Transcript for:
Optimizing Thoughts for Manifestation Success

every single thing that happens in life is only pushing you to become your authentic SE anytime you judge someone the Judgment comes from the blood flows to the amigdala you come from a space of fear the kind of relationships and the kind of money that you attract will always be equal to yourself conscious versus a subconscious if you could talk about that and how is it that we can get a better grasp on the subconscious mind there are only three things that are in our control a perception our decisions and our actions what can people do to make this process which is seemingly a passive process of sleeping uh a gold mine of how you rewire your brain there's something called the HEBs law right neurons that fire together wire together if you take a look at a lot of people who have thyroid issues they could possibly have challenges in expressing or communicating because it is connected with your throat chakra what about something like the butterfly effect the 369 number in itself is a very unique and a Divine number so now we'll get to a customizable actionable plan for our viewers what your dominant thoughts are is going to manifest in your life you are the creator of your life and the world is a mirror showing back to you what your deepest beliefs are write down all goals for all five areas of your life your health your wealth relationship career and your spiritual goals nothing is in the way everything is on the way so can we do a quick manifestation exercise for people watching close your eyes yeah take a deep breath in [Music] do you feel like you're a victim of toxic patterns or are you truly on the right path to success hi I'm kishma meta and welcome to fitter present realign the podcast where we simplify the concepts of science spirituality and well-being to help you navigate the complexities of modern life ever wondered how you can rewire your subconscious belief Bel to manifest the life of your dreams today's guest has helped LAX do just that and she's here to share all her Secrets today we're joined by gatri shivaram a certified healing and manifestation coach who's impacted over 200,000 lives with over a decade of experience and having worked with some of the best in the world gatri is with us today to discuss how to optimize your thoughts for Success actionable steps for healing trauma breaking toxic patterns and the mindset needed to manifest correctly we'll also delve into various manifestation techniques and how to find the right one for you and the best part we also have a little guided meditation for you this is fter presents real line are you ready to meet the new you welcome to F presents realine gatri lovely to have you and congratulations on all the tremendous success that you've had especially on Instagram and social media really blown up we'll talk about that later yeah uh but I'm going to start with a question that uh I think is a quote of something that you said which is that my entire life is a result of manifestation uh so talk to me about that when did your trst with this principle and with the law of attraction really begin um so I mean to give you a background about my life I was born in Bangalore in a very a low middle class kind of a family where parents were educated but Dad was into gambling big time so because Dad was into gambling we did not have a lot of resources while growing up but somewhere deep inside I don't know for what because I did not have a lot of relatives because it was a love marriage and while growing up I had very low self-esteem and I felt like I was not good enough I was being bullied in school and I felt like I don't know why life is not going the way is supposed to go for me like how it is for my other friends and that kind of kept giving me a push to be a high performer in school so I was always a high performer High achiever for the longest time I did not know that was coming from a space of vacuum that was coming from a space of void that people would recognize me like me love me if I was a high performer so it all started in 2013 so I finished college and after I finished College I did not want to get into corporates my intention was I want to get into training and Co coaching and when I started that I had a co- trainer who gave me the book The Secret and she was the one who said I think you'll like this book so my journey started in 2013 and ever since there's no looking back things have been slightly difficult up and down all of that but now I've come to the realization that every single thing that happens in life is only pushing you to become your authentic self so I mean my entire perspective about life has changed so it's been like 11 years in this industry right now let's start with the basic right like the most common thing that people talk about or that is taught by coaches and by other professors in this space is act as if which is um you kind of believe in a reality that is not manifest as if it were true which a lot of people struggle with because um and I've done a lot of deep research on conscious versus subconscious myself where that little voice inside tells you that that's not true and um it's a lie yeah uh but once you overcome that you you are able to see a far clearer picture of Bridging the Gap right absolutely so talk to me a little bit about acting as if and what are some of the best ways to do it okay first thing the entire concept of fake it till you make it every time you tell your mind something fake it the Mind does not like it because we don't like to be fake we like to be our authentic self what I would like to reframe that as is embody it till it becomes your reality because this is your current reality this is your future reality or the ideal reality that you want to manifest in your life the current reality is a result of your thoughts your beliefs your vibrations when I say vibrations the energy that you carry with yourself which is nothing but the trauma the perception that you have the anger resentment and all of that the fear that you have all of this put together is your current reality so your external reality is nothing but a reflection of what is going on on the inside of you so now if I want a different reality expecting Difference by just being the same as I am right now is insanity it does not happen like that so something inside of you needs to change and that is why I always talk about any kind of a trigger that you see on the outside for example your spouse is triggering you or uh your friend is triggering you your boss is triggering you the instant reaction for that for us will be like oh my God why is this happening to us in our lives but when you switch the question to what is that I have to learn from this particular situation everything starts to change because your triggers are only showing to you where you need to put your attention let's say we're just going for a work and I twist my ankle but there is no pain okay the mechanism in my body there's no pain I don't know my ankle is Twisted I go for a jog the next day and after 2 three days I start to realize I'm not able to walk so the pain was a blessing the pain is trying to tell you hey look at your leg something is out of alignment this is physical pain what is emotional pain it's the same thing every time you move out of your alignment when I say alignment we have an authentic self we have an inauthentic self authentic self is operating from a pure space of soul and pure space of Consciousness inauthentic self is two parts one is when you exaggerate yourself and when you minimize yourself for example let's say I'm looking at somebody I'm looking look at just one side of their life and I'm like oh my God they have it all figured out I love what she has I want to do what she has so what you're doing is you're exaggerating the person as a result of which you're minimizing yourself when you do that what you start to do is you start taking on their values you project that onto you and you're like I want to do that the point is you will never be able to do that because we all have something called the intrinsic values when we go by the intrinsic values we don't need any extrinsic motivation to do that and the more you work on your intrinsic values what are on your highest priority values your prefrontal cotex the glucose level goes there that is why your self-esteem is high anytime you judge someone okay the Judgment comes from a space of I'm looking at a person and I don't like what they're doing because it does not align with with my values right the Judgment comes from the blood flows to the Amiga when it flows to the amigdala you come from a space of fear there is a disintegration that happens in your subconscious mind so all of this once you start to understand much deeper you start to believe that manifestation is not magic manifestation is a natural process yeah but the thing is that people have a very skeptical lens right because they think that it's oh I'm just going to sit on my chair and be like I'm going to become the prime minister of the country just for example and that's what's going to happen which obviously it's so it runs so very deep that that's a very superficial and a myopic way of looking at it so from that length let's look at it in the perspective of your life you said everything in my life is a result of manifestation yeah tell me what are the different things that you have manifested in this in this journey for the first 8 to 9 years though I understood what this was though I gone to multiple seminars learned from different coaches I had very little self-esteem when it comes to self-esteem it was more with respect to relationships so I had this uh pattern of attracting specific kind of men and being in a relationship being the door mat letting the people walk all over me I'm not going to blame the people I am I'm telling you this because it came from my perspective that I believed I deserved that a part of me believed I deserved that it was more to do with what you looked at your estimation of yourself absolutely absolutely so when the patterns kept repeating I think it was the same kind of a pattern with different people again and again and uh I had manifested a lot of money in my life my career had become so much better I had great relationships the way I was working was very