Parenting Strategies for Emotional Well-being

Sep 23, 2024

Lecture Notes on Parenting and Trauma

Key Concepts

  • Wholeness and Trauma: Discussion on how certain parenting and educational practices either aid or hinder a child's development towards wholeness.
  • Behavior vs. Emotional Understanding:
    • Harmful practices focus on short-term behavior modification instead of addressing underlying emotional needs.
    • Aim for children to become autonomous, respectful, authentic, and connected adults.
    • Natural development requires the right supporting conditions, akin to an acorn needing the right environment to grow.

Critique of Current Practices

  • Focus on Behavior:
    • Many parenting and educational strategies prioritize short-term behavioral fixes.
    • Misunderstanding the term "acting out"—children express unmet emotional needs through behavior.
    • Current practices often aim to suppress or manipulate behaviors rather than understand them.

Broader Implications

  • Adult Behavior and Legal System:
    • Similar misunderstandings extend to adult behaviors and the legal system’s approach.
    • Lack of understanding leads to disproportionate incarceration rates for marginalized communities.
    • Example: High rates of indigenous people in Canadian jails due to historical trauma.


  • Shift in Approach:
    • Emphasize understanding the drives behind behaviors rather than just punishing or suppressing them.
    • Need for application of existing research and science on human behavior and social dynamics.
    • Address social and cultural factors driving dysfunction to reduce issues like aggression, substance abuse, and behavioral problems.


  • Understanding Over Suppression:
    • Effective parenting and societal systems should focus on understanding and addressing the root causes of behaviors.
    • Move towards applying scientific knowledge to support healthy development and reduce societal issues.