Transcript for:
Project Manager Role Insights and Tips

okay uh welcome this is Muhammad n and today we will have very quick session and very important session uh in which we will discuss the main point or let's say very important points regarding understanding your role as uh a project manager first let me introduce myself if you don't know me my name is Muhammad N I am a project manager and authorized the training partner with PMI uh I have some you know some project management certificate such as PMP pmo uh generative AI Six Sigma scrum agile and uh and product uh in this class we will discuss some important tricks related to the bimbo guide and this is the very very important point I need to highlight because you know you study the PMP and the purpose of your studying your PMP is not just to um to pass the exam when I expect you study the the PMP I expect you studied for three purpose first to get the knowledge to understand the project management how to manage projects how to understand the project management knowledge this is number one number two you need to be certified it's not good that you study and make or made a lot of efforts and you still not certified as P&P okay so you need to be certified as a project manager and the third one and when I say PMP certified I mean you are following the latest and most famous technique in the world in the project man and the last point you need to apply this knowledge this what we mean when when we say you study the PMP as per the penbook guides and you know we are now in the the latest edition is the seventh edition we have something called pmm pmis pmm here means the way that you need to think you need to plan you need to execute and you need to control your work based on the PMP and based on the PMI okay so you have many ways to manage projects and also we have a lot of other certificates such as prints to a APM authorized the project manager pm2 you know some other certif certificates but still the PMP is number one and based on the guidance of the PMP you need to follow certain methodologies in the planning executing and controlling the work and based on that some questions in the exam now I'm talking about the exam and answering uh right questions in the exam some questions in the exam may be answered wrong because of you don't understand the pmis how the PMI I think okay just give me one minute I think uh I think this is better I don't know so we we don't know how to answer the questions because or we answer them wrong because we don't know the PMI So based on this lectures we'll go through some lectures in in this way I will tell you some tricks you know and some Secrets how the PM wants us to think based on the bin book okay so to move uh faster let's start with the first first trick so trick number one the project manager handles large complex projects with significant budgets and duration we we don't expect that when you study the PMP that you expect yourself managing uh three weeks project with um 20,000 egb budget for example and five persons this is not a PMP mindset okay so you should when you study when you solve the questions even inside the real PMP exam when you implement your knowledge that you are able and capable of managing larger projects okay so these larger projects with more than 200 the Manpower under your work more than one year more than let's say um in the HB let's say for example more than 20 Millions doar 20 million AGB budget okay this is what the limitation or the size of yourself when you study the PMP under the uh the bin book guidance okay based on that let's take some questions you can expect to have it in the exam this is very important questions try to understand them try to analyze them based on this meaning okay so let's start the first one I will give you uh let's say um two minutes or 1.5 minutes to think if you know the answer don't say it on the video or in the mic write it in the chat and then we will discuss it together okay let's start e okay what do you think let's read it together you are overseeing a larg scale infrastructure project with a budget of 50 uh million and a timeline of 3 years Midway through the project you encounter a major issue where a key supplier goes out of the business potentially delaying critical milestones and increasing cost given the uh complexity and the scale of the project what would be your primary uh focus in addressing the issue with the supplier and how would you balance this with uh with the need to keep the project on budget and on sked a focus primarily on negotiating with alternative suppliers to minimize the delay while documenting all all cost implications for future reference B immediately revise the project schedule and budget to count or to account for the potential delays and cost increases then communicate with Revis the plan to the stakeholder C conduct um a through or through risk assessment to evaluate the impact of the supplier uh issue uh on Project timeline and budget and develop a contingency plan that includes the poent potential alter alternative and cost saving uh measures the przed informing uh all stakeholder about the issue and potential and potential impact without asking any immediate action to ensure the transparency and Main trust and maintain trust okay what do you think let's see the answers here we have uh a d c okay let's analyze this question it seems here the question says that you you have um large scale infrastructure project with big budget in the middle middle of the work one of the suppliers uh goes out of the business nice and delayed the project and based on that this the first the pref of the question and when you read the question try to make it uh in pref what should we understand from this question given the complexity and the scale of the project what would you focus on what you should do to balance uh the to balance the need to keep the project budget to keep the project on budget and on schedule this is the focus on the question nice option A negotiate with the supplier to minimize the delay and while documenting all the cost uh implication focus on negotiating with the suppliers to miniz the delay okay B immediately revive the schedule and budget to account for the potential delays and cost increase then yeah option b means increase the schedule and increase the cost okay because we have delay let's increase it this is the option b option a focus on negotiating with the other suppliers to