Transcript for:
Lecture on Solar Raid Mechanics and Updates

okay so for the solar rate the way how it work is  that you see this blue button right here it says   single mode so you just have to click it so for  example if I click the Ivory Tower and click this   then um I can go in like that and it has the gold  to check and uncheck and if you go then with the   loading screen something's going to happen the  first thing that pops up is these six buff you   have to select one out of these six buff uh this  one says no buff Giga shed and this one says um   your character becomes fast when you use battle  item this one says increases your character's   snagger so when you're doing like you know iory  Tower gate three the new gate three which is   the laram um he has a lot of sagic right so this  might be very good on that gate so you have to be   flexible and you can change these buff in between  every gate so don't worry this one says increases   the damage and also a lot more if the mob has the  brand so this one is what the supporters want to   pick this one says if you succeed a counter  or if you hit the staggered you know a boss   then you become uh fast and this one says your  movement speed becomes faster and also your cool   down of the quick stance and space bar reduces  as well good now the thing is um I don't see   the back attack buff right you know from the low  on there used to be uh something that allows the   back attackers to benefit from back attacking even  though they hit from anywhere that part replaces   this if you uh come to the solo raid with a DPS  spam noted because I logged in as a supporter   uh that's why it's showing this instead so you  click anything that you need the most and you just   go and that's it I'm not going to show like  exactly of how this work um it's in my previous   video about like how it's kind of like all the  contest that have solar raid is pretty easy yeah   so it's going to be very good for the newcomers  and the returners for practice so for example   Aon gate one solo mode gives 700 gold gate 2  800 and gate 3,300 so this is somewhere like   like 40 to 50% is of Korea nerfed Aran but who  knows guys because solo mode might contain lot   more gold in the west lastly for the amount of the  mats as you see these are same these are same as   the normal mode yeah they said that they made it  like 100% equally as you get from the normal so   there you go also you cannot share the single  mode and normal hard mode you cannot share so   what I mean is that let's say that you did single  mode on gate one then for gate two you can't like   you know change it to the normal or hard if you  started with single from gate one you have to go   all the way as a single Smo right um and also  vice versa lastly there's a new NPC where you   can exchange the solo mode token into some various  stuff uh this currency is a new currency um that   is combined from the old you know raid token do  you guys remember the clown and the bro shaza   and aan like you know the square looking like  tokens those all combined to this that's why   I have like a lot of these already and you can  exchange for like these kind of book material   and some other honing mats like this and on the  second tab um this is the important part this is   where you get the free the Free level seven or six  gems you exchange it with this much amount level   six level seven and this is what you want your  level have to be 1540 to take this level seven and   how many you know gems do you need 11 right so you  click 11 like this and then click uh confirm then   you will get it and it's selection so you select  either cool down or damage that you want and these   gems are bound to characters and they are not  fusible at all stays at level seven they're not   tradable as well okay it's exactly same as event  gems from the express and like some of these kind   of some free quality stuff like so on and so  forth there's also EXP and last tab is um you   can also exchange for these kind of raid mats see  all these raid mats are here at the end there's a   legendary Elixir um which you can exchange three  times a week okay it's three times a week per   character um it is not free silver Elixir it does  require gold to cut and these gems um you do not   have to pay anything see no silver and you can  of course guarantee to select what skill you   want okay this time let's talk about the permanent  5 time 3 engraving so you see here right here um   there's a new icon and if you click it it's the  exact same engraving support from the express   right now it is permanent you just pick what you  want like this and then click activate yeah also   this free engraving supports the preset so right  now from the preset this is my RAID Engravings   that I set from the support engraving right here  right and I want a chaos dungeon build on preset   2 so if I click it like this then it changes like  this so you just put your C dungeon build set like   this and then if you save it then it's going to  be different like this back to the raid like that   okay this time let's talk about Transcendence  and elixir alleviation so for crafting wise   nothing changed but something that's different is  this part per week you can recraft this from the   fragment 