Transcript for:
Blueprint to Starting a Cash Flow Business

at 24 years old I've experienced more in life than most people will in their entire lifetimes from all the materialistic like waking up and deciding am I going to drive my Lamborghini or my GT3 on the way to tennis or am I feeling a little tired so I'm just going to chill out in the back of my Rolls-Royce with my mayback while I get driven all the way from that to achieving childhood dreams like buying my mom a $4 million house in cash to giving back and doing my part with some of my philanthropic project like the over half a dozen schools I've built in Nepal for thousands of kids or the new school that I'm currently building in South Africa I have honestly lived such an Eclectic life at this point and the reason that I've been able to live this life since the age of 17 it's because I focused on one thing and one thing only when I was younger which was growing my cash flow business and what I mean by that is a business that puts cash in your pocket consistently every single months in this video I'm going to give you my personal blueprint to start a cash flow business from zero and this is my exact thought process on how I would personally start from scratch again and go from 0 to $10,000 a month this year now this presentation is going to be divided into three sections the first section is the three factors that absolutely must be in place for you to make money no matter what your strategy or business model is then we'll get into the fundamentals of starting a cash flow business and then finally I'm going to show you how to start your own cash flow business in practice in three simple steps so if you're someone who has been wanting to start an online business for a while put your ideas into practice and you just simply don't know what to do to get started or maybe you kind of know what to do but you're just not sure how to do it you know you're at Point a and you know you want to get to point B you just don't know how to bridge that Gap that is exactly what this video is going to help you solve and the goal is that by the end of this video you're going to have a game plan from now on you're always going to know where you're at where you need to go and you'll have a game plan or to be H maybe even more than that as to how to get there so with no further Ado let's get started so what are the three factors that absolutely must be in place in order for you to make money the first is something to sell I mean you can't expect to make money if you don't have something to sell whatever you have whether that's a product or service if it's your time or it's even old stuff that you have laying in your house you have to have something that you can trade in exchange of money then you need someone to sell it to because once you have something you can sell you have to actually find people who are interested in what you sell so that way they can buy from you I mean this is pretty much how the economy works and then finally you need a game plan and that is a process on how you're going to find these people and deliver on the thing that you're selling to them and this brings us onto the conversation of product versus service so first we need to Define what you're selling and if you really think about everything you could sell and you really break things down to a fundamental level you're going to realize that you can really only categorize what you're going to sell into two parts you're either selling a product or you're selling a service it doesn't matter what you're selling it can be categorized into one of those two if you're selling food well that's a product if you're selling furniture that's a product if you're selling old stuff in your house you don't use anymore that's still a product product on the other hand if you're cleaning cars that's a service if you're selling haircuts that's a service if you're selling social media management that's a service if you have a job then all you're doing is selling your time to your employer and that's fundamentally a service whenever you're selling time that's a service and in order to start not only a cash flow business but any type of business you need to decide what you are going to sell is it a product or is it a service and the obvious question to ask yourself is well which one is better and that is a very important question that 90% of people that start a business don't ask themselves don't you know they don't spend any time thinking about this and asking this question and really coming to a good answer can save you years of struggle and save you from burning tens of thousands of dollars in the process the thing that you need to consider here is what I like to call career timing you really need to understand there are stages in your career and you have to think about where you are on the career Spectrum if you're currently at $11,000 a month and you try to pick a $10 million business your odds of succeeding are slim to none because that business is way too sophisticated for your current level of experience in this case you need something that's simple and allows you to succeed without too much complexity on the other hand if you're at the $10 million level and you try to start $100,000 year business the business in of itself will most likely succeed because you have more than enough experience and capital need needed to get it to succeed however it will most likely never get to the scale that you want it to because that is a business that is below your experience level and in this case you need something that has a higher barrier to entry in order to prevent yourself having a lot of competition and something that allows you to scale to multiple eight and nine figures and those nuances are all about career timing most people really don't understand this but the business that you start to get to $100 million is not the same business that you need to get to 0 million in the same way the $10 million of your business will probably be a different business to the one that you make your first million and that will be a different business to how you make your first $100,000 so ask yourself which one is the business that you should start right now and I know that 99% of people watching this are beginners so your first objective should simply be to start a $100,000 business that is roughly $10,000 a month now going back to our original question of what we want to answer here in your specific cas Cas should you pick a product based business or should you pick a service based business and now I'm going to give you an answer that you're probably going to find controversial but it's actually not it's simply the reality and that is in 99% of cases a beginner should not start a product based business because pretty much all of the product based businesses are a better fit to get to a million dollar or $10 million a year career stage and quite frankly you are not there yet and there's two reasons to start a product based business you need a product in the first place in order to have a product you need to develop it and the process of developing a product that is high quality and that people actually want is extremely timec consuming and expensive and I say that from experience I have multiple product based businesses let's use the most simple of them all my eyewear business gadgy before I made any money with this brand when I first started developing eyewear 4 years ago I invested tens of thousands of dollars in order for the initial stock as as well as months and months of product development all of that without having a clue whether people would want to buy it or not and at that point I already had a decent following I already had hundreds of thousands of people following me which makes selling the product 10 times easier now to this day I invest hundreds of thousands of dollars every time we restock and in fact I'm flying to Madrid tomorrow to see my new business partner who just bought into gadgy and we just changed manufacturers rebranded GGI slightly gave it a facelift and we both put over a million dollar into new stalk for the brand you know it's funny everyone talks about oh if I was a millionaire and bear in mind a million in cash I have Ventures like gadgy well I guess I've been running it for multiple years but now that we're really scaling it and taking it bigger I'm wiring a million dollars people work their entire lives just have a million