Transcript for:
Adobe Premiere Pro Training

hello and welcome to this training on adobe premiere pro and congrats on making the decision to learn and master this incredible program premiere pro gives you the distinct ability to harness your creative energies in the form of video editing like no other and once you learn even the basics you'll have a skill set that can be used in almost any industry and field now what do we cover in this intro to premiere pro class first we go over the premiere pro interface and get a feel for navigating and personalizing the program then we quickly import some content and get it organized in folders or what premiere pro calls bins once our content is imported and organized we then determine what footage should be used for importing into our timeline for editing once in our timeline we learn a ton of cool stuff like cropping trimming slicing rippling rolling slipping sliding yes these are real things so again congratulations on this decision you are going to have a blast now just a quick note that this course is designed to be an interactive hands-on course so occasionally you'll hear me say things like pause the video and practice on your own so make sure you download the class files from the link below to do so this will ensure you get the most out of the course and learn the program in a more experiential hands-on manner i'm looking forward to teaching you all the cool things that premiere pro has to offer so stay tuned and get ready to learn welcome welcome everybody what we are looking at here is a blank new project this project has no assets in it has not been customized this is essentially what you're going to see once you've created a new project from scratch we're going to go over the process on how to create something from scratch from the beginning but what we're going to look at here is understanding the interface and the workspace of all of what we call our panels so what are panels you can see here this is our source panel this is our program panel this is our timeline panel this is our project panel and you'll see there's some other kind of hidden ones here like our media browser panel etc so you can see them all over the place now each of these panels is customizable we can move them around you can close them and you can even add on new ones that aren't available now let's see where we can go to add on new panels that are not available from what we see here on the front end so if we click on the window menu up on top you're going to see that there is a whole bunch of panels that are not showing or some in fact are showing you can see by based on the check marks and some don't have check marks so for example if i wanted to add on let's just see essential graphics you'll see now that pops up over here okay fantastic now if i don't want that anymore i can very easily right click on that close panel and that goes away okay pretty great now some of these if you don't want them you can always click on the little x right there and that will make that disappear i'm not going to do that right now because i want to kind of run through an exercise on some situations where you want to close something and then when you want to bring it back now we can come back to a saved layout per se all right so very good so we can see number one this is the panel that's the series of panels that we're currently looking at now how did this particular set of panels now even start to come up right why is it showing these panels and not other panels that is the big existential question i want you to notice up on top here i have this little tab here in blue highlighted right the rest of these are not this is basically the editing workspace that i have chosen to be in okay and that's typically going to be your default workspace to be in so let me show you what it's going to look like when i'm not in the editing workspace i can click on learning and notice how everything just shifts i'm going to click on assembly you can see everything just shifts right so very different let's come back to editing you can see exactly where i started now for most of you my guess is this is where you're going to spend like 90 of your time all right but occasionally once you start getting more advanced like if you're working with some color correction notice you go to colors and then see a bunch of options appear over here on the right hand side like for lumetri color go over here to effects and that's going to change things as well okay you can see here's effects that'll pop up here go to audio okay different things pop up and now i'm going to go ahead and return back to editing and you'll see all right very good so you can always come back to this workspace layout anytime you want all right so now if i click on window i want you to notice there's also workspaces and then this way you can always go through any of these other preset workspaces if you like and also notice some of the keyboard shortcuts to be able to get to those as well if you find that you're changing them out all the time all right now let's see what we can do in terms of moving these things around and editing them and then kind of making them our own so you'll notice how my source panel is a certain size so very easily i can now move this to make it a little bit more narrow you can see that i can also make it so maybe it's not so tall so you can see that i'm just moving my mouse right to where the blue line ends i can come over to here even though i don't have a blue line i can always make this also a little more narrow a little taller a little more squat whatever you want to be and then each of these is their own little area as well see that so if i wanted to have my project panel not take up so much room maybe my tools over here maybe not okay great so now my timeline is taking up a little more room right so i have more space to work with all right so you'll want to experiment with those right to essentially just understand how you can take ownership of all these different panels now you'll also notice that a lot of these tabs have these three little dots those three little lines there right it's a little hamburger so when you click on that you're going to get a lot of extra options here if you right click you get very similar options okay so just understand that so the right click brings up extra options the little hamburger also brings up pretty much the same options but understand that they're going to be different depending on which panel you are currently working with right so if i click on this here notice very different options then i want to go over here to my project see lots of different options there so really what we're just trying to understand is sort of the culture of the program right so what's going to happen when i do x y and z if i want to move things around if i right click on things what's going to show up it's going to be a very different culture than say photoshop or illustrator so we just kind of want to understand like what's what what's going to happen when i do a variety of different things all right now i think it's going to be even more impacting is if we look at a project that's more or less already begun so this isn't really helping you too much except for on an abstract level let's now take a look at an actual project and looking at the workspace so i have a already complete project here so i'm going to go over here to file and go to open recent and you're going to see here i have explore sf which you should have access to all right and then now you will see something a little different right so some of these workspace panels have now been filled in with different assets and different content all right so now that we see this we'll be able to see oh well guess what i want to move my project panel to be a little bit wider so now i'll be able to see ah look at that a lot more content is showing up here okay what about this program let's just say oh great okay what that's going to do okay so what in fact this is doing is if i were to watch this for example i'll be able to actually watch it in action and i can see it on a bigger screen or maybe even bigger than that or smaller or wider or more narrow okay so we're going to go into all the details in terms of what each of these does right now we're just trying to understand where we can find things and how we can kind of customize the screens a little bit now let's say you didn't quite like how these panels are set up and you wanted to kind of rearrange things a little bit so you can very easily move them around so if you just kind of click and drag here you notice how this tab can go this way you can move your media browser this way if you want you can move your source this way okay so very easily you can customize these things okay so really really nice now you could also move them entirely out of each individual block if you want to so for example if i wanted to move let's say my libraries up here i can very easily just drag that whole thing you'll notice how this little kind of pretty purple appears here telling me exactly kind of where it's going to go so i want to keep this up on top here so i let go and now i have two tabs up on top here let me go ahead and move my metadata up on top here you can see oh very nice so i have total control over how that is going to be presented okay so totally up to me how i would like these presented how i like them sized and how you want them placed okay so again very easily move these around however you like now sometimes you might want them floating okay so earlier we talked about the little hamburger so for example if i were to click on that hamburger you're going to see you can possibly undock a panel so i click on that notice how this is now floating around here okay so if i just want it kind of floating that it's separate and dependent from the rest of the panels i can easily do that if you ever want to move it back just simply drag the name of the panel and then bring it back to where it started or wherever you like it to be okay so pretty slick in terms of all of the different kind of customizations you have options for okay so really really neat okay so let me go ahead and come back to editing you can see there i am and it remembers where i was okay now if we now resize it and we get to a place that we really really love we can go back up to our window go over here to workspaces okay and i can say save as new workspace so if i love this and i want to always come back to that just like i come back to here i can absolutely do that so if i say save as new workspace okay i'm just going to say okay explore sf workspace okay because it's going to be a little different than when i'm working on let's say a music video or something like that okay i click ok i go back up to window you're going to see workspaces and then bam there it is okay so whenever i kind of mess around a little bit let me just say for example i close this out okay i right click on it i say close panel oops and it's gone oh didn't want to do that so if i go back to window go back to workspaces and i say reset to save layout that's going to come right back okay and notice how it came right back into the same space it also came back in the same size and location all right so go ahead and pause the video practice that get used to the interface if you can find something that's already existing like something that we have inside of our class files or something you have on your own that's going to be the best way to get familiar with the workspace and don't forget to save your workspace you can always come back to it in case things get a little jumbled all right we'll see in the next video now that we've talked about how we can customize our workspace and kind of make the look and feel our own let's talk about how we can even get some content into our project so we're currently looking at the blank project project and you're going to notice here i have this project panel right here showed you that earlier and with the explore sf there was already content in there so how do we actually get some media in there to work with we talk about media we're talking about video files it could be audio it could be still shots so we want to actually bring this in so we can make some edits to it so we can actually bring it into our timeline so there's a number of different ways we can do that so you'll notice how this is just blank ready for us to go and all i can need to do and all i need to do is just simply double click right here and this will take me into my computer and i can go ahead and bring it in whether you're on a mac or pc that'll do that also note if i right click on it you're gonna have an option to import right there you'll also notice if i go to file and then i say import it'll do that same thing and also notice the great keyboard shortcut which is going to be controller command i for import so i do that it's going to take me right to that same window so you're going to see here i'm just going to bring in all of these images here i can just go ahead and marquee over that and then i just say open and now wait for them there they go and they're all brought in amazing so this time because i can't actually see everything here it might be a good idea instead of me double clicking i'm going to go ahead and just do the control i to be able to bring it in so if i just do control i while that's highlighted i can now bring in other things here so let's now bring in more exploratorium clips okay very good so i can go ahead and simply select that click open and now i'm going to bring them in just like that all right now earlier we talked about the amazing keyboard shortcut of the teal day to be able to see the window bigger so when i do that you're going to see i'm able to now navigate through this entire thing with a little bit more sort of scalability and a little more control and more importantly a little more knowledge because this is going to give me the ability to see a lot more content in terms of all these columns and metadata and everything like that whereas i wouldn't wasn't able to see it here of course you can also make this a little bit wider and be able to do it that way as well so let's just take a look at this project panel now let's go make it a little bit bigger and here we are now some of these things you may not care about so if you simply just right click on it you're going to see here's an option for meta data display dot dot dot and this is going to allow you to get into a little bit deeper of like what columns you want which columns you don't and they give you a whole bunch of things to bring in right so a lot of these things i don't really care about right there's no frame rate here right i don't care about the media start and end right so all these things here you may not care about right so this is going to go on for a long time a lot of things you just don't need audio info sure i might want that tape name nope don't really care right just kind of just go scroll through all these some of these things you may be working with some of you won't and some of these things you'll notice are not checked but you might want to bring them in okay so totally up to you i'm going to just uncheck this one click ok and now