different all of this was a tick for me except for relationship so I still remember I think it was 2021 December that I broke up with my ex-boyfriend so when I broke up with my ex-boyfriend it was the lowest point of my life because I literally had a conversation with the Universe I am doing everything in my capacity I'm doing healing I'm doing everything I still don't know what inside of me has to change for my external reality to change I am aware these people have come into my life because of what I believe about myself on the inside I still don't know what it is I'm going to leave it to you I'm going to do everything in my capability to make sure I change heal everything it's your responsibility to make sure this pattern changes for Me 3 months of just being anxious every night three months of going through panic attacks every night just crying every night but one thing that made me go through the process was my trust in the universe sorry my trust in the universe that things will change so I kept doing kept doing kept doing started healing went to different therapy sessions to only understand I had this major fear of Abandonment because of my past especially my childhood how I was raised I had this entire sense of Abandonment so I would put up with people who did not prioritize me in the fear that they would leave me and go so I would just be like it's okay do whatever you want we'll just make sure it works for us and also people who have fear of abandonment will also attract a pattern where even if they have people in their lives who give them a lot of love they won't be attracted to them they'll be like no this is too good to be true for me I don't want this I will go behind someone who does not treat me well just so that I will show my worthiness to this person so that the person treats me well and that means I'm worthy of who I am as a human so it used to be a pattern so I went through multiple process of just healing healing healing and April 27th I met my now husband and September 1st we got married wow and on December 9th I guess I broke up with my ex-boyfriend Jan 1st I bought a new note wrote down a list of 16 or 17 qualities of what my ideal partner should have and I was also coming from the awareness that if I want these qualities in my ideal partner I need to become those qualities so I started embodying them I started like being them more consciously and I think whatever success I've achieved after two years of marriage I mean it's going to become two years in September is because of my husband the way he was supportive the way he pushed me he put me ahead of him I mean all of that is because one you become an energy match to what you want to achieve in your life so for the longest time it came from a space of scarcity I'm not good enough so I always tell people the kind of relationships and the kind of money that you attract will always be equal to your self worth m if your self worth is low you will never be able to attract a lot of money or you will never be able to attract the right kind of relationships right yeah so how is it that people can estimate this right like now when we move towards an actionable process for people who are going through similar patterns for example in relationships or with money or with jobs or with careers or with health for example you know there are some of those people who are always sick they they they they're from Doctor to doctor and they're on always in these cycles and I know a few of those people and I know that there's some kind of like a pattern there at play yeah uh what is the first step okay of this process okay the first thing I'll give you two answers to this the first one is every problem has a question behind it and when you answer every question there is an answer behind it and when the answer has an actionable step and the actionable step is nothing nothing but getting you back into alignment I'll give you an example similar example of a relationship let's say you've been attracting toxic Partners in your life over and over again ask the question as to what is that I have to learn what is that that has to change inside of me for this entire thing to change that is number one that has an answer the answer is probably I need to start loving myself more probably I need to start prioritizing myself more and it comes with an actionable step the actionable step is nothing but you sit down and you Journal your thoughts every day you sit down and ask yourself the Deep questions that you've been running away from all these years and this actionable step whatever you're going to take is going to bring you back into alignment and once you get back into alignment you start to notice that the problem does not exist anymore because the problem is not with the actual problem the problem is with our inability to ask the right kind of questions and also for people going through anything or if they want to manifest anything it's a very very simple four-step process proc Step One is Clarity first get clear on what you truly want in life and the mistake that most people make just like how you said is when you come from a space of because your goals come from two space one is a space of ego the other one is a space of your true purpose every time it comes from a space of ego you're trying to prove something to somebody you're trying to fill a void inside of you that you feel like I don't know if I feel if I buy this house then I can prove my neighbor Auntie wrong if I have so much money then I'm better than my relatives no this might give you the money this might give you the manifestations but it is not going to give you the Fulfillment because these are the vo that are created by the ego that is when you minimize or exaggerate yourself there are certain goals that come from your true purpose you can start to understand that by truly knowing what is that that truly matters to you what truly matters to you and what truly matters to me can be completely different for somebody it can be becoming a mother for somebody it can be an entrepreneur but if the entrepreneur looks at the mother and says no I want to become a mother she's going to struggle when the mother stop priority is being a mother but she's enticed by she's infatuated by the entrepreneurs and what the society calls it success she's going to look up to something which is not her top priority value and she's going to be stuck in the process of doing it so first one get clear on your goals and ask yourself is it coming from a space of ego or is it coming from a space of my soul's purpose this is step number one step number two is identify what your subconscious blocks are because not if if you want a goal and it is not manifested in your life as yet it is simply because something inside of you is not aligned and everything in your reality is helping you get back into your alignment but your perception of things changes it second is identify the third one is start healing healing can be different modalities you can go to a therapist you can sit down and work on yourself you can do meditation you can do journaling you can do multiple breathing exercises this is the third step and the fourth one is your self-concept now I have my manifestation I've manifested it how do I sustain it a lot of people have this habit of self-sabotaging their own success it comes from the space of if I become extremely successful I will be seen by the world and if I'm seen by the world if I'm insecure about certain aspects of me I don't want the world to see that so what will I do I will self-sabotage that so you have to have a very strong self-concept self-concept is nothing but the story you keep telling yourself over and over again this is true for me this is true for me I deserve this again and again it becomes your normal so you will only manifest things that you normalize if for example earning 5 lakhs or 10 lakhs a month is normal for you it feels normal for you you believe it's normal for you you'll be able to do that if you put anything on a pedestal you'll not be able to manifest that in your life M yeah that makes a lot of sense because um the normalization of it especially is what people struggle with cuz you think that it's it's unattainable right you've already put a little bit of a label to it you've already put that energy to it that this is beyond me and therefore it is not you therefore you're disconnected from that reality therefore it doesn't happen um so when we talk about all these Concepts and point number two which you said is uh the subconscious which is a deep area of interest for meh I've constantly told people that the one book that they should read is the power of the subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy uh I've read it I read it pretty much every quarter in Parts at least because uh it's interesting to understand and keep reinstating the things that he talks about right but for people who are listening and perhaps are mildly or superficially aware of the conscious versus the subconscious if you could talk about that and how is it that we can get a better grasp on the subconscious mind see the purpose of the Mind the mind is the agent of the Soul so the soul is reincarnated or the soul is born on this planet for it to go through certain experiences and for it to go through certain experiences it needs the mind so the mind the conscious mind is just 5% and the subconscious mind is 95% the subconscious most of a subconscious beliefs are form before the age of seven from the time the Inception happens till the age of seven it forms and after that is when the analytical mind starts to develop so a lot of people ask me the question of how do I stop negative thinking you can't stop negative thinking because you don't think to think negative it just happens it just happens now you'll have to go to the Crux of it where is it even coming from where is the root exactly and the root is a subconscious mind if I have a belief saying I'll give you an example let's say there are two people okay and one person both of them are girls and both of them have a similar kind of a boyfriend one person is Extreme insecure about herself she feels she's not good enough she feels everybody else around her is better than her the other one is very secure about herself very confident very self for short so now imagine the