Julian Morrow to the pharmacy when I suffer from back pain I take neurofen migraine for fast targeted relief when I have a tension headache I take neurofen back pain for fast targeted relief when I've got a sore neck I take neurofen period pain for fast targeted relief and Dante yerevan savants for the fast targeted relief of my serve ants if you think they've stuffed up you're right but not because they bought the wrong pain relief in fact they all bought exactly the same active ingredient ibuprofen ibuprofen is a proven pain reliever it's on the w-h-o list of most effective safe and cost-effective medicines for medicines that's like the allen bought a metal but more interesting you won't find neurofen back pain in any list of cost effective medicines though because at 51 cents a tablet it is 70% more expensive than nurofen's advanced even though it offers exactly the same pain relief in pretty much the same time and that goes for neurofen migraine tension headache and period pain as well the only difference between any of these is the price so you three paid 70% more for exactly the same results yeah now that's a pain maybe that neurofen back pain should look more like this because the fact is ibuprofen can't target specific types of pain don't just take it from me this white coat agrees - isn't that right yes and he's like a serious white coat his name's Andrew McLaughlin professor of pharmacy University of Sydney at the point is even if you've got back pain migraine tension headache and period pain all at once you get the same pain relief from a dose of any old ibuprofen if you did take one of neurofen supposedly specialized tablets for each different pain at the same time and you should and that'd be more than double the recommended dose make a habit of that and you'll be on your way to the third most common type of headache medication overuse headache what do we got we found it with these damnit get me a packet of neurofen over use your phone over use the fast targeted relief that one's not on the market yet but drug companies are always looking for ways to increase ibuprofen sales when it was first invented in the UK you can only get over protein by prescription in 2003 it became an over-the-counter drug here now you can get it in supermarkets convenience stores even petrol stations the company which makes neurofen record Penn Kaiser reportedly generates 40% of its revenue every year from innovations launched within the previous three years that's our tablet graph by the way it also comes in caplet liquid caplet or as a gel cap now neurofen is not the only drug to use these tactics but they are a market leader in silly gimmicks in england to increase emotional connection with customers nurofen even invented a courageous animated superhero neuro who defeats a group of five anti-heroes over headaches a fairly lame plot but still much better than Skyfall Oh Mr Bond the most you can say for all of nurofen's targeted variants is that selling something that claims to work on a specific pain might give customers something like another prudent form of pain relief placebo but when questionable brandings mixed with opportunistic pricing you can't help thinking that the most active ingredient of all is marketing no one from Reckitt Benckiser was willing to go on camera to defend those neurofen products but their PR company did give us a statement and asked us to attribute it to a Reckitt Benckiser spokesperson well sure neurons targeted pain relief labeling is placed on elegant space science and some other stuff you can read on our website when we asked them what evidence-based science they were referring to they sent us photocopies of some very science II looking documents which were a real headache to read but say nothing about neurofen they do however confirm that ibuprofen is non-selective so there is evidence-based science it just doesn't support nurofen's claims about targeting the neurofen spin doctors also say their labels are approved by will Therapeutic Goods Administration although they didn't mention that in 2012 the TGA upheld a complaints panel decision about a TV ad that found the phrase targeted relief of pain which is still on Europe and packs like this today was misleading so if you're looking for reliable info about neurofen talk to a real doctor not a spin doctor