dollars in cash I'm wiring a million dollars just to get the Rebrand and our new product line off the ground you need to understand how scary that is for most people and if you don't have a lot of cash flow coming in from other businesses you want to avoid this at all costs because this puts yourself in a situation where you invest money up front in order to see returns 2 months 5 months 6 months a year later even worse having to invest from your own pocket every month to keep the business running in case things don't go exactly according with the plan and a very important business lesson for you here things very rarely go to plan once again another example where I invested almost a million dollars for the initial stock to get that company off the ground and we had a massive issue where we were delayed by multiple months and I'm good because I have other businesses that match my current career timing but imagine for the average person that has no money coming in and they're just waiting and waiting and waiting for this thing to launch because there's always issues when it comes to physical product businesses and listen I started my first business 8 years ago and my business partners have a decade plus of experience sometimes even multiple Decades of experience then we all still struggle with this stuff to this day that's the reality of having a product based business and I know that from the outside it looks like a glamorous sexy business to run but when you look at the back end of these businesses it's ugly now you know something that's not sexy at all but it has very smooth operation and it's way easier to run a service-based business you see as a beginner you want to find something that allows you to make mistakes and be wrong for months on end without getting you bankrupt in the process something that doesn't cost you money to do because as a beginner you don't have an abundance of cash to burn through something that allows you to start making money right away without having to go through the process of product development and that's exactly what a service-based business allows you to do because with a service based business you are essentially just selling your presents so if everything goes wrong you just lose a bit of time which you have an abundance of when you're first getting started out on the other hand you didn't lose any money which you have a lack of you you don't have much of when you're first getting started and most importantly you don't need to spend months and months developing a product you can start selling your time and your services right away doing things that you already know how to do and in the second part of this video I'm going to show you exactly how to figure out what is the most profitable service for you to sell and how to find a blue ocean Market to sell it too so that way you don't ever have to worry about competition but before we get into that the point you need to understand here is this if you're at a level where you're objective is to start a $100,000 year business selling services is the superior way to go and the reason for that is because of a business principle called Cash Flow versus Enterprise Value here's the thing pretty much all of the product based businesses you see out there are built for something called Enterprise Value that is a business that allows you to invest a lot of money into it generate a return on that invest and then reinvest that money back into the business and this cycle fuels its growth and that creates something known as Enterprise Value because what are investors looking to do they are looking to invest the money that they have sitting around and if you have a vehicle if you have a business that allows them to invest as much money as possible while still being productive with that cash injection that vehicle has a higher Enterprise Value because later down the line they'll be able to sell this business for many multiples on what they initially invested and this this is what a product business allows you to do with gadji for example whenever we restock and we make a quar million dollars do you know where all that money goes It goes straight back into reordering more stock I never put a single dime of Revenue in my pocket and that's because the business is built for Enterprise Value it's not there to pay me dividends now the problem is you need to have the money in the first place to bankroll an operation like that and where does that money come from that money has come from my cash flow businesses a cash flow business is the exact opposite of this it's sole purpose is to generate free cash flow for you so that way you can use that money to reinvest into other Ventures and a part of it to pay for your lifestyle virtually none of that money gets reinvested into the business it is a cash cow you don't need to it's a business that doesn't require much cash to run because they are service-based and when you choose the right service it allows you to get paid four or even five figures per month per client by the way I remember the first time a client paid me five figures a month this was all the way back in 2018 it was a called auring and I remember I was charging in pounds but I charged just enough that when you converted it to US Dollars it came out to five figures a month and when you get one of those clients for the first time it's a crazy experience and when you do this this is how you make over $100,000 a month profit and that's a very big difference here because we are talking about profit that is cash in your pocket after all expenses are paid and the difference between a cash flow business and an Enterprise Value driven business is that with the Enterprise business when you make $100,000 with that kind of business after all the expenses you you reinvest back into the business and you're left with barely anything $5,000 to $10,000 maximum in a good scenario and that is why there are so many successful entrepreneurs out there with a multi-million dollar businesses that can barely afford to buy a house let alone live the lifestyle that I live on the other hand with a service-based business when I make $100,000 do you know how much of that I actually keep it's $80,000 $85,000 sometimes even $90,000 and at the end of the day when the business owners that run an Enterprise Value driven business see how much money they we are taking home personally knowing that most of the time they're making two three five even 10 times the amount of Revenue that we do and still taking home only a little fraction of what we take all they wish is to have a business like ours because they end up being what I like to call Revenue hostages they see those $100,000 in revenue and just as quick as it comes in and just as quick as it hits their bank account it flows out they never get to keep the money and by the way that has a deep psychological effect on you knowing that you're moving hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to only keep a Grand at the end of it and all of that stems from the fact that they focus on Revenue which is a vanity metric instead of focusing on profit now in the business game the ones that win are not the ones that make the most but the ones that keep the most at the end of it and you have to be able to see through this you know there's a lot of business influencers out there that say they're worth x amount and blah blah blah and you know am my company's worth blah blah blah this and that listen I'm sorry to tell you but valuation doesn't pay your bills and valuation is very murky you know without getting into specific there was a very well-known business that was trying to bring me in as a equal partner and one of the business owners had received an offer for his company for $750 million1 18 months ago and him and his investors laughed them out the room 18 months later he accepted an offer for $250 million $500 million vanish just like that so he doesn't get to say oh yeah you know my company's worth $750 million anymore they they thought they were going for the Big B they thought they had a billion dollar company on their hands but the market changes you know what no one can take away from you the Cash and The Profit you make every single month that's real that's tangible those are not assumptions about the market and bear in mind when I tell you guys all this stuff this is coming from someone that plays both sides of those markets listen as I