Transcript for:
MOD 3 - Ergonomic Strategies for MSD Prevention

hi um in this part I want to talk about um how uh we um use ergonomic design to prevent msd's um AKA muscular skeletal disorder um if you uh forget about it okay so basically um we will intervene from the environmental uh perspective that we change the environment where we adapt the environment using um um assistive device assful technology to um prevent the MSD so before we do that again we want to understand protecting the body is the key right from MSD so we want to know what is the normal uh uh posture which is a neutral position so everything de deviate from the neutral then uh neutral position then this person may uh be at risk uh of developing the MSD okay um on the neutral position here if it's the sitting position it's more like you know shoulder relaxed neck uh in neutral not flexing or extending um elbow bending um you see here the hip 90 degrees knee 90 and Ankle 90 right here so you see here this person is typing um right so U the contact force May kind of increase some stret on the wrist and because of the position this person has to extend more of the wrist then that's not um appropriate for this person so uh a better way to do this is we uh lower um the height of the uh keyboard which we have a keyboard tray right here so that the r is not not bending too much because the bending the wrist May Al require this person to uh Bend the elbow more so that's deviate from the neutral position and um that's not okay in the long run for the person okay so and then this uh is also um a checklist that I find it quite helpful and easy to use uh from your textbook that uh that you can um use this to guide your assessments and when you write recommendations you can base on this um to write the recommendations okay um and then um let's talk about method of prevention for the MSDS so we can do engineering which we are recommend uh a different type of design or tools to use uh we can intervene from uh uh the uh uh a different level to recommend uh the the employer to do some job rotation or hire more people to do so or we can do uh you know direct training for this person and uh the research shows the most effective way is the engineering and the least effective way is you know to do personal training okay so um the goal uh for us to do engineering control is to uh eliminate or reduce the primary risk factor okay so a lot of time you need you you you will recognize yourself Googling or searching resources for uh a good design or proper design uh to apply for your client okay you can we may choose to use a proper uh U um tools uh to reduce the uh difficulty of the job for example uh Power Tools um rolling cards or um elect electronic St stapler to reduce that Force okay or we can choose a different type of tool that use different type of lever system so that we don't require too much force um to finish the job okay and then um another thing is uh we adjust the environment to keep this body in a neutral position position for example uh we may uh choose to raise or lower uh the the desk to allow more relaxed shoulder elbow um or um we can um change the setting or the layout of the work environment to uh to decrease the twisting of lift lifting so these are uh the environmental uh mod ification or adaptation uh thing and for a spe if it's uh specifically for office uh we recommend that everything that arrange that this person arrange is within uh the reachable uh distance okay either it's in sitting or standing position okay um if um we if you feel that it's best if you intervene from the administrative um level U the goal is really to reduce the employees uh exposure to the to the to the risk factor okay so uh often times we may recommend them to have some kind of job rotation not you know repeatedly doing uh one type of movement again and again and again and then we can you know force them to have um uh breaks so that they're uh you know we stop that cycle okay um occasionally um you may need to provide some work hardening to you know strengthen this person's uh capacity say in endurance or body mechanics U to do the job okay um um when you choose to do uh direct training uh you goal again is to reduce uh the client's exposure to the factor so uh what what we typically do is really we hope that uh we can um change uh The Habit uh of doing things in this sense um moo is the best uh friend of reference or theory that you may use to to have this person build up the Habit so the training May um may involve uh uh body mechanics uh the way of doing uh lifting carrying or pushing stuff and you know yeah basically it's more like a how to use a good body mechanics to do so okay um now I want to separate them out to be more specific uh I think the majority of my time will talk about um office work because it's very popular right now and people who work in the office typically ignore um the potential risk of their habit uh can uh lead to MSDS okay