minimize the delay option C you make risk assessment to evaluate the impact of the suppliers on the timeline if you if you stop here it means that you don't have action okay just make risk assessment okay what else nice then develop a contingency plan that includes potential alternative suppliers and cost-saving measures so it means C is somehow nice because you make the risk assessment and then you start taking some actionss you you put the plan by finding finding other suppliers and Al and also reduce the cost nice C prze informing all the stakeholders about the issue you inform the stakeholder and then don't take action okay so what do you think among these explanation of course here C is the nearest one C is the nearest one actually a also is near but let's read a again focus on focus on negotiating with the alternative supplier delays while documenting all the cost yeah option A you can say that option A you will take an action but you didn't here put in into your consideration controlling the constraints of the project just you'll do you will document the cost implic you know but no plan and no actions you have taken to constrain the work of the budget and the schedule and the question here says how you would balance this this delay this delay means you need to find some other Alternatives okay but also you need to balance this with the budget and the schedule you got it so answer C here is catching the old points together so here giving the project complexity and scale this is the keyword mentioned in the question it's crucial to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to understand the full impact of the supplier so you will analyze what what are the consequences of this problem someone would say but this is not a risk because already the supplier gone away I know being the supplier disappear this is not a risk this is an issue and he mentioned already in the question this this is an issue major issue yeah but what after that what what are the consequences this will be the risk so you need to analyze the consequences of that which are the risks and also you need to develop a contingency plan finding the Alternatives okay and also cost saving measures to reduce the cost and also reduce the schedule nice so the answer here is C and the point here that you are running with a major project so you need to analyze and work with these risk items okay let's take another question and try to answer this one we have also one actually in um what I need to say in the real exam you have 1.27 minutes 1.27 minutes per question and and and of course here you will not catch the the I mean you will not watch monitor your your watch each question but this is approximately so you need to make a counting of 20 questions so 20 questions you multiply by 1.27 question minute per question to calculate how many times you need to finish each 20 Questions okay let's take another one e e okay what do you think let's read it uh I think you here is U during the execution of multi-year it transformation project with a budget of 30 Millions dollars you notice that different project teams are reporting inconsistent project and varying levels of EXP expen this discrepancy raises the concern or raises concerns about the overall project alignment and financial control how would you address this uh inconsistencies to ensure cohesive project management and alignment with the budget and schedule a Implement a standardized Reporting System across all the teams to ensure consistent Pro progress and financial reporting H and schedule regular uh review meetings to address the discrepancies conduct individual performance review for each team member to understand their specific issues and adjust their budget and the schedule independently increase oversight by relocating budget and resources to the team with the most significant discrepancies without a changing the overall project scope delay the major delay all major decisions until the end of the reporting cycle to avoid disturbing the current project flow and review the overall uh project status as we agreed in this uh in these projects or in these questions it's better to if you have long answers like this normally it's better to use the elimination technique nice so let's take it from down to to up the summary of the question here that the project is major project more than one year and the budget is $30 million and you notice that some team members are reporting different output or different reports nice related to the progress and the cost and of course here there is some discrepancy and made made some concerns what should you do D delay or measure uh decisions until the end of the the reporting so yeah you will keep the disaster keep it as it is not correct increase the oversight uh oversight uh by reallocating budget and resources to another team so your role as a project manager to empower the team members you know to teach them and this will not solve the problem because Kal you will keep them aside and you will focus on with the good people and those people will will be remaining like this not not good behavior as a project conduct individual performance review okay performance review is very good but my concern here on the word a individual because we said before that when you have uh something related to personal issue or conflict yes this should be one to one or interview I mean oneon-one but when you have something related to the issue issues or technical issues so it's better to discuss it and give feedback to the team so the word individual here is a concern for me and then uh to understand their issues and adjust their budget independently also not correct so the only remaining logical answer uh is option A Implement a standardized reporting system so it seems they don't have template let's say the standardized Reporting System across the teams to ensure consistent output of their report so the answer here is option A of course nice so here to make this standardization uh will help the team to ensure consistency and alignment with the project objectives and also regular review meeting to make sure they are following this one uh will a uh control and also will maintain the control over the project budget and schedule nice nice okay this is the first one H let's move to the second trick so to summarize the first one you need to work uh you know you're following the large project size okay this is your attitude as a project man number