you'll notice a lot more manageable for me okay you'll also notice i can reorder these as well so notice my video info is there okay great status online okay great so you know what i'm good with this so i get out of this and now i can see everything as i want it okay and presented in such a way now you will notice also that i have different icons here for the different types of media so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go over to that other video file that i started so you can see a few other ones in action so let's go back to that so i'm going to go here to file open recent and go over here to explore sf and we'll see how we have a number of different types of media here and in a little bit we're going to explore how we can go a little bit deeper into this panel but let's just see again how i can bring in something else into this project panel so i'm going to go ahead and double click and i'll bring in some more content let's come over to here let's go to the beach scene and this time i'm going to bring in two or three at a time so i'm just going to click on one hold on the control or command key and then notice how i'm selecting them and non-contiguously right they're not next to each other but i can very easily select them separately and i click open and then bam there you are fantastic and these are really easy to work with okay so that's how you import okay that's gonna be the end of this lesson we're gonna talk about each of these panels and how we can work with the panels a little bit deeper but for right now it's important to understand how we can import content now that we have some content to work with by importing our different types of media including our video or still on our audio let's see how we can explore the project panel a little bit deeper for the purposes of organization all right now one thing i want you to notice that it's kind of a nice little benefit of working with premiere is that i now have two project panels or tabs open right now simultaneously one is my explorer sf and the other one is the blank project so i can actually toggle back and forth between these two simultaneously right so it's really nice because it prevents me from having to go back and say file and then open recent keep having to open it up again you can see i can very easily go back and forth between these two okay so that's really a nice benefit nice bonus all right now let's see what we can do to now import a little bit more content into this explore sf so again all i'm going to do is just simply do control i or command i if you're on a mac i'm just going to bring in all of these image files here okay so here i am inside of my stills folder i click on open okay and then there they are now the thing that's kind of bugging me about this is that like do i know what types of media this is right notice how there's like different kind of icons here it's kind of trying to tell me a little bit but i want something a little bit more definitive so earlier on i talked about how we can look at the different metadata display columns so if you recall i can very easily make this bigger by hitting the teal day and then you'll notice on the top here i have all of my different column headings so if i want to add on the column heading of media type all i need to do is just simply right click metadata display and then come back over to here and then guess what's sitting there waiting for me is media type now keep in mind that this is independent from one project to the other so if you disabled some of these in another project they're not going to be disabled in any other ones but if you wanted to actually save some settings and have this come back or it's going to be a preset you can absolutely do that saving you the trouble and the time of having to do that again and again all right so i'm just going to go ahead and click ok for right now and now notice here is media type and it's telling me i've got movie i've got audio i've got cs sequence which we're going to explore in a little bit still images etc so that's great so what i'm going to do now is let's get this off and now i'm just going to go and hit the teal day key and here i am and i'm able to see oh okay very good this in fact is a still image i don't need to focus on these icons i can very easily see them for what they are right now okay so excellent now let's see a few other ways of viewing things inside of our project panel so if you'll notice over here in the lower left i have a few little icons here so right now i'm in this list view you see that if you click on this one right here this is going to be icon view this gives us a nice little thumbnail preview of what each of these things are okay not only that is if i now move my mouse over this i can now toggle right through here to be able to see open this is in fact a video okay you can see i can do this one too great lovely all right now this one not necessarily toggleable why because it's an audio okay let's come down to here this one is video okay but remember i just brought in a whole bunch of stills they'll be able to okay great that's just distill and you can see it's going to show me this 429 that's basically going to mean like how many seconds and how many frames we're going to talk about that a little bit but very good okay but now let's say i want to see them a little bit smaller a little bit bigger okay so if i go ahead and click and drag this notice how they're going to get bigger and then they're going to get smaller see just like that so really nice if you really want to kind of zoom in on something you can very easily do that now my screen is not big enough for me so i can hit the tilde key all right great oh that's really nice okay then i'm able to then click and drag to be able to see this here another thing you'll notice is something called the hover scrub okay so if i move my mouse over without actually clicking notice i can actually just see it without having to do anything but just moving my mouse over it so let's take a look at this one come over to here just hovering see that and it's just doing the work for me how is that actually happening and how am i telling premiere that i want that so earlier we talked about the interface of how we can work with these panels a little bit more advancedly if you go over to here this little hamburger and you simply right click you're going to see here's this option for hover scrub so if yours is not doing that just go ahead and activate it all right now you can also see here there's a few other controls here's thumbnail controls for all pointing devices okay so if you're working with like a wacom tablet if you're working on and mobile right you're going to see it's going to give you a few more sets of options to work with and if you can see that very well but you can see here some options there and then some options here as well if you want to control things in a little bit of a different way you can very easily do that let me go ahead and turn that off and then let's go ahead and check out the hover scrub and again i'm gonna come over to here and wait for it there we go depending on how cooperative your computer wants to be there we go there we go fantastic all right and then later on we're going to talk about the utility around this like why would we even want to do this obviously we're watching it but we're going to talk about in and out points in a little bit now let me go ahead and get out of this for right now i can hit the teal day and i'm going to come back to here and then go to here and i'm going to make my icons a little smaller and this time i'm going to use the minus key on my keyboard earlier i showed you how you can do this to do that same thing to make the size but notice i have plus and i have minus to essentially accomplish the same thing it's not controller command it's just the plus or minus and you can see how this is going to be beneficial for you when we get into the timeline as well all right so if i go back to this i right click notice here is hover scrub and then i move my mouse over it and notice i'm able to see this this just moving my mouse over it i'm just hovering able to see that okay great so you can see how nice this is to be able to navigate through all of your content very quickly and easily especially with video all right now let's see a few other things i'm going to come back to my list view and i'm going to jump over to this side and let's just take a look at some of these little icons here and you're going to see a familiar icon which is going to be this little find so let's just say i'm looking for cheryl right and i've got a lot of different files in there i just want to find the one that has cheryl in there she created my audio and there's a lot of stuff in here it's just buried so if i want to find something very easily i can very easily do that okay so you can see i practiced that earlier you can see there's cheryl and you can see what am i looking for i'm looking inside of the name column what is it it contains cheryl or maybe you know the opposite starts with ends with whatever i have that there and then you'll notice here is match any all or whatever so i'm going to go ahead and just say any i say find and then bam there's cheryl so this is a really great way just to find something very quickly and now it's highlighted cool now let's talk about some kind of additional organizational tools that we can work with i'm going to make this a little bit bigger because i want to be able to kind of get things organized in such a way so i can be able to find them group them and collaborate even easier so i want to have all of my still images together so if you look over here on the right hand side i'm going me kind of zoom in a little bit there's this option here for new bin okay so in premier language a bin is just a folder all right just a way for you to stay organized you do not have to create bins right there's no obligation your projects will not work or not work if you don't have bins but it's a good idea again to stay organized so what i'm going to do i'm just going to go ahead and just say new bin and i'm just going to say still images and then bam you can see there's a folder i'm just going to highlight everything so click on the first one hold down the shift key and then just simply drag that in and now nice and organized okay very cool okay now let's do that maybe a slightly different way with our movies so this time i'm going to kind of do the reverse i'm going to select all of my mp4s i do that and this time i'm going to right click on them i'm going to say new bin from selection so instead of actually creating the bin first i selected them and then i'm going to say i want to make a folder or a bin out of this selection i do that and i'm just going to call this movies okay great and there they are okay very cool so now i'm starting to get things a little bit more organized all right love that now in the future we're going to talk about a few other kind of more advanced things you can say i just don't want to ignore this new item and a lot of things pop up here for most of you you probably won't be getting into these to too much of a degree okay but by adjustment layers you might get into a sequence we're going to talk about very soon but a lot of these are going to be a little more advanced but just know that that's there all right and then one other thing i want to talk about this is relatively new is something called the free form view so i'm just going to go back to let's just say my still images all right and i'm going to change my view from where i am now which is my icon view to the free form view i click on that okay and this kind of changes kind of dramatically you're like oh where am i right now i'm going to open up back to still images and then all right it looks kind of like the thumbnails doesn't it but with the free form view it's going to allow me to kind of just say hey listen i just want to find all of the things that i'm going to potentially be using for this future so let me just go ahead and drag this out oh look at that and i can kind of stack these together oh these are great right let's move this over here okay and you know this one's pretty good too but just notice how it's in free form view so if i kind of marquee over these right and i right click then i'm going to be able to do a lot of things with these if i want to all right so it's just a free-form way of organizing all of your content all right so again don't want to ignore these just kind of give you all the options that you might need all right now let's just do one last thing i'm going to come back over here to my list view and i want you to see how i'm currently inside of my still images right you can see how premiere kind of organizes your content right i'm kind of like under one layer like kind of so i want to get out of this sort of layer kind of in the hierarchy so i'm going to choose this guy right here to say hey listen get me out of this and now i'm back to here all right let me come back okay very good now i can see that there so always take a look at how in case you're kind of one layer below you can always get out of it by clicking on that icon all right now let's go ahead and open up now to movies and what i want you to see here is the option to then go to the preview area right just again by right clicking saying preview area and this is going to give you a lot of really great information about the content that you've selected okay so not only giving you a preview to be able to see that okay but also telling me my screen resolution right how long it is right all kinds of information around the file name all kinds of good stuff now let's see what this is going to look like inside of our icon view you can see i click on that all right nice and there that is let's open up two still images click on that and now i'm not able to see that in this view so let's go ahead and go over to here to preview great and there that is that's giving me some more information about that particular file okay all right so really really important to be able to see information about your content as you're clicking on it as you're going into it and again it might be your kind of default to make it so your preview is chosen there okay and then notice how you can also change my preview from regular list to thumbnail i can very easily do that and then finally the last thing you might want to do is to change the view altogether from your just regular kind of just basic sort of standard thumbnails without any image preview to thumbnails just like that and you can very easily do that i'm going to go to my plus sign okay that's kind of nice i'm getting a nice little preview at the same time and let me come back out of this okay go back to here great and there's everybody lovely let's open that up one more time great very cool just toggle back and forth between all these however you like to see it okay so you can see we got lots of options it goes across the board whether it's a video or a still shot alright so getting to really master and understand how to work with the project file from making excuse me the project panel for making it bigger to be able to stay organized with your bins to be