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Introduction to Psychology
Jun 27, 2024
Introduction to Psychology
First of many topic review videos for AP Psychology
Focus on essential concepts and influential psychologists
For success in AP Class
Historical Roots of Psychology
Roots back to ancient Greeks: Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, René Descartes, John Locke
Philosophical debates on the mind, knowledge, and human nature
Officially became a separate science in the late 19th century
Key Figures in Early Psychology
Wilhelm Wundt
: Father of psychology; first lab dedicated to psychology
Edward Titchener
: Created structuralism, first theoretical approach
Stanley Hall
: First American Ph.D. in Psychology, first APA president, first psychology lab in the USA
Dorothea Dix
: Advocated for humane treatment of the mentally ill
Major Theoretical Approaches
Analyzes mind through its structures of consciousness using introspection
Problems with introspection: subjective and difficult to observe accurately
Gestalt Psychology
Perception as a whole experience, not separate parts
Focuses on organizational processes
Created by William James who wrote the first psychology textbook
Studies how mental and behavioral processes function and evolve
Connects to evolutionary approach (Charles Darwin)
Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Approach
Developed by Sigmund Freud
Focuses on unconscious motives and repressed memories
Techniques: dream analysis, free association
Focus on observable behaviors
Key Figures: Ivan Pavlov (classical conditioning), John B. Watson (founder), B.F. Skinner (operant conditioning)
Socio-Cultural Approach
Examines how culture influences individual experiences and behaviors
Humanistic Psychology
Emphasizes human potential for growth
Key Figures: Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow
Cognitive Psychology
Studies how we process, store, and retrieve information
Challenges: Objective study of thoughts is difficult
Key Figure: Jean Piaget (child cognitive development)
Biological and Biosocial Approach
: Links between biological processes and behavior
: Combines socio-cultural and biological perspectives
Psychology’s Modern Definition
Science of behavior and mental processes
Subfields and Domains in Psychology
Basic Research Domains
Biological Psychologists
: Connect body and mind
Developmental Psychologists
: Physical, cognitive, social changes over lifespan
Cognitive Psychologists
: How we think, solve problems
Educational Psychologists
: Influences on teaching and learning
Personality Psychologists
: Individual feelings, actions
Social Psychologists
: Interactions in society
Positive Psychologists
: Focus on well-being
Psychometric Psychologists
: Measure attitudes, personality traits
Applied Research Domains
Industrial-Organizational Psychologists
: Optimize workplace behavior
Counseling Psychologists
: Help overcome life challenges
Clinical Psychologists
: Treat emotional and behavioral disorders
: Medical doctors, prescribe drugs, psychotherapy
Final Notes
Psychology uses various methods to answer questions about behavior and mental processes
Encouraged viewers to join the Discord server for study help
Pop quiz at the end of the video to reinforce learning
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