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Summary of Live Coaching Session Transcript

[Music] hello beautiful so you want me to just coach you live yes coach me live should I screen share so there's no delay do you know what you want to play I think I want to play Corky or trist okay that makes sense so basically I had an idea right and it is I'm terrible at Mid and I'm going to assume that Pope is not the greatest at 80 but someone in my chat told me you actually q80 a decent amount maybe maybe this isn't the greatest we both have good fingers good mechanics but we don't really know that much about like well at least I don't really know that much about how to play mid so whenever I play mid I'm lost but like when it gets to like mid and late game team fighting I'm good I'm good to go so I think it could be fun to see like uh a pro player's thought process behind playing the role you know piloted by someone else so you could just focus on like strategy why is it why is it never the right move to go cleanse mid is TP really that important you need TP yeah you got to have it like just rush Ms it's fine on Tristana yeah okay okay You Get Enough from just your Q I pretty much only go Fleet on this champ actually this is like a lethal Tempo match up I think vers asil cuz it's AFK as [ __ ] which one do you go by the way Triumph for snowballing or overheal for like stability I always go overheal nice I go um I go the attack speed one too though that's just me though you know what I'm going to do you you tell me I'm going to I'm going to copy the poe yeah take bloodline secondary bone plating is like iffy against ASO like normally you go bone plating on Trish because it's hard for a lot of Champs to poke it off and you can choose when to jump in but I actually think against asol you go second wind W so you wouldn't go demolish I go second win overgrowth I think demolish is like kind of a bait Rune okay have you ever played against asil uh as an 8 car yes he drops a nuke and half my HP is gone and I can't even see him he's not even on my screen [Music] yet smash that like button or else so level one probably eastart I think it's similar to B level two PR is pretty important and I always try and flip a w on their Raptors at level one pretty nice for the team so you just face check this bush right here no I just walk up to the Lane so I walk up to the Lane first and I see is he there oh he's not there you can literally just walk up and then hug hug like that that part you know how to dodge the vision here right yeah yeah and then you just flip award wow and they didn't even see what wow a little bit of a zix moment right there that's a little bit of a yeah a zix special and if you're feeling really cheeky you can try and catch their mid doing the same thing by just like walking into left line Bush if you don't mind like maybe getting chunked a little which I think is fine okay I'm dead and then like sometimes you see them like walk up in W and they're like oh no one's here and then you just like Merk them all in at level one hit the wave hit the wave hit the wave okay do you level E insta like no hesitation can just level it no hesitation no hesitation well if you crash at one he can't last it on a turret and he already oh my god I didn't even that's not a strategy bot Lane by the way crashing on one is not a thing thing I see oh Q oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh oh I didn't know that was a thing bro mid is so different like I'm already I already can tell you no 80 carry can go mid and know what you just said it's not possible what the [ __ ] is this do I just keep Perma pushing him yeah you just keep Perma pushing him should I jump on his head or no that's why is useful uh you can you can if you can land the W level three Spike level three Spike he's level two maybe off this minion oh that was good that was good wait why didn't you reset your jump you're fine just back okay you ruined your lane but it's fine why didn't you reset your jump just Auto one more time I don't know I don't know P you know their jungler you know their jungler started V side so hug VA side cuz now he's top side cuz he cleared the VA three camps you're low so he could G you hit level four off the next creep here so you should be fine oh you missed the XP what the [ __ ] you're okay you're okay now re you just T back it's fine it's fine I think I think I'm chy on this rooll you can stay honestly honestly you can stay he was he was O Okay push fast push fast push fast oh minus one okay you're fine you're fine nice you have a slightly better buy because you stayed for that wave now now you can go dagger long sword refle pot and you're being chilling and TP back oh I would not have thought of that either 800 gold wow if I'm feeling cheeky I'll swap the sweeper but keeping W here is fine too isn't he [ __ ] now cuz he has no TP he's Zoom look at jungle look at jungle your junglers are fighting oh [ __ ] oh my God he doesn't know how to use f Keys Shut up bro I'm tried my best oh [ __ ] FF it's over it's over go back mid the fight is over no oh okay yeah he this looks like [ __ ] he's level five this looks like [ __ ] I'm not jumping in there well then ping him back if you're not going to go about a w here W Raptors here yeah you can look for solo kill oh my maybe still uh why did you eat the turret my friend well yeah so I end up in this spot as TR a decent amount what I do is like as the turret shoots that's right when I jump so I like perfectly take minimal turret shots and then you just go to town uh oh you got crit cloak that's kind of weird when you have N I don't know when I had 900 it's like recurve or dagger crit I think stagger dagger boots stagger dagger oh [ __ ] boots dagger dagger boots are boots in general I did not know that dude so much of what you're saying is the