Transcript for:
Classroom Interaction and Disruption

[Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] are you [Music] okay wait is that Ru oh my God I'm charin and the charin charin from Thomas oh my God Shin I'm the college with SH here take my number we'll catch up soon yeah um okay [Music] sure and this is dation by bro I met this girl called charin oh charin I know her her Instagram name is char. xox her Instagram followers are 367 her following is 90 her snap name is charene 23 and wait wait wait how do you know this I know everything done you know she's also in this class up where where where huh [Music] for what's that noise start [Music] up now you sit down explain juvenation by cator why are you looking behind you wasting everyone's time why you even coming to UNI no work no education no nothing Ru what are you going to do with your life I'm baby basic [Music]