Transcript for:
Understanding Calendar Divisions and Unity

Well, the word must have got out that we're going to be teaching on the calendar today because I see spectacles, pencils, pens, papers, rulers. Do we have any calculators? Timelines from eternity on the calendar. How inspiring, not? Right?

So many people have asked me to teach on the calendar for years, upon years, upon years. And I've always tried to avoid it, but today I shall tackle it. But it's going to be a very different perspective, because it's going to be my perspective. Because I want to come at the calendar from experience. and from seeing a lot of pain, trouble, and heartache done at the detriment to believers.

Because the calendar has caused more trouble and pain and turmoil and is used as a measure to cast people out than I think any other pet doctrine in... the Bible movement. Romans, Romia 14 verse 17 is written, for the kingdom of Elohim is not meat and drink.

It's not an exercise of the flesh. The kingdom of Yahuwah is not to be an exercise of carnality, but it is righteousness, zadakah, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. That's what the kingdom of Yahuwah is supposed to be about. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace. Let us therefore follow after the things wherewith one may edify one another.

That's the Father's heart. And the calendar has brought more contention and war amongst believers. than any other topic I care to think of over the years, over the years. Studying through mountains and mountains of PDFs and PowerPoints and timelines from creation all the way forward certainly isn't joyful in the Holy Spirit, or edifying in the least, not to me anyway. It's just a mountain of work.

You become slaves to other men's interpretations, held captive by these timelines that they've created. And you find yourself at variance with others that you used to walk with hand in hand and produce good fruit together. In Colossians, it says in the second chapter in the eighth verse, see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy.

Philo, Sophia, the love of wisdom, an empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Messiah. And the calendar pundits use the calendar debate to hold people captive through their obsession for the love of wisdom. I am so smart that I have computed the Creator's calendar from Adam all the way forward. Here's 250 PowerPoints and here's 500 pages in a PDF document. See you in six months.

You're my slave, and I am the one full of wisdom. And you're my servant. Because to get through all of that is going to take you a bunch of time.

And then when you do get through all of that, and you challenge me, I'm going to throw another 200 PDFs, PowerPoints, at you. And you think I'm joking. That is exactly how it works.

And it is terrible. Where's the love? Where's the edification of the brethren?

Because at the end of the day, I look at a room of believers that used to go to church on Sunday and used to run around looking for Easter eggs. And now you're sitting down at the Passover, you're keeping Shabbat, and you're congregating at Sukkot. I say praise Yahuwah that you're doing that.

Do you forget from where you once came from? Let's glory in where he's taken us instead of entering into doubtful disputations. And that is what has happened when anyone talks about the calendar.

And to tell you the truth, I am sick of it because I can see the... spirit behind it as clear as day. It's philosophy, the love of wisdom. It is empty deception according to the traditions of men. You end up following either Hillel or the Karaites or even Enoch, and people aren't doing what we should be doing, which is celebrating Yahuwah's Shabbat feasts and festivals in the Ruach, the spirit.

that we're meant to be doing it, which is joy, fellowship, and edification for the next generation. You think your children want to see you squabbling over the feasts and festivals? What kind of witness is that to your children?

That's no witness at all, but that's what my children have seen over the years in the camps, in the congregations. So when I come today and talk about the calendar... My whole motivation up front is to set you free.

Set you free from me. Set you free from any man. And set you free to the word of Yahuwah.

And be encouraged and empowered by the Ruach HaKodesh. I have an objective and that is my objective. And that's a good one.

That is what it should be. Let us be free. To serve Yahuwah in His holy mikra kodeshim, the way that they should be served.

So, as we go into this, I hope that it is inspiring, because the calendar has been the most uninspiring thing to me in over a decade, when I've listened to people literally try to hacksaw each other's heads off with it. With knowledge and wisdom, it is an exercise in futility, that I... do not want any part of, which is why I have hesitated to talk about this in a decade.

And when I did talk about it last year, you'll notice that I had somebody with me so that, you know, I could be more balanced. Because I didn't want to tackle it alone. But now, I'm ready to do that. I'm ready to do that. So we have to be aware of those...

Empty and endless mathematical timelines, because that to me is nothing more than empty deception. It's an object lesson in futility. It ends up according to the traditions of men. You end up Hillel or the Karaites or Enoch or some other man's calculations that you end up following. And they all want you to be in one accord.

with their own interpretations. And basically, where do those interpretations end up leading you? Into, as it says in Colossians, the elementary principles of the world. You're basically engulfed in lunar and solar philosophy.

Is that really what this is about? But that's where it ends up with. You'll end up with endless debates about lunar and solar philosophy.

Futility. We should be loving Yahushua. That's what we should be doing. We should be loving one another. And how do we do that?

By showing up as a congregation at his Shabbats, at his feasts, and at his festivals. So is the calendar important? Yes, it is.

But the most important thing is get off January, February, March, and April, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. and get off of the pagan, and get into the biblical. And making that switch is coming out of Babylon, my people. No longer chasing eggs and erecting trees, but now you're breaking matzah and erecting tabernacles. If you're doing that, then this is edifying and should be good in the Ruach HaKodesh.

Remember from where you came from and be excited that you can come together doing biblical things, biblical ways. So with all that, I'm just tired. I'm tired of seeing people being exploited. People being exploited, controlled, and bombarded with endless PDFs and endless PowerPoints full of deceptive philosophies. Because what happens is these people end up taking people captive for weeks, months, sometimes years on end.

as they ply you with more manuals, more timelines, more calculations, and it boggles the mind. And you know what? These calendar pundits, they're smart. They've done their homework.

And you can invest a year or two in a particular calendar, and then guess what? Somebody else comes along who's invested an extra year in their version of the calendar. And it's also jolly good. And then guess what? Somebody else comes along with their version of the calendar and you invest another year or two.

And theirs is also even better than the other two. And then you could even get on the same calendar, but there's a slight variance in the timeline from creation forward. I remember. Having a Salem conference here years ago five days of calendar ation the first day I sat through it 14 hours 14 hours the second day I hid in the office the third day I think I went down the pub and I'm serious.

I did 14 hours for five days a week. But I left after the first day. There was rabbi this, rabbi that.

Everybody had a title, even me back in the day. And I sat there and I'm like, but if one of these calculations is even off from Adam all the way forward, this whole thing falls apart. Just one of these calculations, and we're into it 14 hours a day for five days, and just one of these mathematical equations is off.

