foreign the technique what I did developed I work in the sanambulistic level if anybody knows anything about trance as pmh was showing you the levels this is stata the deepest level before you fall asleep in Delta now most hypnotists are trained to work in the very light levels they say you don't want to go near that's an ambulistic level strange things happen there well if you read my books you know strange things happen there but they're afraid they can't control it so they don't want to work in that level but to me that's where all of the knowledge is and all of the information is so I put the people into the deepest possible level of Trance which is the synabolistic level now they say the odds are one out of 20 or one out of 30 people will go spontaneously into that level when they're having a hypnosis session well the technique that I've been able to perfect it's the opposite one out of 20 or one out of 30 will not go I found a way to make every one of them drop now you see the importance of this because you can eliminate the conscious mind interference if you've ever had hypnosis with the light levels you know your mind is sitting there jabbering at you this is silly you're making it up you read it in a book you saw it in a movie you can eliminate that conscious mind interference go direct to where the information is look at what you can get and that was what I began to do and I was very excited because in the early days it was all about exploring history I love history and I had people going back to different time periods to me it was like time travel because when they're in the synabolistic level and they go into a past life they become the other person totally this life does not exist anymore for them if you have asked them a question about an object or anything in their time period that is an art time period that does not exist in their time period they won't know what you're talking about and you've read my books you'll notice this there are many times that I will say something and they want to know what it is what are you talking about so that's a challenge too I found just about everyone I've taken to the Middle Ages and I would mention the word glass when we're wanting for descriptions you don't know what glass is and they'll say what is that and you have to think off the top of your head how do I describe something that is so common to us but it's unfamiliar to these people in another time period but to me that's so fascinating to be able to do that kind of research because I consider myself the reporter the investigator the researcher of lost knowledge so I want to know everything about everything so you can imagine if you've got a person into a time period in history what you'd want to ask them I want to know everything about them and then when I write the book I research it to death only after I'm finished then I find out everything about everything dealing with the subject and that's where I love that to me to be in a library and doing research is heaven a lot of you wouldn't think so but I can spend all day in a library looking for one little piece of information and that is where I really come alive I love that when I wrote my Nostradamus books I read every book ever written on Nostradamus when I wrote the Jesus read Jesus book I read every book ever written on the Dead Sea Scrolls and but that way even if I don't use it all as I did a lot of repetition in all these books I know what I'm talking about and I know what I'm writing about and I know pmh appreciates this because of her a love for research but that was what I was doing in the early days was the history because that was what they were doing going back to historical times but even in the synabolistic level and I call time travel if the person they're not always going to know everything they may just be a farmer out in the field but they get the answer for what they're looking for in the therapy because we take them to the lifetime that is the most appropriate for the life they're living now they won't always know a lot but occasionally I would find somebody in a position who had knowledge that we could write about they knew things that were happening or were associated with an important person that's where I've written those books but I've now done thousands and thousands of people and it's amazing the way the technique keeps going and going and it is working every time now a lot of the information pmh got I received my way and I admire her with her scientific Lust For This mine comes from a different direction but still if we are getting the same information I think that gives it validity it has to be coming from the same place if we're all getting the same information doesn't matter how it happens but mine is not channeling but I have discovered a very strange thing happening with it that I use now all the time in the beginning it was just history then I got into the therapy what I work with I call the subconscious mind but it's not the way the psychiatrists Define the subconscious well their definition of the subconscious is the a childish part of the Mind well a lot of hypnotists use when they're trying to stop smoking lose weight that I have to me that's boring anyway I'll put it in if the person wants to stop smoking or lose weight but that's not my prime interest because to me that's so easy to do I found a very easy way to do it I tacked it on at the end of the session but that's not the part of the mind that I'm working with I have found this part you may call it the higher self the higher Consciousness the oversold I think is what the psychiatrist what was it young I never know where possible young or young he called the universal mind you know before he got away from all of that it is something that is so huge and so big it has the answers to everything so why not go to something like that if you want to find answers and that is it's so amazing to me and well I call it the subconscious it answers to it it says we don't care what you call us we'll work with you it doesn't make any difference but so I call it the subconscious one time I asked them who am I speaking to and they said you could call us the collective if you want it always makes you think of the board on Star Trek but it is a a force it's so huge that it knows absolutely everything so that's the part that I work with and I found it only to be accessible when I get the people into the deepest possible level of Trance I take them through their therapy first because we're looking for the cause of something physic I do a lot with physical problems and diseases illnesses they're just about every kind of uh physical thing you could think of I've had people come to me many of them are getting ready to have operations if they can get to us before they have the operation they won't need the surgery because we find out why they're having it done because you make yourself sick you give yourself the disease or the illness if your mind is that powerful enough to make you sick it's also powerful enough to cure you once you understand because I found every eight pain symptom of the body is the subconscious trying to give you a message trying to tell you something and the only way it knows how pain is going to get your attention and we don't understand what it's trying to tell us so it'll get a little worse and a little worse still trying to get your attention and if we still don't understand what is trying to say it can end up with an illness or disease that's going to be a lot harder to fix usually into surgery or all these drugs and things the doctors are only cover putting a Band-Aid on the symptoms they're not going to the cause of the person's problem this is part of what OT was writing about also you're going to find out why did the person choose to make themselves sick and people can come in to see me and talk about different parts of their body they're having trouble with I can usually tell them what's happening in their life because the subconscious will always affect the same part of the body to give the person the message it's very literal and if you think about it it makes a lot of sense and so that's why we go back to the past lives to find out what why are they doing this where's it coming from a lot of it comes from trauma the way the person died in another life and they carry that forward into this life but um well you know even I'm not hard to watch my time I don't have as much time as I gave the other people but somebody comes in with back problems it's always the same thing shoulder back down the spine especially into the lower back did you figure out what that would mean in this life the subconscious is very literal I always ask them do you feel like you're carrying a load and they usually are they got a job they don't like they got a marriage they don't like they're too busy they feel like they are carrying the world on their back the spine is your support system and usually that's what it goes back to sometimes it's just understanding what it is people with leg knee ankles hip problems It's usually the same thing they are at a Crossroads where they're being offered a chance to go a different direction it may be a big change in their life it might be something they are not sure if they want to do it because they will give up something and they're trying to make up their mind do I want to do this or not and they're holding back by holding back they create pains in those areas and you know people end up with knee operations and hip operations and it's just as simple as trying to find out what it is and make them make the decision now this side of the body the right side of the body refers to now things that are happening right now in your life the left side of the body is holding on to things in the past so if you have pains on that part of your body it's something to do with letting go of something in the past and then all these things have been told to me in my work that's why