It's now time for Mark Hankins, Faith for Every Nation. Mark and Trina train and equip leaders in every nation through church services, leadership conferences, mission trips, and media. Get ready for a direct and joyful message about how to grow in your faith and learn more about who you are in Christ.
Now, let's join Mark and Trina. All right, so let's look today, this morning, we're going to study on the blood of Jesus and the blood covenant and the power of that blood, the importance of faith in the blood. And I grew up, you know, with my mama, she would constantly plead the blood.
Plead, that word plead is P-L-E-A-D. Isaiah 43, 25, 26, God said, I even I am he that blots out your transgressions for my own sake. And I will not remember. Remember your sin.
He said, put me in remembrance. Let us plead together. Declare thou that thou mayest be justified.
So the word plead simply means that I rest my case on the power of the blood of Jesus. Come on, not based on what I have done or I haven't done. I think Andrew Murray said it's the way to enjoy the blessing of the Lord in your life. The only thing that is necessary is faith in the blood.
He said the blood of. alone has done everything. Y'all still with me? Come on.
So my mama would constitute what we say, plead. I plead the blood, which is synonymous in the New Testament with saying, I have faith in the blood. I believe in the power of the blood. And we know when it comes to faith, it's not enough to believe it.
You're going to have to say it. I'll try it one more time. I said, when it comes to living by faith, if your faith ain't strong enough to move your mouth, it'll never move your mountain.
So when it comes to faith, then it's not just something you believe. It's something you're going to have to say. Amen. I believe and I speak.
So my mama would use that. I plead the blood. In other words, her faith in the blood. And wow, man, she, four kids in the house.
And I know I was one that she kept me alive. I plead the blood. I plead the blood.
And I can tell you all kinds of situations that I know my mama's prayers. Kept me alive. And she did it by this, what we call the authority. All right, let's try it again. The authority of the believer.
I plead the blood. That means what? I rest my case and I'm going to win this case because of the power of the blood of Jesus. All right, let's try it one more time. I rest.
That means no more worry, no more struggle, no more I'm trying harder. Come on, I just. believe, have faith in the blood.
I plead the blood. Come on. I don't just believe in it, but I declare it in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I plead the blood. What?
Over my mind, over my thoughts. Come on now. Over my habits, over my attitudes, over my past, over my future, over my finances.
I put the blood on the doorpost of the house. Come on. And the enemy, the destroyer can't get in the house.
I put the blood on the doorpost of the house. the doorpost. Amen. And so, uh, God said, when I see the blood, I will pass over you. In other words, it's not enough to believe in the blood in the house.
Somebody has to apply the blood. I said, somebody has to apply the blood, put it on the doorpost and God said, when I see the blood, I got you covered. Amen. So everybody in the house. And then if you read on Psalms 105, it says he brought them out with what?
silver and gold. Not one sick one out of all of them. He brought them out with joy.
They were all real happy. And then it said he gave them the land of the heathen. Are y'all still here? So there's more in the blood and faith in the blood than just forgiveness of sin.
All the benefits of your redemption are included in that faith in the blood of Jesus. And I apply that blood with the hyssop of my heart. my voice or my tongue.
That means I will not be silent about it. I know there's authority in that blood. So I lift up my voice and I say by the blood of Jesus, come on.
So you've got several faith confessions about the blood that the blood of Jesus purges me from every defilement of the enemy. All right, let's try it one more time. The blood of Jesus purges me. from every defilement of the enemy.
Smith, Smith Wigglesworth said it this way. There's not one thing in me the blood does not cleanse. Boy, I feel like shouting already.
Come on. There's not, there's not one thing. There's not one thing in you that the blood cannot cleanse or does not cleanse or cannot reach.
Come on now, you go to some psychiatrist or something, he's going to tell you, oh no, there's no way, we can't fix that, man, you're going to have this forever. But the blood of Jesus can reach it. Amen.
So the blood of Jesus, the power of that blood, amen, that it has authority in three distinct areas. Number one, in heaven, by the blood we have access with boldness. to come into the presence of God anytime, day or night, receive mercy, find grace to help us in the time of need, and you exercise that right of access through faith in the blood of Jesus.