The whole thing falls flat on its face. I'm like, this is an object lesson in futility. And everybody was so adamant that this was the right calendar. And since then, they've actually changed and switched calendars three times. So what was that whole week of our life was just wasted then, was it not?

When I could have been going about teaching the gospel to the nations. Wasted. That is not. That was my wake-up call.

I saw it for what it was. It was so uninspiring, surrounded by rabbi this and rabbi that, and everybody walking around holier-than-thou with their holier-than-thou attitudes. They were sitting in smug moral superiority over everybody else.

And they delivered some kind of calendaration. And it was all basically to put other people down. They derived this sense that their calendar beliefs were of greater virtue than any other believers that weren't in agreement with them. And that's kind of how the calendar has really morphed.

I've seen in the Messianic and Hebrew Roots movement. And it's really become a big troublesome thing. A big troublesome thing. In 15 years, I've seen that the calendar tends to attract self-righteous individuals who are intolerant of the opinions and beliefs of others.

It just seems to attract that kind of individual. And I don't understand it. And I know. Because I used to keep the lunar Shabbat. Back in the day and I still respect those that choose to keep the lunar Shabbat I do even though I no longer keep lunar Shabbat And why not, you may ask?

Well, you know, I've been self-employed ever since I was in my early 20s. So the lunar Shabbat, though I had to change my whole life, it was easier for me than others who weren't self-employed. So you'd have to calculate what day that you would be having the Shabbat for that month, and then the next month, and then the next month.

As a self-employed person, it was still... Turned your whole life upside down. I knew people that lost their jobs, lost everything. And finally, people couldn't even get into agreement on whether it was the sliver moon, whether it was the dark moon.

So then after all of that, after changing everything, you could have been a day off either way anyway. So it still couldn't have been or might not have been Shabbat. dice. You turned your whole life upside down.

For what? Because it wasn't 100%. It wasn't for sure. Because somebody else could come along and they'd say, no, no, no, no, no.

No, you're off a day because the moon. And I'm like, this is ridiculous. And that's when I stopped.

Because I thought this is an object lesson in futility. Futility. Timelines from creation.

Really? From creation? Wow!

Got that one figured out then, do you? Pretty confident on that, are we? Not me, for sure and for certain.

It puts you needlessly at odds with your brethren and mankind. Where's the gospel message in that? Come follow me.

I don't think so, right? Get off the pagan calendar. Don't trade in the Pope and Constantine, though, for Hillel and the Karaites and the rabbis.

Don't start chasing Karaites around a barley field either. I'm saying, you know, no, we shouldn't be following the Pope, we shouldn't be following Constantine, but we shouldn't be following the rabbis and the Karaites in their calendaration either. But you've also got to watch out for the wolves in sheep's clothing that are literally having you barking at the moon every month. So what I want to look at today, first and foremost, is the pre-Islamic origins of the sliver moon gazing.

We're going to look at the pre-Islamic origins of the sliver moon gazing. We're going to look at the difference between Chodesh, month, and yarach, moon. There's a distinction there. We're going to look at King Hezekiah and the slowing of the earth's orbit, causing a longer solar year where the shadow went backwards.

We're going to be looking at calculating the turning of the year using a scriptural term, tekufah, which is found in Exodus chapter 34 verse 1. 22. And finally, we're going to be looking at the solar calendar and the counting of days, which ultimately, I hope, frees us all up from philosophy, the love of wisdom, so that we can be joyful in the Holy Spirit. And ultimately, we can all come together in your communities, wherever you are, for his Shabbats, feasts, and festivals. And here at Torah to the Tribes, The calendar that I share today is the calendar that we keep. But quite honestly, if you're in another community, in another state, and everybody that you love in Yahushua is on a different calendar than us, then I say, join with your brethren, be in fellowship, and that's okay.

And if you come with us, we'll be keeping Sukkot on this time. Because that's our community. But it is not worth dividing.

Now, if you're going to go Easter egg hunting, I'll divide with that on you. If you call me up because you want me to help string up your Christmas tree, you know, it's not going to happen. I'll burn it down with you.

So, you know, there's things that we divide on, but there's things that we really shouldn't. So let's have a look at the Lunar Shabbat, because, you know, I dedicated quite some time of my life to this. The seven-day weekly cycle was instituted before the creation of the moon, or for the gap creationists, before the moon was illuminated.

So how then can the moon govern the weekly cycle if it was not yet created or illuminated until four days after the week began? Now, of course, I used to reference Vayikra, Leviticus chapter 23, to try and substantiate my lunar Shabbats. But the interesting thing about Leviticus chapter 23 is the fact which is often missed, that verse 4 follows the listing of Shabbat and then preempts the listing of other Moedim which are to be proclaimed.

Look at it. Leviticus chapter 23. Meaning... Shabbat is not a moed that is proclaimed according to the moon. Shabbat is not a moed that is proclaimed according to the moon.

It's fixed on a seven-day cycle, which means it is an oath. It's given as an oath, a sign or mark on all believers throughout all generations by Yahuwah. It's the sign.

It's the oath. It's what sets us apart. You see, the moon and the calendar, this is what causes all the dissension, it seems.

The moon and the calendar. And we're literally barking mad. Barking mad at the bloody moon. It's outrageous.

All biblical years must have 360 days. The question arises... is how do we deal with the extra four to five days since the days of King Hezekiah? And that is what causes all the problem. So I'm going to try and give it really simply and succinctly to you today.

And no, I'm not going to go with a timeline from creation forward. We can't be adding a 13th month like the rabbis do, or all calendars will be off and the feasts will be off. every third year. The 11-day difference between the lunar and solar years must be reconciled yearly so that the Feasts of Yahuwah are fixed times to always start in the first month and not 30 days late every three years or seven times in 19 years like the rabbinical calendar would have you.

The Feast of Yahuwah simply must be fixed by the 12 stations or windows of the sun and the stars. The moon, the moon has been sick. The moon has been sick.

It's not in sync. Several times throughout the centuries, including the days of Enoch. And we have to acknowledge that.

We have to acknowledge that. You see, this is the thing. Because the moon has been used in calendaration, and because it's not in sync, that causes so much of the contention and the troubles with calendaration today. The moon used to be in sync with the sun prior to the days of King Hezekiah, but...

But calculations just won't work with that required precision today. Men try and monk with it every three years, but still, Yahuwah hasn't restored it to match the Earth's solar year. And this has been the biggest stumbling block to all when it comes to the calendar debate.