able to see the different views as a list or as a series of thumbnails making them larger hey also customizing all of your columns here to so many different levels in terms of scrubbing through all of your content is so important so before you even move forward with actually editing your videos make sure you really get comfortable with the project panels alright so import some content get yourself organized get some content in there and then make sure you understand how to navigate how to work through the panel itself to be able to get your content quickly and easily and stay organized all right so practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson okay and welcome back this lesson we are gonna get into the source panel so the source panel you'll see over here it's in the upper left as far as my editing workspace is concerned but you will see that it says source and then you're going to see next to it is going to be the file name that in fact is the source now how did this even show up here it's all connected to what i have inside of my project panel so if i double click down here you're going to see the source that i'm working with is what i've just double clicked on and it's going to show me the content of that so if i go over to here to my audio you can see now my source is this audio this is stepping out from cheryl go to my still images double click on that and that's going to be my source here now what is the purpose of the source the source is going to allow us to view all of our content so we can decide different in and out points so we can maybe do a little bit of minor editing so then we can get it all ready and tweaked so we can bring it ultimately into our timeline here our timeline is ultimately going to be our editable project file that is going to be the final output but all that stuff needs to get cooked up first potentially inside of the source panel first so let's take a look at what our options are here so i'm going to go ahead and just double click on this sushi stuff here and we're going to take a look at what options we have inside of this all right so number one i could just simply start playing this right you'll notice here i have a nice little timeline here i can play it this way i can also play it using my little play button right there and you'll see there it is but also notice i can also hit the space bar so if you move your mouse over it will tell you a little keyboard shortcut and i can play it and i can pause it play it and i can pause it alright now you'll also see a few other things here right in terms of my timestamp so if you move your mouse over it you'll notice how you can go frame by frame very easily to go a little bit at a time if you know you want to go three seconds and how many frames is that okay great so this is about 30 frames per second so you can see how it's going to go from 28 29 and then it goes right to zero okay great so and i can also change it from here if i want to i can just say listen let's make that three and then it takes it right back to it so when you want that kind of precision you can go right to your time stamp playhead position right here okay and like i said you can also scrub the playhead totally totally up to you also notice that you can do it with your keyboard this is going to go frame by frame and what am i doing with my keyboard right now i'm just using the right arrow and the left arrow very very simply to be able to get frame by frame precision if you are looking for a particular part right there okay so bam there i am okay and if i want to go back to the beginning i can just hit the up arrow if you want to go back to well if you have an in and out point you can very easily go up and down to each of those individual parts so the up arrow goes back to the beginning down arrow is going to take you to one part of your internal point and this goes to the end now what is this in and out point that is this section right here that we're going to explore in just a little bit okay so this is our in and out point essentially it's kind of a saved fragment of a particular part of a video that we may want to use what i'm going to do for right now is just clear out this in and out point so i'm going to go ahead and just go to that and then that goes away and we're going to talk about what these in and out points are in just a little bit but again notice i can say up and down takes me from the beginning takes me to the end all right now let's just talk about some other elements that we see here so you'll notice there's a drop down here how do you want to fit to the zoom level so i'm going to go ahead and go to 100 and you can see okay that's really zoomed i'm gonna go back to 25 percent like that but usually best fit is really a good place to view things recall also if you want to you can make that bigger and smaller you can also undock it and this is especially useful if you have two screens you want to undock and you want to just bring this over to another screen and we can see it over here you can absolutely do that or you just simply bring this right back and there you are okay so this is going to be really helpful for how you're going to view your content so let's now take a look at some of our other options here so we're going to jump over to this side next so you'll notice how this just says half right what exactly is this referring to if you move your mouse over it it says select the playback resolution so if your computer is really being taxed in terms of the memory and processing you might want to bring this down to a quarter or if it lets you go down even lower than that so therefore your computer doesn't have to process so much to see the actual resolution of what the original video is so you'd want to do that again if it's taxing your memory but just understand that when you do finally render it you're not going to get this quarter or half you are in fact going to get the fault if you did want to see what it's going to look like to really get the true quality then you could change this to full but just do understand that it is going to use up a lot more processing power on your computer so premiere does give you the option one way or another if you wanted to show it that way or not okay in terms of the resolution all right let's take a look at this little wrench icon here in terms of different settings many of these you will not be exploring at this stage of the game but let's just take a look at some things you may want to see like for example you might want to see the audio wave right as far as part of this because maybe you're only concerned about the audio part of this video and that's all you care about if you're doing what we call b-roll and that's really all you want the the video is terrible you're gonna put some other audio on top of it and that's really all you care about okay so i'm gonna go ahead and come back to this i'm gonna go back to my composite video and there we are okay so it's just different ways of viewing things if you want to right so and just take a look there might be some other options here again here's your high quality playback all right we're going to talk about markers in a little bit okay so just understand what some of these things are going to do just from additional settings okay fantastic now let's just mouse over some of these icons to see more or less what they do if you move your mouse over this you're going to see here it says drag video only this is going to say drag audio only so if i were to drag this right now into my timeline it's only going to take the video so then it leaves all that audio behind this is going to do the opposite it's only going to drag in the audio okay so let me just show you okay so if i just drag this into my timeline you're going to see this now has just video and how do i know that here because you can see this says v right there and there's no a as part of this so i'm going to go ahead and just get rid of this simply select it hit delete and then if i choose this one here i drag this in and now notice all those little waveforms there that's only bringing in the audio okay so many times that is going to be beneficial because again sometimes you don't want the video because it didn't come out so good and you just want the audio and you're going to overlay some other video on top of that you have that option to do that now let's take a look at some of these options here right you have lots and lots of options for how and what we want to choose to bring content in ultimately into our timeline so you'll see here there's options for adding markers we're going to talk all about markers later on okay but markers essentially if i'm here and i want to mark this for later on and say hey listen this is going to be important or hey we need to get some better footage of this or something like that i can very easily simply click and then now i have a marker here let's come over to here and possibly do it a different way because you'll notice when i move my mouse over it there's a little m in parentheses telling me that's going to be the keyboard shortcut and that's the one that i recommend and you can see very easily i can start adding markers on there i'm going to go and get rid of those right click i'm going to say clear all markers and then that's gone okay now moving along here you have these two little braces here you can see here is the mark in and then here is the mark out earlier when i brought up my video you saw i had this like kind of gray bar going across here that was essentially saying what's my endpoint what's my out point so i can very easily decide little bits and little pieces and little chunks of what i want to actually store so let me just go ahead and watch this and i say okay that's really great okay right when they go over the line i want to say that's going to be the beginning of what i want so right there so i would mark that right now with a little endpoint so those of you probably notice already so in parentheses you have a little i to be able to mark your endpoint so that's what i'm going to do i there's my endpoint so i'm going to keep playing it and i'm going to hit the spacebar as soon as it starts to go down maybe go back a little bit see that just using my right and left arrows i'm going to hit the guess what the o key on my keyboard and now i have an in and out point now why is that important i have now specified a very particular part of my video that i want to then go into the timeline see that nothing else will actually go just that little space right there that i have set that i want to be part of my video i can easily do that now earlier i showed you yes i can just drag the video yes i can just drag the audio but if i want everything just drag the video from up on top here and that's going to bring everything in you'll notice now this time i have both video on top and i have audio on the bottom and these two different layers here now sometimes you might want to move these around right you can notice how this is one grouping here now i want you to notice how this is one big group of going from in doubt if i move my mouse over this and i decide you know what i'm going to actually go maybe a couple of frames back from my in and out i can easily do that see that i can move this around as a group you'll also notice that these little bookends are also editable so oh you know what let's actually get a little bit more from here you know what i kind of want to have a little bit of a lead up that's great and that's showing me kind of how it's going to end okay that's great so i can come back to here delete this and then i can then drag this in back into the timeline here but let's take take a look at some other ways that we can bring it into the timeline if you're not comfortable with that so we can look at some other different ways you'll notice here's this insert option and notice that's just a little comma so i'm just going to go ahead and click on that and it pretty much does the same thing as i did before just by dragging it and now let's maybe get another video clip here so i'm going to double click on that and let me clear out these in and out so i'm just going to go ahead and right click clear that out and let's just say i want to insert another video clip from here so let me just start from here i'm just going to say in come over to here i'll just say o for out and then i'm going to insert it and then notice what it's going to do so i'm going to go over to here say insert and it just comes right there right where the playhead started let me do that one more time so you can see where that playhead is that is where it's going to insert right you can see that bam there you have it that's good and then i just say insert okay that's great let me undo that let's come to the beginning and let's see the difference here so i'm going to go ahead and just say insert and that pushes it over now i'm showing you this because i want to make the distinction between insert and overwrite okay so let me go ahead and undo and this time i'm going to click on overwrite and you'll notice what it does it overwrites everything okay oh i don't want that so let me show you maybe maybe a slightly different shorter version of this right so this is only going to be about one second and this time i'm going to do overwrite and then notice it overwrites only the first second of that footage so maybe that's your goal right so let me come over to here and i'll do another maybe one second of this part here okay and then i'm just gonna do overwrite or just hit the period key and that overwrites here okay so if you take a look at this here we actually have three different separate clips and if we watch it here i'm just gonna hit the spacebar one second that comes up another thing okay great and then there was another one in there as well i can go ahead and get rid of that all right so you can see how all of this can really come together from the source panel by picking and choosing which parts that you want to have using our in and out and also deciding whether you're going to insert it or overwrite and depending on where the play head is that's where it's going to land now i'm going to come back to my sushi chef and i'm going to show you one other tool that we can use here in the source panel which is the export frame option so there might be a still frame on this that i'd like to get so that's a great shot of our chef in action and i want this as just a shot right just one still image and i want that exported out and that's where this option is going to come in here you can see here is this little camera icon you move your mouse over it's going to say export frame or control or command shift e click on that it's going to say okay well what do you want to call this all right so i can spell sushi chef better than i can say it so i'm going to go ahead and just type that out and it's going to ask me well what file format do you want i'll just make it a jpeg that's great where do you want to put it i want to put it in with my stills that's great fantastic do i want to import this into the project maybe maybe not i'm not sure at this point so i'm just going to say ok i click ok and now i have that available so let's go ahead and go into that