I go with that's the past this is the now arthritis in your hands what is it you don't want to let go of what are you holding on so tightly for see how literal this is and a lot of times see I spend at least two hours or more just talking to the person before we ever have a session just doing therapy getting to know them and then it's like what's going on in your life that's creating this and sometimes they'll say I don't have any problems I just thought I'd be interesting to come you know and have doubt of curiosity but after we talk for about an hour then they'll probably say well you know I do have something bothering me because they got to get to feel comfortable with you and know you and then they can begin to tell you their real problems so I do a lot of work with a physical now they that's what I'm talking about the subconscious is this big oversoul higher self whatever you want to call it I call them they because they always refer to themselves as we when they communicate with me they said we can help unless the person has had an operation it's because if something's been taken out we can't put it back which makes sense they can do a lot I have seen them in one of my classes just a few months ago in Chicago the whole class watched as they rebuilt the cartilage in This Woman's knee she was due to have a surgery the next week and they said well you know how difficult this is and I said I know but I know you could do anything and so they rebuilt the cartilage in her knees and afterwards they said no she's going to go back to the doctor and they won't find anything wrong and it was a lot we were doing the whole thing and then even during the session it said well let's just do a I called a body scan they said let's do that and see if there's anything else and they said well we're going to work on our heart while we're in here and I said what's wrong with her heart he said she's got a murmur I said that's not that bad you see apple will fix it while we're here and because she was doing to have a sonogram before she had the surgery anyway but anyway see when these people wake up they have no memory of what's going on that's what I mean you get that conscious mind out of the way after she woke up you know we had 20 30 people in the class all crowded around the table watching her head her on the massage table and afterwards they said you just performed a miracle don't you know you just performed a miracle I said I didn't do anything they do it and this is the kind of power that I work with it is so it's so vast and it has so much knowledge and a lot of people want to have information about about you know their marital problems family problems they come for all kinds of reasons so we work with everything and that's my therapy part and the subconscious I always ask them to take it back to the most appropriate past life to unexplain what's happening now because you've all had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of lifetimes everybody has you're going to get something you can go to a hypnotist and have a past life it's not hard to do if they know how to do it but then what are they going to do with it they don't follow through it's just an interesting thing I want to take you to the one that's going to explain what's happening now and then fix things I like to fix the person I don't want them to leave if they're not fixed now this doesn't sound strange but I'm teaching it now and my students are emailing me saying it works we're able to do it and in the beginning I didn't know could I teach it to anybody would you develop something can you show somebody else how to do it so I began I thought I'm going to try but they are telling me now they are beginning to understand it the doctors in Russia want me to come back and make sure they're doing it right but there's no guarantee everyone's going to be able to do it I think it takes a certain I don't know what I think it is they are not going to work with you if you don't come at it for the right angle the right reason because I kept saying what if I teach this to someone and they use it in the wrong way I don't think they're going to work with people if they're not using it for the right reasons but this is what I'm going to get to next is where my information comes from that I write about now I've had also had 20 years working with the UFOs and ET cases so I wrote four books about that and I've got theories that nobody else in the field has come up with because we go to what's really going on but anyway I'm doing the session and during the session when they're we get to the subconscious part and they start explaining I have the person bring a list of questions we go over the list of questions and they're answering everything that is appropriate that they can sometimes it has a Time factor and they can't tell the person everything but it is always the same voice through everybody I work with same phraseology same terminology same words now how are you going to explain that it's different if someone is channeling one entity or something this comes through everybody thousands of people everybody I'm working with it's the same whatever you want to call it it's too big to call a being it's the same intelligence or whatever you want to say but and it knows me and to me now is like having a conversation with an old friend it's just like hello okay now we'll we'll get to work because but everybody I'd work with it comes through now the strangest thing that began to happen was toward the end of the session they never interrupt the therapy but toward the end of the session they'll say Dolores this is the next piece of information you need for your next book and they'll give me a theory that I've never heard of before sometimes it's interwoven into the whole session well then that may be in England I'll get home a week later in the U.S I do another person they come through again and continue what they started in England to give me the rest of the theory and this comes through person after person until I finally got what they want me to write about and want me to lecture on and how you going to explain that that's what people don't understand what I'm dealing with here is highly unusual but it speaks the truth and it's always the same information through everybody now how can you explain that some people have said I must be lying I have to be a fraud has to be a hoax I don't know how anybody can say that even in my classes I play different tapes from different people to show it sounds alike and I have some people in the audience here I know have taken my class and don't you agree the ones who have taken the class that there is something bigger than all of us that we're communicating with so why not pass that on they said this is a therapy of the future that we're not going to need doctor's surgery or anything we're going to be able to help ourselves with our own mind anyway they began giving me all of this information and what I'm getting now if I'd got it 20 years ago I would never have understood it they're very wise that way they started me out 20 years 30 years ago I've been more intense in the last 20 years ago 30 years ago it was simple stuff and it's like spoon feeding you give you a little piece of information and see if you can digest it then give you a little more and see how you handled that and a little more I had one everybody that comes to see me wants to know one question what's my purpose why am I here what am I supposed to be doing it's a universal question everybody wants to know it we can find out if it's appropriate because the subconscious says suppose we told you too soon maybe what you're supposed to be doing is so radically different than what you're doing now you would if you found out too soon you'd say oh I don't want to do that I'd never be able to do that and you'd block yourself and put sabotage yourself so if you're not supposed to know they will come through and I ask that question and they'll say it's not time we can't tell them if it is time they'll tell you everything you need to know but if it's not they'll say it's not time I had one man they'd said that and they said it's not time but they can't tell him but they said oh we wish we could you don't know what we see but they said consider he is where you were 20 years ago he said you don't give a baby a three-course meal you start a baby out with milk with cereal crushed vegetables you don't give a baby a steak you have to spoon feed it little by little and he said he is where you were at that time if I had got the information I was getting now I probably would have stopped my whole practice and said no I don't understand this it's too complicated and I wouldn't have done any more but I was led into it gradually to where I'm getting now the information for the convoluted Universe series you know that was a total surprise I wish I could go back sometimes to the easier days when it was just history but they won't let me do it it just getting more and more complicated because I was doing the UFO material this is the in the book The custodians and they were giving me all these theories about what was happening and toward the end suddenly they began getting into different metaphysical Concepts that's when I knew I was going to have to write another book or leading away from UFOs and I started writing convoluted Universe book one and they kept giving me a little more and a little more like okay if you understand this digest this will give you a little more I still don't understand a lot of it I tell them you're going to have to give me uh analogies examples so that I can be able to talk to people I can't do it if it's so abstracted I don't understand what I'm talking about so they do that they will give me examples but they said sometimes these are very poor examples because there's no words in our language for what they are actually trying to get across they said all your questions will never be answered