And the question you have to ask is, well, why is the moon sick? You say the moon's sick. Well, why is the moon sick?

How do you know that? Well, why is the moon sick and not the sun? If Yahuwah moved the sun, according to the scripture, causing the shadow to move in King Hezekiah's day. Of course, that's spoken various places in scripture. You can find that in Isaiah.

We'll look at those scriptures in a minute. Chapter 38, verse 7. But the sun has six portals of 30 days each. which then the sun passes through those portals twice a year.

Does that make sense? So it rising in six in the east and setting in the same six in the west. Now each portal month is a perfect 30 days.

Plus then we add the four season days as the year draws to a close before the vernal equinox. And this begins our calendaration. Because the sun gives us 12. perfect months, or chodeshim, chodeshim, a transit through 12 six plus six portals.

The sun's healthy. The sun's healthy. Now, I'm not saying we go and worship the sun, because that's pagan sun god worship, and we've all come out of that.

But that doesn't mean we write off the sun. The sun is healthy. It moves exactly the way it's supposed to move.

But in Hezekiah's day, Yahuwah didn't actually move the sun, did he? Or else what? The Milky Way, that's a great chocolate bar, by the way. We have that. Do we have that over here?

We do that? Yeah, we used to have that in England a lot. Anyway, but he didn't move the sun or else the Milky Way would have been destroyed as the planets would have gone all chaotic, wouldn't they?

So Yahuwah actually slowed down the Earth's orbit to cause a longer solar year, as well as to cause the shadow to go backwards. It's pretty amazing. It's a miracle. But why did he do it? You see, the sun didn't literally go backwards 10 degrees.

The Earth was moved back, and then it slowed down in its orbit, causing the same cause and effect. and the shadow that move backward. This would cause the gravitational pull of the Earth upon the Moon to be messed up, making the Moon go from 12 perfect 30-day months to 29 days with some months 30 days, out of sync and sick.

Sick, not precise, and wobbly and off, right? The moon. It's out of sync by 11 days a year or 33 days every three years. All that being said, the Earth actually does assist the moon in its sickbed because without the Earth's gravitational rescue, the moon's actual lunation is only 27 days or 27-day months. That's not very reliable, is it?

Is it? It's not very reliable at all. But then people will go, well, what about Psalm 89, Matthew? Let's have a look at that. That proves that we should all be barking at the moon.

Let's have a look at Psalm 89, verse 37. His zirah seed shall endure forever and ever. And his keseh, his throne, as the sun before me. It shall be established forever and ever as the moon.

is a faithful witness in the heavens. Selah. See, there you have it, Matthew.

The womb, the moon is a witness in the heavens. But is that really what it's talking about? Is it really talking about the moon being a witness to the calendaration?

It's not. Let's look at the context. You see, a text out of context creates a pretext, an error begets error, and you end up barking at the moon. Because the moon is a faithful witness, but to what?

Look at the context. To the handiwork of the creator. It gives witness that he's the grand designer. That's what it's talking about.

That doesn't change, but that doesn't mean that the moon is a reliable time witness for establishing times and seasons. does it? It's a witness to him being the grand designer, the master craftsman, the creator of the universe. Just as a sick person can still be a faithful witness of the resurrection of our master Yahushua, so can the moon still be a faithful witness to the father's grand design.

When we read the context, it's not about the calendar at all. Look at the context. You rule the raging seas.

The heavens is yours, the earth is yours, the north and the south, you have created them. This is all about the moon's faithful witness to the handiwork of the creator as grand designer. It's not about setting the Sabbaths and the feasts. The context is everything.

Now we can turn to 2 Kings chapter 20 verse 9. And Yeshayahu, Isaiah the prophet, said, This oath, this sign, shall you have of Yahuwah, that Yahuwah will do the thing that he has spoken. Shall the shadow go forward 10 degrees or shall it go backward 10 degrees? And Hezekiah answered, it would be easy for the shadow to go down forward 10 degrees.

No, but let the shadow return backward 10 degrees. That's a lot harder to do, right? And Isaiah the prophet cried to Yahuwah and he brought the shadow 10 degrees backward.

by which it had gone down in the dial of Achaz. Now we can go to Isaiah chapter 38 verse 7, and we'll see the same thing. And this shall be an oath, this is your sign from Yahuwah, that Yahuwah will do this thing that he has spoken. See, I will again bring the shadow of the degrees which is gone down on the sundial of Achaz.

10 degrees backward. So the sun returned 10 degrees on the dial by the same degrees that it had gone down. And finally, 2 Chronicles 32, verse 24. In those days, Hezekiah was sick.

He was near unto death. And he made prayer to Yahuwah, and he spoke to him, and he gave him again an oath, a sign. And what was that sign? The shadow moving backwards. You see, the biblical calendar only allows for 12 months of 30 days each or 360 days.

Nowhere in scripture will you find an allowance made for an added 13 months. It just isn't there. So we shouldn't be doing it. New months are to be... celebrated on new month day as the sun passes 30 degrees or 30 days in the heavens from point a to point b not a new moon day as the moon has been sick and it's been unreliable ever since the days of king hezekiah because its lunation no longer equals that of the sun and this is the game changer But the question arises because many people think that moon and month is the same word, but it's not.

We have to look at the distinction between Chodesh and Yara Yach. Yara Yach. In the Tanakh, almost all references to month use the Hebrew word Chodesh, which is a set of 30 days of time. It doesn't use the word Yarak or... excuse me, Yara Yach, or literally the moon, the moon.

Yara Yach is only used 26 times, all referring to the actual moon itself. So we have to make the clear distinction. Chodesh, month, 30 days of time. Moon, Yara Yach.

Distinct. Do not confuse the two. So the Hebrew word for new moon, chodesh, and crescent moon, saharon yarach, are not the same. Are not the same.

This new month, chodesh, and crescent moon, sharon yarach, they're not the same. So again, we have to make that distinction. Because the crescent is not the new moon.

The crescent is not the new moon. And the evidence of the crescent moon worship in the scriptures has a very disturbing history. It's pre-Islamic.

It's pre-Islamic. And it's infiltrated the Hebrew roots from the mystery religions of Babylon, just like Hanukkah and Purim have infiltrated the faith. Same place.

Same origin, it's Babylonian pre-Islamic worship. And the question people would have now is, well, what about Psalm 104 verse 19? Well, let's go there. Because there are, in fact, different kinds of appointed times, are there not?

