Transcript for:
Exploring the Concept of Self

okay so again you're taking this uh subject understanding the cells uh what is understanding the cells and how will we tackle the the topic of the self because the self is one of uh the most uh simplest but at the same time the most complex thing that we will have to explore for the rest of our lives understanding the self the subject to understanding the cell but more on that later so understanding the sales this course includes the parts so the first part will be the cell from various perspectives now we will talk about the self in different uh areas of knowledge of areas of expertise because the cells can be contextualized in a lot of a lot of contexts the self is flexible we have we can we can view the self in terms of psychological philosophical and so on and then after that we will unpack the self uh dimensions and managing and caring for the self from various perspective we can talk about the self in terms of the philosophical context not the philosophical perspective of the self excuse me the social logical perspective the anthropological psychological and then the cultural which is in eastern and western perspective because in terms of philosophical there's a lot uh there are a lot of philosophical uh topics or philosophy philosophy philosophical texts that will describe the self no means and they're just saying the same thing in different language and so on and then sociological name I know how how do a person or the self uh interact with the society since we are social animals no we have this tendency to have a different way of expressing ourselves in terms of in terms of other people an anthropological how culture could affect our sense of self and then psychological different psychological theories that will explain what the self is and then of course eastern and western perspective because and uh conceptualization at West with regards Eastern let's say for example East but it is not the priority the physical side of ourselves the sexual side the material or economic side a spiritual even and then the political and even young digital cells online foreign we can have an idea on how to take care of ourselves now learning to be a better student taking care of one taking charge of one's health and then bonus lesson how to plan your finances because this is also part of taking care of oneself foreign expressing and loving ourselves right so that's that content of our I know that's the content of our subject uh essentially the the Mantra of this subject is know thyself the self is your main companion in living in this world so um foreign for the rest of our lifetime yes it's well and good to have a companion to have your one no you have your significant other but of course how would you able to love another person if you don't know you don't even know or even in essence you do not love yourself so who you are who you want to be who Society wants you to be and who you can be are some of the ideas you will explore so the self is freaking complex it's not a simple thing it's it's simple at the same time it's not no yeah but at the same time so it's very important and of course because if we do not love ourselves who would love us okay so let's are basically the goal of this subject is for you to not necessarily know yourself again because knowing yourself again it's it's a lifelong process even myself I discover some things about myself that I do not know back then no and once you stop learning more about yourself it's [Music] um you know and uh Hindi Hindi limo okay and hopefully uh my goal in this subject is for you to have this curiosity this drive to know more about yourself no I am not I'm not aiming um after this object because I assure you you will not but okay so do you have any questions or clarifications with regards to adding introduction okay so let's go on to the first under nothing first uh perspective on knowing oneself which is the philosophical perspective okay so philosophical perspective uh of the self from Socrates to Freud and other modern philosophers okay so philosophy like take the kind of philosophy of man if I'm not mistaken on Senior High School chaos so hopefully Gardens of philosophy and for sure so at the end of the topic you're expected to explain the role of philosophy and understanding the self discuss the different concepts of the cell from philosophical perspective differentiate the various concept of the self and identify their similarities or even differences develop your own philosophy of the self hopefully Okay so philosophy before we talk about the philosophical perspective of course we have to talk about what is philosophy in the first place so philosophy uh from the etymology or the word itself no philia or Philo or fillain no uh means love and then Sophia means wisdom so philosophy means literally means love of wisdom okay so philosophy employs the inquisitive mind to discover the ultimate causes reasons and principles of everything as in everything from yourself to the universe okay before science was a thing philosophy was there and every sciences that we know of started in philosophy metaphysics beyond the physical beyond the physical world you know so more on the psychological sociological even political side and things in your metaphysics so again I'm not a philosophy major so if I I'm saying something wrong you can correct me no but as far as I know as far as my reading uh gets me you know uh you're an answer metaphysics is beyond the physics uh more on the the soft side you know assembly hard sciences and then with soft Sciences metaphysics in justice of Sciences and psychology is one of the soft Sciences so the nature of the self is a topic of Interest among philosophers and the philosophical framework for understanding the self was heavily explored by ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Plato So philosophy it's a way or it's it's a branch of knowledge that wants to know some things okay very curious no very uh very yeah very curious that includes among physical objects everything and included so there are a lot of philosophers especially you know uh investigating or exploring the the the depths of the self and the human mind especially in the Aristotle you know scientific but of course so speaking of um by the way uh if you're not aware no see Socrates um foreign so crates suggests that we know but we must know ourselves know thyself what is the self and the qualities that Define it philosophers agree