hey it's miragosa's perfect scenarios where medicine makes perfect sense let's continue our microbiology and infectious diseases playlist in the last video we finished talking about staphylococcus aureus today we will turn our attention to streptococcus species it's time for an introduction and classification and the next video talk about the characteristics followed by diseases how to diagnose and how to treat let's go this is my playlist please watch these videos in order for maximal understanding when you see in the news flesh eating bacteria whoo they are basically talking about streptococcus pyogenes why because it can cause sepsis cellulitis necrotizing fasciitis as we have discussed in previous video but these corporate shells are woke because staph piogenese is not the only flesh-eating bacteria why should we ignore clostridium prefringes for example let's answer the question of the previous video is staph cyprophyticus the most common cause of urinary tract infections the answer is no e coli is the most common microbes are bacteria fungi viruses or parasites that's why microbiology studies bacteriology fungality or mycology virology and parasitology if it's a bacteria use the gram stain gram positive or gram negative purple or pink okay it was purple are streptococci considered to be kakai or bacilli of course they are cockey they are spherical spherical like this so let's go back to square one are you bacteria virus fungus or parasites i am bacteria are you gram-positive or gram-negative i am gram-positive i.e purple are you a caucus or a bacillus i am a caucus are you catalase positive or catalase-negative i am catalase-negative i am your streptococcus and we are arranged in chains we are spherical but we are arranged in chains like this what do you mean that your catalase negative you cannot catalyze the reaction of converting hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen then after you realize that this is a streptococcus the next question is ask yourself about the hemolysis is it alpha-hemolytic beta-hemolytic or gamma hemolytic what does that mean alpha hemolysis means partial hemolysis on the petri dish how about beta it means complete hemolysis how about gamma hemolysis it means no hemolysis partial complete or no hemolysis okay i have caused partial hemolysis all right then i look at the next question up token is an antibiotic can uptoken kill you yes it can i am sensitive to up token you are streptococcus pneumoniae no i'm resistant to up token you are streptococcus very dense oh no no no no i am beta hemolytic i cause complete hemolysis the next question is basic tracing add basic tracing i was killed by basic tracing your group a streptococcus you are group a beta hemolytic streptococcus to be specific such as streptococcus pyogenes no i was not killed by basin i resisted the doofus you are group b beta hemolytic streptococcus such as tryptococcus a galacti a hemolyticosis i cause no hemolysis whatsoever the next question is to ask can you grow on 6.5 salt solution can you grow in the solution yes of course enterococcus no i cannot streptococcus bovis that's the old name the new name is streptococcus galluliticus who named these things nomenclature streptococcus why caucus because it's spherical why strepto because arranged in chains like chicken strips microbiology is always related to the kitchen when i say streptococcus pyogenes what does pyogenes by you means plus gene from genesis generation of past o like cellulitis like necrotizing fasciitis absolutely how about streptococcus a galactia a means no galactic from galactose oh lactose milk yeah a galactic no milk because tryptococcus eglectia cause cow mastitis inflammation of the other of the cow the cow can secrete no milk how about streptococcus bovis they used to call it bovis because bovine then they changed the name into galluliticus because as you know when scientists have nothing to say but they have to print a new textbook edition they have to change the classification for some reason and then they try to justify it galoliticus because it causes lysis lytic of methylgalate who gives a rip bovis was better and easier in humans streptococcus galoliticus or bovis can cause bacteremia and colon cancer or any gi cancer very important for your exam how about streptococcus pneumoniae that's easy no mokakai they cause pneumonia with consolidation yeah with dullness to percussion increased tactile vocal frametest increased egophony bronchophony and whispering pictoroloquy yes indeed why do you call it consolidation because the air has become solid consolidation do you remember the stages of pneumonia and the hepatization yep next we have streptococcus mutans from mutation mutatus mutandis changing think of it as a frankenstein dentist always mutating this bacteria can cause dental caries before you know it it can lead to bacteremia and if you have a weak valve