Sliding Window Maximum

Jul 20, 2024

Sliding Window Maximum Lecture Notes

Problem Statement

  • Given an array and a number K, find the maximum value in every sliding window of size K in the array.

Problem Explanation

  • First Window: Calculate the maximum in the first K elements.
  • Next Windows: Slide the window by one position and compute the maximum again.
  • Continue this until the end of the array.
  • Example: For array [1, 3, -1, -3, 5, 3, 6, 7] and K=3:
    • Window [1, 3, -1] → Maximum = 3
    • Window [3, -1, -3] → Maximum = 3
    • Window [-1, -3, 5] → Maximum = 5
    • etc.

Brute Force Solution

  • Idea: Iterate through all possible windows and find the maximum for each.
  • Algorithm:
    1. Start from index 0.
    2. For each window, traverse the next K elements to find the maximum.
    3. Repeat until the last possible window, i.e., index n-k.
  • Time Complexity: O((n-k) * k) = O(nk).
  • Space Complexity: O(n-k) - Storage for output list.

Optimized Solution

  • Objective: Achieve O(n) runtime complexity using a single pass.
  • Key Insight: Maintain a data structure to track the maximum element efficiently.

Using Deque (Double-ended queue)

  • Maintaining Window Elements: Keep only the elements of the current window.
    • Add new elements to the deque.
    • Remove elements not within the window.
  • Monotonic Decreasing Order:
    • Maintain the elements in decreasing order in the deque.
    • Remove elements less than the current element from the deque.
  • Deque Operations:
    • Push from the back for new elements.
    • Pop from the front for elements outside the window.
    • Pop from the back for maintaining decreasing order.
  • Steps:
    1. Initialize an empty deque and a result list.
    2. Traverse the array.
    3. For each element:
      • Remove elements outside the window.
      • Maintain the decreasing order by removing smaller elements from the back.
      • Insert the current element's index.
      • For valid windows, append the maximum (front of deque) to the result list.
    4. Return the result list.
  • Time Complexity: O(n) - Each element is pushed and popped at most once.
  • Space Complexity: O(k) - Deque stores window elements of size k.


function sliding_window_maximum(array, k):
    result = []
    deque = []
    for i in range(len(array)):
        # Remove elements not within the window
        if deque and deque[0] <= i - k:
        # Maintain monotonic decreasing order
        while deque and array[deque[-1]] <= array[i]:
        # Insert current element
        # Append max to result (deque's front element)
        if i >= k - 1:
    return result

Key Points

  • Use a deque to maintain window elements and their order.
  • Efficiently track the maximum of the window by maintaining a decreasing order.
  • Remove elements outside the window to keep the deque size optimal.

Time and Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(n)
  • Space Complexity: O(k)


  • Using a deque allows solving the sliding window maximum problem in linear time, making it efficient for larger data sets.