mentioned valuation is not going to buy your mom a house do you want to be the guy who has convinced himself into thinking he's worth $200 million but he can't even buy his mom a half decent house or do you want to be the guy that's worth a fraction of that but can buy his mom a house can buy whatever super cars he wants without having to ask his investors or his business partners all this just remember when you're first starting out I'm not talking later down the line later down the line go for these bigger businesses go for these bigger Endeavors everything I'm telling you right here is what I would do if I was trying to make my first $100,000 again what I would do if I was trying to make my first half a million first million dollars is a cash flow low-risk business let mean look at me later down the line the businesses that you did to make your first 100,000 or your first few hundred, or your first million isn't necessarily the businesses that you're going to do to try to reach a billion so as I said when you're first starting out your main focus should be one thing and one thing only to maximize your cash reserves and and here is the rule to win in this game you take the free cash flow that your business generates every single month and you put 70% of that into Investments and once you have a solid Investment Portfolio that's when you can go into some of these riskier businesses that optimize for Enterprise Value and equity and then sell them for eight figures or even nine figures in the future and then the remaining 30% of whatever you make spend however you want guilds free if that's buying a Ferrari a Lamborghini I've done all of it renting a yacht by the coast of Italy to hang out with your friends getting a yacht to watch Monaco F1 or simply flying with your girlfriend to Paris In First Class whatever it is spend that 30% however you want because the reason we get into this world in the first place is to be able to afford experiences like that and you want to enjoy the entire process you don't want to only enjoy it when you're old and when you've made it and that is why we spend that 30% of everything we make guilt-free you deserve it and that is my guide to not only business but living an epic life where you make the most of the money and you enjoy life to the fullest and that is how you become what I like to call a cash flow master someone who makes a ton of money uses that money wisely and gets paid to enjoy life on their own terms and I'm sure that we can both agree that there's very few people who can speak to you in this manner who know how to live life not only crush it in business but also live a good life in the same way that I do now let's get into the second part of this presentation because you now already know that the best business to start as a beginner and to get to your first $100,000 is a cash flow business now there aren't that many businesses out there that will allow you to generate that sort of free cash flow so what we have to do right now is to jump into the fundamentals of a cash flow business so that way you get to understand what you need to do to start one yourself now going back to our three factors that absolutely must be in place for you to make money we've just covered the first one which is something to sell and we've already come to the conclusion that services are the superior thing to sell now what type of services are we talking about here and most importantly who are we going to sell it to those are the two questions that we're going to answer in this section now the best cash flow businesses are those that have a high unitary value what I mean by that is the value each client pays you on a monthly basis the higher the value is the easier it is to scale your business and to run its operations because the less clients you need to get to $100,000 so it is all about finding those services that provide you with the highest unitary value now how do you go about finding those Services well here's how you do it whenever you're selling services the closer that service is to the point of sale the higher its unitary value now what is the point of sale you might be asking you see there are multiple steps in a customer Journey that takes place before a sale happens before someone purchases they have to have the desire to purchase before someone has a desire to purchase they must first be interested in the solution that you sell and before being interested in your solution they have to be aware of such Solutions in the first place so awareness interest desire sale and that is the complete customer Journey that every single one of your customers goes through before buying from you and when I say point of sale what referring to is that last step of the customer journey and depending on the service that you provide it may sit on different stages of the customer Journey take for example branding whether that be redesigning a brand or simply advertising that brand on outdoors and radio commercials that service sits on the first level of the customer Journey the awareness stage and as a result it doesn't have a high unitary value now if you take a service like conversion rate optimization which is basically redesigning elements of a product page so that way it sells more that is a service that sits on the last stage of the customer Journey which is that point of sale that I talked about and it sits there because with that service it is very clear that you're making your client more money and as a result you can justify charging more for that service meaning it has a higher unitary value and a few examples of services that sit at that last stage of the customer Journey are conversion rate optimization paid advertising email marketing Sales Management SMS marketing merchant account optimization influencer marketing ug and many others and those are the very basic examples of what are all with top of mind now the obvious question is which one is the best for you to pick and the answer is it really depends on what well it depends on who you're selling to or in business terms and what Niche that you're operating in so instead of me giving you a one- siiz fits-all solution I thought I would walk you through the process of figuring out what the perfect services to provide for your Niche and in order to do that we first need to select your Niche we're in simp simple terms we need to figure out who it is that you're selling to and in case you're wondering well I don't know how to provide any of these Services don't worry about that because in the third part of this video I'm going to show you exactly how you can get those Services delivered for you by someone else without ever having to pay anything out of pocket now today we are really living through a big shift in the way that money is created if you really look at all of the young millionaires that you see out there well where does their money come from and the answer is always the same the Internet it's simple it's quite simple to 10 years ago all the big money was made in offline businesses but after 2020 the online adoption for all sorts of businesses was accelerated by at least one entire decade in just a few short years meaning there was a huge influx of money coming into online business and and when you're selecting your Niche that is who you're selling your services to you want to take that into consideration because the most important factor you want your Target customer to have is an abundance of money a lot of people fail with online business simply because of the fact that they target businesses that do not have an abundance of money and it's very hard to make money if your own clients don't have money to start with now if your clients have an abundance of money it is way way easier for you to command higher prices and increase the unitary value of your services and the best businesses to Target today which have an abundance of money are online businesses now there's dozens of different types of online businesses so how do you know which ones to Target well it's actually very simple remember the career stages chart that I walked you through earlier well the easiest way for you to find businesses to work with is to Target the ones that are one stage above you so if you're starting a $100,000 business you simply Target the million-dollar businesses because they are going to have more than enough cash to afford your services and provide you with a high