boyfriend comes and says I'm going out on a trip I won't be available for the next 3 days the first person is going to panic she's going to come from a state of uh mind where she's going to be like why is he not calling me is he cheating on me is he with other people am I not important to him all of these questions the other person is going to be like okay have fun and she's going to carry on with her life now same situation why do two people react differently because of the kind of uh beliefs or the value systems that they've been grown that they've grown up with absolutely when I feel insecure about myself the other person is going to only show to me what is there inside of IT projects that's it it's a mirror that's it yeah so if you want to change your life the first thing you need to start to understand is you are the creator of your life and the world is a mirror showing back to you what you deepest beliefs are yeah because I feel like when you kind of have this belief what you then go about life doing is see that's correct my belief is reinstated see that's correct my belief is instated for example there are people who have a very bad relationship with money and therefore as they go through life they'll feel a lack and then be like yes see that's right that's true even paying bills for example uh you know a lot of people uh have this negative connotation with money is going but when you switch that perception as to look at how much I'm able to empower other people and I'm paying my bills because there's value that I'm adding or that I'm receiving uh it's it's just a different mindset to look at money which is also such a sensitive topic for so many different people since we spoke about money I'm going to add on to that see money is just plain energy right and abundance is all a birth right we born abundant and abundance is a birth right so the the perception about money is different even if you see a lot of movies that released in early '90s or ' 80s they would show a very rich person as a willing yeah why and like and like troubling or like being uh being very cruel towards like a poor Auto R show guy yeah so when that happens what starts to happen is nobody wants to be bad yeah you you villainize the rich you villainize the capitalist yeah that has been a a long standing story yeah that is because people don't want everybody to become rich yeah I mean or or richer than you yeah that is that is they want to instill that so until you change your beliefs around money you'll never be able to attract money you you'll have opportunities right in front of you but you will still choose to pass them without attracting money and the second thing I want to reiterate here is there are only three things that are in our control a perception our decisions and our actions but our decisions and actions are completely dependent on a perception how do you perceive a specific incident or thing or a person in your life determines everything for you and how you perceive things comes from your beliefs also and it also creates your beliefs it also comes from your belief I am this extremely strong believer of everything in life happens for a reason and always happens for your highest good yeah yeah no that's 100% And I think that even even if you may not see it in the moment you definitely see it looking back like uh I've said this before but like uh something that happened to us as a company last year was in effect the worst thing that happened to me at that time when we kind of scal back the energy and uh we were able to see the reroute as a redirection that was necessary for us after being 10 years into this space and as a company that's in the digital space you have to be fluid it was the best thing that happened to us so I like and and that is time and again that I've just been able to now obviously after a lot of practice where you take the energy out of that that situation and it automatically deflates like it's just okay this is there what next and I think that perception and that switch uh is something that that time the duration that you take um what your spiritual practice or what manifestation or what understanding the concept of the Mind does is it fragments that time it becomes shorter and you're able to do it quicker and then you're able to get access to success faster because you're just moving on to the next opportunity and that's something that in my personal opinion uh has really worked for us right we're just able to read out and be like okay cool let's let's do it this way um coming back talk to me about conscious versus just subconscious mind right to a lay man how would you explain the conscious versus the subconscious mind okay your subconscious mind is exactly what what everything in your body and everything in the external happens on an automatic basis yeah right because your thoughts emerge from your subconscious mind your beliefs are a part of your subconscious mind and everything that you do outside is a part of your when you're awake right when we awake and sitting and having a conversation most of it comes from the conscious mind but you can't beat the subconscious with the conscious because subconscious is like a huge ocean it's 95% of your mind it has your triggers in it it has your emotions stuck in it it has uh your beliefs in it so in order for you to start changing any aspect of your life just changing the conscious does not work you have to go within and start to change your subconscious and that is why as soon as you wake up and right before you go to sleep are the best times for you to start rewiring your subconscious mind because that is when the brain waves are not in beta they kind of going down into Alpha Al and Theta Alpha is lightly slower and Theta is your deep sleep so at that point of time when you start listening to night tapes night tapes are nothing but affirmations it can be recorded in your own voice which works like the best for you because you you know your voice your mind is familiar with your voice you can just play some great music with affirmations and then go to sleep so while you're sleeping you're not doing anything your subconscious is doing the work and similarly when as soon as you wake up when you sit down with yourself do nothing most of us have this habit of just grabbing onto the phone as soon as we wake up not understanding what kind of a damage it is actually doing to brain rather just get up and sit with yourself and give gratitude to the universe because every time you give gratitude to the universe for the things in your life the universe is going to give you more things that you can be grateful for in life so inculcating these small small practices on a regular basis will start to change your subconscious beliefs and one of my favorite things that I always teach my clients is U doing this activity of for example let's say you want to manifest money in your life or you want to manifest your dream job so the activity is called what's happening and why I believe I deserve it so why I believe I deserve it is the reason why it's not happen to you in your life is because you believe you don't deserve it so now we're going to switch that how are we going to switch that by saturating our mind with enough evidences as to why I believe I deserve it and the point is it need not have to make sense to anyone it just needs to make sense to you every day sit down and write five reasons as to why you believe you deserve this dream job it can be I believe I deserve it because I'm the favorite Child of the Universe I believe I deserve it because I have all the capabilities inside of me you write it for 30 days you have 150 reasons as to why you believe you deserve it this is one the second thing this is for your mind now we'll do it for the heart because this is uh electrical this is magnetic yeah electromagnetic beings we are so for the heart is a feeling so now bypassing the reason why a lot of us are anxious during the process of manifestation like we don't know how it is going to happen when it is going to happen we don't surrender to the process right we want it in our own timing we don't wait for the Divine timing so to bypass this process to bypass the desperation what you can actually do is now just visualize uh just visualize the idea of you having gotten the dream job so forget about you getting the offer letter you attending the interview none of it you are in your dream job what is happening I'm going out for lunch with my colleagues my team head is calling me and praising me for my work so multiple things write three things every day as to what's happening in your life after you've accomplished what you wanted to accomplish simultaneously right how it makes you feel so now what you're tricking your brain is you're tricking your brain into believing that reality is your current reality the brain does not know the difference between what is imagined and what is real so when you're tricking that what starts to happen is you normalize the feeling of being in your ideal reality then from the cosmos from the quantum field you start to draw that reality into your existing reality yeah so when it comes to sleep right uh and the Sleep has so much to do with with the subconscious because uh you also spend a good decent amount of time in life sleeping and uh a lot of people don't kind of uh um optimize for that right so for example I'm using my fitter heart ring to actually um monitor how deep my sleep is how how well and effectively I'm sleeping um because obviously I have a lot of Consciousness and awareness of the fact that the two times that I need to be optimal is before I sleep and right after I wake up um so what can people do to make this process which is seemingly a passive process of sleeping uh a gold mind of how you rewire your brain so the first thing I would recommend is have a perfect and a fantastic morning routine and a night routine and also while you're falling asleep listening to these affirmation tapes will do wonders for you because for the longest time when I wanted to change my beliefs around money consciously I was doing a lot of things but what worked like magic was just listening to all those affirmations in my own voice when I went to sleep I just put it on my ears and just go to sleep and then the so what starts to happen is you start to look at things very