folder into my computer to be able to see it so here i am inside of stills and here is our sushi chef wonderful great does a really nice job and now i have that and i can use that anytime i want right i can use that bring it into my website i can send it as a newsletter i can do all kinds of different things to it bringing it to photoshop and then master it however i like all right so the last thing we're going to talk about here within our source panel is this little guy right here this little plus sign this is our button editor some of these buttons you may not want there might be certain tools here that you do want to add to it and that is going to allow you to do it using the button editor you'll notice that you'll see other button editors and other places on the screen as well okay so i'm going to go ahead and click on that and you're going to see all kinds of things you're going to pop up here some of these things are going to look familiar like you're in out and some things might be a little bit new if you're working with vr if you want to have some separators you can very very easily do that and if you don't want certain things here like say for example like my step back right i use my keyboard shortcut for that so i don't really need that so i can get rid of that okay let's go ahead and go to that's just the space i want to bring the space back over to here set on another space maybe bring that over here okay so i can absolutely control how i have all my buttons laid out very easily okay i'm gonna go ahead and say okay and now i have a different button set of course you can change the order do whatever you like all right so again hopefully you understand what the purpose of the source panel is all right it's going to allow us to go from our project into our source and then pick and choose which parts of the video that we want to bring actually into our timeline so think about that process it starts from here we're able to view it we're able to choose in and out points and then bring it into our timeline however we like all right in our next upcoming videos we're going to take a look a little bit deeper into the timeline itself and how that works with our program panel and how we can also make all kinds of more basic edits but also some advanced edits as well all right so please practice this start building your own projects start picking and choosing different video components you want to bring in there maybe even do some exporting if you like change the button order change all kinds of different things in terms of you know the audio the video everything we've done put this to use and we'll see you in the next video in this lesson we're going to talk about how we can work with markers inside of our source panel earlier i showed you how you can right click and you can very easily say hey let's add a marker into this i also showed you how you can use the letter m to do markers so we're going to go a little bit deeper how we can actually added markers and we're going to see the value of working with markers and how we can also add on comments and text and also color code our markers so everything that we're going to learn here about markers is also going to be able to be applied to other panels like our program panel as well okay so we may do a quick lesson on that but just understand that pretty much the same process that we're going to learn here for our source panel for markers is going to be able to be applied for our program panel as well all right so i'm just going to go ahead and hit play on here okay and there we go and i'm just going to hit as soon as i see something interesting i'm going to hit m okay there's some people there i want people out good i'm going to mark that in there just wait okay i'm zooming in [Music] all right more things are happening okay good just hitting m again oh i like that someone's touching it cool all right nice fantastic so i got a lot of markers here why do i have the markers here so i can very easily go right back to them it helps me stay organized with my content very cool but i also want to label these okay so that's where we're going to actually take kind of next level here so if i double click on this marker i want you to notice what's going to pop up i can now name this marker i can just say okay so this is going to be opening just call this a long shot okay so this is going i'll just say this will be intro to the science components okay great and then notice down below i have the marker colors okay so just for right now i'm just going to make that red and simply click ok and now you'll notice that my marker has now changed color i move my mouse over it and it tells me exactly what i just wrote down opening long shot this will be the intro to the science component very good come back over to here great and then you know what i don't really want this i'm going to right click on that i'm just going to say clear selected marker and there you have it great so let's come back over to here and then all right that's nice and i don't really think that's very interesting either so i right click on it clear selected marker great now some of these other ones let's just go to this one here i'm going to right click on this one and then notice got to be right on top of it by the way so if you right click on it i'm going to say edit marker this time i do that and that pretty much takes me to the same exact thing as i saw before when i double clicked on it okay so i'm going to say touch the tube segments it's great and then i'll just make that purple click ok and there you have it okay so you can continue on and on and on from there we can see the process is all about organization now once you start having quite a few of these markers you might want to be able to just go through them very quickly and easily and then notice here you can right click and you can see go to next marker and see just goes right to the next marker go to the next marker just snaps right to those okay so that's really nice to be able to do that now if i don't want these anymore again just simply right click i'm going to say clear selected marker right click kind of get right on it okay and that's where if you were to hit the teal day key you might be able to get a little bit of a version of this to be able to get rid of that okay so come back to here come back to there or like i said just right click on it and then just go to previous or to next and i'll have my tilde key and i'll come right back okay now later on we're going to go into our program panel we're going to see also how we can work with our markers and we're also going to do the same thing inside of our timeline all right so practice that up hopefully you see the utility in that and we'll see you in the next lesson in the last few lessons we covered the source panel and we broke things down in terms of getting content from the source panel using in and outs and markers and bringing them into our timeline so in this series of lessons we're going to go a little bit deeper into the timeline so your timeline is going to exist right over here in the lower right for me and you're going to notice that i have a whole bunch of different layers over here and i have my audio and i have my video i also have a name right up here this name right here this is known as my sequence name okay so when you hear sequence and you hear a timeline they're more or less synonymous okay so i want you to notice also over here within my bin that i have this little icon right over here and i've created another bin called sequences that i've organized them so let's just go ahead and take a look at the difference between the icons that we see here for our videos versus our sequences this is the sequence that's already been created and it was created essentially by default by premiere when i brought something into a blank timeline so let me go ahead and demonstrate a few ways to create sequences so i'm going to close this out it's right in here and right now i have nothing in my timeline and even notice it says no sequence right so sequence timeline more or less synonymous so i'm going to take my in and outs here i'm just going to go ahead and just do in right and not even to do out i'm just going to drag this inside here and you'll notice now automatically it's created something for me and it's named the sequence automatically based off of the name of the clip that it came from okay so notice here is the source two zero one eight etc here it is two zero one eight okay so just understand how that works now i could be creating a sequence in another way just by taking my video from my bins on the left-hand side over here and then just bringing them in and then creating a sequence that way so let me just go ahead and close this out and now let's just grab something from my videos folder i'm going to go ahead and just collapse all this so we can see this here and you can see i have all my information on this i'm just going to drag this in and you can see now i have all this content in here you'll notice there's even markers in here that are pre existing from when they were inside of the source panel pretty cool i can see all that information there and that's really helpful now if i wanted to now rename this i wanted to get a little more organized with it i would come back over to here now something really important to notice is that as soon as i drag this from here into here a new icon now appears okay so i actually have a new sequence that i didn't have before that was magically just sort of birth just by me clicking it over here so not only in the timeline was that sequence created but also i now have a new object inside of my bins so i want to rename this right let me just watch it okay so i'm just going to call this the you know tesla coil or something like that right so i can see that's there okay that's great so i'm going to rename that okay so just simply click on it and just say tesla coil i hit enter and now notice not only does it change here but it also changes up here and then what i'd like to do is move this to be organized into my sequences and now there it is right there for me to use okay so that's really the first thing to understand about sequences now i'm going to leave you with this one little bit before we start getting a little bit deeper into timelines is that we might want to know what our sequence settings are okay and that's going to be important when you're working with you know certain types of needs in terms of your frame rate and resolution and things like that so if you go over to here to this sequence menu up on top you click on that you're going to see here is your sequence settings click on that and you can see there's going to be a lot of information about my sequences right so i could then change these if i wanted to if i wanted to override it you do all kinds of different things here in terms of my audio my frame rate my resolution everything like that you can then change these if you want to and if things are not matching up because maybe you have you know two different types of videos coming in together as one right you might get an error message on that and you'll need to decide ultimately which settings to choose okay and you'll know when the time comes what the right setting is okay so i'm going to go ahead and click ok and if i wanted to add in something else from here all right i'll just drag this in see i can then drag this in and now that's now adding on to my sequence all right and then ultimately i would then edit this and then export it out and this is essentially my project right this is essentially what i'm going to be working on okay that i've kind of cooked everything up potentially up in my source panel up here and it ends up over here in my timeline now eventually we're going to start working with this program panel so we'll be able to see how we can you know see what's down here and then make any edits as necessary and then it'll ultimately end up in our timeline right or it's going to be really doing what's in our timeline in real time now the good news is a lot of the stuff that we learned about our source panel we can transfer that bit of knowledge over into our program panel you're gonna see the icons look very similar little timeline looks the same and we have a lot of these other things in terms of the playback resolution right the time stamp right the ability to actually add on some more buttons you know all this good stuff here so everything that we just covered in those last few chapters you're going to see we can transfer this over into our program panel just as well okay so go ahead and pause the video practice creating your first sequence based off of some videos you have maybe add some more in there check out the sequence settings just get comfortable with it but we are going to get a little bit deeper in terms of editing in just a little bit okay see in the next video okay now that we have a good understanding about the timeline and sequences let's start actually building something out in kind of a realistic way of how we might have things organized primarily and then how we bring it into the timeline and then do some editing all right so you'll notice over here in my little bins section over here i again have my little project folder here and then within i have all my individual bins and i've organized things pretty nicely here where i have all my videos here and again my still images my sequences all that good stuff here and then within my video bin i've created these separate sub bins okay so if you can recall you can make bins just by using this little icon right there and it's going to create a bin you can rename it and then you can even stack it within other bins like i have here or i have kind of you know folders and subfolders essentially all right so i have this exploratorium restaurant scene and i also have another one called science this all has to do with my exploratorium project so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and just unfurl this a little bit so i can see i have everything nice and labeled okay so if you want to label any of these you simply just click once and then you click again and you just start renaming it kind of like a slow motion click right good time to kind of take a little deep breath you just sort of click once take a deep breath and click again and just start typing okay now i'm going to be able to see all the information about my videos and such right here you can see again i can name it you can see here's the video duration here's my media type here's my frame rate and once again if you don't see the information you want you can right click go over here to metadata display and then you can unfurl this little guy over here and then you can add whatever you want inside of here right you can see this so just go ahead and check the boxes if you want to see certain elements on there if you like so i'm gonna go ahead and cancel out of that okay and i'm going to do the teal day key to then make that nice and big so i can be able to see everything within here okay so just a little review for you in case you forgot but in case you wanted to see certain elements like the video info right it's way over here right you can see