two projects are selected based on how well they are aligned or how will they align with the organizational goals not personal goals not team goals not my goals but the organizational goals this is a very important let's say pmis ism for you in your mindset when you work when you study and when you solve the PMP questions okay nice let's see how we can figure out these questions uh this meaning in the question let's take this one for for e okay um do you notice that this question is very long and um yeah you can expect some questions like this in the exam but not many and the the way to read this question in the exam is to um yeah I can expect that in the middle of this question or reading the answers you you get some headache you know and um and you can expect that in the exam so this one of the ways that you need to know your mental problems I mean is it um have the ability to read and keep your focus reading such long questions and if you have this problems so you need you don't need to focus on each word in the question just practice your eyes to read fast just go through the words and catch only the keywords nice so let's try this but of course I will read loudly to to to hear so you are a senior project manager task it to evaluate and selecting selecting new projects for your organization so the first one of these forget everything but just you are the ten manager nice uh the projects under considerations from a high risk High reward Innovation uh initiative to low risk cost saving operational Improvement yeah you have some projects you need to select among them okay each project has different impact on the organizations strategic goals which uh When selecting projects which two actions should you priorize you remember we said that we have one way to answer the the and to read the longer questions by reading only the last line you remember that so let's try here When selecting projects which two actions should you priz can you answer the question based on this line only yes we can yeah option A another Point here we have six choices and you can exp that that in the exam number three you you may need to select two answers okay conduct detailed cost benefit analysis to determine the financial return or each project regardless the alignment with the organ strategic goals mistake wrong assess each project alignment with the organization's long strategic objectives and prioritize those uh that best support these goals very nice keep it keep it consider because maybe you can find something better you know um consider stakeholder preferences and project team availability as the primary criteria for selection yeah based on our resource uh availability do you agree with that no focusing on the internal resource rather than strategic alignment wrong yeah evaluate each project potential to meet shortterm Financial targets even if uh it means compromising on longterm strategic if it will compromise the longterm strategic of the the the organization do you agree with this no Al no e you know have six options can you imagine uh e explore the organization key performance indicators kpis such as do you remember in the course Net Present Value yes present value irr uh return on investment okay ensuring the alignment with the overall strategic objectives yeah very nice and near to be so keep it also priortize the project that offers the highest level of innovation and risk no no no assuming the high risk will will align with the Strategic goals no one told me that in the question yes so based on that and using merge of some techniques here in this question reading the last line maybe elimination of course maybe understanding the ideas ideas of the question you know based on that of course the answer here and yeah you are perfect answer here is p and e p and E based on the elimination and of course here this yellow uh explanation analyzes that we should align when you select projects should be aligned with uh the senior not senior man the organization objectives of course okay ni another one another one e all we have b b okay let's read it uh as a senior project manager you are evaluating a set of potential projects one project is proposed by an external partner and Promises significant benefit for their organization so it seems here there there is a partner working with your organization and the some projects are offered okay one of them by by this partner while another project aligns closely with your own organization strategic strategic goals but but offer fewer benefit to this external Partners nice again the same story why selecting the project which one you should perzee a priortize with priortize the project that offers the highest Financial benefit to the external partner even if it doesn't give you something to your company B assist and select the project that aligns most closely with your organization strategic objective and long-term goals C choose the project with the uh broadest appe to all stakeholders I have some some noise okay um even if choose a project with a prodest appeal to to all stakeholders even if it doesn't significantly Advance your organization core objectives D merge the two projects together to make all happy you are the one size fits all uh consider the project that offers the immediate operational Improvement which will make Improvement for the operation if even if it will not help your organization uh nice nice uh choices but of course again you should stick to the one with your uh which gives more matching to the objectives of your organization and the answer here is B and I'm happy that uh all of you said B for this um for this question nice so this is the second one so here we have two tricks so far one of them saying that you should select a you should think about yourself that you are managing the larger projects as a project manager not small and short projects this is number one number two when you work in the projects focus on achieving the targets based on the Strategic uh management objectives not your uh your company not anyone else not not the partners not the stakeholder not yours you know like this and now let's move to the third uh and last one last trick to today because I don't want to make the webinar long just quick uh and intensive do so here we go trick three project managers oversee planning managing and controlling all project aspects so you need to think about yourself in this way you should think that we have a clear plan