like a cyanotic heart disease when you were young like infective endocarditis some bad rheumatic fever history your dentist should prescribe antibiotics after invasive dental procedures because before you know it the bacteremia will be on your heart valves if your valves are healthy don't worry about it if your valves are weak it can be a problem why do you say that if my valves are healthy i should not worry about it because this is a weak bacteria unlike staph aureus remember staph aureus can cause acute bacterial endocarditis but streptococcus mutants will give you sub-acute bacterial endocarditis big difference please refer to previous videos next streptococcus mitus they called it mites because they thought it only caused mild disease but that's not true it can actually cause bacteremia and subacute bacterial endocarditis just remember the mighty heart the mighty midas the mighty endocardium the mighty valve etc next trip to kakasui or suez look at how many s's here lots of cns oh you mean encephalitis meningitis yes and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome not to be confused with staph toxic shock syndrome which was caused by staph toxic shock syndrome toxin number one that's why i said watch these videos in order please what's encephalitis inflammation of the actual brain tissue meningitis inflammation of the coverings that surround the brain and the spinal cord all of these streptococci are gram-positive cocci lacking endospores they are catalase negative can we take a look at the very dance yeah it's alpha hemolytic what does that mean partial hemolysis what do you mean medicosis get my strep very dense bacteria okay throw it on a petri dish all right just wait it will show you this green hemolysis around the bacterial colonies oh this is kind of a small partial green hemolysis yeah it's not the complete beta hemolysis this is just partial it appears green as you see that's why they called it very dance from word or vert which means green does anyone remember billy verdin which will become unconjugated bilirubin man go read the book so the very dance and the streptococcus pneumoniae are alpha hemolytic partial hemolysis however streptococcus pyogenes and a galactic are beta-hemolytic and here is quiz time why is streptococcus pyogenes beta-hemolytic let me know the answer in the comments you'll find the correct answer in the next video we're not done yet we gotta classify streptococci we have three modes of classification you can classify them based on serology serum means serum and algae means the study of the study of serum your serum that is or based on their hemolysis are they alpha hemolytic beta-hemolytic or gamma hemolytic and you can classify them based on biochemical and physiological tests the biochemical tests depend on the physiological properties of the bacteria tell me about the serological classification this is rebecca landsfield classification thank you becky becky classified the streptococci into group a group b group c group d e f g all the way until group w bless her heart the second classification is by himals alpha hemolytic or gamma hemolytic you already know this and the third classification is biochemical tests which depend on the physiological properties of the streptococci be very careful when i say group a beta-hemolytic streptococci notice i used two classifications from this classifications i recognized that streptococcus pyogenes is group a and from this classification i recognize that streptococcus pyogenes is beta-hemolytic lump them together you can call it group a beta-hemolytic streptococci or simply streptococcus pyogenes which is beta-hemolytic basy trace insensitive you can devise your own classification make it easy use a combination of different classifications so you can divide them into beta hemolytic and everything else beta harmonic streptococci all right i know it's beta-amylic then what then use rebecca lansfield classification is it group a oh that's tryptococcus biogenes it could be group b that's tryptococcus a galactia etc anything that's not beta-hemolytic can be called collectively very dense group streptococci so verodin's group is not just one bacteria it's not one type of bacteria it is many types anything that's alpha hemolytic or gamma genetic anything that's not beta-hemolytic is very dense let's review some beta-hemolytics the most important is tryptococcus pyogenes and this is group a the second most important is tryptococcus a galactia and this is group b beta hemolytic of course then we have group c which is streptococcus this galactica difficulty with milk yeah this means difficulty galactic is milk and then groups f and g we call them angiosis and this galactica again streptococcus pyogenes this is the land of strep throat this is the land of scarlet fever skin infections such as impetigo era sepulus cellulitis necrotizing fasciitis etc it's also the