because some information is as poison rather than medicine the human mind cannot handle it they said it's not the brain it's the mind the human mind has no Concepts in it that can understand the totality of what it's really all about and I know I'm getting more and more and more I got one just a month ago in Montreal and I said Murphy thanks guys what are you trying to do you know there I keep thinking there's nothing else left to find I've told it all to me then they throw another one at me and so I know I'm not finished but it's like I have to understand this to explain it to people that's the hard part but that's when they began giving me the content the concepts as we went along and a lot of it has to do with simultaneous time now in order for me to understand these things I have to still think linearly and I think that's what most of us do because that's the way our minds are set up we have to think a day follows day week months because we're in that concept we can't think of everything happening at the same time and I discovered that the first time when I did the Nostradamus material and found out that I was actually time traveling because they said he was living at his time period when I was communicating with him I was not communicated with the dad they said you must understand that he is living while you were living and you have to be careful because you're interfering in his life you're being allowed to do it but don't oh step the boundaries and that was really hard for me to understand because he was so emphatic about it that Nostradamus didn't want to know how he was going to die he didn't want to know his own future and so I couldn't tell them things like that so he was actually living in his life when we were doing the communication but I kept I didn't know anything about simultaneous time at that time and people kept saying explain it I still don't really know a lot about it but all I can say is what they tell me what I report in the books but a simultaneous time means everything is occurring at the same time past present future and all of the probabilities and possibilities which are enormous are all supposed to be happening at the same time and I said how can that be we know we're we grow from a baby to a child to an adult how can all these things be happening at the same time they said that's because they're not happening at the same time happening that denotes a beginning and an end he said everything is existing at the same time there's a difference whether that makes it any clearer or not they said it's all existing at the same time now it can get very complicated and sometimes when I'm doing lectures I try to judge the audience I don't want to get over their heads because but now it's getting hard to do that because mic information is getting more and more complicated I used to try to keep it simple I didn't want to blow their minds that's why I say the conference Universe series are for those people who want their minds bent like pretzels and people when I first came out I thought oh they're not going to be ready for this they ought to read the other ones first and lead up to it but people jumped right in and they said we don't maybe we don't understand it but it makes us think so I always tell them in the book hey I don't know what I don't understand this but this I'm putting it out there see if you can get anything out of it but each book gets more and more complicated but let me give you an example because one thing I'm going to focus on tonight is the new Earth we're moving into but I want to get you some of these background first let me give you an example of one of the first things they told me that I was really just when I think I have everything all figured out is when they throw another curve at me even in the early days I had reincarnation all figured out I understood how it worked and no problem then they threw in a concept I'd never heard of before and it was like wait a minute now I've got it all figured out you're throwing something in here you're messing with my mind you know I don't understand this because it was totally opposite of what I believed and then I got to thinking if I didn't at least examine it I wasn't any better than the church that says that says this is what you believe don't ask any questions don't look any further so I began looking at these new Concepts and as hard as they were to digest they began to make some sense then I get another one and another one and that's what I mean by spoon feeding me a lot of people say they want to read my books and the order I wrote them and they can see my evolution that I went through but one of the things that they told me that was really hard to understand had to do with parallel universes and parallel lives but I'll make the start out simple okay they said when you all of us come to Crossroads in our lives we all do a time in your life when you have to make a decision you could go one way or the other you can either have maybe you want to get married maybe you want to get divorced maybe you want to get a different job maybe you want to move you know we all come to those points in our lives as part of living we have to make a decision do I go this way or do I go that way and you all know if you would have gone the other way your life would be totally different wouldn't it when you look back on it and said well if I would have made that other decision I'd be doing this and this now and sometimes it's better and sometimes it's not but we all know that okay we decide we're going to go this way what happens to the energy we put into the other decision energy is alive energy creates everything is energy everything now we decide to go this way what happened to the other decision that you'd put so much energy in thinking should I do that what happens to that energy what the other reality is also created you created it because you were thinking about it in the other reality another you is living out the other reality that's the simple way [Laughter] it is not only big decisions they said it happens every single time you make even the smallest decision should I go to the store or should I stay home should I cross the street or should I say on this side of the sidewalk every time you make any decision at all it splits again and another you is acting out these other worlds and other decisions and that could blow your mind that's why you don't know about it could you imagine what that would be like if you knew all these things and plus you have all your past lives do you have all your future lives and this is now this is all the probable things that are happening to you in this life that's what they said that's why we cannot know everything we must focus on this life this decision this reality be created right here because to know the other things we can't handle it our minds are just not capable of doing it I have some people come to me who have had glimpses of what they think are their other selves living other another city or something and they kind of peek in on them sometimes well that's very unusual but that means they are having access to the other reality that their other part is living out now see so that's why I don't bring up some of these things at every conference every lecture because it's a little hard to digest a little hard to understand do I tell people just just let it I said treat it as mine candy you know something to think about you don't have to take it too seriously but it it is what they said happens we focus on this one right now because this is the one we're living right now but you can create any reality you want your mind is that powerful you are a creator everything in your life you have put there you have created and put there a lot of people don't like to hear that because their lives are not exactly that good and they said what do you mean I made myself miserable I married the wrong guy and all these awful things happening they have put in their life they do for whatever reason maybe it's karma maybe you're paying back mistakes in another life but you created the mess that you're in if you realize that you created your reality that you can uncreate it by focusing on what you really want what is it you really want to do what do you really want to create and that will be your reality when you realize the mind is that powerful and I've done whole lectures on just that subject because everything in my life with my company with my books I've created it myself so I know you can do it once you really know what you want to do and you got to know what you want to do it can't be vague that's what a lot of people say well I'd like this but you're you got to be specific down to the Last Detail then you can have what you want in your life you can create your own reality but anyway all these other probable selves out there I always say I wish him luck anyway somewhere there's another of me that never went into any of this probably still doing volunteer work in the hospital and staying home cooking and I wish your luck but I think you should be boring you know pmh has probably several other selves that didn't do this at all you know but this is what we're focused on right now maybe it all comes together I think it does at the end when we finally all get back anyway but these are things I wanted you to know because they're going to be coming up when I get to the new Earth okay now I've done whole lectures on life after death and what happens when you die and I wrote the book between death and life about how it feels when you die where you go and what it's like on the other side the whole cycle but what I have found we all originated with God we all originated with the same place now I am having more and more people now who instead of going into past lives are going back to the source they always call it the source the source is the same thing that we call God they're not bothering with past lives anymore and I thought that was strange