Transcript for:
Mass Immigration and Global Poverty Analysis

[Music] some people say that mass immigration into the United States can help reduce World poverty is that true well no it's not and let me show you why this Gumball represents the 1 million legal immigrants that the United States has taken every year on average since 1990 now who in the world deserves our humanitarian compassion the World Bank has one measure of the desperately poor of the world they make less than $2 a day and how many people make less than $2 a day in the world we'll start with Africa in Africa alone there are 650 million people who make less than $2 a day 650 million and in India another 890 million people desperately poor China adds another 480 million people making less than $2 a day and unfortunately the rest of Asia has a heartbreaking 810 million people who the World Bank say make less than $2 a day and finally there's 105 million of Latin America's population that are desperately poor all told the World Bank says there are three billion people in the world 3 billion people who are desperately poor making less than $2 a day that's 3,000 gumballs and every year we take a million and suggest that we have somehow made a humanitarian difference of course we don't pull our immigrants from these desperately poor populations do we these people are too poor too sick too disconnected to make it here as immigrants we tend to pull our immigrants out of the better off poor of the world and Mexico tends to define the type of immigrant that we bring here because the plurality of people come from Mexico and Mexico is poor how many people in the world live in countries that have average incomes lower than that of Mexico and the World Bank tells us that that number is these three billion plus another 2.6 billion [Music] people 5.6 billion people in the world who live in countries with average incomes below that of Mexico that's 5,600 gumballs and so what is it that the elites are telling us they're telling us that when we take this 1 million immigrants that we somehow or another are tackling World poverty and we have to do it regardless of the effect on our unemployed the Working Poor the most vulnerable members of our society regardless of the effect on our natural resources even if we went by the most radical proposals in Washington which are to actually double our immigration to 2 million a [Music] year which would totally overwhelm our physical natural and social infrastructures we couldn't make a noticeable difference and we may be really hurting the impoverished people of the world because the million that we do take are among the most energetic often the better educated certainly the most dissatisfied people that if they did not immigrate would be the agents for change to improve the lot of all the people in these countries the true heroes in the global humanitarian field are the people in these countries who have the wherewithal to immigrate to another country but instead stay in their countries to apply their skills to help their fellow countrymen unfortunately our immigration system tends to entice these very type of people to abandon their countrymen the impossibility of making even a dent is actually worse than it looks here because last year when we took 1 million immigrants these countries added births over deaths 80 million more people into the impoverished population and this year Congress is bringing in a million legal immigrants and this year according to the United Nations these countries are expected to add another 80 million people and next year you can be quite sure that Congress unless stopped by the American voters will bring in another million immigrants and these countries unfortunately will be adding another 80 million people and these impoverished Nations we could take 5 million a year but we'd never get ahead of what's happening in these countries not in this Century don't you see immigration can never be an effective or significant way to deal with the suffering people of the world they have to be helped where they live 99.9% of them will never be able to immigrate to rich country there's no hope for that they have to bloom where they're planted the only place that 99.9% of these people can be helped is where they live Let's help them there