differently once you do this so morning routine what I would recommend is as soon as you wake up make it a rule that you're not going to touch your phone for the first 1 hour first 1 hour and night before you go to sleep no phones at all no matter what happens next what you can start is start off with a gratitude practice just sit with yourself if you're not used to this you can write gratitude or just sit with yourself open your heart to the universe and tell the universe thank you for this life because every single thing that is happening to you in your life is a blessing for you yeah so give that gratitude to the universe and after that uh the miracle morning uh routine which is the sav us which is brilliant it works like magic right so you start your day the process is Savers you start your day with silence just sit with yourself in silence and do absolutely nothing and after that do affirmations affirmations for different aspects of your life you can write it down you can look at yourself in the mirror do that and for visualization because a lot of people struggle with visualization they keep visualizing different things on different days so the easiest way for you to do a visualization is just take 2 three days to do the prep up process so the first thing is write down all goals for all five areas of your life your health your wealth relationship career and your spiritual goals write three to four goals once you've written all the three to five goals now write an ideal life script of yours okay imagining I'll give you an example I wake up at 5:00 a.m. in the morning I'm so fit and healthy my partner is lying next to me both of us are so much in love with each other then I go hit the gym and then I have a team meeting with 50 60 members from my team who are so inspired to work then me and my husband we plan a vacation to go to some every aspect of your life just bring it in that life script that you want to do now that you have the life script record it in your own voice play some nice music record it in your own voice now you have a 7 to 8 Minute guided meditation in your own voice so plug it in your ears just sit with yourself and just visualize that now what is happening is you are talking about your life to you as though it is happening right now so those emotions are invoked in your body so that is when you start to become a vibrational match so youve done silence you've done affirmations visualization then exercise do any form of exercise that resonates with you not necessarily you have to do one form of exercise different bodies resonate with different things do exercise read nothing like reading read a minimum of 10 pages every single day book or Audible and the last one is start scribing you can scribe positive affirmations about yourself or you can also start scribing your goals every day write down your goals it makes you more familiar see we are what we consume right not just the food even mentally what we consume is we become so if you're constantly consuming things that enrich you you're writing your goals you're becoming aware of your goals every single day it does wonders to you so I think Savers is a brilliant thing for you to do in the morning it it should take 45 50 minutes for you in the morning night before you go to sleep just two things have a goal card goal card is nothing but just have a small card in the size of a wisting card write down two to three of your goals consolidate in it it can be U something like I'm so grateful I'm making x amount of money cons consistently in autopilot doing what I love inspiring millions of people live an Inspired Life okay this could be your goal card keep one on your wallet keep one next to your bedside table every day don't get attached to it just keep reading it your mind becomes familiar number one with the number second you reating your vision to yourself every single day which means you're connected to some other higher power on an every single day basis without getting distracted the energy is massive in that so you can do gold card and before you go to sleep again reading or no social media because social media sorry social media has this tendency of making you feel inferior about yourself it is designed to do that see I mean uh literally I've said this uh I used to run my own uh workshops I've not done them for a bit now just not had the time but um where I said if there's one thing you take away from this entire two and a half like I used to do it for 2 and a half hours is just don't touch your phone first hour after waking up and right before you go sleep uh so important and so actually it's very difficult to but once you get into the the space of it it becomes rather easy Once you understand what it is actually doing to you on a physiological basis and also mental basis then you're like no I really don't want this okay I don't want this okay awesome so now we're going to talk about your personal journey in the context of manifestation right so uh you began posting on Instagram and you went from 0 to 750 ,000 followers and now you told me 900,000 close to this the magical six figure uh so um seven figures sorry the magical seven figures um how did you manifest it what were you doing and walk me through the behind the scenes because now you've achieved it so it inspires people that if you can they can and a very short period of time right how long has it been um I started on November 18th yeah now like November 18th 2023 yeah 202 wow and that's awes May 16th today when we shooting this it's May May 16th yeah so that's like what like April 6 months 6 months that's insane that's insane okay so talk to me about what was manifestation and the the Mind practices that you were using to achieve this okay two things the first one is um I'm going to be honest with all the viewers who are going to watch the show also this is my fourth attempt with Instagram this is not my first attempt with Instagram my first attempt with Instagram was in the year 2020 when there was Co everybody was putting out content but the intention with which I was putting out content back then came from a space of a shallow space I want more followers I want more viewership that's it and it did not happen because I was not aligned then again I did multiple other things in 2022 and early 2023 it did not work for me because I was not aligned or because the timing was not right because I did not go through the process that I had to go through to become the person who I am right now so um October 18th yeah that is the date I wrote it because it was my birthday so October 18th I secretly I have a I have a notebook which I call it the magic notebook so whatever I write there it is my belief will come true in my life so I always write it in that notebook I'd written by December 31st this year which is 2023 I will have 100K followers on Instagram I did not tell my husband nobody it was just my secret notebook I just let it be and for anybody it would have been completely impossible especially because this is personal development this is not entertainment if it's entertainment the followership is quite faster compared to education right so I wrote that and I let it be and then I asked myself what is my intention of putting content on Instagram is it followers is it viewership what is it this is the first time I came from a space of I'm coming from a true purpose of I want to truly raise the consciousness of this planet how do I do that by reaching out to more people so first Instagram is going to be my way of reaching out to more people an instrument absolutely it's an instrument it's a beautiful instrument because I've learned a lot from Instagram from different coaches different trainers and different authors and I really wanted to give back so November 18th I started uh I started posting alternative days and uh in 20 days we hit 10 videos we hit 10K wow and uh so when I hit 10K it was really exciting for me at home my team and all of us but then I'll tell you something which is very interesting um so I had written on my notebook saying December 31st I'll have 100K December 28th we hit 100K and I think we had posted close to 24 or 25 pieces of content so hit 100K so my husband came up to me and he thought how excited are you actually I was not excited that is when I started to ask myself the gratification ation is not in the destination it is not when I hit 100K it's not when I hit 1 million the gratification was when I sat down and wrote my scripts when I sat down and recorded it's a process it's a process when you when you enjoy the process you sorted yeah when you wait for that one day one I hit 1 million that is the day I'm going to be happy what about the remaining six seven months of your life why you going to wait that is also your life and that's just one day one one minute the rest is the the the journey the work the work is they call it so I mean this is my Mantra that has changed over time and now I I strongly believe in this it is not about the goals or the manifestations or anything it is about who you become in the process which is more important because your goals the money the relationship all of that is the byproduct of who you become in the process so who you how do you become somebody in the process by going through the process so might as well start enjoying the process by dread the process so that's how I hit 100K and then ever since it's been a great journey but so you wrote it in this book and then you believed it yes I believed it 100% I I believed there is a higher power that is going to help me achieve this and I'm going to surrender to the process and take on anything that comes my way because for the longest time I used to believe that it's only through support that you move ahead in life not true for you to move ahead in life you need both support and Challenge and every time that is a challenge in the form of a problem in the form of a situation we dread that we don't like it but the challenge is what truly pushes you and that perspective shift was very important for me also so you know uh a lot of people struggle with this right like they know exactly what to do um I can okay I've heard this podcast today I'm super excited to do it for uh every day but then you do it for two days somebody in our office has done a Savers practice for two days and then fallen off