land of rheumatic fever and post streptococcal glomerulonephritis please refer to my nephrology playlist i have a video about post streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis next streptococcus a galactia group b yes group b for b remember baby because this can lead to neonatal sepsis neonatal meningitis and neonatal pneumonia it can also lead to other diseases not just in neonates but in adults too it can colonize the perennial area of the mother and before you know it vertical transmission from the mother to the baby next this galactica encounters difficulty producing milk in humans pharyngitis and nephritis how about angiosis abscess master your etymology like it's nobody's business pause and review you need to memorize every single word in this slide streptococcus pyogenes pyo means pass pharyngitis all right pharyngitis plus rash is called scarlet fever which is more severe than pharyngitis and then i get skin infections such as impetigo since streptococcus is coagulase negative unlike steph it can spread because no one will coagulate it in place it will keep spreading and spreading and spreading you'll get a recipient wider and deeper cellulitis wider and deeper necrotizing fasciitis go to my blood sepsis bang and then we have some immunological reactions molecular mimic reaction rheumatic fever and post streptococcal glomerulonephritis rheumatic fever is many things including the heart pancarditis to be specific endocardium is affected myocardium is affected pericardium is affected post streptococcal glomerulonephritis is a nephritic syndrome please be careful if i started with strep throat pharyngitis it can become rheumatic fever or post streptococcal glomerulonephritis but if i started with a skin infection i can only get post tryptococcal gland arthritis never rheumatic fever why is this mitochosis we'll talk about that in the next video this was streptococcus pyogenes or group a how about group b streptococcus a galactic remember neonatal sepsis meningitis pneumonia very dance the dentist and endocarditis don't forget streptococcus mutants and streptococcus mighties too the mighty heart and the mutant frankenstein dentist enterococci entero all right i'm in the blood endocarditis and it can also lead to urinary tract infections how about bovis that's the old name today they call it galluliticus human bacteremia human gi cancers including colon cancer let's review the diseases caused by streptococcus pyogenes from the website that i like picmonic let's go streptococcus pyogenes here is the piyo pi all kinds of pus action pharyngitis here is pharaoh impetigo here is the tiger cellulitis here's the cell phone toxigenic oh not by the bacteria but by the bacterial toxins such as what toxic shock like syndrome which is similar to staff but not identical to the staff toxic shock syndrome and then we have scarlet fever which is the fever beaver with the strawberry tongue and circum oral pallor this is pharyngitis plus rash as you know then we have immunological diseases such as rheumatic fever and post streptococcal glomerulonephritis the mechanism behind dramatic fever is probably molecular mimicry with a streptococcal m protein which will be discussed later we talked about the difference between staph and strep before staph has teflokinase which is fibrillized strept has streptokinase which is also a fibrinolysin we can use this for identification steph has staphylothrombine coagulase positive strep does not strep is coagulates negative that's why this is empty however streptococcus has hemolysin or streptolysin staph does not and you will make antibodies against streptolysin o what do you call these antibodies anti streptolysin o aso antibodies that's true you know what else you can make antibodies against dnas of streptococci anti-dnase antibodies yes indeed see medicine makes so much sense once you understand what the flip you're talking about pause and review it's time to take you to the next level by mastering pharmacology download my antibiotics course today at mitycos's medicosisperfectsnails.com and learn about antibacterials antifungals antivirals and anti-parasitic medications you'll get to download my perfect snails ultimate notebook one humongous pdf files with my handwritten antibiotics notes and a mind map to help you memorize those drugs or you can try my brand new surgery high yields course and my emergency medicine high health course all of these premium courses are available at medicosis medicosisperfictionnelis.com and you can get a 50 discount towards any of these courses by using discount code ards at checkout it's gonna disappear soon so use it or lose it thank you for watching please subscribe hit the bell and click on the join button you can support me here or here go to my website to download my courses be safe stay happy study hard this is miracles perfect snails where medicine makes perfect sense