I can  count okay ready three two one go hey he ready ready move your hands I got I kind wish I got pied I love being pied   make sure to like And subscribe if you like  the video let us know if you think they're   being dramatic yeah yes they are we'll see  you guys next time thanks for being awesome