And that blood brings you right into the presence of God. Let's try this side over here. I said that blood brings you immediately right into the very presence of God, into the holy of holies, and you come walking in, and nobody questions why you're there.
Come on, nobody says, what you doing in here? No, you come in there, you say, the blood brought me in here. Jesus brought me in here. Come on, I'm welcome in here.
I belong in here. And I cry, God, you are my Abba Father, my... daddy got. That blood gives you boldness. Even when you feel like you have failed and you have not measured up and done everything you're supposed to do.
I plead the blood means I'm going to go. ahead and go talk to God anyway no matter what I'm facing because of the power of the blood of Jesus so that blood prevails in heaven in heaven itself or you could set this way God lives in constant view of the blood of Christ All right, let's try this out over here. Praise the Lord. I'm talking about your faith, our faith in the blood of Jesus. God lives in constant view of the blood of Christ.
And my mama, she would plead the blood over all kinds of things. I remember, you know, when I was a kid, I plead the blood. If you're going on a trip, I plead the blood. She wouldn't.
be quiet about it. I plead the blood. Come on, because some people go on trips and don't come back.
But my mom said, I plead the blood. We're going there. We're coming back safe. I plead the blood.
Don't take it for granted. I plead the blood. Amen.
And I always said when I was in high school, I brought a girlfriend home from high school. She had one of the mini skirts on and I was 17 years old and you know, having trouble with testosterone. But when I brought her back, brought her in the house, she had one. I said, man, she was something. And my mama said, I plead the blood of Jesus.
So I told my mama, my girlfriend said, what did your mama say? I said, nothing. So I told my mom I said, but I like her I Want her my mama said you may get what you want and you may not want what you get Plead the blood what does that mean?
How many know the blood can change your want to? I said the blood can change your want to. You might even need to plead the blood over yourself.
Get what God has for you, amen? When I brought my wife, Trina, home from Bible college, my mama said, thank God for the blood of Jesus. I brought her home. She's sitting right over here.
We've been married 47 years, two kids and eight grandkids and all of them serving the Lord. So I plead the blood. We would say, we would say I'm slinging blood everywhere.
Because in the old Testament, if you wanted to worship God, then the blood was applied on the book. Come on the scripture. The blood was applied on all the instruments of worship and the blood was applied on all the people.
That means if you went to worship, then you're going to have blood on you. I think Andrew Murray said it this way, the sprinkling of the blood is the highest act of worship. The highest act of worship that means if you want the highest act and access into the presence of God You start honoring the blood of Jesus.
Amen Amen, so look at Hebrews 9 12 and 14 real quickly here It says Hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 neither by the blood of goats and calves But with his own blood He entered in once into the holy place and he obtained eternal redemption for us. All right, let's try that one more. That's a scripture I like to say every day.
Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood. What happened when Jesus was raised from the dead? He took his blood into heaven itself, right into the very presence of God. And he obtained. eternal redemption he purchased our freedom with his own blood praise the Lord whoo come on the devil hates it when you talk about it come on the power of that blood Has done something in heaven God lives in constant view of that blood So if you and I are gonna live by faith if we're gonna live in victory We're gonna have to live in a constant consciousness of the blood of Christ Praise the Lord Constant That means When you get up in the morning Every thought Take every thought captive Come on Every feeling Every situation I plead the blood In the name of Jesus I apply the blood blood.
Amen. So that blood has done something in heaven. Number one, number two, that blood has done something over hell and all the works of the devil. Revelation chapter 12 verse 11 says what they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. The devil can tolerate a lot of religious activity.
He will even go to church himself and has joined many churches. The devil can tolerate a lot of religious activity, but he cannot tolerate anybody that talks about the blood of Jesus, the power of that blood. applies that blood because that blood has a voice.
So number one, that blood has prevailed. in heaven. Number two, that blood prevails over the devil and every demon, every kind of devil, every kind of demon and Satan's whole kingdom.