20 times instead of 10 if you try to  cut the Elixir then um it requires half amount   of gold 140 and also it requires three Catalyst  instead of five so that's for Elixir and for the   Transcendence you can see that each turn requires  140 gold so it got half as well and I can't show   you now but if you click the exit button then  you have to reset it right the reset cost also   got reduced by half and lastly the amount of the  mats that you get from the contents got doubled   so Elixir from Ivory Tower double you get every  week and same from they mine you get double of   the dark fires by the way there's something that's  very important the bottles that you've been saving   till now they are useless because when the patch  happens they don't get benefited from the price   reduction um they will turn into an item called  old bottle what you pretty much want to do is that   you want to dismantle them and if you do then you  get the same fragment M and that fragment is what   uh is required for crafting the new Elixir only  the ones that you get or craft after the Patch   happens gets the price reduction both not the ones  that you've been saving okay this time let's talk   about the honing alleviation so this is broa plus  15 which is 1540 and up to 1540 it requires silver   with used mats you can see that the success rate  is also kind of like double right it's 10% from   16 it requires gold but it's cheap it's alleviated  and this applies all the way to plus 20 which is   1590 but the thing is you normally transfer to Aon  gear at plus 19 so I don't think 20 matters that   much okay this time let me talk about The Crafting  gear cost and the you know set bonus upgrade as   well so if you see here these are volon and vikus  gear and it requires silver for crafting if you   check yours right now it requires gold right but  from next week you guys will just pay silver now   only volon and vikus requires silver though if  you go to Bro shaza then it requires gold still   but as you see the amount is reduced see it's  is half right and lastly if you go to Aron gear   it requires gold of course but it's half that well  and for the set bonus upgrade this row right here   is that part from the small gate um to reach  level three uh set upgrade um normally you had   to pay 3,000 gold for the weapon and 1,500 for  the armor right but it got reduced to 1,000 for   the weapon and 500 for the armor so that's like  three times cheaper and not only that ability   Stone also got some like gold alleviation when  upgrading it you know that it has four levels in   total for the ancient stone right and each costed  6,000 but now it's 3,000 so it got half now the   thing is you might ask that wait if it cost only  silver then Kai just like infinitely craft and   dismantle until you get the you know high quality  the thing is they changed the system if you craft   the silver required um gear which is V and vikus  it always starts at zero the quality so if I show   you it is zero quality as you see so you have to  tap the quality by paying gold from this vikus   bolon the next one is the bikini skin that you  guys will get so this is what we got in Korea um nice um and of course there are different  versions so this one is without this how do   you call this like transparent  jacket yeah and the next one is monokini good and last one is this so  this one looks kind of pretty right see   uh it has a blue um shorts and the white tank  top now the problem of um this last skin is   that this pants and the top is one like you know  what I'm saying it's it's a single it's singular   so you can't like take off the pants or top uh  separately all right the last one is the dark   descendant thingy that was covered from the road  map and from the Rocks video right YouTube video   so this is a new express pass in Korea and in  Korea the express pass this bottom part and   that descendant part up here they are combined as  one you see this challenge Mission here so if you   reach 1600 then you can do iory Tower solo mode  is also included if you do any solo mode or normal   Ivory then you get these kind of stuff the free  the silver legendary Elixir and it goes all the   way to nine times if you reach 1610 then you can  do themi normal and you get five dark fire each   up to nine as well so this is The Descendant  part right I'm not sure if you guys will get   the express because there wasn't a specific term  called pass or like express pass from the road map   neither from the rox's YouTube video um so we're  not sure if they dropped it um by accident or if   it's actually not coming but in my opinion like  I do have a copium that they are going to release   it this week the new pass and also another one  in the September when the new season starts the   season 3 because solo mode is coming out which  will like you know uh lure a lot of the you know   return and the new players to try it out right and  if if there's no Express Pass then it's kind of   problematic in my opinion in that kind of regard I  have a copium that they might add the express pass   next week so I hope you guys get it and I will end  the video here stay gigachad and come to my twitch   Channel guys very family friendly Chad say hi I  mean sorry um say bye to the YouTube bye YouTube