this is really important information especially if my sequences are conflicting with each other i might want to have this way over here as like one of the first things that we see right like okay that's actually really important okay so i'm gonna hit the teal a key once again come back here and then i'll be able to see good there's my video info and i can see it good they all match with each other just in case they don't again you check out your sequence settings to make all that happen okay so now let's go ahead and i'm going to go ahead and expand this out a little bit and i'm just going to start kind of telling the story about you know my restaurant and everything right so i've labeled these accordingly according to my kind of storyboard but then again that might change so let's just see what we can do just to basically start a timeline sequence of what i might want to have in here all right some of you you may have already started inside of the source but i want to give you another set of options that you can also do it looking at the timeline so what i'm going to do now is just drag this into my timeline and then bam that now gets created okay so i now have a sequence and again notice that i now have a new icon that's appeared and it's related to the sushi chef close up okay i'm going to rename that and i'm going to move this into my sequence folder okay so i'm just going to call this exploratorium doc okay and now i'm going to go ahead and just drag this it's going to go up into my sequences okay it doesn't really change anything in terms of what's going to happen on this side except for the name but now i'm good to go all right now let's just go ahead and just watch it i'm going to hit the space bar and be able to see it up on top that's great awesome good all right wonderful now if i change my mind i don't want that anymore i can just simply go ahead and select it and then hit the delete key and it's gone right the delete key on my keyboard and it's gone okay so as easy as that now what i'm going to do next is i'm going to bring in something else so let's go ahead and bring in let's say the restaurant sign entry that's going to be maybe a good way to kind of tell my story i'm going to bring this in okay that's great and then notice because the sequence has already started i can actually just bring it in as it is currently existing right so i need to really necessarily worry about having to do a whole new thing all over again because it already exists as essentially a file if you think about it like that okay so i'm going to come back to the beginning i'm just going to hit the up arrow and that takes me all the way back to the beginning and i'm going to hit the space bar great that's a nice introduction to it and then maybe i'm going to tell a little story about okay the restaurant long shot so i'll go ahead and bring that in to swaying and notice how i can just kind of just let that snap right into place okay and then let's just go ahead and back this up a little bit okay good so pretty simple just bringing this stuff in this nice little kind of linear manner all right so let's just kind of build this off a little bit so then i'm just going to go ahead and just take my sushi chef at another angle just bring that in all right great good and then we're going to see him again i'm going to see him close up and now we start to see as i do that my timeline's getting a little bit crowded okay like oh wait what's going on over there right what's missing on the right hand side so let's see how we can zoom in and zoom out of our timeline a little bit so if i hit the minus sign look at that this is the minus sign on my keyboard plus sign on my keyboard zoom in zoom out there's no control there's no command there's no shift it's just simply minus and plus that's very valuable because your timeline is going to start getting pretty crowded pretty quickly all right so nice thing to know about there now sometimes you also may want to be able to see some of the content in here you might want these to be a little bit taller and shorter okay now you can use your mouse to do some of these things if you notice over here on the right hand side right if i drag down notice that's going to make it a little bit taller okay and then i hit the plus sign so i'm able to see kind of a little thumbnail version of that okay so again all i did was do this okay now if i do control plus plus see that that allows it to grow taller just the same thing as what i did the first time if i do alt plus plus that makes the audio grow okay so if i start to kind of really build this out more it will see okay good there's a nice little kind of preview of things but also kind of bigger targets for me to isolate as i start doing my edits okay so it's something you're going to want to really practice get some of that fluidity down all right now let's just review some of these shortcuts okay so if i just hit the up and down arrow that goes from going from the beginning of a clip to the end of a clip all the way to the end just like that see that really nice okay if i just hit the minus key on my keyboard that just zooms in and zooms out right plus zooms in minus zooms out just like that and if i do the control plus that will now make the clips taller on the timeline for my video and if i do alt plus minus that will do just the audio so this will be something you're going to want to just play around with and again if you prefer to use the mouse you can go ahead and just do this way and you can see that does the same thing okay now let's go ahead and explore some of the other elements that are on the timeline now you'll notice a few things that might be familiar to you like a little eyeball here right to make this visible or invisible right so if you do that then not only you're not going to see it here in the program panel but when you export it you will actually not see it so this is basically saying hey i might want to do you know one version without this video maybe you've got some b-roll on there or maybe you're going to take away some audio you just take that away okay notice down over here you also have some familiar letters i hope right notice when you move your mouse over it you have you can mute this track right so therefore when i play it i won't be able to hear anything or you can say this is just going to only play this particular track so this is going to be the solo track okay so really nice only that's going to play so in case you have some voice over there over your music you just want to hear how the music is going to be or just the voice over you're going to only want to hear the voiceover and this implies you have other tracks right because right now notice that we only have one video track and we have one audio track so if you have other ones if i were to say hey only play this one it's going to mute out the other audio tracks there right so just keeping that in mind okay you'll also notice that i have this option to lock right so therefore i can't mess with this if i'm accidentally clicking on it whatever it is just getting in the way right i can just lock that right so therefore notice i can't do anything with it as much as i try and go and unlock it and then bam there that is now we also have a few other things here like our v1 v1 our a1 a1 we're going to talk about a little bit more about that in a little bit with our track selectors and what these two things do is the first one on the right hand side it basically tells me which video track am i on which is v1 and this is going to be audio one now what these two are going to be talking about is where they are going to be locking and tracking from when we go to our source panel and then bring them in so when we bring something in we may not want to automatically track to one of these audio tracks or this video track we might want it to be to v2 so we can tell it to do that right we're not going to do that right now so just stay tuned for that video then you've got a few other options here that we're going to explore in just an upcoming video in a little bit just kind of keep an eye for what we see up on top here and we also have these toolbars here which we're going to explore all kinds of different things here okay so in the meantime go ahead and practice and get comfortable with all these different elements on the timeline for making yourself more fluid as far as zooming in moving around right making things bigger smaller okay and then also working with these elements as far as muting locking toggling your visibility etc okay so pause the video have fun and we'll see you in the next lesson and the last lesson i talked about are track selectors right meaning that where do you want our source when we have our source video what tracks do you want it to end up on inside of our timeline so notice how we have v1 to v1 a1 day one that's pretty simple but sometimes you want some of your video or your audio whatever to go on a completely different track so what's nice about working with digital video as you know is that you can layer your tracks on top of each other so if i look at this this video that i have in my timeline i'm starting off here with my sea glass but let's say i want to have a part of my sushi chef in action maybe i want to have him on top right above right where it comes into sea glass and then bam it goes very quickly to the sushi chef and then it goes back to the sign and this and the snap so i want it to be on another layer okay so i can easily move this up and down i can go here to there whatever and i can note i can do that okay i can move this down here if i wanted to right that's pretty simple it's going to do control z or command z on the mac if you want to do that but pretty straightforward but now what i want to do is actually use these tools to be able to do this and do it pretty kind of fluidly alright so you'll notice here i have a nice little in out right here so i can go ahead and just select this panel and i can watch it okay let's come over to here okay there he is okay and then maybe not so long so remember i can just go ahead and bring this in okay he's going real fast i love that so let's just go ahead and grab this use weight for the hand there okay and then i think maybe about second two seconds will be good for that perfect okay and then i want this little bit to end up on the top layer here in v2 and also the audio down below here or maybe you don't want audio at all it's totally up to you remember you can also just say hey listen only do the video only do the audio but let's see what we can do now to make the tracks go where we want them to go so i'm just going to very simply choose this right here you can see bam and then i'm going to come over to here and now notice what i'm doing is i'm basically sort of like tracking them so they can kind of link to these ones that i now have selected so this is coming from the source but it's going to end up over here right inside of this v2 so let's just take a look at this now how's this going to work you'll notice here i have my insert and i have my override let's see the difference between those two i'm gonna simply click on that and you can see oh what does that do insert oh okay that that might work okay because it kind of splits things apart a little bit and it makes everything go over here and that's not bad okay all right there he goes and then we're back to this okay cool so we're just kind of setting up you know kind of the the layout for kind of this sort of you know speed and and drama and everything let me go ahead and just undo all that i don't necessarily want that necessarily i'm going to explore some more and this time i'm going to go to overwrite so when i choose that and again notice i'm going from v1 a1 right here to then go to these layers right there i do that and then notice more or less the same thing is accomplished where they go to the corresponding respective layers to the right tracks but it doesn't actually split anything apart right it doesn't kind of like divorce those the kind of the integrity of how these video clips were to begin with okay so it doesn't expand the time it's another way to look at it so let's take a look at it now great and that was nice fluid jump from one scene to the other okay so kind of an important thing i could do that manually certainly right i can kind of bring another one over here let's just go ahead and find my little hand let's just grab this okay and let's see what that looks like okay great and then maybe later on you're trying to do a completely different one from here like let's maybe just grab this and then this time i could just say hey listen i'm only going to drag the video and then i could just drag it right here if i wanted to just the same because this track now exists it's active it's live and you can see i can go to here and there's gonna be another one right there okay a little bit odd in this case but just know how easy it is to be able to do that okay so just a quick little lesson on our track selectors see how that works because you might see that you might see these other layers and these other tracks you can say well how does that work and then why is one clickable versus the other you're basically just saying hey track to this track that's another way to look at it okay so practice that we'll see in the next lesson now one of the most important and most widely used tools you're going to see with the timeline is the razor tool just think about a razor tool like you would see if you're going to be doing some old-fashioned editing right we're just kind of cutting things up cutting up our film strip to make things piece together and remove things that we don't need so we're going to kind of jump around a little bit out of order on these guys here you can see i have all of our tools here and there's one that looks like an old-fashioned steel blade and that is going to be your razor so we move your mouse over it it's going to tell you in fact what it is okay and you can see bam that is the razor tool you'll also notice that you can just hit the c key now the other important one in this same little grouping here is this one right here which is the selection tool so i'm going to hit the v key to go back to that hit the c key to go back to that so really important ones to know about so think about c like cut and think about v like the shape of this icon that's a good one to remember about okay so now let's just see how this is going to work for us i'm going to zoom in just hitting the plus sign and i'm just going to drag this over a little bit okay and i'm just going to just watch this so you see i have a lot of kind of lag time before really anything kind of happens but i want to kind of just wait for his head to turn a little bit okay so all right so i don't really need all this stuff here right all that kind of lead up yeah those those lobsters are pretty cool but maybe i'll just put that into another shot so like right about here is where i want to cut that so if i hit this right here or if i just tap on the c key i'm just going to go right over there notice how it locks right in okay it's kind of nice i click on that and then notice i now have two separate clips okay and right now we're just