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Overview of Programming Languages

hello in this video we are going to explain to you what are the different types of programming languages a programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine particularly a computer programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine it could be a rocket computer but even a smart TV a program is nothing but a list of instructions written in a programming language that is used to control the behavior of a machine there are many different programming languages and as per latest data Java is one of the most popular language that has been used for coding there are different types of languages the programming languages are divided into two types the low level and high level low level is a language which machine understands and is of two types assembly and machine language high-level languages are more user-friendly and closer to human language they are of two types procedural and object-oriented let's learn more about each of them machine language is the language which can directly run on CPU they are numeric that means in series of bits which are zeros and ones representing instructions that a computer can understand them this makes it tedious and error-prone to write machine code manually they are not portable means a machine language is specific to a particular type of machine only ultimately all languages need to be translated to machine language on top of it we have assembly language assembly language helped eliminate much of the error-prone and time-consuming machine language programming it replaces remembering 1 and zeros with instructions which are mnemonic codes for corresponding machine language example it has commands like moves jump cmp ad etc each assembly language is specific to particular computer architecture and sometimes to an operating system examples include MIPS nasan x86 etc now let's take a look at high-level languages which are portable and statements are in English like language making it convenient to use please include c-sharp Java Python etc the amount of abstraction provided defines how high level of programming languages the high-level languages are also two types procedural language an object-oriented language in procedural language the program is written in terms of sequence of steps to solve the problem for example steps given in a recipe or sequence of steps you follow when you wake up in object-oriented languages program is written as the interaction of functions between participating objects for example in the steps for morning she do you have three objects I fridge and microwave each of them maintain their own internal data and expose some functions which others can use these functions are performed by each of them to perform the sequence of steps procedural languages follow a top-down approach with more focus on functions object oriented languages follow a bottom-up approach where there is more focused on data the disadvantage of procedural language is that data is not secure code is interdependent which makes reuse difficult object-oriented languages model real world so is easier to relate to it helps in graphing data and functions in a class which helps build secure program code is modular and can be extended for reals a court in high-level language needs a compiler or interpreter to convert their code into machine language let's understand the difference between the two the compiler translates the high-level instructions into a machine language and generates an executable file like dot exe interpreter translates the high-level instruction and executes each and every line individually in our next video we will learn more about object-oriented concepts in Java [Music]