[Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome back to my channel we are continuing another video in my teacher interview question and answers series this is video number three in the series if you haven't seen the previous two i suggest you go ahead and click on this link right up here and that will make sure that you start the playlist right at question number one each video is gonna have its own question so you wanna make sure that you are following them in order so that you know which ones pick up after the other so for this question they're gonna ask you about your teaching philosophy they're going to say what is your teaching philosophy and what can you tell us about it so this question goes in line with the previous question the previous question wanted to know why you wanted to work at that school well all the research that you did for that question is actually going to come up in this answer as well so this one is your teaching philosophy but you're actually going to play off of the school's philosophy and tie them together so like i said in the previous video once you get an idea of what school you will be interviewing for you want to do as much research as you possibly can on that school the first thing you want to look for is the school's philosophy what is their philosophy what do they want to get out of their teaching what do they want their students to get out of the time spent there a lot of the times the teaching philosophies at schools will have to do with preparing students for college and career and that's a pretty simple one it tends to be similar for a lot of different schools and it makes it a lot easier for you to answer this question so first think about what their school philosophy is and then tie in your own teaching strategies teaching methods and just your overall idea of what you should be preparing your students for as well as we are becoming a more technologically advanced country and i guess a technologically advanced world we want to focus on 21st century learning skills we are now teaching in the 21st century so there are actually four c's that you want to focus on the first one is communication you have collaboration you have creativity and you have critical thinking you want to focus on all four of those those are four keywords that you definitely want to say in your interview so tell them that your teaching philosophy focuses around the idea of preparing students for college and for their careers while focusing on 21st century skills and then this is where you would say those four keywords that would include creativity collaboration communication and critical thinking in addition to 21st century learning there's a big heavy focus on technology so tell them that you like to use technology in your classroom as more of a tool since there's a lot of technology that they will be using in their careers and you also want to tell them how you like to make learning fun you want to make sure that they know that whatever you're teaching is going to be fun and engaging because if you can't engage the students in your lessons it's going to be really hard for them to pass your class and be successful so you definitely want to mention that you like to make learning fun you like to create experiences in your classroom and you like to create lifelong learners in your students a lot of the times when people graduate high school they're kind of done with school and they don't want to go on to college they just want to get a job and make money but the most important thing that you want to instill in your students is to become lifelong learners if the learning stops after high school then unfortunately life is going to be a whole lot harder for that student so if you're able to make learning fun and create experiences in your classroom you're going to get students to actually look for more learning opportunities and become even more successful in their futures a lot of people also like to talk about creating good citizens in their classroom by focusing on empathy and sympathy and different people's perspectives and morals and if you want to say something like that you definitely should not everyone likes to go down that road because it really doesn't focus on the data and it doesn't focus on what the schools are looking for on paper yes you want to create amazing citizens you want to make sure that everyone's nice and everyone's kind and everyone's taking care of each other but at the same time if you are applying for a job as a teacher you want to make sure that you tell them about your data-driven skills that you will bring to the table personally i think it's really important to say i always say it whenever i have an interview so if you want to throw that in go ahead and throw that in but just make sure you word it correctly let them know that not only are you providing an accommodating environment but you're also providing a challenging environment it is your goal to make sure that you are challenging your students if students aren't being challenged enough unfortunately their learning isn't quite as optimal as it should be and they should be able to fight through those challenges to become more successful learners are they problem solving are they critically thinking are they collaborating what are they doing in that classroom to actually elevate their learning and elevate their skills the next thing you want to bring up in your answer is the focus on equity and the promotion of diversity i know that this is actually going to be a specific question that they want to know more about but i do want to make sure that you guys are answering this in your philosophy as well are you focusing on equity and making sure everything is accessible to every single student despite their disabilities and you want to make sure that you are promoting diversity how are you promoting diversity in your classroom that's going to actually be a question that we're going to get into later but for this one you want to make sure that you are mentioning it you don't have to go in detail just yet but i do want to make sure that you are mentioning that you have a focus on equity and promoting diversity overall this question is just asking you how are you preparing your students for their future successes and what are your goals in doing so at the end of your answer you want to make sure that you tie right back into the school's philosophy so you want to make sure that you say something along the lines of and i noticed that my teaching philosophy actually goes in line with your school's philosophy so i think that's really cool always mention how it connects right back to their school how are you going to be a perfect fit for this school well my teaching philosophy is this and your school philosophy is this so i think that we would be a great match you always want to make sure that things are matching up don't tell them that you think it's going to be a great match at the end of every single answer but you want to make sure that everything is lining right back up and coming full circle if they're going to ask you a question about something that pertains to the school you want to make sure that they know how you are going to be a good fit if you're the type of person who prefers the answers to be written out or typed up i am going to send you down to my down bar i have a link in there where i typed up all the questions and answers that i'm going to be doing in this series and i might actually be doing some more as you guys send me some more questions so if you want a printed copy of this go ahead and check the down bar i did list one in my etsy shop and you can purchase your own copy of all the questions and answers before the videos even come out so if you are interested go ahead and check that out and if there's any questions that you want me to answer any questions that you were asked and you may have fumbled on go ahead and let me know in the comments section and i'll make a specific video for that question to help you out on that one too if this video helped you out at all please make sure you give it a thumbs up if you have any questions just let me know in the comments section but if you haven't already please make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the bell so you're notified every time i upload a new video as i am going to be continuing to post interview questions and answers for you in this series so make sure you like this video and i'll see you next time bye hi everyone before i ended this video i wanted to make sure that i popped in here and gave you a little bit of information as to what's going on with this series so i am creating a lot of different videos for questions that i've been asked in interviews myself and then i give you answers for them but i have a video that covers a lot more altogether if you're interested in that video you can check it out in the down bar and i'll also link it at the end of this video as well there will be a thumbnail at the end and you can click on it it's my ultimate teacher interview question and answer video i've gotten over 300 000 views on it and so many so many like thousands of comments saying that it helped you get your jobs so that's why i wanted to do this series right here to go in individually in case there were individual questions that you were looking for answers to one thing i do want to mention is that i'm getting a lot of teachers send me messages about different questions that they may have stumbled on and questions that they want answered that i haven't quite gotten to yet but don't worry i'm definitely getting to those so this series is going to continue for quite some time and if they do help you please make sure you like them and again if you have any other questions you want me to answer go ahead and write them down in the comment section or send me a message or even on the other video you can go ahead and type those questions out as well i do read every single comment because i have them approved before i post them so i make sure that whenever you guys do ask questions that you want me to answer i'm adding those to my list so don't worry i will definitely get to yours but like i said if you are interested in getting a copy of everything written out instead then you can go ahead and go to my etsy shop it's going to be linked in the down bar and you can check that out right there that's just for people who prefer to read it or if you are still learning english which i know a lot of people who watch my videos are from other countries then this might help you as well because then listening to my voice might be a little bit harder to pick up on i know i get a lot that i actually talk pretty fast which i don't really notice because i'm so accustomed to the language but if you prefer a written copy so that you can copy and paste into google translate or if you just want to have them as notes you can definitely check that out in my etsy shop again it's going to be linked in the downbar again if you have any questions just let me know in the comments then i'll go ahead and answer those questions in this series as well and i'm also working on a part two of that little document in my etsy shop so as i get more and more questions i'm answering them first on that document so i'm actually working on a part two so the more questions you shoot at me the more i can answer and put into those documents so i am working on part two so stay tuned for that if you haven't already please make sure you like this video subscribe and i will see you in the next one [Music] bye [Music] together