that self-knowledge is of prerequisite to a happy and meaningful life so basically foreign GG anyway so to know more about ourselves let us explore this uh ideas uh prompted or other promoted they are promoted um right so ancient Greek philosophy philosophy Socrates and an examined life is not worth living so for the ancient Greek philosopher is the self is synonymous with the soul and is the the self and the word they use isology uh on the soul so basically I mean it's a study of souls statistics is not worth living because for himself [Music] then you basically useless the soul or the self is Immortal Socrates believe that every human possessed an immortal Soul human life does not end at one's death all right so Socrates explained that death is the departure of the soul for the Eternal world so solar testing even at some extent idea of the immortal world where everything is Immortal World or and this soul is our potential this soul is the ideal thing no I think capacity to become the ideal version of ourselves Basta foreign was the first thinker to focus on the full power of reason and human self who we are who we should be and who will be we become and the Soul strives for wisdom and Perfection and the reason is the Soul's tool to achieve the exalted state of life Immortal this is perfect this is this is the most ideal part of ourselves and then we have the body which is imperfecture satisfying and so on so uh our preoccupation with bodily beads such as food drink and sex uh pleasure sex material possessions and wealth keep us from attaining that wisdom physical body in a perfect world we are perfect human beings it just so happened that we are also living in the Physical Realm okay okay [Music] soul searching within because that soul from within Stripes were wisdom and Perfection and that soul will uh transcend or will exalt our state of Life causing a union perfect version we have to strive for our uh we have to strive for wisdom we have to strive for uh to know more about ourselves because if we if we know ourselves if we know our we know our souls then we can live the most we can live uh the best version of ourselves okay so a person can have a meaningful and happy life if he becomes virtuous and know the value of himself that can be achieved through some constant soul searching so for him this is the this is best achieved when one tries to separate the body from the soul as much as possible and uh one method Legacy no in knowing oneself is also called introspection but Socratic method is much it's a method of careful examining our thoughts emotions uh to gain self-knowledge are you familiar with Socratic method and how it works and what is the essence of it foreign or this is the way how Socrates Feast of people okay yes beliefs about the world let's say for example I'm belief net in that uh all men are mortal or all men are like this all men are Sabina all men are trash or all by the time of beliefs and those beliefs are not perfect they have holes they have logical holes they have limitations in the Socratic method is an example writings uh Divine things no how can we say that a thing is divine is it because the gods love them or is it because it's divine that's why Gods Loves them uh in short let's say for example holy object holy objects but some let's say for example with some holy objects uh together psychology no cognitive behavioral therapy let's say for example times therapist then so you believe that uh What uh what made you say so uh to turn into dust like the turn into negative things no foreign so in that way you know young believe me about the civilians ideal version yeah it just so happened the young bodily functions yeah or something like that yeah so in Socratic method you are essentially looking for the soul or you're essentially uh extracting information about your soul so that you will discover more about it and once you discover more about your soul then accordingly you will live a happy life in other words in short Socrates believe that all men are good right it just so happens that the physical world is bad that's why it's distractions okay foreign describe the cells okay now let's move on a student Miss Opera test no and as I mentioned so it makes sense Immortal World uh uh be Physical Realm and then the ideal realm and then is essentially good it strives for wisdom Perfection and reason is the tool to achieve an exalted state of Life assumptions yeah about the self problems all over the place philosophy about the self uh the three parts of the cell the reason the spirit per passion and then the physical appetite okay uh so the reason is the Divine Essence that enables us to think deeply make wise decisions and achieve a true understanding of Eternal tools so reason reasoning logical thinking that's the reasoning part of our self and this enables us to think deeply to make wise choices and to achieve through understanding of Eternal truths so um yes uh and then the spirit or passion which includes basic emotions such as love anger and ambition aggressiveness and empathy they are the uh in your emotional side and all of us are have emotions and then lastly is the physical appetite which includes biological needs such as hunger thirst and sexual desires they have their dynamic dynamic relationships with each other and sometimes in complex what do I mean by conflict for sexual desire uh uh uh reason would suggest that is not a good thing at least in this in this time in Era of our Google and they are in Conflict basic emotion God that you love this person or okay love let's say for example you're angry at this person no but reason would suggested anyway so then sometimes they are they are in conflict with one another oh yeah so sometimes they have they are in conflict with each other [Music] Plato believes that it is our with the responsibility of our reason to sort things out excerpt control restoring a harmonious relationship among three elements of ourselves so Plato believes that genuine happiness can only be achieved by people who constantly or consistently make sure that their reason is in control of their spirits and appetites okay so basically Plato and uh foreign [Music] yes you must control your spirits and appetites through reason but of course uh there is attendance is the most important part of ourselves and we must always uh improve our listening ability so that we will know more about ourselves Plato is so you can be a mathematician if you don't have a reasoning ability that is