because all these years it was always going back to past lives now they're not when I put them under they will go back to their beginning when they were with God when they were with the source they all describe it the same way which I think is amazing enough and it is so wonderful it's beyond belief but maybe that's what we're supposed to be knowing now at this time what is really all about but we started with the source and even though some people last apologo was talking about they don't believe in the Big Bang something happened where we all exploded out and we left the source and all you really are is a spark a tiny tiny spark that left God and when it comes right down to it is just that little tiny spark and many many people see themselves that way and they'll see when they're with the source it's total happiness it's a feeling they can't describe there's so much love it's always described as a huge light some of them call it the Great Central Sun you've probably heard that expression but it is always a huge bright light and they are in the light and they are feel so comfortable there it's such a love that you can't even imagine and they don't want to leave and so I keep saying well if it's so beautiful why did you leave you know they said because God needed a knowledge and they sent us out as Sparks to accumulate knowledge to bring knowledge back to him and we were sent on our Journeys in this way we're like cells in the body of God we have to travel through every possible situation every possible life every possible Universe uh plants everything you can imagine and accumulate knowledge and bring that back and that we never maybe to return to God is with everything we have learned in all of the lives we've ever experienced that's when you can go home they always say I want to go home because they want to go back to the source but every one of them they sometimes they start crying they'll say I'm home I'm home it's so beautiful it's so wonderful and when they're there they're all together It's a Wonderful togetherness and when they are sent out as the spark they're separated and they're lonely they don't like it and there's always that yearning sometimes in people I want to go home they don't know where home is but they know it's not here and it's that feeling of separatedness and being lost so to speak and you don't know how many emails and letters I get when people like that that they don't want to be here so you start out on your journey you have to be everything you have to experience everything before you go back it is a school Earth is a difficult school it's one of the hardests they said Earth is a challenging planet but you come here to mostly learn emotions and limitations and a lot of their planets don't have to learn that it's a planet that was given free will to see what you would do with it and they sit there and shake their hands at what we are doing with it because they cannot interfere they have to allow us to make our own mistakes and that's part of their free will and we have to keep going and going and that's what the learning is about you make a mistake you hopefully are not going to make the same mistake again but you come back again it's a school where you can skip a grade but you can't take you can no you wouldn't I got that wrong it's a school where you have to take a class grade over but you can't skip a grade thank you can't go from kindergarten to college you've got to take it step by step if you don't pass the grade the first time you're going to have to take it over again and that's where people have the same things in their life again and again and again and to keep drawing the same things to them and until they figure out what it is they're trying to learn from that situation it's going to keep happening in their life then when they finally figure it out then things will change in their life okay they draw the same kind of men in their life I have a lot of women doing that you know and other things like that they keep having the same kind of jobs that they hate same situation over and over again until finally they'll say all right I don't need this and they can move on then you go to the next lesson which may or may not be easier we don't know but I tell people you all have bad things happening in your life everybody does but what did you learn from it they don't even think about that if you learned even one thing from that that horrible thing that happened to you that was what it was all about even one thing so you think about it we all have bad things but then if you understand what it was trying to teach you then that's what it's all about because they say there is no bad there is no good it's only energy and what we do with the energy and we how we make mistakes and learn from them and go on to something else and it's more complicated than that but I don't want to spend too much time on I spoke for hours on just these little pieces I'm putting in here okay but anyway as you start out on your journey you have been around forever you were created in the very beginning everyone was recreated at the same time you've been around forever Earth is a young Planet over here isolated on purpose in this part of the Galaxy they don't want us to contaminate the rest of them out there they don't want our violence to spread they don't want us to do anything to the rest of the Galaxy so we're isolated over here on purpose now this is just one of the schools you chose to come to before this you've lived on other planets other dimensions uh places where you didn't even have a body it was just an energy body I've had every kind of life form you could imagine that people have gone into then finally you decide to come to Earth and it's challenging here they they get here and they say what was I thinking about they said this is horrible they don't want to be in this body because they said it's slow it's dense they said the other places I could think and I could have things happen instantaneously what am I doing in this slow dense world where nobody knows what's going on [Laughter] another thing I want to bring in before I forget you know what they said one of the reasons big lessons of Earth is when you come in the memories are erased as I was taught we talked about with Grant it's done that way on purpose you've got to come in as a clean slate I asked them one time I said wouldn't it be easier if we knew what we were coming in for if we knew our relationships with other people wouldn't that make it easier they said no it wouldn't be a test if you do the answers other planets other beings when they come to other planets they remember the source they remember God they remember why they came they remember all of their lives Earth they don't they said you come in here a blank slate start off fresh they say what greater test than to have people think they're all alone what would they accomplish if they thought they were all alone and didn't have anybody else out there that's one of the big tests of living on Earth and you have to find your way back which I think is what we're doing now becoming more aware the metaphysics were becoming more aware of their this other worlds it's not with the church they say so much and they stop but we're beginning to open up and know these things now we're beginning to find our way back by ourselves and that's what they want us to do to think for ourselves and get back I always tell people at a lecture don't believe what I say don't believe what anybody else says think for yourself read and ask lots of questions then make up your own mind if somebody tells you I have the truth the only truth run the other way nobody has the truth my truth is different than yours but you find your own ask questions and then come to your old conclusions that's what it's about using your mind but we have to find our way back and sometimes it can take many many lifetimes we build Karma we have to come back and repay the karma time and time again we get stuck they said in the book and the mire the mud we get stuck in that he said it's like play Paper and we have to keep coming back again and again to get rid of that before we can progress now my book's on Jesus Jesus did not come to save anybody from their sins because nobody can take away your karma the only thing he came to save us from was the wheel of karma he could see that we were going round and round making the same mistakes again and again and not progressing up the ladder like we were supposed to do we were stuck his idea was to come and show people what you were supposed to do to get off of the wheel and it all goes back to love everything goes back to love that's the highest Force there is but they didn't understand and they killed him that's all it is once you get off of this wheel you have to progress or you're stuck here we don't want to be stuck here anymore because there's big big changes are happening we want to be able to move with these changes you can't as long as you're sucked up in karma we have to get rid of the karma they said the most nothing you must do right now at this time is get rid of all your old Karma and try not to make any more and also to get rid of fear fear holds you back and as you know the government everybody else tries to keep you in fear doctors religion everybody tries to hold you in fear you must release the fear get rid of the fear and get rid of the karma if you're going to move because this is a big time we can't move as long as this stuff is holding us back but the okay would you you come here anyway you get to earth after you've done all these other lives on other places this is not the only place people are amazed that they found out they've had one other life on Earth we've had hundreds and hundreds of lives everywhere and when you get done with Earth you're probably going to say okay I'm going to go over to this other solar system over here and have some other experiences you're constantly moving and to