And only the context of the scripture can determine which time it appoints. Now, when people turn to Psalm 104 verse 19, and please turn there, you have to read it in context with verses 21 and 22. Because it speaks of the moed of the night or darkness. The moed of the night or darkness as beasts in the forest look for the prey in the moedim or seasons of the night darkness. It's not talking about Passover and Sukkot.

Let's read it. Psalm 104 verse 19. And I've had to put up with all this stuff for over a decade. Well this means that, you know, we've got to be doing the Shabbat and the... No, it's talking about animals going out in the moed of the night and the darkness looking for some grub. Alright?

It's my calendar! Well, the animals aren't keeping Shabbat, alright? You don't need to be like that. Well, sorry. Same thing that happened at Calvary Chapel.

There goes Matthew offending everybody again because he's questioning the dogma. And that's what happens. Well, let's read it then. If the animals are out looking for the Feast of Tabernacles, I'll sign up. But let's read it because they're not.

He created the moon for Moadim, and they stop there. But I won't stop there. The sun knows it's going down.

You make darkness and it's night. In it, all the beasts of the forest do creep. The young lions roar after their prey, and they seek their food from El.

The sun rises. They gather themselves together and lie down in their dens. Man goes...

forth to his work and to his labor until the evening. Oh, Yahuwah, how manifold are your works in chokmah, in wisdom. Have you made them all? The earth is full of your riches.

Psalm 104, look at verse 21. It's a continuation of that theme, and then it shifts to verse 22, where the Moedim appointed times of light. are regulated by the sun. This isn't a reference to the moon itself regulating annual weekly Shabbats or annual feasts and festivals. And I would totally offend people by bringing that up because it would mess with the whole calendaration that they just dedicated five years of their life to. You see, this was a major error.

in presupposition that results in a text taken out of its intended context. And this confirms Genesis chapter 1 verses 14 through 17, where the moon and sun determine the seasons or moedim of both day and night, not the feasts and the festivals. It's the night season.

It's the day season. We're not talking about feasts and festivals. Once upon a time, yes, the moon and the sun in its original perfect state, they could have been used for all Moedim. But that is not our reality today, is it? Since the days of Hezekiah, the moon is sick and in its sickbed.

Today, the moon no longer even rules the night. It's missing for two weeks of the month, isn't it? Where is it? It's hiding. It's not always clearly seen.

Out there trudging around in the bloody woods. I'll be over on the next hill. Or if you're my wife, she'll be like, bless the moon.

I'm like, no, honey, that's Rich's bright light coming down. No, she is. Our neighbor has got, because we're kind of down in this dip, and our neighbor has got this bright spotlight that he occasionally puts on. What's a full moon? No, no, honey, that's the pool light.

We could work something out. I'll just flick it on on the 15th. It's the guy in between. I tell you.

But the moon is not reliable. It's not clearly seen. The moon's out of sync. And because it is, it can't be used to determine the Shabbats and Moedim in this age. We must simply rely on the sun.

Let's look at the history of the lunar and solar year for a moment. So from Enoch to Noah, we had a 364-day solar year and probably a 364-day lunar year as well. But from Noah to King Hezekiah, 360 days.

And you can see that in the account of the flood in Genesis. 360 days synchronized solar and lunar calendars are a sign of judgment as they will return in the Great Tribulation. You see, King Hezekiah to the Great Tribulation, we have a solar year of 365 days.

and a lunar year of 354 days. The moon's sick, and it won't align the feasts and the festivals of Yahuwah in this present age. It simply won't.

But the Great Tribulation, the last three and a half years of this age, the moon will be healed by being synchronized with the sun, both declaring 360-day years, because that's judgment's coming. Judgment. So both... or either can be used for years. In that case, days, weekly Shabbats, and annual feasts.

You see that in Revelation chapter 11 and Revelation chapter 12. But what about the millennium? Everyone wants to know about the millennium kingdom. Well, you'll see both the solar and lunar year will have 364 or 365. Because in eternity, Revelation chapter 21, And chapter 22, when the sun and the moon are not needed.

Why? Because then Messiah, our Melchizedek, stands up to lead us. And that will be a time when he will say, these are the fixed times.

And we'll stand up and we will follow his light and his light alone. No time gaps, no added 13th month, no sick moon required. Simple. It was only during the Babylonian captivity that the first visible crescent was sighted.

The sighting was then checked and verified by a great assembly, which of course was the forerunners to the Sanhedrin. But there's no evidence that this is how the Jews observed the new moon before the exile. The only proof, and I say proof very lightly, people seem to use is the history recorded by the Pharisees and we know the Pharisees are today's Orthodox Jewish rabbis why follow them gonna end up on Hillel calendar or some man's doctrines and dogmas but why Babylon what's going on with Babylon because the pre-islamic Babylonian moon deity was called sin and was worshipped there whose symbol, of course, was the present, the crescent, the present, the crescent moon, is the pre-Islamic moon deity, Sin.

And now, of course, that moon deity comes with the more modern name since the 6th century of Allah. But it's the pre-Islamic moon deity, Sin. You see it throughout the scriptures. The scriptural record of the crescent moon and those associated, of course, are terribly negative.

Look at Genesis chapter 35 verse 4. Before Yaakov, Jacob went to Bethel to present himself before Yahuwah. He made all his people hand over to him their strange Elohim, their ear amulets, their earrings, their crescent-shaped amulets. And he hid them under the oak which was in Shechem.

It was worn by women. They would wear the... Islamic symbol of the crescent moon, Isaiah chapter 3 verse 18. It was worn by kings, judges, chapter 8 verse 21 and verse 26. They'd even tie a bloody crescent around the camel's neck.

Judges chapter 8 verse 21. This is the worship of Allah in the pre-Islamic name Sin. The moon god Sin. Jericho.

What does Jericho mean? Moon city. It's where Allah was.

He wasn't known as Allah then. You see, people don't realize that Muhammad was a desert roaming creature that started out wandering around in Medina and Mecca and then he went into the Kabbalah and he picked... out one of the daily deities and he said oh yes we'll take this daily deity sin and we'll make this the supreme deity and they re he renamed the sin deity of course Allah he started sharing that with the Jews and they weren't having any of it so of course off their heads went and there we have the birth of Islam he just picked out one of the daily deities out of the Kaaba in Mecca he said oh this is the one we'll worship right here No more polytheism, we'll take the monotheism.