Rashi quintessentially uh is the focal point of these type of people right who like are like super excited in life and then kind of fall off so consistency is a big thing when you do it so um that's one aspect but a second aspect is that while your conscious brain is telling you that okay I know what to do and this is what I want to do you fall back into certain patterns it's because it also feels comfortable because that's all you've known yes what can people do to consciously take charge of these emotions and um correct themselves when they understand that there is a toxic pattern that I'm falling back into that's the first part of the question and the second part of the question is how can you be motivated to remain consistent because it seems like work right like waking up in the morning I have to do this and then I have to do that and then I have to do that and uh effort is the antidote of manifestation it has to feel effortless it has to feel like like like being it has to feel like nature almost um so talk to me about these couple of things okay the first thing we need to understand is any change is difficult okay let's address that that is the elephant in the room any change is difficult first we'll understand why any change is difficult so in the brain there are neuron connections that have happened over time because of habits that we have created and as humans we always like to go back to what is certain and we always like to go back to what is familiar because while the brains were developing while we were cavemen it was always easier and safer for us to be in known environments than to get into unknown environment so anytime you move into an unknown environment in this case doing something you've not done before there is going to be a lot of resistance so we need to understand we need to dissect this and understand where the fear actually comes from we only have two kinds of fears one fear of getting what we don't want and fear of not getting what we want so when you understand this fear of getting what you don't want and fear of not getting what you want go back again to the caveman era so fear of getting what you don't want is being consumed by a predator right you don't want to be killed you die fear of not getting what you want is the fear of not getting F you die so you take a look at your life every fear is based on this for example let's say you're going on stage you're going to give a presentation there why are you scared you're scared because your brain perceives all of them as Predators you're so scared you're like I don't want to be consumed those though you are in a different environment that is what that kicks in because that is a survival mechanism at the Crux of it a subconscious mind wants us to be safe yeah it's just like babies are born with that innate thing and that's what we carry forward which is fear which is ultimately you want to be protected and safe and God we want to be alive alive that's it so now every time you do a change you need to start understanding that the brain chemistry is going to change so for example I'll give you an example let's say there is a huge forest and there is a tribe that is living in the middle of the forest so four five men want to create a path there they're taking the sickle they're taking the Hammers and everything and they're creating A New Path it takes approximately one month for them to create a new path now the grass does not grow there they know this is a new path now a new guy comes and says no no this is not a great path I found another shortcut let's do that the process is going to be the same it's going to be tedious you need to take you need to walk you need to do that till the old path is forgotten you need to do the New Path enough number of times till the old path is forgotten same thing for your brain also there's something called the HEBs law right neurons that fire together wire together so anything you keep doing it repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly it starts to wire together but the problem is the most difficult part of change is to choose not to do the same thing that you did the previous day because we are all creators of habit yeah no 100% like I was telling you earlier about being Supernatural which I was reading and I also like follow his video and I've done a few courses also that Dr Joe dispenser does and he basically talks about there are certain parts there are so your brain is made up of all of these neurons but there are neurons that have never spoken to each other absolutely because of the habits and the connections that you've already form like AB sky is blue the sky is blue my brain is not going to understand anything beyond but when you start overcoming patterns and different neurons start firing and wiring together just because the brain space is there because you're not feeding it with the negativity feeding with with everything that you already know different parts of your brain start talking to each other and then that that forms a new neurop pathway which eventually leads to new new habits which eventually leads to New Opportunities and then the cycle is complete um so when people get the understanding and the awareness of this like for me when I saw when I did the course and I was like oh my God yeah this makes sense like it it went off in me on a theory level right like I get this this is appealing to the left side of my brain it is logical I will apply it um so then what what happened was that when I felt like there were certain things that I was programmed or wired to feel or think I actually started interrupting and replacing which is like stop yeah you're you're doing this again stop and this is how it's going to be I replaced it with something new that I wanted and I felt like um certain aspects uh moved in my life right and that happened only when it was coming from a conscious way of being as like literally how you talk to um a child or you sometimes uh tell a puppy sit no sit uh which is what I actually consciously practice doing what are some of the techniques that people can apply to pause that spal right which is you're not good enough and you're not you're not worthy of love and you're not deserving of love and you don't deserve that promotion and this is too Out Of Reach and that money is too much for you how like for me interrupt and replace is one thing that I do what are the different techniques that we can apply I think you beautifully said that because the body has gotten used to the emotions so much that now it's become your second mind and it likes it yeah it likes you feel so familiar it's so even even the guilt feeling that people have I mean once I understood this about my clients it kind of changed my entire Concept in my head so let's say your body is so addicted to feeling guilt the feelings of guilt okay you know what they do people who are addicted to feelings of guilt they kind of set goals that are unattainable for them they set goals like tomorrow morning I'm going to start my fitness I'm going to eat only salad I'm going to drink protein shake I'm going to do Zumba I'm going to do yoga I'm going to do everything and end up not doing anything what happens now you you start to feel guilt again body is familiar with guilt it signals the brain to do the things that will put you back into the guilt Loop that is why you go on and on in the loop so now in order order for you to break this in order for you to break the habit of being your old self the first thing I would recommend you do is called pain body dissolution so the process of pbd pain body dissolution so this is adapted from vipasana so I'm sure you've heard of vasana of course I've heard of Vasa I've done I've a VAR variant of vasana lovely so in vasana you sit down and You observe what is happening in your body so similarly once you understand what emotions your body is addic to every time you have an urge an Impulse to do that what you do is you just sit You observe what's happening in your body in terms of emotions without having the need for it to go yeah without having the need for it to go is not resisting it so I have the feelings of let's say an in uh an Impulse to have that cake so just sit with yourself just observe where that impulse is coming because emotions are nothing but energy motion inside of your body and any any energy in 90 seconds it just dissipates but what happens is the story you keep telling itself and you give the resistance and the story keeps it prolonged in your body so sit with it for for 90 seconds observe what is happening in your body and you start to feel that you don't have that addiction anymore so when you observe you break the pattern this is number one the second process is called tagging thoughts so tagging thoughts is nothing but for example let's say uh I'm I'm seeing somebody on Instagram and I think they have an amazing life compared to my life then I'm feeling like yeah my life is not great so immediately when you have the thought just pause and tag the thought tell M this is an insecure thought right now H this is a scarcity thought right now so when you give the thought a name what starts to happen is you you kind of create a space between the thought and you now what has happened is the thought has consumed you and you've become that instead of you becoming that when you tag the thought you kind of create a space you basically disassociate from it and You observe it and say that that's what it is I'm not giving it energy it's just what I'm classifying it that's it you're classifying the minute you classify that your logical brain comes into picture and it's like okay this is this and you're not consumed by the emotion one other thing in the long term if you want to change this and become more mindful I would give you a recommendation for 15 days divide your days the 15 days into three three and N9 days okay so the first 3 days what you start to do is at the end of the day before going to sleep just write down the list of of things that you did in the day that was wasting your time and consuming your energy it can be anything it can be gossiping about a colleague it can be anything so now what you're starting to do is you're starting to bring awareness into your life this is the first three days it's like an audit yes life audit you do a life audit next 3 days