unitary value while at the same time not being so far away from your current stage that it becomes unrealistic for you to work with them so all you need to do is simply search for online businesses doing from a million to $5 million a year and focus on them and then you just nail down the industry that you want to service that could be direct to Consumer Brands drop shipping stores content creators coaches Consultants education companies agencies whatever it is just choose the one that you identify with the most and now I'm going to show you how to figure out what the best services to provide them with so that way you can start your own service-based cash flow business now here is the triple layer method that will allow you to find blue ocean markets that are completely untapped and have a lot of profit potential so let's say you decided to work with content creators think YouTubers that create videos on one specific topic it can be productivity masculinity Fitness whatever it is then in order to find blue ocean markets within that Niche we need to evaluate that Niche using the triple layer structure in any business there are three layers of variables that you can have they are the micro environment the market environment and the macro environment now the micro environment this is like your immediate circle it includes things that are close to the business like customers suppliers competitors and employees it's like the people that you interact with every day at school or in your neighborhood now for a business it's about understanding who they're selling to who they're buying from and who they are competing against and who's working for them then we have the market environment think of this as the bigger group that your business operates under this is like your school or your town it's all the people and businesses that your business might interact with or compete with in a broader sense and understanding the market environment means knowing what people want how much they're willing to pay and what other options that they have and then we have the macro environment now this is like the wider World outside of your immediate surroundings it includes things like government regulations economic conditions technology and cultural Trends it's like all of the big stuff that's happening in the country or even globally that can affect your business everywhere for example changes in laws or a recession can impact how a business operates even if it's not directly related to what the business does and when you evaluate the different pain points within each one of those three layers you're going to find services that you'd never even think about and just with this exercise alone you're going to be able to find anywhere from 10 to 20 different blue ocean ideas for your target market so for our content creation example the micro environment would be their employees so video editors and translators just so with this you can already think about quite a few different Services you could help them transcript their content to other languages you could help them dub their content to other languages you have the revenue reps and those are the YouTube reps responsible for the AdSense revenue generated on their Channel that's something that people hardly ever even think about and that's where you can find those blue ocean markets for example you could help them create content that will generate a higher RPM and that means Revenue Vue per Mill thus increasing their AdSense revenue and with a few simple tweaks on the packaging of their video you can double their Channel's RPM essentially doubling how much money that they get paid from YouTube in a month and most importantly this would be one of those services that is exactly at the point of sale and as a result it'll yield you a high unitary value and again I don't personally know anyone offering a service like this now another part of their micro environment is their sponsors here you could take care of getting sponsors for all of their videos and negotiating the best deals with their sponsors another one of those services at the point of sale now whenever any content creator creates a new video they go through a video review process and that usually requires a lot of back and forth with the content creator and their editors you know change this now change that oh I don't like how this turned out and let's change this again and the more review that they go through the longer it takes to create a video so here you could help them to implement an effective video reviewing process with a tool like which would help expedite the process of creating and reviewing a video by potentially 2X and this way they'd be able to double their output of videos double the videos means double the revenue so once again another one of those Point of Sales services that would have a high unitary value now let's talk about the market environment variables it's becoming a big trend on YouTube today to have a huge focus on thumbnails because to be honest simply changing a thumbnail can make the exact same video get 2 three five 10 times the amount of views it was originally getting and it even works for old videos that were published years ago meaning if you simply help them create new variations of thumbnails to test for their new videos and for all the existing ones you can make some of their old videos pop off again and even go viral while also increasing the performance of the new ones this is a super easy way to fulfill service and extremely valuable for Content creators because once again the more views that they get the more revenue and this is one of the easiest ways to generate them more views listen I have an entire department in my company that all they do is rehash our thumbnails to find new variations with better performance now another thing that all content creators are experiencing today is decreasing AdSense revenue and most of those creators depend on that money so that's a huge pain point for them and there's a few possible solutions here first helping them create new revenue streams through online programs so your entire service could be helping those creators to structure the curriculum of an online program and creating the infrastructure for them to sell those online programs and the basic setup for this is actually quite simple and if you get good at the skill of monetizing their audiences you can make millions with this another option is to set up multiple affiliate Partnerships for that creator let's say the Creator talks about productivity you could set him up as an affiliate for meditation apps project management software such as Monday or clickup or even for very high ticket products like saunas or cold plunges where you can make thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions for each sale and finally you can help them develop their own brand of physical products that might be supplements planners notebooks all of which are super simple to set up and there are many companies that you can use to wh label all of the work now let's go to the last layer of variable here which is the macro environment a big Trend that has happened happening in the market right now is users moving away from long form content and increasing the consumption of short form content and with that you could create a network of shortform accounts on Instagram Tik Tok YouTube and create Clips out of their long form content and then redistribute that content into hundreds of short form Clips on all social media platforms and this can help them increase their reach by 10 to 20x if done right again I have an entire department of over 20 people in my company which is all they do now the thing is I can afford to have those 20 people full-time most people can't and that's where your service can come in because it's way more advantageous for them to Outsource that work to you rather than have 20 people full-time just doing short form Clips like they do for me then we have ai technology here you could help them speed up the process of video creation cut down and transcription by implementing an AI Tech stack that's going to save them thousands of dollars a month that's currently being spent on Freelancers so just with this quick thought exercise we came up with 10 different blue ocean services that you could offer for your clients all of which have a high unitary value and that can easily get you to10 000 a month with just a handful