other schools and learning other things but when you come to Earth you have to be everything and I do agree with what the other ones are saying it's all happening at the same time but I like to think of it linearly because my mind can handle it better that way maybe you could get off into the other parts but I have had people had lives and every possible a form you can think of and I have not yet had anyone come to me who has not had a past life of some form people always say how do you believe in this because I said I haven't found anybody yet who was not experienced a past life so it has to mean something like you know with pmh to me that's science I think if I do the same procedure thousands of time and get the same results to me that's scientific evidence that's what I believe anyway would you agree if it's a provable uh thing they want to I know the scientists wouldn't agree but to me I think it's uh points of consideration okay if everyone comes up with the same thing I think it has to mean something because that's what they do in scientific experiments they do the same thing over and over looking for the same results okay you're going to consider it anyway okay anyway to me I think it's provable that I know everyone has had past lives but okay let's put it in a linear progression first you have to you have to be everything first you have to be heir you have to know what everything is like and I had my one device first exposed to that was in the book uh Legacy from the Stars a man wanted to go back to his first life he'd ever lived on earth I thought he was going to go back to a caveman or something he went back to where the Earth was still forming where they had volcanoes erupting ammonia in the air and you couldn't have any life here at that time he was part of the air along with others cleaning the ammonia out of the atmosphere but yet he had a personality he could converse with me and when he wasn't doing that he was swimming in and out of the lava and having a great time so we have to know what it's like to be I don't know what you would call it chemicals elements whatever well then we have to go to what would it be like to be a rock now I've got a whole section in the new book on people who have had all of these lives at different things are being a rock is very slow everything is alive everything is vibrating at a different rate rocks are vibrating very very slow so they couldn't they didn't y'all don't think you're going to stay in these lives for very long would you have to know what it's like and then they would go into lives where they were plants and I've had to be in your record I've had to be a rose he said being a rose is beautiful but it doesn't last very long but um what would it be like because we have to if we understand this we will realize we've been all of these things we're all one we would take better care of our Earth if we realized we're all part of everything so what what would it be like to be a plant okay then what would it be like to be an animal it'd be like to be a wolf and be able to run what would it be like to be a bird be able to fly I've got wonderful stories in the new book of how an eagle sees how a spider sees because I want to know these things and there are things the scientists don't know because how do they know what goes on in the brains of these creatures so that's what I'm writing about in this new part all these experiences I've had where people have been these different animals and Plants and Things but there was something there that they needed to know that they needed to learn okay then there was also the little people what we call the keepers of the plants every culture has these uh the nature Spirits the nature of what you call them the dryads the nibs the fairies all of those they are all over the world these are the keepers of nature the plants and the Animals we have all been these things also so we're having all of these different things that we're a part of eventually we're going to get into the humans you won't believe the energy I feel coming off this audience sometimes that happens why do you think I sit down makes me a smaller Target because after a while when I'm doing this I think it has to do with focus when everybody's focusing on the speaker and I see what pmh likes to walk around you know when I started sitting down a long time ago because after a while you begin to feel waves of energy and heat and I was getting very hot so it was coming off the audience so say that now let's spell it for a little bit okay but then when you get to be a human you've got to be everything you've got to be male and female many many times and there's many people a man will say what do you mean I've always been a man I've never been a woman what would you learn if you were only one sex you would learn very much you have to know what it's like to be everything have to experience back and forth and I could do a whole lectures on all of these things but I don't want to go into all the parts of it but you have to be rich and poor you have to live on every continent in the world you have to be every religion in the world had to be every race in the world because how are you going to know what it's like if you are not you must experience every side of every coin of every situation before you're done sometimes this will happen in one life alone you'll have many of these different things that you'll go through but you have to experience it all before you're finished and in between all these lives you're going back and forth to the spirit side and the spirit side is vibration and frequencies because as you go back and forth you will go back to the frequency or vibration you're compatible with you can't go any higher until you have reached that vibration that's why you try to improve yourself on Earth so the next time you go back you're going to go to a little higher level and the idea is to keep going higher and higher until finally you're not going to have to come back anymore then we can return back to God back home with all of the knowledge we have accumulated however long it's going to take that's why I said we're like cells in the body of God traveling and bringing everything back to the source so that's what a strange thing has been happening in my work now instead of going back to past lives what I've come to the conclusion is the ones who are going back to past lives still have Karma that needs to be repaid and they're going to have to work it out that's why they're still getting that the majority of the people that are coming to see me now have gone past that I guess because when we I put them under they will go back to the source and they will be coming directly from the source into this life now or sometimes they will be some other kind of an alien life form who is coming here for the first time to experience life on Earth and when they get to the subconscious part I'll say I thought we were going to go to past lives it's not necessary anymore not needed anymore irrelevant kindergarten stuff he's been there done that he said yeah we could have gone through that but what's it what's the use you've gone past it you don't need it anymore that's all old hat stuff hopefully you've worked it all out so they said you don't need that now they want us to focus on now and moving into the future this is happening again and again and again this is how I see my work evolving it's changing in the work I'm doing are no longer going back that way okay this is what I found now about the new Earth um you have to understand about dimensions this goes along with these parallel lives and all of that there are dimensions around us all the time they're invisible to us but they have peoples they have cities they are civilizations they're all vibrating at different frequencies that's why they're invisible to us just like a propeller or a fan blade when it speeds up the frequency increases becomes invisible these other dimensions are vibrating at a different frequency that makes them invisible this is how the ETS travel back and forth they change the vibration of The Craft to disappear when they go into the other dimension a lot of people will see them appearing and re and disbanishing this is what's happening they speed up the speed of the vibration of The Craft and disappear and I've worked with UFOs and a lot I've done a lot of information about how they travel and all of that but it has to do with dimensions and around us all the time we are constantly moving in and out of these Dimensions without even knowing about it we think this is this this world believe me is not real it is all vibrating at different frequencies anyway one thing I want to say there uh all of this is an illusion they say nothing is real it's only an illusion like you're living in the middle of a dream in one of the in the convoluted two I had the chapter called the dreamer dreams the dream and I've got some more on it in the new book too that when I have somebody go through the death experience I've had this happen many times the rules are the death experience in the past life and they're moving out of it and they're looking back and they said it was just a game it was just a play he said I see the actors on the stage I see the ones under the wings getting ready to come on stage and play their parts it was just a game it was just a play but they said when I was there it seemed so real but now that I'm here it was like the blink of an eye so we get caught in the illusion which is it's easy to do but they said if you can see it as an illusion and not get trapped in it that's part of learning how to get out of all of this but all of it is we're creating it as we go and it's all vibrations and frequencies and everything is alive they said absolutely everything has Consciousness this chair is alive that clock's alive the microphone's alive they said Starbucks coffee is alive everything has a vibrational frequency it's all energy and it's