The moment you lift your voice and declare the power of the blood of Jesus, then the unseen powers come on. Some of you know you have strategies against you by unseen powers that are greater than any human or greater than any natural search. circumstance. Come on.
Jesus told Simon Peter, Satan has desired to have you that he might sift you like wheat, but he will not have you because I have prayed for you. He said, and when you are converted, God is going to use you to strengthen the brethren. Come on. Come on. You don't just have a natural problem.
He said, Satan has desired to have you that he might sift you like wheat. to destroy you, to wreck you, and to ruin you. And you've seen strategies of the enemy over your childhood, your teenage years, and even your present situation. Strategies of the devil.
But there is power in the blood of Jesus. Well, I feel like slapping somebody this morning. I said, there's power in the blood of Jesus.
You are not left helpless. You are not a victim. Come on.
You are not in a situation that you cannot deal with it when you know about the blood of Jesus. I'm redeemed by the blood. I overcome by the blood.
You have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of the Son of God. In Him, you have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sin. Come on, there is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood, in the blood of... Don't be quiet about it, sing about it, talk about it.
Come on, tell your children about it. The blood. Woo! Come on, I'm washed in the blood. Come on, I'm redeemed by the blood.
I overcome by the blood. I'm blessed by the blood. I'm slinging blood everywhere.
I've been made righteous by the blood. His blood alone has done everything. I didn't do it.
I ain't working for it. He did it with his blood. Out of the blood of Jesus.
Woo! Wherever that blood is applied, I'm slinging blood everywhere. His blood. If you don't like that preaching, I'll cast the devil out of you too.
You understand? I have power in the blood of Jesus. Amen.
You got more problems than a psychiatrist can fix. You just need the blood. You need to sling the blood everywhere. Yes, if I can't get the devil out of throw you and the devil out so the blood alone The blood alone Has prevailed We're in heaven Come on, but where else over hell every devil every demon that Jesus spoiled Principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphed over them.
Every spirit, every demon. Hey, every spirit of infirmity. Come on, every spirit of fear, every spirit of infirmity, every kind of devil, every unclean devil come against your life.
The blood of Jesus prevailed. Go ahead and shout about that a while. Say the blood. Blood walk. Ha ha we are blood we're blood blessed We have boldness because of the blood So that blood is prevailed in heaven And so my mama I didn't know what she was doing matter of fact, I came home from Bible College Four years of Bible College in Waukesha, Texas Southwestern Assemblies of God met my wife there.
So I came home From Bible College and I told my mama I'm a little concerned about your theology It's a true story. I'm embarrassed about it now. It's stupid.
I mean, you can be educated and stupid at the same time, so. So, I come home, sit in the kitchen with my mama. I said, I'm a little concerned about your theology because I've been studying theology.
So I did I told my mom I said I'm concerned about your theology you say all the time I plead the blood and I don't see that anywhere in the New Testament My mama said Well, it seems to be working for me She said you're going to Bible College and we know that is a miracle You are a sign and a wonder, buddy, because I know you come right out of jail. Come on, I know where you've been. You'd be dead if it weren't for somebody pleading the blood over you, I'd be dead.
Plead the blood. So, we went over and I went over with her, so we just started studying it, and we found in the New Testament, Romans 3.25, he talks about faith in his blood. In other words, if you're going to live by faith, then faith in the blood.
Faith in the blood is necessary. So let me read this to you real quickly here because this comes from Andrew Murray. It says, faith is largely dependent upon knowledge.
In other words, no such thing as ignorant faith. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word. The moment you hear the word on that subject, faith comes right then. So faith, if you're going to have faith in the blood, then faith is dependent upon knowledge or revelation knowledge. And here's what he said.
Faith is dependent upon knowledge. If knowledge of what the blood can or has accomplished is not accurate. Well, it doesn't mean that you don't have any faith, it just may not be as accurate as it could be.
How many think you could actually learn anything more about the blood? That's sad because about 70% of you think you already know everything. Listen, how many think you could actually learn?
something more about the blood. Listen, let's try it one more time. We ought to have 100% on this one. How many think you could learn something more about the blood? You could actually apply something that you may have forgotten.