of clients if you spend a few hours on this exercise you're going to come up with things that never would have crossed your mind otherwise and even better that has never crossed anyone else's mind and that is the exact fundamentals you need in order to start your own cash flow business now I know what you're thinking all of this sounds great I know how to find these blue ocean pockets of the market and exactly what to offer them however I don't know how to fulfill any of those Services myself and that's completely fine because you don't need to do that yourself and in the next part of this video I'm going to give you the exact step-by-step process on how to get all of these Services fulfilled for you by someone else without ever having to pay anything out of pocket and when you use one small loophole that I'm about to show you you are able to provide thumbnail design without even knowing how to use Photoshop or any of the thumbnail softwares you're going to be able to provide short form content without knowing how to edit videos you're going to be able to provide transcription services without speaking any other languages you can essentially provide any service without knowing how to actually do that service and that is the real beauty of this business model that's the exact same loophole that a bunch of regular 20-some year olds are using to generate results like this on a daily basis you see they all successfully created their own cash flow business and became cash flow Masters themselves and if you to want to become a cash flow master so that way you can afford to live a lifestyle of financial location and time Freedom well here's how to do it here's a step-by-step process on how to actually do this in practice AKA become a cash flow master so the first thing that you need to do before you even go through any of the steps is to really understand what you are doing here and what we're doing is very simple we are getting clients and providing them with blue ocean services that have a high unary value to generate free cash flow for us and it's funny because most people never realize that if you have clients and you provide them with a service you're essentially an agency because that's what an agency does provide clients with a service now whatever that service is and who that client is it doesn't matter what matters is that you are working as an agency so that brings us to the conclusion that every service-based cash flow business is essentially an agency now most people think that an agency means running ads or creating videos which is far from the truth because all of the most successful agency owners I know don't provide any of those services and that's what we covered here today so now that you understand what we're actually doing here let's jump to step one and that is setup and here's where you basically get to choose the name of your own agency you don't need to overthink this step because it won't hold you back at all I mean in fact the name of my own agency didn't even make sense it was called IG media but we didn't do any media I started off as a creative agency but I pivoted within a year so we were really an advertising agency yet I had a name that had nothing to do with it so just pick a name and Ru with it now I will say preferably try to avoid your initials or your name that actually ended up being something that did hold me back later but as long as you don't have your last name or your initials in it then you're good but just pick one and roll with it now the next step is to buy the domain for your agency name and set up your business email and that's pretty much all of the startup cost that you have now the reason you want a business domain is that way when you're reaching out to clients through email you want it to look as professional as possible so no @gmail or at hot mails here and to be honest you don't even need to build a website for your agency in order to get started back in 2017 I scaled to 15 grand a month with my agency with no website so there we go first step is done then we move on to step two and this is where things start to get interesting because have you ever looked at how the big scale agencies actually operate you know the ones with all the Swanky offices and hundreds of employees they have a very simple business model they pay their employees $15 an hour and then they charge their clients $50 an hour and simply pocket the difference they simply figure out how much to charge a client based on the number of hours that the project will take and how much that they're paying their employees and then they add an extra 100 to 300% markup on top of that and that's literally their entire business model and what we're going to do is something even smarter instead of hiring an expensive marketing graduate with no real experience and having to deal with all of the risks that come with a typical employment relationship such as fixed payroll and long time frame contracts we're going to hire a contractor who already has experience with the service we're offering and we're going to do so on a Pur service basis this means that in the first place we won't have any risk on our end because we're only going to pay our contractor once we already get paid so that way you will literally never have to pay anything out of pocket and that is what I call Contractor Arbitrage and it is exactly what the companies of the new Arbitrage economy do I mean think about it whenever a new driver registers to Uber Uber as a company doesn't have any added risk to it because this driver literally doesn't cost them any money all while adding potential new Revenue to them and it's only after the driver generates such Revenue that Uber pays them their fee so it's pretty much just free cash flow for their company and we're doing the same thing here because you get paid by clients at the beginning of the month and then you pay your contractor at the end of the month after they deliver the services this way you will never run into cash flow issues and you will never have to pay anything out of pocket and the craziest part in all of this is that it's actually cheaper to hire an experienced contractor who speaks impeccable English from countries like South Africa New Zealand Peru Colombia Brazil Indonesia Philippines and a bunch of others than it is to hire someone who just graduated from a marketing University in the US and literally has zero experience I mean just to give you some perspective my CMO at IG media was from Columbia and he worked with me for over 4 years and my lead media buyer at my agency was from Brazil he started off as an intern then became the lead media buyer and then he went on to become the CMO of my education company I personally have hired multiple contractors from South Africa Brazil Serbia the Middle East and so on and you can come up with different deals but the way our students usually structure their deals with their contractors is they pay them anywhere from $250 to ,000 per month per client and then they charge these same clients anywhere from $1,500 to $10,000 per month now when me and my first full-time contractor first started working together he was charging me $600 per month per client and I was actually selling those services for $3500 $5,000 and even $10,000 in one specific example and you can work this out depending on your retainers and the amount of work that each client requires I personally suggest never go below 70% margins to keep your cash flow business as profitable as possible because at the end of the day the sole purpose of this operation is to keep majority of what we make and the best part is that you're really making a real difference in the life of contractors because if they were to work these same jobs in their own countries they would work way more and make 5 to 10 times less when they're getting paid in their own country's currency now I will say I am always transparent with contract contractors regarding how much I'm charging clients and I suggest you do the same the next question is how do you find a contractor to work with you it's simple you find them online you can look in a lot of different places like LinkedIn upwork or even other business related and Jo listing social platforms but by far my favorite place to find them is on Facebook groups you can find Facebook groups closely related to the topic of your service like Facebook ad buyers or SEO ninjas and these places