noticing we're not clicking on anything why do i not want to click because my razor tool is still activated so that's why we just learned about the v key so i can go right back to my selection so i can click on this and then just select it and then delete it okay so really important because guess what i don't want this but i do want this so i can very easily get rid of it now watch what happens when i hit delete on my keyboard big old gap right we don't necessarily want that gap of course right unless we're planning to put something else in there so i'm gonna go ahead and undo that so instead of just hitting delete i'm gonna hold down the shift key and hit delete and then notice what that does right that basically does what we call this like ripple delete so basically it says hey listen let's go ahead and just get rid of all those extra spaces there that was there before and just close it all up and then bridge those two together all right so that's a really really important one we're going to talk about kind of the ripple tool and the rule tool in just a little bit but i want you to see how we can do that kind of maybe a little more manually okay now there's another really important keyboard shortcut i want to show you which you can kind of do things on the fly rather than actually having to go to your razor tool if you want to accomplish the same goal here right so say this is just happening a little bit too long here i just want to clip some of this stuff out a couple of things we can do right in the same conversation about the razor tool if you just do the command or control k notice what that does okay can command or control k essentially just clips it right where the playhead is okay so i don't actually have to go over to my razor tool to be able to accomplish this then i'm going to do my shift delete and that goes away okay so really nice okay now there is also trimming i'll do a separate lesson on that i'm right after this okay but just try that out work with the razor tool work with the keyboard shortcut and again understand if you hold down the shift key and then delete you're going to get rid of that extra space all right we'll see in the next lesson let's now talk about trim edits and this is going to be one of the more basic and pretty straightforward ways that you can make some edits so if we watch our sushi chef coming over here great and let's say we decide we actually want a little more of what's on there what's really neat about this is that even though i have been working and i've already edited some of this stuff out to be shorter and i've gotten a little piece of it from my in and out from where it started in my source the stuff that's that we can't see which is like over here or over here right prior to what we did our in and out is still available to us so if i come over here to the right notice how i'm getting this little red bracket and an arrow and i click and drag out i'm actually able to see the stuff that i didn't get the first time right and i just said oh you know that's actually what i wanted right but i said listen i didn't want that part and then notice on the right hand side it's going to show me where it's going to actually begin and also how it's going to edit from my sea glass over there on the left hand side right so i can see is that going to be a nice edit between from here to there okay so it's really neat that even though we've decided what our in and outs are going to be initially from our source we can always get those back without having to really do the edits all over again right so now if i watch this starting a little bit later then i'm getting something a little bit different let me go ahead and just bring a little bit more out i'll just go all the way to the end this time and we'll be able to watch it it's going to be longer we're going to see the chef a little bit longer okay that's pretty great i kind of like that i don't really need to see the sign and if i make a mistake or if i decide you know something creative a little bit different i can always bring those things back okay so that's pretty neat all right now let's see it from another perspective let's go over here to this clip right here i'm going to watch this and a second you know what that little part came up a little bit too much i don't really need all that so i'm going to just make all that stuff go away so i'm going to go over to here and then notice how my little bracket is facing the other direction if i come over to here it's facing this direction so it's kind of important depending on where you're going to be trimming from so if i just go ahead and just trim this way watch what's going to happen now because i have two clips side by side there becomes that gap just like we saw in that last video and that obviously is not what you want so what we're going to do this time i'm going to go and undo is i'm going to hold down the control or command key as i do that watch this and then as i do that notice how it doesn't matter right it just basically says hey we're going to take that and then it brings it over back over to the left right if you see that how it says hey not a big deal because i'm going to close out that gap this clip here is going to be shorter but it's going to bring it back this clip does not get affected but everything else right gets a little bit shorter in terms of the entire length of the video but only this one really gets shortened right because that's what i just trimmed okay but i didn't get any gap as a result of that okay so really nice so let's just do another one that you might do very often just from the beginning so i'm just going to go ahead and just hold down my control controller command key look for that little bracket and then notice i don't lose anything from the beginning see that let's go right to there and then okay great so there's no gap no nothing right there it does make the entirety of the video shorter okay but all i'm losing now is just the beginning of that sign and a few of those other things were edited out as well okay and then here's another one i really need to see these bartenders and really just focus on the chef so again hold down the controller command key and then i just wait till we see him and you notice here there's a little preview there he goes that's really all i care about i don't really need to see them so notice the previews in my program panel good he's the most exciting part of this and now because i'm holding down the controller command key i'm not going to be losing anything there's no gap or anything like that let's watch that again now great wonderful okay so practice that definitely necessary definitely useful definitely valuable definitely powerful all right so we'll see in the next lesson now i've reached a point in my project where i decide listen you know what i'm going to mix things up a bit and i want to bring in some other video that i've shot from my science bin and i want to kind of mix up all my restaurant stuff a little bit in the beginning so i want to bring in something like you see i have my little beginning of my tesla coils i'm going to have these little hands coming in you know somebody go ahead and clear this in and out and you can see i'll have some things in there i want to bring those in so there's going to come right around here okay now i have a few options of how i can do that some of the stuff we've done already before but we did them with our timeline more or less being empty now when things are getting a little bit more crowded let's see what our options are for bringing in this content right and it's going to be very similar to what we saw but we're going to have a little bit of kind of nuance okay so we see here we have our insert we have our overwrite and we also have the ability to do our ins and outs okay so i'm going to wait for like the hands to come in there that's great so i'm going to say in play it okay and then that's a pretty good one pretty cool all right i like that now notice where my playhead is inside of my timeline this is where it's going to end up so i kind of want to just wait and see when's it going to be a good time right he's just kind of looking at his phone or something like that so it's like okay that's not necessarily is engaging we're going to see him in action anyway so maybe like as soon as we move away from the food we start showing something from this tesla coil now let's just see what our options are here first thing i want you to notice is that i put my my track setting back to where they were initially remember i move them to v2 and to a2 i want to move them back to here because i want them all on the same track i don't want to have any b-roll or anything like that i'm going to have them just right here and my goal is to have it kind of sandwiched right into here i'm going to kind of eat away at all this stuff here okay so let's just see what our options are here so if you'll notice again i have my insert and i have my overwrite so let's see what happens when i do insert you'll notice oh okay that's interesting just kind of pushes that away pushes it over go and undo that let's now try overwrite and then notice what that does it essentially just gobbles up all of that video information where the video length is still the same so let me go and undo that one more time notice how this is 18 seconds you can see the whole video length right there i'll do it the first way now it's 20 seconds right it basically pushed everything off to the side so it's leaving it cut it in half right but it's leaving all this stuff in there that i don't really want okay so it's like okay yeah that's that's interesting what do i do there well the reality is i want to overwrite this so because i want to keep the same length of time and i just want to kind of gobble that up all right oh that's pretty cool great and now it's still 18 seconds and now i can see all right very good okay but he's still there right and of course i can get rid of him i just learned about you know how we can just hold down the commander control key and then just bring that in if i want to okay so not too shabby and you can see how easy it is to be able to do that now we can see the difference between insert and overwrite in a different context okay now let me show you potentially a different way you might want to do this to be potentially a little bit more kind of exact if you will so i'm going to go ahead and just undo that and i'm going to clear out my ins and outs here but this time i'm going to do something a little bit different i'm going to do an in and out on this part here right in my program i'm going to do an in and out because what i'm going to be doing in this case is i'm going to be telling premier where that i want to actually overwrite okay so essentially i'm kind of marking it to basically say hey listen this is where you know things are going to start getting a little bit like no no thank you so i'm going to just say in right there and now let me go ahead and just go right to this spot right and i can just hit the down arrow right makes it a lot easier notice how that down or clips right to it i'm gonna say oh just like that okay you see that so it's like i know for sure i just don't want any of that so i can be very precise about it because i've selected the whole part that i don't want and what i do want to be overwritten okay so think about that okay so now let's go ahead and just say overwrite and then notice what it did it's perfect right i got just as much video as i needed to overwrite that guy and then it goes right into that okay so understand what we did there you can do the in and out from the source panel or you can do it in the program panel where you can say hey listen this is the area that i want to overwrite okay not this is the stuff that i want to take and overwrite something else okay so nice way to kind of just you know jerry rig it a little bit to kind of be a little bit more kind of precise a little more creative and kind of nuanced of how you want to overwrite or insert your data okay all right so try that out practice all this stuff make sure it makes sense make sure you're fluid in your process and we'll see you in the next lesson in this lesson we're going to talk about the ripple edit tool and the rolling edit tool and where do we find those tools we're going to find them over here with all these little icons now if you'll notice over here there's this little double-sided arrow if you hold down your left mouse button you will see you have them kind of hiding in there and kind of the culture of these programs as you see that in the lower right you can see you have these little triangles here that tells us that we have other icons living in there for other tasks that we can accomplish so notice here is the ripple edit tool which is the b key for keyboard shortcut and the rolling edit tool which is n for the keyboard shortcut now we've already explored what the ripple edit tool can do but just as a little review let me just go ahead and zoom in a little bit and i'm going to come back to the beginning and if i wanted to i'm just going to go back to this if i wanted to actually just just cut out some of that beginning part i can do the ripple edit tool without even accessing the ripple edit tool just by doing my trim but my ripple trim so if i hold down the control key or the command key on the mac and i just go ahead and just bring that like that notice how it's just eating away as a part of that beginning part but it doesn't leave a gap and it doesn't really affect anything else and that's kind of the distinction between the ripple edit and the rolling edit but let's just try that in another scenario okay and i'm actually going to use the tools that are here in these icons let me just go ahead and just make this a little bit smaller hitting my minus key on my keyboard and notice my playhead is here and i'm just going to bring in this little tornado video right there okay and then also notice that i'm a v1 v1 a1 so that's going to be locked into those tracks that's great and then very simply i'm going to just say insert and you can see how it just inserts it right just kind of just say hey listen here is this little beginning part of that like tesla coil with the hands and then it comes again just like that okay and that's quite a bit there but i can play around with these to a certain extent so let's just see what the difference is between what the ripple edit can do and what the rolling edit can do and this time what i'm going to do is i'm going to access these and the first way i'm going to do it is with my mouse by just clicking on it and then later on i'm going to get to the rolling edit tool by using the n key right just kind of getting that habit so let's just see what the ripple edit tool can do so i want to ripple so my tornado gets a little bit smaller right my tornado clip gets smaller but it doesn't affect anything else okay so just notice here my arrow is facing this way i'm just going to go ahead and click and drag that way and you can see bam how everything gets smaller okay pretty straight forward okay i can go ahead and do it this way too how that my tornado tool my tornado clip that also gets smaller right but my also