what you do is every time now that the first three days has uh brought in a level of awareness into your life so the next 3 days every time you catch yourself doing something that is wasting your time or draining your energy you pause now you're aware you PA let's say I'm mindlessly scrolling through Instagram now I pause then I ask myself do I want to continue this or not do whatever your brain says but now you're taking a conscious decision you're not getting consumed it sound like a subconscious happening in the background just Doom scrolling kind of now it is your decision to scroll or to not scroll but 90% of the time you keep your phone down or even if you don't keep your phone down after a couple of minutes of scrolling you're like no I don't want to do like come on yeah okay and the last N9 days what you can start doing is you can inculcate this practice along with tagging the thoughts every time you have a thought now in six days youve you've built in a lot of awareness now when you start doing the tagging the thoughts practice and once you start observing your emotions you start to create a distance between the thought and who you are once you create the distance in the space is where the awareness is so you start to bring more awareness into your life right and I I associate with this because what I realized was my reactions or how I was feeling was drastically different so my brain and my body was just confused because it was like I'm not feeling good here anymore in a place where I used to feel good because I started disassociating and started being like no so that discomfort can also happen but then you have to just understand that this is you the metamorphosis this is a part of the process when you're in the like you said the transition process is the most difficult process you're not your old self you're not completely your new self you're just transitioning and you're not even seeing results of what you aspire to see and to hold on to that motivation that is when your vision comes in play if you have a big vision for yourself if you have a purpose if you're Purpose Driven you're like it's a part of the process this is exactly happening right now so that I can get what I want yeah when you have that perspective shift no matter how challenging your situation is you're still going to go through that yeah 100% I agree um so you know when it comes to uh the physical body and the emotional state Dr Joe dispenser again speaks about this a lot that you can literally manifest disease in your life just by thought process absolutely um so again with my fitter heart ring I'm measuring like my heart rate my HPV my stress level because for me they're also like telling signs right like okay listen this is it's it's above average you got to like be a little bit mindful um what are some of the telling signs that people can or warning signs that people can kind of observe to be like I'm spiraling into a toxic pattern right so every disease that you have or any hormonal imbalance that you have in your body is the body trying to tell you that something is being suppressed whatever you suppress will get expressed either in forms of outbursts or in forms of diseases anything that is suppressed if you take a look at a lot of people who have thyroid issues they could possibly have challenges in expressing or communicating because it is connected with your throat chakra really yeah a lot of people with thyroid issues they don't speak up their truth when you don't speak up your truth it gets stuck and the energy does not flow and it is an indication for you to look within and understand what is happening inside of you that is number one your body is always giving you messages always giving you signals there's something called Tower moments so if you actually look at humans they change only because of two things one is because of inspiration or because of pain 99% of humans change only because of pain because the universe is giving you enough evidences and reasons for you to change so that you can move on you have to move from that absolutely absolutely but you choose not to see them because any change is difficult and for you to confront your own self for you to understand whatever You' have suppressed inside of you is going to take some time it's going to take a lot of your energy so people kind of distract themselves by doing a lot of other things that kind of don't let them see the pain so that is when Tower moments hit Tower moments is nothing but you hit the rock bottom nothing is working in your life your health your career your relationship nothing is working in your life and you hit the rock bottom that is a good enough sign for you to just change yeah because I mean you have to do something about it you can't be dwelling and being like something different is going to happen if you keep living the same life again and again absolutely yeah change causes effect so uh and I fully agree that most people expect that change without actually changings the outer world can't until the inner world does absolutely um so let's move on to techniques right and we love techniques because okay so you and me can sit here all day and talk about manifestation and we really can because uh it's such a huge area of interest for me as well uh but let's give people practical techniques that they can use and there are many so let's talk about say for example the first one the 369 technique which is very popular uh so if you could explain what that is and then we'll move on to the next okay first of all we need to understand no matter what technique you practice all techniques are leading you to only one point to make you believe that this particular thing is possible for you that's it so any technique that you use it can be a random technique that only makes sense to you it could be like I'm going to speak to this water every day and drink and I'm going to believe that it's going to happen for me it will happen for you that's it so 369 is nothing but the 369 number in itself is a very unique and a Divine number and even Tesla n Nikolai Tesla Tesla also spoke about it because the frequency of 369 is God frequency he was obsessed with it everything was in in in in values of 3699 so if you write your affirmations every day three times six times nine times it is believed that the possibility of it manifesting is larger because of the energy change that happens because of 36 69 but along with 369 you can do any technique you can see techniques are only here to help you go within and make you believe so any technique will work if you just sit with yourself and keep repeating to yourself and if you believe that is what is going to get there it will get you there so don't get obsessed about I have to I mean I have to do it perfectly absolutely there's no perfectionism in this just be a part of the process just be aware that this is what you have to keep doing because self-development is for the rest of your life it is not like I this then Life Starts to change no you're in grade seven right now once you go to grade eight then you'll be like grade n is interesting that grade n requires a different version of you again go through the process so enjoy the process yeah what about the triple three technique so we've understood the base level okay so just a this a disclaimer that it can be anything but these are the popular ones we're just talking about but it can be anything ultimately it goes down to belief yeah absolutely yes so I gave the disclaimer now you can got so the triple 3 technique 369 technique all of these are things that work that definitely work but somehow I don't give so much weightage to the technique as much as the entire process of you being present while doing all of that see if you're going to write your affirmations three times six times nine times if you're going to just write your affirmations 10 times and still believe in the process it's going to happen so these techniques don't give so much weightage to that is what I would say my person don't give so much weightage to the techniqu okay what about something like the butterfly effect which which is very interesting and which a lot of people have spoken about but it's very little understood if you could elaborate on that okay so I'll give you an example of a butterfly effect from my own life okay so for the longest time even for somebody who's who's held on to the feeling of resentment against someone and you really not able to forgive them this one perspective shift will change for you because it changed for me for the longest time I think for 25 27 years I was extremely angry and I had a lot of resentment against my father simply because he was not present in my life the way I wanted him to be present he was financially not giving enough as I expected him to give just like other people only to realize that in a recent course with Dr John D Martini who's also featured in the book The Secret and he's a human behavioral expert I mean one of the finest trainers that I've met in my life because he has a complete different connotation towards trauma healing and all of that because all of us are stuck in certain patterns because we feel we've been wronged that's why we we're stuck in certain patterns he changes that completely for you so for me there was an activity where we did this activity where I told him Dr D Mary everything in my life is sorted but somehow I'm really not able to let go of that anger and resentment that I have for my father I really love him but somehow I'm not able to change that aspect of me so he looked at me and he asked gatri every time that you felt you perceived that your father was not present for you in your life every time you perceived your father was absent to you in your life what were the advantages of it I said how can there be any advantages of a father being absent he said no everything that is happening in your life the universe is creating that with neutrality there is both upsides and downsides it the reason why you resent your father and you still hold on to that resentment till date is because in that particular moment you've only seen the downsides of the situation because you got infatuated with what was happening in the world how other fathers were and you were like I want my father to be like that and he's not like this you got disappointed you