Let's get rid of the 359 and we'll go with this one. You mean the one that was wandering around in Jericho, that they tied his amulets around the camel's neck and you see, and are warned about it? in scripture from Bereshit, Genesis, all the way forward?

You mean the war between the seed, the serpent seed, and the seed of Yahuwah? That's what we have today. It's a spiritual war between the one true Elohim and the created false Elohims of this world, the gods of this world, of which we are now in battle with.

And of course they want to have you barking at the moon. So those who confirm that we should be barking at the moon, they are actually teaching you to accept the crescent moon doctrine, and they're practicing Islam in its earliest forms. They could even be at risk of taking the mark of the beast.

or the name of Allah as they get caught up in the pre-Islamic origins of moon gazing. It was a moon gazing cult. And you find people getting so obsessed with going out looking for the moon and it's like, well, it's not too much of a stretch for you to step over the next boundary marker and boundary stone. But let's get back to what the scripture says.

Maser Shlechim, Acts chapter 7, verse 22. Because I want to talk about Moses, Moshe. I want to talk about the Sphinx, the pyramids, the equinox, and the dawn day. star marker. Acts chapter 7 verse 22. And Moses was learned in all, yes, even all, the wisdom of the Egyptians.

And he was mighty in words and in deeds. I remember when I was 18 years old, riding my camel in there and coming across the Sphinx, causing much mayhem and trouble in the deserts of Cairo. And I noticed that the Sphinx was not looking too healthy.

Why not? Because the blooming Islamic Turks in World War I decided, oh, there's a great target, and they started using the Sphinx for target practice. Interesting. Why would the worshippers of the crescent moon god Sin, now named Allah, be shooting and defacing the Sphinx? I find that quite interesting when I come to know the reason for the Sphinx being there and the Creator's calendar tied in with what I just read to you in Acts 7, verse 22. Because the Sphinx is actually an equinoctial marker.

It marks the equinox. The Sphinx actually faces east at the exact location where the sun rises on the day. of the vernal equinox the 21st of march as the sun rises it illuminates that cat's face on the summer solstices at the latitude of giza the sun rises 28 degrees north of east but on the winter solstice it rises about 28 degrees south of east i find this all fascinating Because on the equinoxes, the sun always rises due east, providing a sure and accurate reference to one of the cardinal directions.

It's towards this reference point with high precision that the gaze of the Sphinx is set. It's not by accident, but it was specifically designed and aligned to point out that very, very degree. Because with the Sphinx's gaze set due east, it's a perfect equinoctial marker. Perfect.

Of course the blooming Mohammedans would take aim at it, right? Because it totally disrupts and interrupts their moon-gazing cult. And it is a marker of what we will come to know in the scripture, the tekufka, the turning of the year. The Sphinx gaze set due east is that perfect.

equinoctial marker targeting the exact position of sunrise at the beginning of the day. Now, take that, put that in your pipe and smoke it. What about the Great Pyramid at Giza? Let's look at that. Because the Great Pyramid of Giza is also a giant sundial.

And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. Because the pyramid, the great pyramid at Giza, it's shadow to the north and it's reflected sunlight to the south. This accurately marks both the solstices and the equinoxes.

Two of its faces are actually orientated due east and west, the exact points of the rising and setting sun only on the spring. an autonomical equinox. Isn't that interesting?

What many people don't realize is that the faces of the Great Pyramid in Giza are actually concave. It gives the pyramid actually eight faces instead of four, and only from the air at dawn and sunset on both equinoxes is it perceptible. You see, the pyramid...

actually had an early warning and missed equinox signal that was constructed, built right into it. Because the western vertical halves of the north and south faces, they would actually flash sunlight at dawn when the Great Pyramid still had its limestone veneer casing. So in times of old, it had this limestone veneer casing.

that then because of the eight or the concave sides, it would literally flash this bright light warning you of the coming turning of the year. And then it would flash if you missed the turning of the year. So it literally had an early warning signal. And then you missed it signal built right into it when it had its lime casing.

This is fabulous. You see, when the actual point of the tekufka came, the flashing would have ceased signifying the sign. The flashes would have been visible from miles away.

Now, some astronomers believe even from the moon, if you believe that you could even get there through the Van Allen radiation belts, but that's another topic in itself. We'll talk to Stanley Kubrick about it. that. But when the sun is observed to reach 60 degrees altitude from the location of the Great Pyramid in the spring, the tropical year begins. And it ends when it reaches 60 degrees altitude on the following vernal equinox.

And this is where we get our computation for a minute, 60 seconds. Well, where did we get that from? The Great Pyramid, 60 degree angles. are the source of the number 60 that is used in our measurement of seconds and minutes.

And people don't realize the accuracy of these two objects, the Sphinx and especially the Great Pyramid in Giza, is more accurate than the observatory in Greenwich when it comes to the marking of the turn of the year. More accurate. even today than Greenwich Observatory, especially if you take into account of its Concave faces, and it would have had a limestone veneer, which would have signaled through flashing the upward coming of the vernal and autumnal equinox. There was no doubt that Moshe Rabbeinu knew exactly when Aviv 1, the head of the year, was. No doubt whatsoever.

Whatsoever. Scripturally solid. Historically. and architecturally laid out for you beyond disputations.

And I haven't given you a timeline from creation forward. You're not a slave to me. Just look in your scripture and look at history, look at the architecture, and draw your own conclusions and see if that sets you free from men's computations.

Literally, Vernal Equinox. Last day of the year, next day, day one of the year, 1230 day months, finish out the last four or five days of the year, then you'll see the vernal equinox again, turn of the year is the next day, off you go again. You're free. Simple.

1230 day months, finish out the residual remainder balance of the days and wait for the sign. that would be flashed all across Egypt. And Moses was learned in this, and he knew when the head of the year would be as the children of Israel left Egypt and kept the Passover recorded in Scripture. You see, it's very important, though, that we understand the difference between an equinox and an equilux, because that's confused. in our vernacular today because equinox is not equal day and night as some people would say that's equilux actually the equinox is a time when the center of sun of the sun can be observed directly above the earth's equator it's the equinox that is the scriptural sign for the beginning of the year you And now let's turn to Exodus chapter 34 verse 22 for our scriptural word, Tekufa, Tekufa.

The Tekufa is found in Exodus chapter 34 verse 22. It means the turn of the year. It's found in other places too. First Samuel chapter 1 verse 20, you'll find Tekufa. And this, of course, is where Hannah... And Elkanah and the Samuel prophecy.