my timeline in its entirety also gets shorter okay so we can see that right that's relatively intuitive we've seen that before let me go ahead and undo a couple of times and now let's see what we can do working with the rolling tool okay so i'm going to go over here to n right and again just as a little review you can see there it is the rolling edit tool and that's just going to be the end key let's see what the difference is here what this is going to do is it's actually going to affect two things at once notice how there are four arrows right it's saying hey i'm going to affect you to the right i'm also going to affect you to the left that's kind of the big distinction there okay now let's also keep an eye on the timeline length so i'm now going to go ahead and click and drag to the left i want you to notice that oh okay look at that it doesn't affect the length of the timeline okay but it affected two clips at the same time okay so you can notice here as i click and drag see i'm actually going to see on the top part of my program panel what i'm going to see and where that cut is going to happen okay that's great let's try it on this side because this was kind of our key part of what we wanted to kind of see okay you know what i want to see a little more hands there and then that tornado gets a little bit redundant after a while but the hands are interesting let's bring this in okay so it's affecting both tesla one and tornado at the same time okay so that's really your big distinction people get a little bit confused about the ripple versus the rolling that's your big takeaway there okay so are you affecting one versus the other and then you'll notice where my edit actually changes a little bit right on both sides of things all right so practice that use your keyboard shortcuts for that for in terms of accessing them but also remember you can access the ripple tool by holding down the command or control key while you're doing your trim edits okay very good we'll see in the next lesson we've discussed the rolling and the rippling edit tools naturally we're now going to talk about the slip and slide tools okay so a lot of fun with these and not quite as intimidating as you might think they are okay because the names don't necessarily lend themselves to understanding kind of what they do but once you kind of give it a little bit of um kind of grace you'll understand and kind of have some forgiveness around it okay so let's just see what and where the slip and slide tools can do so they're in this same area over here where we have our toolbars and you're going to see that over here is our slip and our slide tools so let's just first take a look at what the slip tool rules and notice what the keyboard shortcuts are and i want you to notice here what's happening with this particular clip here now let's just say i have this clip inside here but i know that there's some other stuff that's living inside of this tornado clip that i can't necessarily see but i want to be able to see it right i want to be able to access it so we've talked about earlier where like even though we didn't get some of the stuff that's coming from the source and we might want to actually get to it again it's still there right so what we can do while using again the slip tool we can then see what's living inside of this now this is not necessarily going to edit what's happening here on the timeline it's just going to move what we view within this clip and within the source that's now out of sight and it's going to bring it into site so check it out now watch what happens now when i just click and drag right on here it doesn't affect the timeline so much but take a look at my program panel and we're going to be able to see what i can see before and then after right see that i'm able to move throughout the original clip to say hey listen i want to go all the way to the end of that clip that's actually a lot better for me okay so all i've done was kind of shift what is living inside of that little space for the clip to be able to bring that in okay so now when i view it able to see and now it's going to go all the way to the end where it didn't do it before okay very good that's kind of neat okay let's try that again let's go a little bit different ways so now i'm still inside that and you know what let's actually it's about as far as it can go and just know that you're kind of at the mercy of the length of your clip also because if you reach a dead end that just means your clip is only a certain amount of time okay so then you're not going to see anything more right because you can't really invent that so now let's do it one more time and we'll see i just kind of shifted it over just a little bit okay and that's going to hang out there and then it's actually going to go back up this time see that do i want that or no i want that okay totally up to you okay now let's see what its little partner in crime does and that's going to be the slide tool and that actually does make some structural changes to your timeline so if you want to keep this exact same clip that you decided on by starting off with the slip tool but you want to kind of move it around you can very very easily do that okay so let's just go ahead and check that out so i'm just going to go ahead and grab this and i'm just going to move this over here okay look at that that just goes right over there and then everything else kind of falls into place all right let's move this back okay great and that goes into place right let's move this back over there okay great so you'll notice how it's just kind of taking the entire clip by itself right as a chunk and then kind of moving it okay so you can see you could just kind of just shift these things in place all right so it's something you just want to practice and see if that's going to work for you okay there's other ways to do this right you can use the rolling edits to do the same thing or you can do it this way you know a lot of different ways to accomplish the same goal all right so again pause the video practice the slipping and the sliding let us know how you've done and we'll see in the next video let's now talk about how we can adjust the speed and duration of a clip so sometimes for creative effect or for dramatic effect you may want to slow things down or you may want to speed things up maybe for comedic effect you know for lots of different reasons so what i'm going to do is i'm going to work with this little tornado that we got and then right towards the end i kind of want to make this so it's going to kind of slow down a little bit for me right so like right when i start to see kind of like the crown of it i want things to kind of slow down okay so very easily now i'm just going to clip this right here so i'm going to split it by just doing control or command k right there and now this is its own separate element right there you see that so they're now two separate clips and now what i'm going to do very easily is i'm going to right click on the clip and i'm going to say speed duration all right and now just notice the length of time that we have here it's now 34 seconds and what i'm going to do is i'm going to speed this down a little bit right because right now the speed is at 100 okay and i'm going to make this have a 50 speed okay right there now a few other options you can do here it's kind of nice is that you can reverse the speed right so you can kind of go backwards right so maybe you're having people go really fast but they're going backwards again kind of a more kind of a comedic effect if you want to do that this is really nice you can maintain the audio pitch so if you have somebody speaking really fast they don't kind of sound like a chipmunk so you can maintain that as well right now this is probably the most important part i would say is to make sure that this in fact is selected right the ripple edit shifting and trailing clips okay by default this is not selected and what that's going to do because this is going to be 50 slower what it's going to do it's going to make the whole video that much longer so we want to make sure it doesn't eat away at anything to the right of it okay on the timeline because if that's the case then right the video is going to be the same length and then we're going to lose a lot of the stuff that's in the adjacent clip to the right of it okay so we just want to make sure that we do do a ripple edit okay so let's just see what that's going to do i'm going to click ok and you can see now we've gone to 35 seconds and now you can see here it is and then normal speed and then pretty cool and then it goes back to normal and let's just try that for this one too right maybe that's going to be a pretty neat effect let's do it one more time right click speed duration okay and then i'll make that again 50. keep the same thing here click ok and again that gets a little bit longer see there nice i like it and it goes back to here all right good and then let's find our speed demon sushi chef and let's see we can make him going even faster okay so let's now bring him here towards the end okay so let's go ahead and bring him in all right and we'll watch him in action okay so let's go ahead and right click speed duration and let's make him go twice as fast so we're going to say 200 percent keep everything the same click okay and then notice how it's actually shorter speed but let's just watch him go or i should say shorter uh time duration okay so you know again you're going to see when the time comes to do this right because sometimes you're just kind of like hey listen this is just kind of a hodgepodge of a lot of different things and whether it's for dramatic effect or just basically showing as much stuff as you can in a short period of time you can see that the speed and duration can really help out with that okay very good test that out we'll see in the next lesson in this video we're going to talk about linking and unlinking our audio from our video so earlier we talked about our timeline how we have all of our different tracks where we have our video track or we have our audio track right and we also have multi-track sometimes now you'll see here that when i click on either my audio or my video they both get selected see that when i click here this gets selected when i select here this also gets selected right if i click down here they both get selected there's going to be times when you don't necessarily want them to both be selected because maybe you want to delete your audio but keep your video right and you might want to do that because hey listen you're going to have a voiceover right and that background from let's say a restaurant or something is getting in the way you just don't want that there or maybe it's your voiceover it's your music it's whatever it is that like hey listen that background audio just doesn't belong there maybe you actually just want to unlink them so you can move your audio around right and maybe you're actually going to take that audio and you're going to put it someplace else right now they're kind of glued together you might not necessarily want to have them together and you want to have a little more fluidity and a little more independence and kind of isolate the two okay so again let's just take a look at these right so if i look at let's just say for example like these people are kind of talking if you can listen to this i don't necessarily want that i'm gonna put in some like funky music behind that or maybe behind everything so i don't want this so what i need to do is unlink these so i can delete my audio if i had to delete key right now they both get selected again i don't want that so if i right click on the clip itself you're going to notice there's this option to unlink okay so if i click on that now you'll notice now they're independent of each other so i can click on this hit my delete key and then bam there's that and then if i wanted to i can put in any audio i want there whatsoever whether it's audio voiceover i can even steal some of this audio and bring it over there copy and paste it you can be as creative as you want to be because now this is a single player right it's basically got like it's not connected to any other audio anymore so if i play this now see now it's silent hopefully you can hear that through my video but you can see okay great there's nothing there so i can work with that nicely and easily okay so the other thing you might want to consider doing and that is related to this right here is this link selection okay so basically if i click on that that basically makes everything unlinked everything that's now inside of this timeline whether you want that or not so now like i could kind of just marquee over everything and just be like okay listen you know what no more audio so it makes it let me a little faster to be able to do that let me go ahead and just undo that and maybe undo that and then i'm good to go and i'm back all right so just some nice little tricks to keep in mind okay and again a lot of times we don't want one and the other so we have the choice to be able to unlink them very easily to be able to have them independent and isolated from each other okay see in the next lesson in an earlier lesson when we were discussing the source panel we have been talking about both the insert and the overwrite tools but now we're talking about the program panel and the timeline panel so let's talk about its counterpart which is going to be these two guys over here right so if you move your mouse over you see we have the lift tool and we have the extract tool so they're essentially going to do something similar to what we've already seen from the source tool where we're going to bring it into the timeline but it's going to essentially do its counterpart of taking it out from the timeline so if you say for example you know i have you know this little endpoint right here okay and then i'm going to go and do a little out point right here i want you to notice here if i choose lift notice what that does okay it just actually extracts that out for me okay so you know it could be similar to what you know we've we've done already with just you know splitting something right and then cutting it out right if you want to now let's just go ahead and do its counterpart which is going to be the extract tool and you can see what that does that removes the gap so that could be maybe a little bit faster of a way for you to be able to accomplish something that might take two or three steps you know with using the razor blade with using you know rolling or rippling or whatever you're planning to do this might be a little bit faster way for you to work with it so again it's coming back to those standard sets of tools that we learned about working with ins and outs right you're still going to use those and then once we establish what's our in and out point then we can come back and say hey listen either want to lift it out and then put something in there in instead of it or you can use your extract tool which basically just closes out that gap and then just puts it back into place and everything else falls in accordingly okay so i just want to kind of throw that out there just so we can see kind of what some other