Techniques for Increasing Height Naturally

Sep 26, 2024

Lecture Notes: Growing Taller Techniques


  • Concept of forcing bone growth at any age, even post-puberty.
  • Example of Masai tribe in Kenya with average male height of 6'3".
  • Scientific basis: Wolf's Law by Julius Wolf (19th century).
    • Bone adapts to loads placed on it.

Step 1: Food and Supplementation

  • Avoid high estrogen foods to delay growth plate closure (17-25 years).
  • Focus on increasing HGH and IGF-1 through diet.
    • Foods rich in melatonin and animal protein: fatty fish, steak, eggs, oysters.
  • Eliminate processed foods.
  • Recommended supplements:
    • Vitamin D3 and K2.
    • Minerals: Zinc, Magnesium, Boron.
  • Collagen Supplement:
    • 15g of 100% grass-fed cow collagen daily.
    • Masai consume bone broth regularly.
  • Arginine Supplement:
    • Modulates growth hormone release by suppressing somatostatin.
    • Induces HGH release primarily at night.

Step 2: Sleep Optimization

  • Importance of sleep for growth hormone production.
  • Follow Masai sleep rituals:
    • Consistent sleep and wake-up times (1 a.m. to 7 a.m.).
  • Avoid:
    1. Sugary foods in last 3 hours before sleeping.
    2. Blue light exposure (use blue light blockers).
    3. Light in the room while sleeping (ensure pitch darkness).

Step 3: The Masai Jump Technique

  • Demonstration of the Masai jump with emphasis on technique.
  • Key aspects of jumping technique:
    1. Maintain body stiffness from head to heels.
    2. Knees and hips should be bent but not locked.
    3. Avoid touching ground with the back of feet between jumps.
  • Practice jumping for 10-15 minutes daily to create micro fractures in the shins.
  • Wolf's Law applies: bones grow back bigger and longer under pressure.
  • Post-jump practice:
    • Sit on the side of a bed/table with legs hanging down and add ankle weights.
    • Duration: 45-60 minutes.


  • Consistent practice of diet, sleep, and jump techniques can lead to a height increase of 2-3 inches, regardless of age or genetics.