all alive it all has Consciousness and can be communicated with this all takes a different mindset to look at it but when they were talking about dimensions I have with I've been on the the radio shows so much I have my own radio show now but I've been on number one Art Bell oh hit me on there all night long and we have hundreds and hundreds of phone calls I think one time when I was on there we had to take turns Madding the phones all day and all night for a whole week we could take turns sleeping to answer the phones but now it's emails and I know we got like 700 emails in one day and people would be commenting on these different things that I said on the air and some of it's hubris like I was speaking about Atlantis and I got an email from an archaeologist and she said how dare you go on the air and talk about something that there's not one shred of evidence that it ever existed and I was thinking you're an archaeologist where is your magic and I told her well you know half of these big discoveries in the world nobody believed they exist look at Troy they said they the man had a dream and he told him where to go a lot of the cities in the Bible were found by accident that they never was any spread of evidence before that that's kind of humorous but I have wonderful emails about things that are happening in other dimensions that we don't realize when you um have you ever had anybody tell you that they saw you somewhere and you were actually home because you were in and out of another dimension and I've had some wonderful examples of that that have happened and that were proven when the person was at a conference and somebody said they they came into the conference and they said well we just left you over here one was the racetrack that started up and they said well it was on Todd Springs when the race uh season started and they said they were sitting with them at the racetrack and here they walked into the conference and the person was there because they had made a decision should I go to the racetrack or should I come to the conference well they were actually in both places and so it was proven in that case but um I've had wonderful stories like that and they said one woman said she was in them a hotel she went down to the street walked out on the street everything was like it was 50 years ago the people the cars everything was like 50 years ago and it scared her nobody seemed to be noticing her but after a while she got scared and the only way she could get back she had to go back in the hotel and go back up the elevator in fact she was to get back into this reality and um one one girl said she came out of the college dormitory and they were doing construction out in front of the dormitory they had the the Pape up and the red cones and everything they were tearing up the street the next day when she comes out there's no sign of any construction at all unless something happens to catch our eye and make us notice it we don't realize we're constantly shifting in and out of dimensions one man told and told me that he went out to the airport watching the Jets take off he saw the jet take off then it went backwards then I went forwards then it went backwards before Polly took off then he saw another one do the same thing take off go backwards forwards and then he went he watched the clouds in the sky they were doing the same thing backwards and forwards he goes out to the street the cars are doing it back and forth and he wanted to know what's happening here the closest I could come to it was maybe he was at a juncture where the dimensions were not quite set and he was kind of in that in between part where they was all mixed up but we've had sessions where people have had strange experiences and we've had them explain what these were but one that I think was really amazing and I'm probably going to go over a nine is that okay because I want to finish these points okay I was afraid I would I was trying to keep it condensed but one I think was really important on the Art Bell show um I got an email from about these three women now you know the Art Bell show goes on all night long and you have to talk all night long some people don't want to stay up to listen to it so they had these tape recorders that are very slow and they turn those on so they could record the whole show and then the next morning they play it back well they said they were three women were friends in Tennessee they were recording the show the next morning they got up the one woman said it show wasn't on there was a sporting event and she calls the radio station and they said oh we're not carrying Art Bell anymore we don't care how many people protest we're not going to carry it and her friend got the same thing she got this sporting gay event The Third Woman got the show on all three tapes the same call letters were given of the station they were all listening to the same radio station two of them didn't get it and one of them did and then they said in there they all they are carrying Art Bell again now now what happened did they were they living over here in a dimension where it didn't exist and this other one was over here where it was being broadcast we've tried to explain it but a week or so after I got the email and I answered it um I was speaking at a Unity Church in Memphis these three women drove from Nashville and they were older women and they said we just wanted to come and tell you this really did happen and we have the tapes to prove it Now isn't this is an example of I think going in and out of Dimensions I don't know I think that's what happened to pmh's ticket [Laughter] she was trying to get here and the airlines told her there is no such plane no such flight I think it existed in this other dimension because we're still going to check that out but is what I mean about Dimensions you're going to have to understand this before you're going to understand the part about the new Earth because we are things are speeding up vibrations and frequencies are increasing because we are getting ready to move into the new Earth this Earth has got to the point where we can't live here anymore too low and also we're polluting the Earth we are overpopulating but we're polluting we're contaminating our Foods it's just getting to the point we it can't not sustain life anymore now one thing they told me was you know whenever we exploded the atomic bomb back in the late 40s and 50s right after that time suddenly there was this influx of UFOs activity they said it was because we exploded the atomic bomb and they leave us alone you know that's the law of Free Will and not interference they were leaving us alone because UFOs are not what you think anyway a lot of them are directly connected with all of this stuff that's going on with the source and with the these Messengers it's more to it than you think but anyway they had to come and see what are these kids up to down here because they saw that we were developing Atomic power and here we had these explosions going off and they said we can't allow this because these kids are playing around with something they don't understand but we got free will what are we going to do about it they also knew we were so into Karma that we were going round and around and around we weren't getting off of it we were so bogged down we were never going to be able to shift into the new dimension because the new dimension requires our bodies to also shift with it so anyway what they said happened when they saw what we were doing they couldn't interfere and not allowed to interfere from the outside otherwise they just come down and say hey guys you can't do this and they would have stopped us from doing it you're going to destroy the world you're going to because if anything happens here it ripples through the whole Cosmos it affects all the other planets it can affect the whole dimension system they cannot allow us to blow this planet up because it would cost too much wide-ranging effects so this is why all of this is all intertwined but they can't interfere in the workings of a civilization from the outside so what they decided to do to help us help ourselves to get out of this mess they said we will work from the inside and the call went out anybody wants to volunteer and come and help these kids and that's what I'm getting now because when I have people going back to the source I'll say well what made you decide to leave it was so beautiful they said we heard the call and we decided to volunteer and many of them were coming in for the first time and boy they don't like it and also the ETS different life forms they'll say well they asked us do you want to go and help so they had to change bodies and they said this this body I don't like it at all but they way they're doing it they were coming in as babies working from the inside the new vibration the new frequency now what I'm getting is even stranger that I'll be writing about in the new book it is totally unexpected because this is happening we're going into it now they can't take the time to come in as babies they're coming in with two adults but it's happening with permission when the person has a near-death experience at that moment they said with the permission if the soul wants to go on they can enter the body and do their work and they said they have two minutes is all they've got to make the exchange now look this sounds right to you but this is what they said that they're allowed to do it because they're here to help and the other Soul wanted to go on it wasn't happy here it's like a walk-in except it's a different kind of a walk-in that this is a different soul and a walk-in the person knows the soul that is going to do the exchange in this case it's not someone that they knew before and they're allowed to come in and sometimes even when a baby is born and it it's not going to live they can make the exchange at that time but the idea is to get in here was fresh new Souls that are not