And of course, what was Elkanah doing at this Tekufa turn of the year with the Hannah and Samuel prophecy? He was about to attend what? The feast of Passover. So there's your connection at the turn of the year.

14 days after the turn of the year. Elkanah is attending the feast of Passover. Now, you can also find this Hebrew word in Psalm 19, verse 6, the Masorah and the constellations.

And you'll find it again in 2 Chronicles 24, verse 23, at the year's end. So, I'm looking at the calendar based upon the testimony of Acts, that Moses knew everything. the wisdom of the Egyptians.

I'm looking at the history and the architecture in Cairo, Egypt, that basically testifies to the time of the equinox. Then I'm looking at this Hebrew word, tekufah, and I'm seeing that this connects us with the turning of the year. And all of this is leading me to what?

Enslavement of men's timelines or doctrines? or making an educated scriptural decision based upon this evidence of how to set the year. Because I know that the moon is sick, and that I know that there can't be a 13th month as added, and I know that things changed in the days of Hezekiah. And I look at the testimony of Noah, and I can see that there were 30-day months. So I go for my 12 months, my 6 plus 6 portals, my 12 months with 30 days per month for 360 days, and then my residual days are on the end of that, and then I wait for the vernal equinox, which marks the end or the turning of the year, and then the next day is New Year's Day.

My Sabbaths, they are from creation, not connected to... The turning of the year, because that's the sign from creation before we got into moon or any of that. So let's continue on, because in Deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 1, you'll find the great oat, the great sign of the year. And no, it's not barley sniffing.

That is not the great sign of the year. It's not Aviv green crops as the Karaites possess today. No, this great sign is for the entire year and all weekly and annual Shabbats.

And it is called the turn of the year or the Tekufah Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah. Deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 1. Shoma guard the month of Aviv. This is the great sign that to Kufa, the turn of the year, in order to perform the Pesach, the Passover to Yahuwah, your Elohim. For in the month, not in the moon, but in the month of the great Aviv, the sign, your Elohim brought you out of Egypt by night.

Now, in the scriptures, we have two seasons, summer and winter. Just two, summer and winter. Biblically speaking, there's just the two seasons, summer and winter.

Genesis chapter 8 verse 22, While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease. But you've got to beware of this. The Exodus chapter 9 verse 31, eisegesis.

eisegesis. That is sticking in your own Karite, rude, and purely subjective interpretation into the plague of hail. We don't want to do that.

It's totally unsupported by the text itself, unless, of course, I missed Moses running around in a theatric wardrobe with his Karite sidekick sniffing lines of barley. But I don't see that there. Do you?

Exodus chapter 9, verse 31. Now the flax and the barley were struck, of course, by hail, the seventh plague, for the barley was in the head of Eve, and the flax was in the bud. Now the eisegesis of this is that, oh, well, look, we should go now and start looking for barley, and this is the sign of the beginning of the year. Does it say that there?

Not at all. You are putting your own thoughts into the text. What we should be doing is drawing out exegesis from the text. Because otherwise, we end up literally in trouble.

Tekufa, the turn of the year, is actually drawing something out of the text. It's... extracting. It's the exegesis of the text.

And that to me is freedom. Not sticking our own stuff in there and coming up with a theatric wardrobe, running around in Israel every year in a skirt, sniffing barley. Why?

It's crazy to me. Look at 2 Samuel chapter 11 verse 1. We'll look at the Hebrew word teshuva. It's spelled tav, shin, vav.

It means a completion of a year here. And the question that you may have when you turn to these verses is, why on earth did the ancient kings, why did they always go to war in the spring? Why did they go to war in the spring, the ancient kings? Because around Israel and Assyria, the crops such as barley and wheat were harvested in the spring. And the invading army?

Well, they could live off the harvested grains, right? Of course, you wait to spring, you invade, and then you've got all your food to feed your army. So the ancient kings would always go to war in the spring.

1 Kings chapter 20 verse 22. The king of Syria would invade at the turn of the year and steal the harvest. 1 Chronicles chapter 20 verse 1. In the time of King David, Joab. would take out a raiding party after the equinox, the turn of the year, and he'd plunder the harvest. You see, this to me is, this is substance, biblical substance, and I haven't even got into one date and timeline, and nobody's barking at the moon, right? And only a few of you are sleeping.

This is amazing for a calendar teaching! Because usually 10 minutes into it, I'm like, uh-huh, bloody heck, crying out loud. Another smart aleck, really?

Let's identify the equinox. The elliptic represents the sun's apparent yearly path in the form of the constellations of the Maserat. And the celestial equator... is a circle drawn around the sky above the Earth's equator.

And the elliptic and celestial equator intersect at the spring equinox and the autumnal equinox points. So let's sum this up with some basic calendar guidelines. Yahuwah's calendar is verifiable in the flood narrative. It's recorded by Moshe in 2,550 years later, still with 30-day months and 12 months in a year.

When the yearly circuit increased, you simply add the extra days to the end of the 12 months until the tekufah, the turn of the year, resets the year again. No longer are we beholden to men's calendaration. It's literally that simple. Literally that simple.

And that's why people will hate this teaching. Because they want you to be enslaved to their PowerPoints and their PDFs. And literally spend all your time being fed. from the master's hand, but not that master, they're your taskmasters.

Whereas this is simply saying, hey, you've got 12 months, 30 days in the month. Once those 12 months with 30 days have gone, you've got your residual days. Wait for the vernal equinox, that's the last day of the year. Next day is day one. Of the year, and off you go again.

The feasts of Yahuwah in the seventh month are always on time, never delayed, never late. Everything is simple. We can enjoy the Ruach HaKodesh, have feasts, festivals, Shabbats, and fellowship with one another, and we can go and kick the calendaration, disputing little devils in the backside, and say, go and squabble amongst yourselves, but I'm not interested. Really? Because you're not going to win anyone to Moshiach by fighting and bickering and quarreling amongst yourselves.

And it is not a witness to my children, your children, grandchildren, and the next generation. They just want to show up at the Feast of Sukkot, celebrate, worship Yahuwah, wave the Arbominium, ride their bicycles, build camps, and Torah study for a week, right? I mean, it's amazing. It's not the calendar disputes. It's being on a...

biblical calendar that can be attested to by history, archaeology, and the scriptural words itself by going through, just as we see, the kings would go out a warring after the turn of the year because this was all associated with Passover. Well, whether it's the prophecy of Elkanah and the Tukufka, we always find this word throughout. and the flood narrative again testifies to the 30-day months and 12 months in a year. Never a delayed 13th month being added.