Right? So, so when me and Trenta years ago, I don't know how, 20 years maybe, we were in the airport and, um, and she saw a book on the bookstore there, a Christian book, uh, the power of the blood of Jesus by Andrew Murray. So she saw that blood, a book on the book and the bookstore there.
She said, I think we ought to buy this book. And I said, um, I don't need that book. It's amazing how ignorance and arrogance seem to go hand in hand.
Humility is what I need to learn But my arrogance was I I don't need that book you buy the book if you want I don't need it. You want to tell me something about the blood I was raised in church. Come on I know about my mama and you want to tell me something about the blood I ain't read no book about the blood you read the book underline the best parts and then I'll read it So she did underline it and set it by my chair.
And so I was sitting there in my chair. I got the book. I went, oh, I must have forgot that.
I look at her, oh, oh, I must have knew that, but I forgot I knew it. In other words, to have accurate knowledge, or to renew your mind, or to remember, or to be conscious of. Wow. Let's finish reading this. He said, if your knowledge is not accurate, then your faith will have little expectation.
In other words, the more you know about the blood, the more your faith or your expectation is going to go higher. Praise the Lord. You talking about unlimited expectation.
When you know about the blood covenant, your expectation is through the roof. That means something good is happening to me right now because of that blood. Come on, I'm expecting miracles because of that. blood. Amen.
I'll tell you about my friend, Pastor Mack Hammond, and we were just preaching for him last week in Minneapolis. And Pastor Mack, you know, he's going through a struggle in his church, got a great church, but he said, I was going through some challenges. And he said, and the Lord spoke to me and said, when are you going to act like you have a covenant with God? All right, let's try one more thing.
When are you going to talk like you have a covenant with God? Are y'all still here? So knowledge of that blood brings greater expectation and you start thinking. Thinking and talking like God's on your side.
The blood has been applied. Every need shall be supplied. Come on, nothing shall be denied.
So I enter into rest. I know I'm blessed. I have passed the test. I will get God's best because of the blood.
I'm blood blessed. Woo. All right, let me finish reading this. He says, then your faith will expect little, and the more powerful effects of the blood could be limited. Feeble ideas of its power prevent the deeper and more perfect manifestations of its effects.
Ah, ready? Here's a little bit more. As we find out what the Scriptures teach about the blood, we will see that faith in the blood can produce greater results in us than we have yet known.
All right, I'm gonna read that one more time. Y'all with me? As we find out what the scriptures teach about the blood, we will see that faith in the blood can produce greater results in us than we have yet known. And in the future, a ceaseless blessing may be ours.
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. you're watching Mark Hankins ministries faith for every nation there is no doubt we are living in uncertain times people are struggling with anxiety and have a lot of questions about what's going on in the world and how that will impact their future do you want to live in overcoming victorious and explains the power of the blood of Jesus. Not only will we clearly see what the blood has done for us, but also what it does in us as believers.
This book has a brand new chapter about his grandson, Dylan, and how he overcame leukemia and a bone marrow transplant. With this offer, you will also get a bonus four CD set, The Bloodline of a Champion. By faith, we are part of a new bloodline. The Bloodline of a Champion.
Order this special package today. Your gift of any amount will help Mark and Trina Hankins train believers around the world. Our vision is for believers to catch the spirit of faith, learn who they are in Christ, and be strengthened by the move of the Holy Spirit.
For your gift of any amount, you will receive the book and the four CD set, The Bloodline of a Champion. To order this special offer, call us today at 318-767-2001 or visit Thank you, World Missions Partners.
Together we can. Together we will. Faith in the blood, plus nothing, minus nothing, is all you need to enjoy God's best blessings.
For the enjoyment of this blessedness, nothing is necessary except faith in the blood. The blood alone has done everything. That is one of my favorite quotes from this book, Bloodline of a Champion. Thank you so much for joining us for the program today. We're honored to have you, and we trust that you were blessed by the message that you received.
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