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Happiness Factors and PCA Analysis
Aug 26, 2024
Notes on Happiness and PCA Analysis
Overview of Happiness Factors (2021 UN Report)
Six Factors Analyzed:
Social Support
Life Expectancy
Other factors
Challenges in Visualization
Difficulty in visualizing six dimensions simultaneously.
Possible approach: Selecting 2-3 factors for analysis (e.g., GDP, Social Support, Life Expectancy).
Risk: Losing information from other important factors.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Combine multiple factors to produce new correlated factors ranked by importance.
New factors called
Principal Components.
First few components provide a faithful representation of the data.
Selection of Principal Components
Simplified example with first three columns of data.
First Component Selection:
PCA seeks a line arrangement of points to preserve maximum information.
Projection of points on a line vs. projecting on axes.
Projection Explained:
Projecting a point (x) onto a unit vector (u) gives a new point (x').
Inner product gives magnitude; maximum when x is parallel to u.
Mathematical Optimization
Maximization Problem:
PCA seeks unit vector (u) that maximizes the sum of squared inner products.
Solving via
Lagrange multipliers method.
Simplified optimization leads to the covariance matrix (C).
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues:
The optimal direction (u) satisfies the equation: C * u = lambda * u.
Eigenvalue indicates amount of information preserved.
Principal Components Interpretation
First Component:
Represents combined contributions of original factors; labeled as
High positions: Countries like Norway, Iceland (high happiness).
Low positions: Countries like Niger.
Second Component:
Orthogonal to the first component; seeks to maximize similar quantity.
Labeled as
Difference between individualistic and social factors.
Projection results: Happiest countries are the most balanced.
Example: Singapore has high GDP (Power) but lower happiness due to individualism.
Eigenvalue Analysis
Importance of Components:
PCA eigenvectors are orthogonal; eigenvalues show component importance.
Power explains about
of the data.
Balance explains about
of the data.
Remaining components explain the rest.
PCA is a powerful tool for analyzing high-dimensional data.
For further exploration, references are available in the description.
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