Hi, I'm Katie Meyer and I'm your Montana HOSA State Director, new this year, and working on a few videos for you today. This one is on medical assisting, so it's one of our technical skill events that takes place on the Wednesday of our conference, and these are pre-qualifying events. New this year, you're going to submit a video to us. We're going to send you more instructions on what that's going to look like to show us that you've been working on your event and you know some of these technical skills, and then you're also going to take a written test. Those two things would then qualify you for moving on to round two, and we'll let you know if you're one of those qualifiers.
For medical assisting, this is a great event. Home health aid is a great event. Nursing assisting, obviously all our events, but if you're thinking that you want to go into nursing, sometimes everyone gets stuck on just the nursing assisting event instead of maybe the medical assisting or home health aid, which are very much also nursing type skills, but this might be more appropriate if you're not already in a nursing assisting class because a lot of those spaces... For those number of competitors, we might only get to move 10 competitors to round two. So this or home health aid might be more appropriate for some of you just starting out compared to some of the kids who've already taken a CNA class or are in a CNA class.
In the medical assisting event, after you qualified, you would come to the state conference. It's in Billings this year. We're going to be using City College and be able to use their lab space. So we'll have access to nursing school mannequins.
We'll have access to live patients that might be nursing school students to serve. for you and then you would perform two to three of these skill events or skill rubrics on there. You can see exactly how they need to be done I'm gonna be making some tutorial videos for those of you who don't have access to some others at home for you guys but know that you don't need to do them all but that you should be prepared to do them all because you don't know what you're gonna get asked to do So for the medical assistant you might be doing a telephone screening of your patient calling in You might receive and do paperwork for a new patient and create an electronic chart for them.
You should know how to obtain and record a patient health history. Measure your patient's height and weight. Again, this would probably be one where we need a live patient for you to be simulated. Prepare for a routine physical exam, so kind of get in the room and everything set up for that for your provider. Screen for visual acuity, so how to do an eye screening test.
Testing urine with a reagent strip. Again, anytime we use body fluids in Montana HOSA, we'll be using simulated body fluids so you don't have to worry about real urine there. And then also how to do some sterile gloving for the medical assisting event. So we'll have more videos out for you guys soon demoing some of these, but please reach out if you have any questions about what this looks like, and we're excited to see you guys this spring.