have a resentment towards your father now go back to the exact moments in your life like 25 30 instances in your life and see what the upsides were there you won't believe I started crying because my top three values in my life first is personal development and my business second is investment and the third one is travel with my husband all of these three things were possible because my dad was absent in my life Yeah by being absent in my life wow so when that perspective shift happened I had nothing against my father but gratitude I was like thank you for being absent in my life because every moment in your life what whatever would have happened in that very moment there were upsides to the situation which you failed to see and that is why you resent that now the resentment is gone you're so much more Freer so any anger resentment you hold on to it's affecting you and you know what the universe is doing constantly bringing things in life to bring the suppressed thing up yeah I did not pay attention to any of that until this perspective shift when this perspective shift happens to our viewers or you and me you know what starts to happen we hold no judgment towards anyone we come from a space of you are in my life doing the exact thing right now you're serving the exact purpose that's it yeah that's it so there is nothing that has gone wrong that you've not been wronged I've not been wronged it's all in Divine Light happening the Divine way it's designed it's by Design yeah it's by Design yeah okay so so what is the butterfly effect so in this if my father had not done that I would not be who I am right now correct similarly if this conversation when this conversation is happening somewhere someplace somebody would be seeking out for an answer for something so maybe this is that absolutely so there is this one thing what you seek also seeks you yeah so when you're seeking out for answers for questions right the answers in the cosmos are also seeking you when you're in alignment they come to you through different people circumstances so everything is Butterfly Effect okay fantastic um okay so now we'll get to uh customizable actionable plan for our viewers okay cuz because everything doesn't work for everybody correct for example for me uh I don't really look in the mirror and a FM I just can't do that it doesn't come naturally to me but I I'm very visual person so I can literally feel like I'm there like with with smell and sound and taste and everything right so that works for me yeah how can our viewers design what or figure out what works for them and design something that feels comfortable and natural and not effort got it so one thing what I would recommend is use the things in your day-to-day life for you to reaffirm the things to you what you want to accomplish in your life one thing what you can do is keep an alarm on your phone for every 3 to 4 hours as to you name the alarm as self- love affirmations okay so at 1: p.m. there is self love affirmations that is ringing and I have a 5 minute track recording in my phone while :00 I just listen to that 4:00 have a different thing just listen to that and also the easier thing for you to do is every time you're sipping water just tell yourself I love myself I am enough I'm good enough I'm the best version of myself keep repeating that yourself the more you do things like this in your day-to-day life with small small things it starts to work like magic for you the other thing what you can do is journaling journaling is something that helps you release your emotions number one and also it gives you perspective in life so every day make it a habit to sit down and write for 15 minutes as to what emotions you're going through what thoughts are recurring in your mind so that you kind of let it out and you're clear by the time you go to sleep I think journaling is also yeah and it also kind of helps you like download a little bit like this is just what what's going on there like it feels like a release almost it does it does right awesome okay so now let's go to um mistakes that people make while manifesting because there are so many and there are people who say it just doesn't work for me it is it is so common to hear that and for me for example like I can I'm I'm like I teach people but I still say that some things I don't know why this isn't working and I correct myself and said no no no it's working kishma it's working but some people can manifest great uh career goals but not a relationship like you were saying you were in earlier some people have the relationship the career as a setback and you can have be and do it all yes you can what are some of the common mistakes that people make while manifesting and how can they correct it okay the first mistake is in the language every time you speak to yourself be aware of what kind of words you're using to yourself are you being harsh are you being critical are you being optimistic or how is because your language is a reflection of your outlook towards life so when something is happening to you how do you say how do you to narrate about the same incident to another person are going to speak only about the negatives of it once you Analyze This you start to understand that okay my mindset is always orienting towards being pessimistic now I need to start working on it this is number one the second mistake people make is they think they have to be positive all the time yeah no you can't just imagine anything that is not served the purpose of humanity has become extinct H okay so if you still have negative emotions if you still have negative thoughts and it is still not extinct then it says something it has a purpose so don't run behind trying to change your negative thoughts because negative thoughts are a part of the process what your dominant thoughts are is going to become your dominant reality if you have 70 to 80% of positive thoughts and 20 to 30% of self-doubt here and there it makes you human it's absolutely okay don't beat yourself up saying I have to be positive all the time that is toxic positivity no sometimes when you're grieving something you can't be positive at that point of time allow yourself to go through the emotions that is the second one you really can't be positive all the time the third thing is people want their manifestations to come exactly when they want it to come it comes from a space of ego the ego wants control I want my manifestation right now right here this particular time no the more you're obsessed what you're trying to tell the universe is two things one I don't trust in myself so show it to me right right now so that I can trust in myself second I don't trust in you so give it to me when I want it the more obsessed you are towards your manifestations the the I mean there's a lot of delay in you achieving that the more you surrender surrender is not giving up surrender surrendering is you not coming from a space of belief you coming from a space of knowing I truly know that this is going to be a part of my life so I surrender to the process when the time is right when I'm an energy when I'm a vibrational match to that it is going to become a part of my life so these three things don't be obsessed don't know come from a space of knowing that it is yours it'll come to you and don't be in an urgency like I want it now I want it now no it's coming from your space of ego yeah and let's talk a little bit about C correction right uh so for example set packs are a part of everything that you do inevitable it's on like life is just going to be all fun roses you're going to have challenges so many different variations at Play things you can't control people you can't control um so things won't go your way how can how can people keep with those almost blinders on it's fine I'm still going to keep going anything that they can do to make that happen two things one is to start understanding that nothing is in the way everything is on the way all challenges all people circumstances that you think are kind of challenging you let's say I I I've told the universe I've determined myself I've written myself a goal which is extremely huge for the current reality of guy 3 to believe in now the universe is simultaneously making changes in the universe orchestrating things in a way that it'll come to me in the orchestration there are going to be people who make me feel like I don't deserve it yeah there are going to be people who going to speak negatively about me some things can happen which also take feel like a step back yeah yeah yeah it can happen yeah so the step back is again your perception so what why do you think this is the only thing that a step forward it can be another way it can be another way because when the universe only operates like this there's only one goal for all of us the one goal the ultimate goal for all of us is Liberation when I say Liberation to truly realize who we are it's not this fancy fund off I become a mon I'll go sit there no to truly realize your potential to truly realize that you're not this body you're not your karmic cycle your dharmic cycle you're here for a purpose that is your ultimate goal for the life and in the pursuit of our materialistic goals we become a person who is one step closer to who we truly are right so when you come from this perspective of nothing is in the way everything is on the way everything is actually helping me get to the point you know and it doesn't matter and it's your perception of something put that's right that's it that perspective shift will do the wonders for you okay awesome okay let's get into a little bit of uh doing exercise so can we do a quick manifestation exercise for people watching okay can be however long however short however you want to design it okay so okay I'm going to do that with you oh with me okay all right so tell me one thing that you've been wanting to manifest in your life for a really long time uh let's for the for the sake of uh sanctity be like I want to really interview I really want to interview somebody that has not happened yet do you have a name in your mind yeah okay do you want to reveal the name no okay got it okay now close your eyes close your eyes okay take a deep breath in let it you also do it combined manifestation yeah all of you can already know the name I'm thinking so yeah okay just put it in the