you should make the plan you should expect yourself that you have a plan even if in your real life you don't make any plans yeah if you don't make any plans in your real life in your real work but in the exam imagine that you are as a project manager you are do you are doing a certain plan you are executing the plan and you are controlling this plan this is part of the pmis in the PMB nice uh okay so let's see some tricks here so what I need to say whenever you have in your real life you need to think about that you need to plan whatever you have something you need to plan it even if you have an issue just immediately you you have an issue plan to solve it or analyze it Define it uh set a plan for solving this one execute the plan take an action and make sure that this plan is working you know like this even if in your daily life you need to eat you you you feel you are hungry okay so plan it so it seems I'm hungry I need to eat so how what what should I do I need to prepare something I need to purchase something select the decision approve the plan internally approve the plan and then take an action execute the plan and then control the plan did you did you make the order did you make the order not yet why y you are talking to yourself okay I mean this is crazy Pro you talking to yourself to do the plan call it nice then you need to analyze and control the plan maybe you call the the you you already ordered the or make this call one hour ago and no one came which means it means that planning to eat by calling this restaurant to bring the food this is a bad plan or not working plan you know so you need to change the plan so immediately you need to purchase something immediately or do something yourself or replace the this restaurant I mean you need to keep on controlling and measuring your output okay let's take a quick couple of questions on this one and then we are done question number one e e okay answers okay a majority are saying a uh but we need more answers y try to collaborate please read the question put your answer even if it's wrong or if you are not uh uh sure about your answer just let's play okay during the execution of a larg scale uh project you encounter a significant issue where a key deliverable is delayed due to the unforeseen circumstances to address this you have developed a contingency plan but you you need to ensure that the plan is effective and properly implemented what should be your primary focus after developing and executing the con contingency plan to ensure the issue is effectively managed a monitor the progress of the contingency plan closely and adjust adjust it as necessary based on the realtime feedback to ensure it resolves the issue effectively B document the issue and the step and the step taken in the contingency plan and move on uh to other tasks without further review um you see here you feel something huh okay inform stakeholders uh inform stakeholders of the issue and the contingency plan but don't track its implementation closely assuming it will resolve the issue uh on its own they I think they are good enough to solve the problem don't review it again you need to empower them but you don't need to sleep I mean you need also to to make control you know so also C is not nice focus on revising the project scope Okay And Timely uh to accommodate the delays without reviewing the effectiveness of the contingency plan just make changes without cross check you know so again elimination technique b c and d are not okay and also uh a is the best one right I have here a question if you don't know or if you are not very good in English and you have some problems in the vocab my advice just try to understand the general meaning of the question because I don't expect that the PMI will bring difficult words and they will make they will make this word significant factors to answer the question you know what need to say try to understand the the main direction of the question where this question wants me to focus on and then you you you try to move to the answers based on the same way okay let's take our last question today e e okay we have here uh D and also we have a okay let's read the question during the execution of a large scale project you encount encounter a significant issue while managing complex project a critical issue arises that impacts the project timeline you have formulated a detailed contingency plan to address the issue uh before execute before executing you know you see here this is similar to the previous one but here I just uh Twisted little bit okay I twisted the question so before executing in the previous question it was uh after execution so here before executing the plan what is the most important step you should do implement the contingency plan immediately to address uh the issue without further discussion or review uh B Focus Solly on the IM immediate tactical aspects of the contingency plan without considering how it will impact the overall project objectives ensure that the contingency plan is documented and uh file it away for the future reference without testing the effectiveness review the contingency plan with the key key stakeholders to confirm that it meets the stakeholder expectation so yeah you are right the answer here is D of course because this this is very nearer to the logic because after you plan you need to make sure the plan is okay and then you implement the plan option A also is right but there is here some point saying without further discussion or review it gives you you'll just go like the train but you need to make sure the plan is fine the plan is approved and then you put it into action yeah okay uh we are uh done for today I uh I wish this quick session added the value to you uh let's keep this meeting on weekly basis inshallah I'll try to cover some more tricks like this it's very important for you in the real life in your business and also uh for the exam okay and also I don't want it to be long y not to be pouring session and uh and we'll keep meeting again okay thank you so much please uh give me uh feedback on on our our groups if uh what what you need more if you need more like this if you need other ideas your feedback on this class also so that we can keep moving this and you give me the potential to uh to keep it again uh thank you so much again for your attendance and uh see you next week in okay shr e e e e e and e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and l e