are crowded with potential contractors I mean think about it if someone is actively engaging in Facebook groups to develop their expertise and knowledge that's a pretty good sign and again if you're providing thumbnail Design Services for example you don't need to search for thumbnail designers you simply search for regular designers and you tell them to create thumbnails they all know how to do it and it's as simple as that now I'll let you in on a little secret the best type of groups with the highest quality of contractors are actually the closed communities for info products and softwares that teach what you offer as a service so for example paid groups that teach Facebook ads or SEO or whatever your service is and usually you can get your job listing posted in those groups by contacting the admins because it's in their best interest to offer job opportunities to their students SL customers so that is how you take advantage of contractor Arbitrage to get all of the service fulfillment taken care of by an experienced professional and how to do it without having to do any of the work yourself it is a truly beginner friendly plug-and-play business model so do you now see why literally anyone can do this and I mean anyone just like prik who just hit 25,000 in monthly recurring revenue and 21 active clients with his agency in just 10 months with this business I mean how awesome is it that this beginner friendly business model is allowing people to make five figures a month from the comfort of their own home from countries all around the world it's nuts now with that done we finally get to our third and last step which is reaching out here you're going to start reaching out to potential clients and presenting them what you have to offer remember if you take advantage of contractor Arbitrage you will not have to deliver any work yourself so Outreach is where 80% of your time should be spent as a cash flow master this is the key to everything you want in life now I want to make sure that you assign the majority of your time to do this task there's people in my program who have 2 hours a day and there's people who have 8 hours a day to build their cash flow business whatever the number of hours you have use them well here with that being said there are a few main ways to do Outreach there's cold calling there's cold email there's video audits there's LinkedIn Outreach and there's Instagram Outreach and those are just five out of dozens of tactics you can use to set meetings with potential clients the key here is to pick the one that best suits your personality and you can see this is how I got all of my initial clients through sending video audits after sending 2,000 plus video audits I have perfected a formula that I'm going to give you step by step in just a second and this is actually a plug and play directly from one of my old paid programs it's called the targeted Loom plug-and playay now Loom is a program that allows you to record your screen and webcam easily and it's the best one to use for video audits I mean I remember back in the day and I'm I'll even get my team to find this inside of my own YouTube I still have videos up from 2017 of me putting the camera down I put the camera down I would do like a video audit presentation I'd plug that into my computer I would edit it up and i' throw it on YouTube and I did that for many years before I found out about Loom so it's definitely a very very powerful tool if used correctly now this plug-and play is a step-by-step breakdown of exactly what to say when sending a video audit to a prospect and this is the exact strategy that Jordan used to quit his 95 job and sign eight e-commerce clients to his agency getting him to $20,000 a month in under 6 months working less than 8 hours a day and I even added three live examples of me sending audits to various niches using this framework now I'm going to go ahead and email the same Plug and Play directly to you after you watch this entire video it's going to make your life a 100 times easier trust me now once you start sending Loom audits business owners will start responding positively to your Outreach and then what you should do is jump on a call with them present your offer and close them on the spot the real key here is to not be afraid of charging what you're worth forget what it costs you to fulfill the service or the time it takes you focus instead on what it is worth to your prospect to have their problem solved remember the most small to medium-sized businesses have monthly costs of $20,000 to $100,000 a month that local gym you go to probably spends $330,000 a month on rent employees and insurance and if you follow my advice of working with online businesses they'll have even more cash laying around because they are far more profitable than the average medium-sized business so I'm telling you right now an extra $3,000 a month for you to design their thumbnails or create short form content doesn't exactly phase them business owners want to spend spend money on you because they see you as an investment and understand the return that it brings so when you choose your Niche and service correctly you should be able to charge anywhere from $1,500 to $10,000 a month exactly just like Daniel who just collected $30,000 from a single deal or my 15-year-old student edin who just signed an 11,400 deal just 6 days into his new agency now I know this all sounds super exciting but a word of warning if you try to do this this alone you'll probably spend a few months initially figuring out how to make this work and this could happen because you pick the wrong Niche or service you don't know what to look for when hiring a contractor you might even make a few specific mistakes in your Outreach efforts that could get your response rate close to zero but if you can solve these problems the rewards are definitely worth it because the reality is there is unprecedented demand for these blue ocean Services since most businesses started moving online and there is simply not enough people to fulfill such demand so if you ever wanted to be early for something big this is it and now is the time for you to become a cash flow master Yourself by starting your own service-based cash flow business so the question becomes how can you get results like this like the dozens of people that I showed you here in this video so let's reverse engineer this instead of trying to think how to get results like this let's think about what you need to not do to get results like this if you wanted to fail what would you need to do well you'd start a business that doesn't match your career timing and then you'd choose an Enterprise Value driven business model and become a revenue hostage and then you choose a red bloody crowded Market to service with a lot of competition and then you would get no help and make all of the mistakes on your own and you would keep doing the same thing you've always been doing and that hasn't been working for you so if we want to succeed all we need to do is just do the complete opposite of that at this point you already know what is the right business for your career timing that you should start a cash flow driven business instead of an Enterprise Value driven business and thus become a cash flow master yourself and you also know how to find the right blue ocean services to provide now you essentially have two options option one is trying to figure out everything on your own not getting any help and learning from your own mistakes and that is exactly what we just mentioned that you do if you wanted to guarantee failure now if you've ever tried to do anything online before you know that the devil is in the details and it's trying to figure out those little details by yourself is the very thing that gets you stuck and stops you from achieving success and you and I both know that it is virtually impossible to cover all of those little details in just 50 minutes here so choosing that option would essentially mean that You' be giving a shot at failure and even if you do succeed with that path long term it's probably going to be more expensive considering that you'd miss out on all of the extra money that you could have made if you had started out the right way from the get-go and that is why I want to provide you with the second option which is the in-depth plan it is a 45-hour long master class on how to start your own cash flow business from scratch and