When the yearly circuit increased... You simply add the extra days to the end of the 12 months until the tekufka resets the year again. And this is exactly the way it should be.

Yahuwah's feasts, all the way through into the seventh month, they remain unhampered by men's calculations. Unhampered by man's hands. There's no intercalculated days.

There's no nonsense. It's truly... refreshing and that's why I chose to teach it today because it's really not an inspiring subject what inspires me is setting people free from the doctrines of men that's what inspires me just as Noah had five months or with 30 days so we find that yahuwah's calendar will have 30 days in a month the equinox is the last day of the year the next dawning of the day is day one, month one of the new year.

So the main adjustments between the last time I was up here talking about the calendar of us, there are no 31-day months. The added five and a quarter days since King Hezekiah are counted at the end of the year before the equinox arrives, never interfering with Yahuwah's feasts and festivals. We don't begin our Sabbath in alignment with Jerusalem, so I'm not up for beginning my year in alignment with Jerusalem anymore. It's local time from now on. Whenever the equinox is in your local time, that then is the turn of the year, is the next year.

The day begins at dawn, not at sunrise, because light broke forth is the beginning of the time event. Not the cresting of the sun over the horizon. So these are the main adjustments. But ultimately, when I look at this, I look at the scripture, I look at history, archaeology, and I see that Moses was learned in the wisdom of the Egyptians. And we now can move forward with the simple scriptural takufa, turning of the year.

and 30-day months for 12 months. And the residual days bring us right up to the equinox, and then the next day we start again. Freedom in the festivals and the calendaration of Yahuwah.

But this has taken me 15 years to literally get unshackled of the PDFs, PowerPoints, just endless conversations, sidebars. conferences. And you know what?

There's always going to be somebody who's got a better calendar. There's always going to be somebody who's smarter than the next person, who's invested just an extra month, an extra year, just got extra, extra learning. And at the end, you can lay out 20 calendars, and they're all got scriptural substance to them. Because guess what? Everyone is looking...

To the feasts and festivals of Yahuwah. Using scripture. But the motives behind them. Are not pure.

That's the key. You've got to have spiritual discernment. And if you've got spiritual discernment.

You'll know that this message. If you're spiritually discerning. Is to set you free. And equip you. Not to enslave you.

To my doctrine or dogma. Because. I do not claim to have the calendar right. The one who is going to return with a blood-dipped robe, and he is the light, he will make the final decision.

He is the anointed one who I follow. And until then, all of this is an object lesson in futility. If you get into endless debates and hagglings over the calendar, that's why I just want to set you free and say, show up at Yahuwah's feasts, Shabbats, and festivals. Get off the pagan, get off the rabbis, get off chasing lines of barley, and follow Yahuwah, and you'll be set free. This is amazing to me, and I'm blessed to be able to teach it, for the kingdom of Elohim is not...

Meat and drink. It's not supposed to be an exercise of the flesh, but it is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edify.

One another. That's the important thing. Our main questions, comments? No objections, because everybody can object about the calendar. Right?

There you go. Steve, in the back. Okay, yes, I did.

I did come up. I come up on the quick. So we have 12 month, 360 days. We got that and that makes total sense.

My question are, do we know the year? Do we know what year we're living on? No.

And no, I'm not going to keep a sabbatical year when somebody says, oh, it's the sabbatical year this year. And how do you know that, Mr. From-the-timeline-of-creation-forward-smart-Alec? How do you know?

Well, it's the sabbatical year, the rabbi said. You could be a year off. You could be seven years off. It's an object lesson in futility, and we're in the exile. Where does it say, when you're out in the exile, don't plow your fields and have the seven years off?

That's a land. Mitzvah. I mean this is nuts.

You got people out in the back wall. I didn't do anything for seven years. Yeah I can tell.

Get to work. Glad you've been on welfare for seven years. There's your witness. Right? Crying out.

And you see this. You do. You really do.

Yeah I've been living off welfare for seven years. My sabbatical. Wow, okay.

Oh, you're a light to the nations. Sorry, Steve. That's okay. Sorry, I mean, it's my sarcastic humor, and I will not apologize for it.

I get hammered over that, don't I, all the time. Could you just cover where the last four days or the five days, could you go over that again? I thought you made it pretty clear, but some of the people are just asking that question.

So basically what you've got is you've got to go to Egypt. There you go. You can do this in the back garden.

I'd do it with your children. Be a super, super homeschool lesson. Make a sundial with your kids. Fabulous.

Fabulous. You could even stick a stick in the ground. You don't even need a... That can be the sundial. Stick your stick in the ground and wait for the turn of the year, the Tukufka.

And then that is the last day of the year. Then the next day of the year is day one of the new year. Then you've got 12 months with 30 days in each month. Then once you've got through your 12 months, 30 days, 360 days, you're going to have residual days.

Those days just potter on through. And then in four or five days, you wait for the vernal equinox, and off you go again. The feasts and festivals are never interrupted. There's never a 13th year. There's no intercalculated days.

You're simply unshackled from all of this nonsense. Another question. A couple of questions.

What are the days this year? The dates. We will actually attach the video today, some notes, and the calendar. We'll have all of that up for you momentarily in a couple of days. Yes, he'll pass you the mic so that the audience online can hear.

Yes, some of my studies that I've looked to have indicated there is a connection between the Islamic moon and the sun god worshippers. In your studies and researching that, as far as the origins, this sin deity, is that correct? Sin, yeah, and Bel, the moon god Bel, Bel, Sin, there are all these pre-Islamic moon gods. Is that somehow connected to sun god worship?

Well, no, you're right, because this had all infiltrated into the Babylonian mystery religions. And from there, you get this amalgamation, and it branches off into sun god worship, but it branches off into astral gazing. And this is, again, what Paul was dealing with the Colossians. They were, again, dealing with doubtful disputations.

philosophy and a lot of it was associated around stargazing and astral deity that had infiltrated even amongst the Jews. And that's today where we get a lot of the mystery religions, even the feasts, and they're not biblical, but we see Hanukkah and Purim. And when you start to examine these things, these all came out of Babylon too, where all of those gods, Marduk, Sin, which comes into where we're at today.

