Transcript for:
Installing Debian 12 Bookworm

today we'll be installing Debian 12 bookworm on a storage space of your choice on the website we're going to search for the download button you could explore their website of course but what we're looking for here is download which I see right here when we hit the download button the download should start automatically if it doesn't you can click the Debian 12 AMD 64 net install if you have a 64-bit processor this image will work for you and since this is the net installer you'll have to have an internet connection in order to actually proceed with the installation process on the computer that you're choosing to install Debian on anyways save it let it download all right and once the downloads finished I'm going to launch and use the belena etcher app I'm going to click on blend Atcher and start things up here below natural is an easy to use application available for Linux Mac or Windows I'll leave a link in the description below if you want to download it it's free you can also use any other application that can create a bootable disk such as you net bootin or Rufus some might prefer that so the first thing we want to do in Belinda etcher is select the image that we just got done downloading so in my downloads folder I have being 12 the AMD 64 net installer I'm going to hit open next I'll select which device or USB I want to flash the image onto so any USB CDs or DVDs will be listed in this selected Drive make sure you select the proper one because it will erase the entire contents of that USB CD or dvd I only have the one and I know it's correct so I'm going to hit continue since this image is only 700 megabytes you can do anything really over a gig or more for USB storage and then you'll be ready to hit the flash button once you hit the flash button you'll be asked to give administrative privileges to Belen Atcher in order to process the flash hit yes and let it start the flashing process the next part is taking this flashed USB over to the computer that you want to install Debian on insert the USB and then you'll go into your bios so you can select this newly flashed USB and make it the first thing to boot in your system this is done by finding the correct key to launch your bios for some F2 f8 or F12 make sure to look it up for your bios brand I'll show you mine and once things are completed here I'm going to exit out it's just going to say flash completed if everything is successful I'm going to exit out here and on my computer when it's first loading up it's going to ask whether I want to boot into BIOS the key for my bias is F2 or the delete key yours might be something different in order to get into BIOS make sure to look it up for your particular motherboard or computer so since mine is a newer UEFI based bios yours might be different but I can use the mouse and mine making it a little more convenient what we're looking for is to change up the boot priority conveniently enough for me it's available here on the right hand side so I can look through and try finding the USB that I just got done flashing on but it doesn't seem to be in one of the top four here so I can either click the boot menu option f8 but let's go to the advanced mode for me F7 because this might be what your bios more closely resemble on mine I have tabs up top so I can select between the tabs I have main AI tweaker advanced and boot yours might say boot or boot priority make sure to find this in your bios and then go down you want to select your boot option number one to be the storage disk either USB CD or dvd that you just got done flashing so I know mine's a 32 gigabyte USB so if I look through the list I should be able to find something that resembles that USB and here it is right here my verbatim store and go 1100 it's got about 32 gigs I know this is the correct one so I'm going to select storage disk if you have multiple avoid selecting the partitions select the entire disk so this one's the entire disk I noticed that by seeing no mention of partitions anyways I'm going to press enter on this and this should be enough to allow us to boot into our live environment or installer I'll make one more mention here in BIOS if you are trying to install Linux you'll want to make sure that you have your secure boot settings disabled or set to an another aspicides windows or else your system will keep trying to boot into Windows regardless of what you have put into your computer also if you can find Fastboot on your computer you might want to disable that one as well if you're having trouble booting into your Linux environment and if you did everything successfully you'll see a screen similar to this where it says graphical install you'll want to select the graphical install method and give it a few moments while it loads things up first thing we're agreed to buy is selecting a language you'll want to select whatever language you want to use I'm going to select English and hit continue next you're going to set your location put in your location and then hit continue now we're asked to configure our keyboard again select it and hit continue the installer will set up a few additional components here and it will check your network connection so make sure that you have your network plugged into your physical computer that way it can detect a connection it can be Ethernet or Wireless if you're using Wireless it will ask you for a wireless username and password and if things succeeded it will be time to configure your network first you're asked for a host name so this is what other computers will know you as I'm going to put Savvy Nick for mine you can type in whatever you like for yours and hit continue here you get the option to select a main name if you have one my network doesn't so I'm going to hit continue so here's something important to read up on we have a root user and password what this means is that you have a user called root and you'll have a separate password from the normal user and your normal user will not have root privileges if we look up here it says the root user should not have an empty password if you leave this empty the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will be given the power to become root using the pseudo command so this is what most people typically use across other Linux distributions so I'm going to leave mine empty if you want a separated root user you can type in your password here I'm going to hit continue following that we're asked for a full name for our new user I'm going to use a Savvy Nick for mine you can use whatever you want for yours and then hit continue and this one is a username for the account I'm going to use Savvy Nick again it's already Auto filled that for me fill it in with whatever username combination you want and then hit continue now we're asked for a password for that new user type in your password and make sure to confirm that password below and then hit continue now you're ready to configure your clock and choose a time zone I'm