Exploring Dietary Supplements and Trials

Oct 18, 2024

Lecture Notes on Dietary Supplements and Clinical Trials


  • Speaker: Dr. Sessa
  • Focus: Vitamin supplements and health research
  • Perspective: Researcher and epidemiologist

Key Concepts

Efficacy vs. Effectiveness

  • Efficacy: Benefits under ideal conditions
  • Effectiveness: Benefits under real-world conditions
  • Importance of distinguishing the two in clinical trials

Nutritional Epidemiology

  • Consistent association between certain foods and lower rates of diseases
  • Interest in potential benefits of specific vitamins and supplements
  • Question: Can supplements replicate food benefits for public health?

Clinical Trials

Types of Trials

  • Efficacy Trials: Controlled environments, focus on compliance and best care
  • Effectiveness Trials: Real-world conditions, focus on typical patient experiences

Implementation Gap

  • Difference between ideal and ordinary care
  • Difficulty in achieving perfect trials due to compliance and follow-up challenges

Dietary Supplements Research


  • Translating food benefits to supplements
  • High supplement use vs. lack of strong clinical trial evidence

Study Design Considerations

  • Importance of representative populations
  • Volunteer bias and its effects

Examples and Observational Studies

  • Example: Physician's Health Study - multivitamin use and cardiovascular health
  • Meta-analysis examples for magnesium and vitamin D
  • Importance of trials for determining real effects

Large-Scale Trials


  • Provide public health insights
  • Inform policy based on results (benefits, lack of effects, or potential harm)


  • Physician's Health Study 2: Multivitamin effects on cardiovascular disease and cancer
  • VITAL Trial: Vitamin D and Omega-3 and their effects on health outcomes
  • COSMOS Trial: Multivitamins and cocoflavanols, ongoing research

Methodology and Considerations

Selecting Doses

  • Challenges in choosing appropriate dosages for trials
  • Adjustments needed over time based on emerging science

Compliance and Monitoring

  • Challenges in measuring compliance in mail-based trials
  • Use of self-reports and biomarkers for verification


  • Need for varied trial sizes to understand supplements' efficacy and effectiveness
  • Importance of rigorous methodology to ensure valid results
  • New supplements continue to emerge, requiring ongoing research

Q&A Highlights:

  • Nocebo effect and placebo run-ins in trials
  • Discussion on CoQ10 and statins
  • Encouragement for small-scale research and methodology focus
  • Control for geographic differences in trials like VITAL