bogged down in all of this Karma because they've got to change the world we're not doing it now I found three waves of people that have come in and next goes way back to the beginning of my work and now I'm beginning to put it all together the first wave are now it's filled in the book the keepers of the garden is an example about he's just turned 50. they're in their late 40s and just beginning to go 50 usually in the 40s they are the ones who have had the most difficult time adjusting I've get so many letters from these people all over the world they say I don't want to be here I don't like it here I don't belong here I want to go home I don't know where home is they got good lives they've got um good families they've got good jobs but they don't want to be here many times they try to commit suicide as Phil did in that book and it's because they don't want to be here and after I booked began to go all around the world people began writing me and saying I thought I was the only person in the world that felt that way but now they're finding they're not alone and now I'm getting this all the time people are on their under they will say this is my first time on Earth I came as a volunteer and I don't want to be here and I called these the first timers but that's the first wave they had the most difficult time of all because it was very hard to adjust to being here you imagine this is not a good place to be we have all this violence they don't understand violence they don't want to be here they don't like what we are doing to the Earth so that's the first wave they had them had the hardest time adjusting the second wave that I'm finding are those that are now in their 20s 30s they are having an easier time and when I'm talking to them while they're under they will say this is also their first time on Earth but they will say they I'm an antenna I'm a Channel of energy I'm an antenna I'm here to receive energy and spread it out to the world at this time they don't have to do anything else and most of the time they live very simple lives they don't have any problems they're not they they're very easy going sometimes they work out of their house they don't even have to go out for a job they will get married but a lot of them won't have children because having children would create Karma and tie them here if we want to get in do our job and get out we don't want to be stuck in this situation those are the second group and there have an easier time because they were adapting easier I asked them one time why did the first group have such a hard time they said because they were the Pathfinders the way showers they had to blaze the trail for the other ones to follow as they came and then the third wave are the new children they're coming in with everything already in place and it's not as difficult as the first ones that came in and the DNA has been changed now the art our DNA is being changed now because we have to be able to shift with this whole thing they said if we hadn't changed your DNA you would probably die by now either that or you would be very sick because of what they're doing to the food what they're doing to the atmosphere they have to help our bodies adapt to our environment and our surroundings and they do this by helping with the DNA they said the body is an amazing machine it is amazing resilience to it it can handle anything absolutely anything in small doses but too much and it the body can't handle it it would die that's why they have to make the body adapt and we're constantly having this happen the new children are coming in with all of this already in place the DNA is there ours are being changed as the vibrations and the frequencies increase the older people are having the most difficult time because their bodies are having to adjust uh have a harder time adjusting to the frequency changes now as we shift into this new dimension that's why I wanted you to understand about dimensions as we shift into the new dimension the whole earth is changing it's changing its frequency it's changing its vibration I have heard the tone of the earth they have it on tape recordings that they broadcast from the space stations the Earth has a tone that tone is changing it is increasing that's one sign that they know something is going on with the frequency of the Earth and they're noticing a lot of this you know when they had the tsunami the Earth did move there's a lot of things happening with the Earth we have to shift and change vibration because it's got to get away from this all this stuff we are destroying the Earth and they said we can no longer be here we have to go into the new Earth in order for us to move with the new Earth our bodies have to change we have to change frequency and vibration and I'm hoping I'm not going over too many people's heads but I'm just throwing this out to think about it anyway our bodies have to change vibration and frequency they cannot change suddenly because the body couldn't handle it it would die be too much of a jolt to the system so over time it started about two years ago our bodies are gradually adapting and changing the frequency of our bodies it gets to another point and it'll level off and then after a while it'll do it again each time it does it you'll notice physical effects to the body a lot of people go to doctors the doctors can't find anything wrong with them because it is the body adjusting to these new frequencies some of the problems they say are um well heart palpitations high blood pressure uh depression joint pain muscle pain it thinks like this as the body is adapting to the new frequency and vibration but then it'll it sometimes you will feel it more than others and then it'll level off after a few months or so it'll do it again and this is as we adapt to this they said if you were to examine the DNA in the body now you would find a big difference they said the doctors are going off of the old information but they've been taught in school our cells are receiving new information constantly as we adapt to this they don't understand that so when they try to to give you help you they're not it's not working because they don't understand what's really happening to the body and a lot of people said are not allowed to get sick because they don't want them probing around in their bodies but anyway this is what's happening as we are adapting and it's gradually moving it can't happen suddenly but the Earth is moving into this new frequency the the tsunamis the earthquakes the storms all of this as the Earth as it's making these adaptions and it wants to get rid of us really it's tired of us they say it's like a dog trying to shake the fleas off because of what we've been doing to the Earth and it really wants us out of the picture now the ones who are going to move into the new Earth the new Earth is going to be something you won't believe it is so beautiful and wonderful now remember this information comes from many many people that I work with and I just put it together like a puzzle the new Earth is extremely beautiful in the Bible it's described as the Thousand Years of Peace when everything is perfect you know in the Book of Revelation when it talks about the new Heaven and the new Earth and some will be left and some will be taken this is what it's talking about it's shifting into the new Earth now those who will move to live on the new Earth are those whose vibrations are being allowed to shift with it those who can't change will stay with the old Earth and all of the horror that's going to be happening on the old Earth and they said you want to move and don't look back because they said this is something you don't want to see that it's going to be very very bad but I they said some will be left behind and I said that sounds cruel and they said not really it's their own decision everybody has to make their own decision you want to stay with what you have created or do you want to move into this new Earth that's being prepared but they said you must have made the decision because you can't shift your vibration that quickly you have to make the decision or you're going to go or you're going to stay and that's what they mean by being left behind and um those who were very much into Karma will not be able to move because they still have to these are laws they have to pay this off and they're not to be allowed to move into the new Earth until they get rid of the old Karma those people will stay with the old Earth that when they die they will be sent to another place another planet that still has negative Karma because they can repay it there they will not be allowed to come back to the new Earth because it will have changed too much there was no place for those kind of people it does sound cruel but they said it's their own decision they're making up their own mind and they will stay in the reality they have created I was saying telling about this at an ashram in the Bahamas a few months ago and this one woman said but I'd want to stay and help them the ones that are left behind I said you don't want to move on she said no somebody's gonna have to help them but they said they have done this themselves and they said even if you wanted to stay once the shift is completed and the vibrations are complete you can't you will move with it you won't be able to stay with the others and you know even the Bible it says uh two workers working in the field one will be taken and one will be left two people sleeping together one will be taken and one will be left that's what they mean some will stay and some will move on and I've gone over and over this so much I had some about it in convoluted too and I'm getting more about it now as I'm trying to understand all these parts to this they said we can't fully explain it because we don't know what's going to happen it's never happened before in the history of a planet that an entire planet has moved at one time it's never happened before so they said