exact opposite of what I'm going to tell you when you play bot Lane boots are terrible bot Lane and boots I mean they're not terrible they're not terrible but like most of the time you you don't want go boots there's like when fog and look fog and look oh the W expire that's unlucky can still hover though your jungler's on that side maybe he looks to make something happen vgo's near Mid oh oh I would not have hit that you're a bit far from mid now yeah yeah you can look you can look good looking yeah yeah yeah yeah next guy too [ __ ] what did I do I Ed aall on accident I mean not really on accident but I thought I would kill Sona oh well all right this H can hopefully go mid when he resets stay stay chilling ASO use TP here so now you have TP Advantage this always feels good as mid when you made the first play they TP to react and then I'm dead yeah [ __ ] why I did not realize he R looking like a bit of a team Gap not going to lie I would you would think about tping right does he have a bounty yeah does he have a bounty does he have a bounty okay nice so I would hover down river here okay like at least just check that bush see if there's a random pink I think you can jump on ASO oh he just wed must just wed yeah no he didn't he didn't have a ward you can jump on him and flash his ulti probably win all in one V one uh probably wasted my flash but it's all good A bit Yeah but hey that's a big kill oh you're dead yeah oh you got a flash nice all good all good I'm going to do the signature P to rage push or not rage push but you know it's like the game's do it's not even rage like I mean you can't collapse and make a play yeah it's just just sidelighting you're close to noori I'm usually not too involved in like 5v5 until I get navori anyway unless it's like really juicy [ __ ] it go go go go nice fck oh no way no way that son last a year bro that sucks I mean I would have done I would have done it the exact same way wow I I shed a single tier should the should the vote come up is that what you would do in this situation or just F both to never give up game is like looking pretty hopeless not going to lie y Co coach be on the ideal time to FF is it directly after the enemy team Aces you or is it after you get solo picked in side Lan like it's always a big question of mine it has to be after like team gets wiped if you do it now you just look like you're salty and like your teammates will actually get mad at you they'll be like why is he giving up on the game even though it's like [ __ ] and if you really do not want your team to FF you do it right after you win a fight like you you put the vote up to put it on cool down like you waste the cool down oh [ __ ] that's crazy they're going to get Drake and this Tower is one should I just yolow push this cuz I'm going assume yeah I mean you kind of have to to come back in the game right like you can't just play safe and expect to come back see this is what you view as rage spitting but this is to me like playing the game I'm so [ __ ] dead a dude you got to think about your jump reset more if if you plug in one more Auto there before Ting him away you like Auto canceled I think I grief that I grief that wait both those Towers is one HP keep going keep going keep going they have to choose between killing you and doing Baron maybe you get bot go go go yes go go go go go the bounties oh I'm dead to landre what I'm one HP actually nice and look they don't get Baron right they had to decide defend bot or take Baron they didn't take Baron if I die he's stream sniping oh by the way am I doing the right build I always whis don't go last whisper don't go last whisper here they don't have any armor you can go like BT I would go like qss is not bad too [ __ ] TF toop is so broken TF toop is so broken wait I I almost never buy qss when I'm like oh my God but against TF you have to you're probably anyway yeah might as well just do some [ __ ] camps actually I trolled you you absolutely should have gone ldr third cuz you're 5 ad team comp so they're just going to start Giga stacking armor you can look for like a cheeky insect on Mid here with Draven walking up it's like pretty crazy but um I hesitated too much did the classic walk back and forth um I probably need a base huh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Kraken God is about to pop off I can feel it okay okay inable winable you know regardless of the outcome I actually did learn a lot about playing mid oh yeah I mean you're both both the silers just got [ __ ] on and you generally got [ __ ] on actually everyone got [ __ ] on in games like that I just try and find like that one timing I can make a play and get shut down with TP or something rage push is definitely not the right way to describe it but I have lost so many games because of somebody rage pushing and my team doesn't respond or we respond late and one guy like in that case like TF just dies and then that guy gets like back into the game and the game's super weird I call it rage pushing but it's definitely not like just like tilt like [ __ ] headset off pushing it's actually just like the only way to win yeah it just puts like the winning team in a position of pressure where they're like oh we have to like force hard on our side or we have to give up our play and like you know defend so it just like puts pressure on the enemy team even if you're losing Okay and like so what if you die one more time so what if you die one more time in the game is completely cooked you know yeah I totally agree if the game your chat will always roast you for feeding though like oh my God like gray screen Sim and it's like dude like if I'm actually trying to win I'm not going to play for KDA when the enemy teams ahead 10k gold like like dying like that is this really Challenger yeah all right queue it up Eugene I'm going to ban Draven