captions down so we all get to know that okay just close your eyes yeah take a deep breath in let it out through your mouth very good take another deep breath let it out through your mouth now relax your body unclench your jaws very good drop your shoulders very good now I'm going to ask you to do a specific breathing for a count of four you're going to inhale for a count of seven you're going to hold your your breath and for a count of eight you're going to Exhale through your mouth with a ush sound okay do it with me inhale 1 2 3 4 hold it 2 3 4 5 6 7 and exhale through your mouth 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 let's repeat this inhale 1 2 2 3 4 hold it 2 3 4 5 6 7 and exhale 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 now when your mind's eye just be completely relaxed forget that you have a body just become aware of the space around around you just become aware of the spaciousness around you now slowly open your heart because your heart has the wisdom and it is going to connect you to your future reality of you interviewing this one particular person in your life now in your mind's eye visualize the same sofa that we're sitting on right now you're sitting in the same position you're sitting right now and in my place the person that you want to interview is sitting how does this make you feel in the body are you excited or does it feel normal start to normalize this feeling you are an equal to this person this person is neither above you nor below you you're just as amazing as you think this person is both of you are equals right now now in your mind's eye ask this person the question that you've always been wanting to ask very good now how is the person responding to you very good visualizes entire podcast being a super success for you and now the day you make the big reveal to the world that if you interviewed this particular person just see all those amazing wishes and comments coming in your comment section excellent now when the podcast is released and it becomes a huge success because it is impacting a lot of people it is helping you serve your purpose in this life how does it make you feel it makes you feel aligned it makes you feel deserving it makes you feel like you've done it now mentally affirm to yourself This is possible for me because I'm observing this is possible for me because I'm the creator of my life this is possible for me because I'm always divinely protected and taken care of I am deserving of all the experiences that I want to manifest in my life my life is going to be an inspiration to other people to believe in what is possible for them I'm aligned with my purpose and this is a proof for that now take a deep breath in let it out and open your eyes this great yeah yeah can you feel the energy here yeah yeah yeah okay amazing let's move on on to the next segment it's called minute manifestations right so can we do brief affirmations for um specific goals that people may have and you can give one to how many ever and then we can go on from there okay so what do we start with yeah um so the first one is love love okay for love for you to manifest love the first thing that you need to start doing is start telling yourself that you deserving of love I am deserving and worthy of this amazing relationship in my life M I'm deserving and worthy of being loved I am enough I'm worthy and I deserve to experience the unconditional love that life has to offer to me money okay my favorite I am a money magnet money flows into my life easily I'm the favorite Child of the universe and the universe gives me whatever I ask for money comes into my life flowing through different opportunities and possibilities I love money and money loves me more success okay success is very subjective okay so what is success for you I think success for me is like living well holistically yeah yeah okay I am completely aligned to my highest purpose I'm doing the things that are all aligned to what I'm here for every day I take both challenges and support with the same love because both of them are helping me achieve my purpose in life mental peace I am at peace and ease with myself I feel so calm and relaxed in my body I'm very comfortable with who I am as a person I am authentic and true to myself okay family I am safe loved and protected in my family I love how all relationships are nurturing in my family love is the Baseline of all the relationships in the family we love how each one helps each other to grow and progress okay and the last one which is Health okay I am in Divine Health all my organs are operating in their optimal level my cells and my body are happy energized and vibrant the energy flows through my body with ease and it with peace I am at my optimal Health was great let's move on to the next segment which is just FAQs right like say somebody starting off in their manifestation journey and there's so much out there on the internet both for and against so many people are dismissive so many people are like go get us like it happened for me let's clarify a few things that people may uh have a confusion about okay um is there a danger of manifesting negative outcomes if one focuses too much on their fear or anxieties okay what your dominant thoughts are is going to manifest in your life so if you have a lot of thoughts of fear or anxiety the first recommendation would be to go within and clarify that when I say clarify that go to your beliefs and ask yourself as to why these things are manifesting in your life why do you feel the thoughts of fear why do you feel the thoughts of anxiety and clarify that once you clarify that then the process becomes easier but your reality is going to be a manifestation of your Dom thoughts okay can manifestation conflict with religious or spiritual beliefs no no okay what role does gratitude play in the manifestation process okay you can never serve two masters you can never serve fear and gratitude at the same time every time you're grateful for what you're telling the universe is I look at all the amazing things in my life and you become a vibrational match to that particular Consciousness in the cosmos the more you're vibrating at a higher frequency you start to attract more things that you can give gratitude for okay how do you address skepticism or doubts individuals may have about the effectiveness of the manifestation process okay so whatever you believe is going to manifest for you so if you believe okay whatever you believe is going to manifest for you and uh you need not have to believe for some people they may not believe in the universe for some people they may not believe in God but the only thing you need to believe is in yourself so when you truly believe in yourself I would recommend if you're a skeptic and if nothing has happened to you in your life I would recommend do a 30-day process of trying to set a small manifestation goal for yourself in any area of your life and start training your brain to believing that that is possible for you and sit down and do your gratitude your meditation and all of that one you become a completely new person at the end of 30 days that in itself is such a huge progress and second the manifestation is inevitable because whatever you want to manifest is a byproduct of who you become on the process okay awesome and the last one how long does it typically take to see results from the manifestation proc okay this is very subjective um a lot of people ask me this question can I manifest overnight yes you can manifest overnight if you can change your belief system overnight it has taken years for you to build on the belief system that you have currently so the the difference between manifesting $1,000 and manifesting a million dollars is your ability to believe that you are deserving of $1 million the day you believe it's going to happen to you so what is that you're doing on a regular basis number one for you to get on the path of believing and the second thing ask yourself why do I need to manifest overnight if everything that I want in this lifetime if it comes tomorrow what about my life after that yeah yeah this entire I want that the urgency comes from a space of ego just let it go let it go yeah okay awesome it brings us to the end of the episode so my last question is your final thoughts on how people can use manifestation and the very many things that we spoke about in this episode to lead a healthier and happier life okay the first thing I want to repeat once again is we all are natural manifestors everything in your life at this point of time things that you like and things that you don't like are a manifestation of your thoughts and your beliefs so now you've been doing it unconsciously now take a little bit of an effort the very reason that you are watching this particular podcast is for a reason right there is something inside of you that has been seeking a lot of things and through the answers through the conversation it has given you certain answers so believe that instinct believe the gut feeling because your intuition never lies your intuition always helps you get back into alignment so if you're intuitively drawn towards working on a holistic life taking care of all aspects of your life just take that next step you don't need to see the entire part just take that next step Karishma me everybody who's manifested has only believed in taking that next step that is what I recommend for all of you awesome thank you so much gri it was so lovely thank you for coming home and uh it's been amazing that little mini meditation that we did was great let's hope it happens it will it will I mean just come from the space of it is inevitable the the point is here you're here right now you just have to move the Gap that's it that's it so thank you so much for coming we have a little gift for you that we hope you take back with you thank you so much that's so sweet of you thank yeah you're welcome and I hope you enjoy it and use it and thank you so much for this episode I really think it's going to add a lot of value and uh I answered a lot of my questions but thank you so much for doing this thank you Karishma for having me here thank you so much thank you for watching this episode I hope you enjoyed it please don't forget to like share and subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an episode again