we don't know what's going to happen but the whole universe is watching because this is going to be a very momentous occasion for the world so nobody really knows what's going to happen until it does happen now when I did the lecture in one place um well do you know Annie Kirkwood remember she did Mary's message to the world you don't hear much about her anymore but she used to be on the lecture circuit Annie's Kirkwood who did Mary's message to the world we used to do a lot of lectures together we did panels and we were on a panel they were talking about Earth changes she told everybody about a vision that she had of the earth doing this this was several years ago she said it's a vision she saw the Earth then she saw the earth begin to pull apart like a cell dividing and start to pull apart as it pulled apart then it snapped apart and there were Two Earths side by side over here on this one she heard them say we did it we did it we did it over here she heard them saying poor thing she died believing all that one is not going to be aware of the other they won't even be aware anything has happened some of this takes a lot of thinking around to bend your minds around but that's what they said they won't even be aware now which one will you move to you want to move with the the new Earth or do you want to stay with the old Earth which is going to be they said you can't even believe what it's going to be like they said if you could magnify Katrina a hundred times happening in many cities all over the world this is going to be an example of what it's going to be like people running and screaming in the streets and you don't I don't want to be with that this woman say she wanted to stay and helpful they see you're not going to be able to anyway if you're if you have evolved where your vibration is strong enough you will make the jump and move to the other one but when I was given that this lecture at some Hall one time afterwards this man came up to me and he said now I'm a businessman I'm an engineer he said I don't have things happen to me but he said I was sitting in the audience when you were making that description about the Two Earths splitting apart he said suddenly I was out of the auto term I was in outer space and I saw it happening just like you said it did and when he came back he told me he said I'm going to go home and work this up on the computer and he did he sent it to me what he saw and I put it in convoluted too he's had Two Earths over the top one was over the top of each other one was glowing and the other one was the ordinary one that was what he saw as it made the separation between the two but I thought that was funny he said all of a sudden he's in outer space watching this happen now some of this is a little hard to believe but they said it's happening and there's no way we're going to turn it back but we have to because the Earth can no longer exist the way it is we have to move into something else and sometimes afterwards people will be talking about it this one man said oh I'm excited I'm gonna go because it's supposed to be so beautiful you can't imagine and there's other people said yeah but what about my husband what about my daughter and he was telling him the same thing they have to each make their own decision but when you first make the shift into the new world you won't really realize anything has happened you'll still have your physical body things will seem different but it won't really be apparent to you at first and then gradually you won't need your body anymore and you will turn into an energy light body so we are evolving to that point but at that point we won't need food we won't eat anything and they said when you get to this point after you make the shift and nobody will be sick there won't be any death it's going to be a perfect world they say but um another thing I think is funny is I have so many people coming to me who are either healers or they want to be Healers I mean it's just about everybody that walks through that door it's a huge number a lot of them are working with Reiki with energy healing all kinds of different modalities and they're all working with energy and different healing and other ones when they're under when they ask for their purpose is going to be they said you must go and heal you must learn healing they never tell you your purpose is to have a good time and go get drunk and you know have sex and party they always tell the people their purpose is to help each other especially to learn some kind of of thing that will be able to work with other people they're always saying we want you to learn to heal and I asked them to one time what are you going to do with all these healers if everybody's going to be a Healer and they said well imagine a world like Katrina was and all of a sudden there's no doctors there's no hospitals everything's shut down what are you going to do you're going to have to depict on each other and then whenever we move into the new world there won't be any need for it because we will know how to heal ourselves we will have gone to that point so some of these things are kind of mind-bending they're a little hard to understand I've probably lived a lot out but I'm putting more and more of it in the book and all I say is just read it this is what they're saying is happening but if you are noticing your body's acting funny a lot of it could be this shifting and the vibrations and the frequencies of your body are moving with it but these new kids are the ones that are coming in that are going to be helping everybody because they're already got everything in place but um they're always talking about the year 2012. well I've also had a chapter in the book about you know this has happened before with other civilizations and I'm almost finished here um other civilizations down through history that have disappeared the Mayans were one that disappeared the whole thing nobody went to where they went there were other Indian tribes in America that have disappeared nobody knew where they went well they said they reached the point of evolution where the whole civilization shifted in Mass the same thing we're going to do and I had one session where a person woman went back to where she was with one of these Indian groups when they all decided to shift in math to another dimension and she was sent back now to help it during this time but they're all they said that Mayans were so Advanced that they knew how to do this they could see ahead to where the next Burly big ship was going to occur when the entire Earth would move at once and that was when they saw it happening around the year 2012. that's why the calendar stops at that time but we're already in the middle of it we've been going on for about the last two or three years it's happening faster now time is speeding up everything is happening quicker now you can feel it in your bodies you know it's happening in time we're moving faster and faster into this by the year 2012 they said we should be reaching the peak it's not over that time but it's only a few more years we noticing more and more things happening a lot of the stuff happening to the world right now is the world getting rid of all this old Karma because Earth and paths karma too it's a living being but as we move into this toward the year 2012 you'll be seeing a lot more changes and we will be reaching the peak to where the will make the split but they're not really sure how or when it's going to happen but it's going to be around that time but it has to they said because this is evolutionary process we're evolving the world is evolving everything is happening something to think about anyway but in the meantime you've got to live your lives the best way you can get rid of all the old Karma because that'll hold you back and keep you here forgive people the quickest way but not the easiest way to get rid of karma is to forgive Let It Go Let It Go there's no sense in holding on to it it holds you back it holds them back I've had people tell me I can't forgive them you don't know what they did to me and they end up this is what makes them sick they hold on to it causes cancer especially they've got to it's not important Let It Go tear up the contract you don't need to work with these people anymore forgive them release it let go we got more important things to do we're moving into a whole new world out here we don't need that other that's what we're supposed to be focusing on get rid of the old Karma don't make any more treat people the way you would want to be treated and let go of fear fear holds you back don't believe everything is on TV don't believe everything is in the newspapers think for yourself let go of the fear let go to Karma so you can move change your vibration does this scare you to what I've been saying okay I've never been a little worried about telling audiences these things but they said this is one of the most important things they want me to talk about right now to get people prepared so anyway this will be in the new book uh it's part of it and there's even more stuff that I can't even go into the last session I had in Montreal they came through with a whole new concept and I was thinking wait a minute guys I've just got through with this you know and I was asking questions trying to understand it and they said if you'd asked that question that means you're not ready for us to give you the next part you got to digest this first neither okay so I'm thinking about ending the book there I don't know but I I think I want to continue to get more and more information it boggles my mind anyway anyhow that's why I wanted to bring you to is the new Earth and what I've got on it there's a lot more I haven't even talked about that'll be the new Earth then give me something to think about the new books and nothing to think about anyway okay we went a little over but I think it was important to finish it and thank you for coming [Applause] [Music]