scale it to $10,000 a month with Skyhigh profit margins that plan is agency accelerator and that's your second option choosing to join the program with the best success stories in the industry this option is the smart option if you want to cut your learning curve by years and get the shortcuts that I discovered while trailblazing this industry and walking the long path myself so of having this in-depth step-by-step proven plan to go from zero to $10,000 a month with your agency is something that you're interested in let me show you now what you get inside of agency accelerator you see every single success story you've seen during this video has gone through this program where we take complete beginners with no previous experience in business and we help you create your own cash flow driven agency from scratch then hire contractors to deliver the services for you and show you our plug-and-play process to get clients on demand who will pay you $1,500 to $110,000 a month because when you do it with help from experts who walk the path that you want to walk it not only goes faster but it also ends up being cheaper longterm and just a bit of well-placed advice can get you unstuck and give you the confidence by having a proven process to follow not to mention it's just so much more fun to do it this way so if you have a minute let's look at what you get inside of agency accelerator agency accelerator is way more than just a course the course is just a part of it it is the best result oriented learning experience that you will ever have period agency accelerator is composed of over 40 hours of step-by-step training covering every aspect of building a cash flow driven agency from scratch it is almost a plug-and-play system we cover in excruciating detail the whole process of finding leads reaching out to them selling signing clients getting paid onboarding clients hiring a contractor through Arbitrage getting them to fulfill the services I mean this program has everything covered for you the program is broken down into six phases phase one is foundations and here is where you're basically going to learn how to set everything up that is how to choose a service to offer how to choose a niche how to get paid how to prepare yourself to on board clients basically everything you need to get up and running and then I thought to myself well who would be the best person to help me teach how to set up your agency properly so that way you're setting yourself up for Success from the get-go and who better to teach that than the person who gets to see the inner workings of thousands of agencies every single week agencies with one five 10 clients all the way up to dozens of clients and that someone is Pierre who's the co-founder and my business partner at Floy the super app for agencies to run their operations their billing their client communication their website everything I mean just so you understand how much Insight Pier has into other agencies last time I checked there were over 378,000 invoices paid through Floy that is 378,000 times someone sent a client an invoice for a service and actually got paid and Pierre gets to see how each one of these agencies sending these invoices operates so he's going to be teaching you alongside me in Phase One which is foundations as well as Phase 5 which is systems and processes then we move on to phase two mindset and this is where I show you what mindset you need to adopt in order to succeed in this game how to prepare yourself mentally how to structure your days and all the mindset stuff that's just as important but no one talks about because it doesn't matter if I give you all of the Tactical strategic content if you can't apply it because your mindset is limiting you and that's exactly what our student Ted experienced himself in his first 4 and 1/2 months in the program he got no results in his next 4 and 1/ half months he sign 10 clients and as he wrote himself strip away the bad habits first it's more about what you're doing than what you're not doing and that's exactly what we're going to go through in this phase I'm personally going to help you identify all of the limiting beliefs you have in Greening deep inside of you that stop you from succeeding and I'm going to show you step by step how to unwire those beliefs and build new ones that allow you to unlock your successful self now in phase three we move on to outreach so here we get once again into the most important aspect of this business and I'm going to be very honest with you I have done a lot of Outreach in my time I'm probably in the top 1% of agency owners who have done the most Outreach in their careers the thing is I eventually stopped doing Outreach simply because and this is something you're going to experience after enough years in the business you basically just get to work off of referrals you're basically wellknown enough your clients just bring you more clients and for the last few years of my agency that's how I operated it got to a point where I didn't really need to do Outreach and we also started running ads to a case study funnel to get clients for the agency and between those two things I just didn't really need to do Outreach anymore so I wanted to get someone who had the complete opposite skill set of mine I wanted someone who was a stone cold expert at Outreach so I thought to myself again who could that person be and I took the same approach here as I did with Pierre who better to teach Outreach if not the guy that owns the very tool that that owns the software that all the agencies use to do their Outreach lemlist so that's why I brought on Gom who's the founder of a multi hundred million software called lemlist just so you understand lemlist is the tool that pretty much any single agency that considers itself a serious agency uses for cold Outreach just in the last 30 days the Outreach messages sent through LM List have generated $118 million in deals for all types of clients and services and Gom gets to see the content of literally each one of those those messages so he knows better than anyone on Earth what works and what doesn't when it comes to cold Outreach and most importantly he knows exactly what's working today for your Niche and your service and he's going to teach you how to do Outreach and get clients on demand for you after this phase getting potential clients interested in working with you will never ever be a problem again and then we go into phase four and here it's an interesting one as well I personally think and I've said this for many years that out of all the aspects of running an agency sales was the one that I was worst at but still that didn't stop me from turning my life around with that business the thing is I usually worked with a small handful of clients at any given time I mean the maximum we ever went up to was 10 to 12 clients simultaneously and that's because I focused on working with a smaller number of clients that we had large performance deals with so less amount of clients but we were paid very handsomely on the backend deals that we had with them so for that reason I didn't really hop on that many sales calls I was just very good at making a no-brainer offer I wasn't the best at Sal sales I wasn't the best at persuasion I wasn't the best at objection handling I just put forward an offer that just made a lot of sense and that was my specialty for many many years so because of that I wanted someone who was worldclass at this to teach you every single detail you need to pay attention to when it comes to sales but not just any type of sales agency sales specifically and that's why I brought not just one but two gentlemen to teach you agency sales inside of our phase four of agency accelerator their names are Matt and Josh and Together Matt and Josh have over 350 Act agency clients on their roster that's like 30 times more than I've ever had myself and they got so good at the entire client acquisition process that they're now at a point where they are buying agencies doing multiple five figures a month rolling them up together ramping up their sales processes and selling them from multiple times what they paid initially listen there's levels to this game and you can definitely say that Matt and Josh are at the top of the agency game and they're going to be personally teaching you how to sign clients on demand and sell agency services for four five and even six figure containers and this is the