beyond what is normal so you're in good hands all right so far they have any questions uh about Plato and his uh okay I remember palette these are just parts of their philosophia the India whole philosophy and this is not a philosophy class so uh it's more on the philosophy of this people about the self okay just to make things clear now indeed uh then let's move on third uh and possibly the most advancing or advanced in terms of scientific thinking scientific for his time and I remember lap on science during their time science uh scientific method 200 years ago formality formalized way of scientific methods the Earth devolves around the Sun Catholic Church heresy scientific method but anyways to tell the body and soul are not two separate elements but are one thing Aristotle so the soul is simply the form of the body and is not capable of existing without the body the soul is that which makes a person a person the soul is the essence of the self so basically that our physical body is also part of uh your physical body nothing is the form and that soul will somehow create a body for himself or for herself and that is yeah and if the body is not there the soul will not be able to survive okay so Hindi Sila separate things okay the soul is what uh is that which makes a person a person the soul is the essence of the self okay uh it's not it's not one all be All Souls so without the Body Soul cannot exist so the soul dies along with the body so hindish after like after life holding after life Christianity Christianity uh foreign suggested that anything with life has a soul so there are three kinds of Soul vegetative sentient and rationale so in vegetative this is the physical body allows things to grow and then uh plants they have they are they have the ability to grow by a vegetative Spirit or the vegetative souls and then sentient among animals which are Central desires feelings and emotions and then of course in rational soul and this is what makes us human includes intellect that make man know and understand things people are rational animals and uh our rational nature uh uh this doesn't suggest that the the rational nature of the self is to lead a good flourishing and fulfilling life so again remember we have rational Soul okay I'm not really sure physical body sentient you know emotions nothing and then rational is in [Music] once we understand who we are once we understand how things work around us and how we react to the things around us then we will have the capacity to become happy to become flourishing to have a fulfilling life okay it will help us to know more about things and this knowing more about things will help us grow as a person to live a virtuous life to live a happy life and to live a satisfying life okay so yes uh uh there's a thin line between uh courageousness and stupidity so uh and then cover this ends uh you know uh it's just so happened uh making sense but uh um foreign Aristotle foreign [Laughter] [Music] foreign but anyway so that's uh that's the Greek Ancient Ancient Greek philosophers no uh do you have any questions or any clarifications with regards to how they view them view self all that okay so let's move on uh let's move on some medieval philosophy and some medieval philosophy young self is Saint Augustine but remember there are a lot of medieval philosophers uh even nanjansina Saint Augustine Saint Thomas and events in other words Muslim philosopher and this philosophers medieval philosophers they base their philosophy on ancient Greeks specifically and Plato actually yeah so yeah uh Saint Augustine uh basically to the Christian world all right so he developed a more unified perspective on the body and soul the soul is what governs and defines the human person or the self the soul is an important element of man uh if if you're observant enough you will notice that some of the doctrine of the Catholic Church are not really found uh explicitly in the Bible although it's a Bible like for example the soul of person if you will read the Bible explicit Jesus or something implication somewhere so 16 Augustine or is so the soul is what governs and defines the human person or the self and the soul is an important element of man so the soul is united with the body so body so that the man may be entire incomplete and the physical body is different from the inferior to an inferior to its inhabitant The Immortal Soul again influence importance of physical body so Augustine described the humankind is created in the image and likeness of God basogenesis so Augustine believed that God is transcendent in everything created by God who is all good is good so the soul was created by God Man was created by God and God is good therefore man is also good right so that's that's how the logic goes um therefore the human person being a creation of God is always geared towards the good now the self is known only through knowing god self-knowledge is a consequence of the knowledge of God and for Augustine knowledge can only come by seeing the truth that dwells within us about God God is transcendent and self seeks to be United with God through faith and reason so in short knowing god is also knowing oneself God created the soul and since God is good and all he creates is good then the Soul is good so the soul is good the soul is good the soul is there but it is in a physical body and as mentioned in the physical body is inferior to the inhabitant which is the immortal Soul so for the physical body to become uh United to become full to become the best version of themselves they must know their soul and one way and the only way actually inside Saint Augustine said the only way to know your soul is to know more about God so if you know more about God then you know more about your soul then you will become more happy because you know who you really are which is you are made in the likeness of God right so Augustine it's a mixture of uh Socrates and biblical uh passages or biblical interpretations Augustine yes but okay so yes I think my name is Philippines is a religious country but I I know uh satisfied philosophy so medieval philosophy especially in the Christian philosophy we will move on something modern philosophers which is a modern philosophers so see this this is the card look look look Freud Royal rushland in merlu Ponte uh before we move on some modern philosophy I think we we must have a short 10-minute break since so I will end the recording and we will go to the part two later at 9 00 a.m would that be okay