What would be some good sources for us to be able to go and kind of do even more research on this? I will make, get together with our web designer and we will update the reading list on the website to try and give you some of those good source reference books. And do you think that, just because you're the first person I've heard really talk about this origins of Islam, do you think, do you see the side-by-side of the kind of takeover of the maybe Christian church from the Catholic sun god? worshiping, and then you have your Muslim sun god worshiping. But essentially, do you believe it's kind of the same deity?

Well, I believe that what we'll see is, and this will be another teaching, but just an overview, is we have the one true Elohim, Yahuwah, the creator, Elohim. There's only one Elohim, and that is what we see today, our faith, Yahuwah. And, you know, he has different types of people.

titles, Yahuwah Ropecha, our healer, Yahuwah Yerah, our provider. I mean, Yahuwah El Roy, he who sees, so many in scripture. But those are titles. He only has one name, Yahuwah, and he is the one true Elohim. He is the creator.

Did he create other Elohim? Well, yes. He created other Elohim, the Hebrew word Elohim.

And some of those Elohim, they fell. Ezekiel 2. 28. We see that, the fall of the Elohim. So then we have in Genesis chapter 11, we have the disinheritance of the nations.

They're disinherited and they're put under the authority of the fallen Elohim, the gods of the nations. So are these gods, are they real Elohim? Yes.

Is that polytheism? No. There's only one true Elohim, monotheism.

But does the scripture teach us that he created Elohim for his counsel and his service? Yes. And we see this. So when you can't go and talk to somebody in India who's worshipping strange Elohim, and they'll tell you they get power from those Elohim. They're fallen Elohim.

Does that make sense? They're not the one true creator. And that's the difference.

And I think we will see this in a study. And you'll see this throughout scripture. Now, of course, Christianity to deal with, you know, how Yahuwah shows up at... you know the Malak Yahweh or the angel of Yahweh you know they'll deal with all these verses in the Tanakh and you end up with a triunity because they don't quite understand the Hebrew word Elohim and that Yahweh created Elohim.

They don't understand that, so they try and make this trinity up, which has confused everybody. So, I don't know if that answers your question. It did, but it created even more questions.

Those gods are real, and I think you can see it just briefly. The gods that you're talking about, do you actually believe that they're fallen angelic beings? Well, there's good Elohim. He created Elohim. Okay.

And some of those Elohim... Um, fell. Ezekiel 20. Yes.

Would you say sin? The sin that you were talking about? Yes. Would you say that is a specific fallen one? Yes.

Yes. Okay. Just like Allah is a fallen Elohim. Okay.

And they worship that Elohim. Those are daily... deities and the nations are under that judgment. Ultimately, Yahushua will give us access to bring the nations back, bring the healing to the nations and bring us back to the one true Elohim.

who's the only creator. Does that make sense? And you can see that.

And again, this is just a sidebar because I've been kind of looking into it and studying it. But it's fascinating to me that people for so long, so long have had questions about the gods of this world. And Yahuwah says that he defeats the gods of this world. But if there really aren't gods of this world, then, well, that's kind of a silly thing to say, right?

But that doesn't mean it's polytheism, because we don't understand the Hebrew word Elohim. Other question? Oh, um, I never went along with the Enochian calendar or whatever. Is that 364 and a half or something, or what is the Enochian calendar, or just the days in the year? Like 364 or something?

I don't know. I don't know either. It just don't matter. I'm sure somebody does. They can tell you.

The Enoch calendar was the 30, 30, 31 broke up in four. Okay. And my question was, there's two teachings on when the day starts.

Right, so the calendar, I guess, you know, the sun down would be good. Will you elaborate on when the next day starts? I believe the day starts at the dawn. The dawn of the day is the beginning of the day.

And I believe the day starts at the end of the day. we covered that in the last teaching. And I get that by looking at creation. There was darkness and void.

And then when Yahuwah spoke, the creation event brought forth light. And then you have a... which is a unit compounded from there forward, if you actually read Bereshit again. And that, again, people are going to disagree, but I believe the day starts not at sunrise, but at dawn, because it is that light event, not a sunrise event, but light breaking forth is the creation sign. So, yeah.

Other questions? Jenny, you look like you're loaded with a heavy question. Just drinking.

Okay. That's it? Is that it?

Yes. Question up here. Comes the microphone.

So just a really quick question, and not to take you back to an answer that you gave just a few minutes ago. So my belief has always been that the fallen messengers of Yahuwah were who he created, but they fell. So we read in scripture about principalities and rulers.

high places. Would those be the rules you're talking about that Yahuwah created? You're calling them Elohim? Are you really? The Bible calls them Elohim.

Elohim. Okay. Elohim. Right. I've never heard that before so I just wanted to because you probably get questions on that.

So the Bible calls the created He's created Elohim, who is a multitude of counselors. And even when you go in, when we talk about the Melchizedek and that they come up to the mountain of Elohim, the 70 elders are there. And later on in the scripture, it talks about how the law was given in the hands of angels.

So this is another study unto itself. But it's fascinating and I'm pretty excited about it. Would it be fair to say then that Like when people are worshipping, when Paul's talking about the gods or the stone things or the images that people made, those are not gods.

Those are not Elohim. Those are an image, but it only represents that of the spiritual. Would that be fair to say? No, they are actually Elohim.

Because what would happen in antiquity is we've got to understand this for the Elohim that Yahuwah created, that fell, that became the principalities, that then man... would make images of stone, images of wood, and then the Elohim, which are disembodied spirits, would have a place in which to reside. So the ancients, they knew they weren't actually worshipping the wood. They knew that they made it with their hands, but they understood that the fallen principality, which was disembodied, wanted and needed a place on which to do...

to reside which then empowered that image that they made which house and which is why Yahushua says of course you better make sure that you clean the inside because otherwise seven more are gonna come back because they're looking for a place in which to dwell they're disembodied spirits the disembodied spirits are Elohim which are the principalities they're real they're real They're real. Can you give us a scripture for that? Somebody was asking. I don't know. I will, I mean, again, this is, we're kind of off track here, but yeah, okay, good, good.

See, it's stirring the pot again. All right, any questions, anybody else? Let's close.

Baruch Hashem. Yahuwah. Abba, we thank you for this day. We thank you for your word.

And Abba, we pray, Abba, that you would guide us and direct us as we approach this. time, Abba, Shabbat, feasts and festivals. We thank you, Abba, and we pray that the body would be edified this day in Yahusha's mighty name. Amen. Amen.

Just a reminder, we just want to let everybody know that the online profiles, you need to go to You can register there. If you have any questions, please send an email.