most in-depth phase inside of agency accelerator and that's because if you get good at this it's game over it doesn't matter what you do you are going to be rich because you would have mastered the ability of getting people to pay you thousands and thousands of dollars every single month and after going through this phase all of your sales calls are going to be like this one from our student matap and by the way not the same matap that's teaching he says $2,480 per month 4 months minimum two call close the sale was made in Discovery almost zero resistance on the second call phase five is systems and processes listen it's very simple just as important as being able to get clients is having the ability to keep them and that is where me and Pierre will personally give you the systems and processes you need in order to keep clients for a long time everything from the perfect onboarding funnel to making sure that they have the best client experience from the getg go all the way to how to communicate with them to make sure that they're always happy to reporting to automated billing and every single detail that matters when it comes to providing your clients with A1 client experience and here is where you're going to get a bunch of templates for your website your onboarding funnel and even step by step on exactly what to do in your first 100 days after signing a client and here's where we're also going to go in-depth on how to find and manage the best contractors to get all of the service delivery fulfilled for you without ever having to pay anything out of pocket phase six is inbound now on the original plan that I gave you phase six was actually service delivery but inside of agency accelerator you're going to see that Phase 6 is not actually Service delivery and the reason for that is because I didn't feel like one phase was enough for Service delivery and that's because there are so many different Services you can offer your clients Tik Tok ads Facebook ads Google ads conversion rate optimization email marketing copyrighting and so on so what I decided to do was this I've put together three entire programs for Service delivery the first one is AD Architect by Justin lond now Justin actually started as a student of agency the incubator which is the second iteration of this program that I launched 4 years ago and today he runs one of the most successful paid traffic agencies in the world and inside of AD architect he will teach you how to run wildly profitable ads from scratch even if you've never run a single ad in your life before that includes Facebook ads Google ads and Tik Tok ads the second one is pent to profit by my own CMO Luis Berger now as I said Luis started as an intern in my agency and today he's the brains behind some of the most successful internet campaigns and product launches and the most interesting part of this is that he started as a media buyer but it turns out that his most valuable skill turned out to be copyrighting and with his copy he not only generated tens of millions of dollars for myself personally within my conglomerate of businesses but he has also written the copy for sales videos for clients of ours for client projects that I sold for 10,000 20,000 and even $30,000 for a single sales video and inside of Penta profit he will teach you how to write the copy for these very same sales videos as well as ad copy landing page copy sales page copy to be honest whatever else you can think of and finally you're going to get inbox insiders now we just finished recording this program with buan who's one of the top experts in the world when it comes to email marketing once again he was a student of the second iteration of my agency program back in 2019 and he runs a widly successful email marketing agency and has personally generated more than $50 million in sales for his clients through the emails that he writes and inside of inbox insiders of Buon will personally teach you how to run your own successful email marketing agency and make tens of thousands a month with this it so that way you get to pick and choose which service resonates the most with you and you'll have a full-blown program going over it inside of agency accelerator now does that mean that you don't get a phase six not at all you do get a phase six it's just not about Service delivery instead I made phase six about inbound marketing and I'm personally going to teach you how to create a personal brand that attracts clients on autopilot for you I'm going to show you how to create a Content machine produce content that actually performs on YouTube as well as how you can get clients from Twitter this way you don't solely need to rely on doing manual Outreach but instead you get clients coming in asking to work with you and that is the power of inbound and this is your plan to start a successful agency from scratch in 2024 now just so you understand agency accelerator is priced at $1,995 agency Navigator which is the previous version of this program used to sell for $1,500 so obviously with a new program I had to make it more expensive plus you also get three entire new programs inside of it for Service delivery add architect pent to profit and inbox insiders and these are not some simple one-phase bonus programs they are fully-fledged programs that can be sold Standalone for $1,500 each so in total you're getting four programs and if you were to buy them separately you would pay $6,500 in total but I'm going to go ahead and give you all of the service delivery programs completely free inside of agency accelerator so I was about to open enrollments at $1,995 but when I initially launched agency accelerator we opened it up at $995 and then we actually closed it off for the last few months I didn't want to accept any more people I just wanted to have our beta test group and just work with them to get the best results possible and getting the best results possible is what we definitely did so what I'm going to do today is I'm going to give you a chance to get back in at the same price we opened it up when we initially did the beta launch so today if this video is still live on YouTube I'm going to go ahead and honor that $995 launch price and by the way that's that's not all we plan on moving agency accelerator to a yearly subscription very soon so that means that for people who want to get continuous access to the program as well as the exclusive Mastermind Community the templates the q&as and all the tools as well as all the coaching calls they're going to have to pay a yearly fee of $1,995 and by the way I've already moved my lower ticket program digital Launchpad to that model so if you want to get lifetime access to the agency accelerator program it's going to teach you how to build your cash flow driven business from $0 to $10,000 a month in record time well then today is your best bet because the truth is a few days from now this offer might not be available anymore and just remember right now in 2024 at this exact moment we are living the best moment in history to start your own cash flow driven business there was never before such a huge demand from businesses for this type of service this means that the more you wait the more you're losing out on the four figure monthly commissions that you could be getting paid today by your clients and by the way business businesses have already included these services in their budgeting for the year so this means that they're going to spend this money either way so if you're not the one getting paid the four figure monthly commissions they're simply going to be paid to someone else who decided to take action instead so you can either be the one becoming a cash flow master yourself and getting what's yours or you can be the one sitting back and watching others succeed the choice is yours so if you want to learn how to start a $10,000 a month service based cash flow business from scratch click the button below this video and get lifetime access to agency accelerator now in case you have any questions that were not answered in this video or you just want to use a different payment method that's not available on our checkout you can go ahead and book a call with our Student Success team and they will personally help you with your situation or you can simply send us a message on WhatsApp using the button on the next page on that note I hope you make the right choice and I will see you inside of agency accelerator