going to be in eastern here today and hit continue and the installer takes just a few moments and then we're greeted by the partitioning manager which is how we want to partition our disks for the installation since we're new users we'll use the guided use entire disk method there are different options if you're interested otherwise hit continue and now we see all of our disks that are available on our system this is a critical step this is where you choose the proper disk that is completely empty which Debian will be installed on so make sure to select the proper disk make sure that the size matches up what you would expect and the name of the disk as well because if you do have any data or information that's currently on a disk that you've selected it will be erased after the step I only currently have the one in the computer so I'm going to select that one disk and hit continue now we're talking about partitioning schemes do we want all our files in one partition well it's recommended for new users so I'm going to stick with that choice and hit continue so we're getting very close to partitioning our disk and actually applying the changes so down here it says finish partitioning and write changes to the disk here's what's going to happen to our disk we're going to create one gigabytes of logical swap you can of course make changes if you'd like by double clicking but I'm not going to do that we have a primary partition of EXT formatted space of 170 gigs if you have a UEFI based system you'll actually see some free space some ESP about 512 megabytes or a little more the EXT root partition and after that some free space as well it's just a little bit of a different setup if you have UEFI enabled bios not a big deal all the same since I currently have MBR enabled here this is why mine looks as it does here when you're ready hit the Finish partitioning and write changes to disk and hit continue here's our final warning as long as we have the proper disk selected we can hit yes because now the changes will be written onto the disk and anything and everything on that disk will be deleted so make sure you double check in fact that you have the proper disk selected and then hit continue at this point we're installing the base system as well as the rest of the packages needed by the system this is going to take some time five to ten minutes dependent on your system's speed so take a moment to relax while the installer does its thing all right and once the base system is installed this is the check and see if you have any extra installation media with another media Source like a USB CD or dvd you would insert it now and hit yes so you can select that media install any extra firmware you may need for the system to work properly either way after you've done this you can hit continue this time we're configuring the package manager choose the closest country to you so you can use their mirrors from that country in order to install extra packages I'm in the US so I'm going to continue with that following that you can specifically choose a mirror close to your region or area look through the mirrors select whatever you'd like and then hit continue if you have proxy information this is the slide that you would interest on I'd don't so I'll leave it blank and hit continue now the package manager is configuring some packages real quick including installing extra software that's needed over the internet and that's why it's important to have an internet connection we're asked if we want to join in the popularity contest where they anonymously Supply data well I'm going to hit no on that and hit continue shortly after that you'll get the software selection screen this is where you get to select some extra packages if needed and by default we have the Debian desktop environment gnome is the default if you don't know what a desktop environment is please look it up because this will dictate what the look and feel of your system is so there are many different choices below including some popular ones like xfce or I go with the default gnome if you want a different one deselect gnome select the one that you want I'm going with no and of course I'll keep these standard systems utility selected and hit continue and now we're retrieving files and getting more packages and software installed real quick there's around 1400 packages and this is going to be dictated of course by your network speed and your computer speed so this might take a little while to get all the packages down and install the rest of the system anywhere between 10 to 45 minutes depending on the speed but I'll meet you on the other side whenever this is finished we're asked here to install the GRUB boot loader this is what allows us to select the proper operating system to boot and since it's the only operating system located on my drive it is fine for me to select yes and install it on top of the drive hit continue and it'll ask where you want to install the bootloader I'm going to select the only drive that I have make sure that you select the proper one that was just formatted hit continue and allow the grub bootloader to finish up installing and once the installation is complete it's time to boot into your new system before we do this we'll want to make sure as we're hitting continue we'll probably get a message to remove our installation media that means the USB that we plugged in for the installation process will have to be removed if it does doesn't say anything you'll just want to do it as soon as your computer Powers down otherwise you'll just boot right back into the installer instead you want to boot into the newly installed systems otherwise it will trick you you'll want to also disable two things in BIOS the fast boot option and secure boot option or you just might directly load into another operating system entirely if it belongs on a different disk you'll also want to make sure that the first item in your boot priority is the disk where you just got done installing Debian on so it's the first to boot alright if you removed your installation media you should see the new grub screen you might have went past this screen automatically since there is a timeout it doesn't matter select Debian new Linux if you haven't already and press enter and great here's the login screen where we can select the user which we created and type in the password for that user and load things up and congratulations if you made it this far you've successfully installed Debian 12 bookworm on your computer start messing around I hope you enjoy your new install of Debian catch me in a great community on Discord and I'll catch you in another video thanks for watching Linux can be hard to understand but I take the most commonly used terms commands and subjects in Linux and I break them down into simple to read documents including Linux terms flash cards a checklist a cheat sheet and a mind map and if you're ready to level up your Linux experience and knowledge go to now and get access to these sheets