kind of nuances we can do so you have the options okay because everybody's going to want to do things in their own way what's going to be the most comfortable the most efficient for you so there's a lot of different ways to do a variety of different things in our timeline and it's going to overlap with how we work with our source panel and our program panel as well okay so give that a shot try it out see how you go and again we'll see in the next lesson let's now do a follow up on our discussion about markers now that we're a little more comfortable with the program and we may have a little more to work with let's now see how we can work with markers in both the program panel as well as the timeline panel all right so what i'm going to do very simply is just go over here to my program panel and if you recall the keyboard shortcut is just simply m for marker now it's very important i establish where i want my marker to be so again i can use my up and down arrows to go right through the beginning of that clip and i'm just going to hit the m key and you'll notice here bam very good there is my little marker i can go ahead and double click on that and that's going to pop right up okay and then i'm going to say should we speed him up or slow down okay that's great okay or maybe i'll even put that as a comment okay so i'm just going to go ahead and do that and just call this speed okay great and then i can maybe color code that fantastic there it is and notice it's going to be both on my program panel as well as my timeline okay so pretty neat you can see both both things are kind of interwoven with each other all right now let's see it in a little bit of a different way i'm going to go back over to my tesla coil and i'm going to activate this particular one right here right i'm going to activate my timeline panel and then this time when i hit m i want you to notice very subtly i'm going to see that i have this little guy shows up right there where i'm going to have my little timeline marker there okay for me to establish as my timeline and whatever and do things with it right so you can see bam that's pretty cool so i can see that if i want to okay so one second here and likewise if you had actually created your markers in the source panel themselves they would come together with all of their markers on here which is actually kind of nice you can see them there okay now let's see what we can do as far as actually seeing our comments okay because sometimes we want to be able to see the comments as we put them in right so there's a nice little sort of shortcut that you can do to be able to see okay what did i actually write here i can mouse over that's pretty nice but if you hold down the alt key or option key on your keyboard notice i can actually open this up to be able to see my comments okay pretty cool let's go ahead and do another one let's go over here to tornado right so i'm going to go over here to this one and again i could use my up and down arrow there okay and i'm going to hit this time i'm going to show you kind of a double trick with this selected my program panel i'm going to hit the m key twice okay and then notice what that does right really cool you can see how it actually opens up to my dialog box okay i'm going to say remove voices yeah or just add some cool music all right good let's make this a different color all right and then i know i got some stuff there and now what i'm going to do here is hold down my alt or option key and then just open that up a little bit until it goes right to the end and then we go too far okay that's pretty cool now i can actually see everything there okay so some nice little tricks working with our markers okay so again you can put the marker on the program panel and that ends up on the top of the timeline you can put markers on the actual clips themselves kind of neat and then you can use the double m key mm to not only put a marker down but it's going to open up to the dialog box where you can put in your content all within one you know some set of steps without having to actually you know double click on it or right click it or something okay and then finally you can use your alt or option key to then open up the marker to be able to see what those comments are okay so making it a little bit more interactive more engaging more collaborative with your team all right so go ahead and practice that lots of good stuff here get yourself nice and organized and strategic and looking forward to the next lesson see you soon and welcome back everybody and this video we are going to talk about cropping how do we crop our videos to take something out that we don't want to see right something's in the frame you just want to crop that out or maybe you want to zoom in on something so you're cropping everything out but really you're just getting really close up on something that you do want to see and that's what we're going to focus on mostly in this lesson and we're also going to learn how we can do picture-in-picture using a lot of the same tools okay so let's just take a look at this particular clip here you can see we're watching this and then we can see his hands are going really fast and we want to see okay what's he actually working on there i didn't actually get the shot i wanted while i was holding the camera so i can post production really zoom in on his hands to really get the shot that i want to focus in on right so i couldn't necessarily get it but post production i can do that so i'm gonna really just zoom in essentially by using the crop tool so how do i actually do cropping what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over to here to my program monitor here and i'm going to bring this back down to 10 because once i double click on my little video image there i want you to notice what happens i double click here and you're going to see how i get this little bounding box so that essentially takes me to the ability to resize my image now why would i want to resize the image take a look at the frame that's right here when i resize the image the frame stays the same while the image gets bigger but so big that it can't actually fit in the frame so if i grab from over here you're going to see my frame stays the same and what i'm really want to do here is just focus in on his hands right there okay so really nice and now when i'm going to play this you can say okay great he's going to really really kind of get zoomed in on that okay so very cool okay so okay i like that so now i can say okay he's showing this here and now i really want to kind of zoom in on okay great now okay it's a little bit off right so really what i should do is i'm going to go and undo all that and i'm going to start off by kind of just giving myself a kind of a positioning shot here that like okay great that's what we're looking at and then i'm going to just split this right i'm going to slice this right where the playhead is again by doing ctrl or command k and then bam i have this and i have those two separate things here now this is going to be my kind of long shot and then as soon as we get to this part here it's like oh what's he doing bam and we're going to see in fact what he's doing so we're going to do that by zooming in on it so let's go ahead and double click here and notice what clip i'm on and now let's just go ahead and just drag out from the corners here and again remember i'm at 10 and then let's just go ahead and get a nice little shot there of his hands maybe that's a little bit too close so again double click if you lose it and then just get right to that double-sided arrow okay very good and now let's just watch it let's just watch it from a little few seconds before let's come back to the fit window so we can really see it normal shot and then what's he doing bam okay great now we can see that a little bit better okay and then maybe i don't actually need all the rest of that right towards the end right it kind of does a little bit of that so i can easily trim that right so it's like okay i don't need that's a little bit too much extra okay and then maybe i would even like slow it down or whatever i want to do there okay so you can see how nice that is just to be able to okay great let's go ahead and tell my story a little bit better now it's coming in a little bit granular a little pixelated that's because i'm at this playback resolution of just the half so when you have high resolution video you know 1080 4k you're not going to run into this issue but keep in mind if you are going to be zooming in like this and it's low resolution and low quality it might look pixelated like this okay but this is high quality so i'm not too worried about it okay so pretty neat all right so what we're going to do next is i'm going to show you kind of another sort of variation on what we can do when we're cropping and that's with a picture-in-picture type of situations which we are going to cover in the next lesson so stay tuned and we'll see you soon okay so the last lesson we talked about cropping now i'm going to get a little bit more kind of creative with our cropping tools and talk about picture-in-picture so picture-in-picture and cropping kind of go hand in hand in a way because essentially when we are cropping we're just resizing the image and we've resized the image so far to fit in the frame where it's going to be bigger so it zooms in in this case we're actually going to make our picture smaller and we're going to put them onto another track all together so let's now work on a different part of our exploratorium i'm going to bring in our percussive machines here and you can see how this is going to be maybe a potentially a nice backdrop for some things and as i do that i might want to have some other elements of the exploratorium on the foreground of this and these are going to be kind of in the background right so we have a little bit more kind of visual interest a few more things happening on the screen okay so it could be for a variety of different things and then maybe eventually later on you learn how to move some of these things around so there's some animation happening okay so let's just go ahead for now just for our purposes i'm just going to bring in our tornado okay and when i say bring it in i mean i'm going to bring it in to another track altogether okay because this part is really important where i actually want to make it so it's going to be on the track above the track that i want to have in the background right so think about layers right one's going to be in the front one's going to be in the back so very simply i'm just going to go ahead and drag this over here so it's going to be on v2 just like that okay now when i play it i want you to notice it just does that right which isn't so bad right and we're you know we're lucky because of the screen resolution that it actually is portrait right so it's actually tall rather than wide so you're able to see kind of what's actually happening here but it is taking up a lot more than i'd like so again what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my best view here i'm going to go down to 10 and with this selected i'm going to go ahead and just double click on here you can see that i now get my bounding box i'm going to resize that so now that's going to be just kind of coming in over here over here whatever you want to do wherever you want to put that okay and what i'm going to do next i'm going to make this so it's going to come in a little bit later so i have a little bit of the positioning of what i'm going to see there right and then i might want to put something else on top of that to make it so it's going to be kind of coming up simultaneously so guess what i have another e3 that's coming up so let's just go ahead and take a look what else can i put in there okay let me just go ahead and play this see it okay let's try another one yep kind of like that one let's try it again great so now let's go ahead i'm going to come back over to here i'm going to hit the minus sign okay so i can see everything there all right and then let's go ahead and do control minus so i can have a little more room there and then just drag this on top of it maybe i want to have them come in around the same time right you can see now i'm going to have some kind of competing elements here all right but let's start working with both of these at the same time simultaneously so look at that i have these two tesla 1 and tornado and i have my percussive machine underneath it so i'm gonna go ahead and select my tesla one double click that resize it bring this over here and you can see now i have them side by side these two things here and i have this as my background okay so let's just go ahead and just move this down a little bit double click on this resize this a little bit okay so let's go ahead and maybe zoom in a little bit more so i can kind of see their sizes a little bit better over there okay that's great okay move this over there move that over there okay lovely now let's see it in action so you're going to see how this is going to come up the percussive machines by themselves and then this is going to come in maybe a second or two later combined with this and you're going to see they're in separate parts of the frame and of course i don't need all this stuff here so let's just go ahead and close that out and then just like that and let's see what that's going to look like and make that nice and big [Music] okay now let me just go ahead and get out of that hit the till day and then you know what let's actually bring this so they start off at the same time let's come over to there okay great now let's see it i like it all right so you might have some more creative ideas as far as how you might be doing picture-in-picture you might have a you know person who said you're kind of omniscient narrator talking over something or maybe someone is discussing you know their project and you see their face and then behind them you actually see the project of what they're discussing so you can see how easy it is to be able to do that right so the fact that you just need to have another track that you're putting one on top of the other and then you're just resizing it right so really simple so go ahead and practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson well thank you for joining us i've had a great time teaching you all the wonders that is premiere pro and i hope you are feeling empowered excited and creative around what you can do with this amazing program let's do a quick recap on some of the topics we covered we began with understanding the premier interface and seeing how we can customize it to our needs we then imported and organized our content into bins so we can view and curate our content once we did that we were ready to bring them into our timeline for editing and editing we did like trimming rippling slipping sliding cropping we also did a cool picture and picture effect and even though we covered a lot in this class there is a great deal more to learn again thank you for joining me here and happy creating thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit for more details please remember to like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it [Music] you