so we don't lose the game in three minutes um yeah that's actually a good idea I don't think I don't think it's easy to even with uh someone in your ear to land ver Draven oh it's good you're having twitch I like that bro I I think like one thing I've noticed about you is you just put in a lot more effort and it's not not to say that I'm like trolling and I'm just like not trying that hard to win but you're trying harder than me for for sure like you're Hing your champ and like [ __ ] want it Peter yeah you want it like you you really care about and it's inspiring me it really is like I need to start Haring my champ I need to start pinging my teammates like this is the kind of attitude that we need at na wait apparently my support is cutie or he's oh [ __ ] let's see what clowns I have on my team I got Tomo wait I got d [Music] boy you know thing I noticed you go lethal Tempo on Twitch everyone I saw goes PTA why do you go lethal I go lethal when they have a tank support I go PTA when it's double ranged you go pal yeah and also I I think there are games where where Bor ver is kind of troll like I think Kraken is actually pretty strong first as well but we we'll see we'll see see like like this this Lane I would just go lethal bro like I don't really understand the point in in in PTA what you're going to you're going to [ __ ] three hit pop your on the Braum I feel like lethal is just better you go treasure hunter or ulti Hunter no I go I go free boots and cookies no dude go go lethal go lethal trust go I have I have a 70% win rate in solu on Twitch in like 20 [ __ ] or 30 games okay trust trust go go go free boots and cookies okay this is good this is good and like um what what have you been playing twitch much no I played like one game yesterday okay here's the build Bor Kraken Slayer and then not 100% sure yet but probably runan p and also people be like oh go cleanse it's like right now tell your Lulu Rush meles straight up just say Rush meles please this actually I do communicate with my support I just I just change my mind I do if I need them to do something for me so I can have ghost I'm going to [ __ ] I'm going to [ __ ] make sure that guy knows that I need M's okay cuz you're going to go Q anyways I would stealth up to their mid laner and see if you can chunk them level one actually you can ping your mid laner to go back but like that's only if the oh nice yeah i' hit him twice and just try to dodge yeah I'd hit him twice and try to dodge nice he's pissed off you can't B yeah actually and you're you're always going to go Q level one but some and sometimes once in a while you will go W level two and uh that's only if the enemy bot Lane is like stacked on one pixel and then then if if you double slow them then you and your Lulu can just kite them with Autos basically basically so you don't always go e level two me let me look at this oh what the [ __ ] you do I need a flash I think fight back fight back fight back you can win okay run run never mind can't win they're going to take some damage on the reverse though for sure oh oh man what the [ __ ] hug hard hug the bottom side of the lane and just and I think just hit no no no on second wave only just just just hard hit just hard hit okay nice uh it doesn't look it doesn't look uh to aable for you guys feel so good it's okay it's okay just keep hitting and like fake like you're going to contest for for two so that they push faster too cuz in the end like they going to hit two pretty soon probably back it back now back now he might Q flash he might Q Flash oh he didn't nice but like uh you kind of want them to have done what they did where they felt really rushed so that you get XP still instead of them like building this way wave now it's a good that it's crashed on your turret oh god oh nice Dodge nice Dodge that was huge this is definitely a case where I think you go W level two I can't [ __ ] breathe they're diving me ah it's fine it's fine chill throw your W on them when they're stacked like that nice nice and now get ready to dodge the rangar gank uh maybe going going going yeah yeah yeah this looks good oh oh he flashed backing backing backing back back back to the cannon oh my God aren't you glad you have cookies massive though yo bra's there go all in yeah yeah go all in it's hard winning it's hard winning it's hard winning it's hard winning oh nice oh oh oh oh triple kill gg gg what do I do with the wave what do I do with the wave what do I do with the wave uh get two melees in base get two melees in base yeah that's good you can let him get get the stack for you whatever the [ __ ] that's good pickaxe uh no Vamp Vamp go Vamp I know it's cringe no no no yeah just trust trust just goamp no you're [ __ ] no no just trust trust go Vamp you're up against Varys bro you're not you're not winning all in against [ __ ] varis Brum you're not okay okay okay okay Braum's mid so here I would step up like hard step up even though like let let the L deal with like freezing the wave I would not freeze I would not I would not push I would not push just just freeze just freeze the worst thing that happens here is like you push and then he actually just gets the best of both worlds cuz he got a roam off and he gets to Catch the Wave I would never push here Varys there no flash I think it's fine he got a kill but he's no flash but I would start thinning the wave so you can maintain this so I'd probably yeah I'd probably get rid of two two ranged here and leave it at three look at this little [ __ ] okay V SE was right I think I can stay full HP and I don't know where Rengar is PewDiePie is too smart bro rengar's he's just holding his shield Perma I think he just based for Bor good good that's going to be play in this pink W if he does that oh [ __ ] your your supports basing n that's troll that's troll okay oh yeah that's what I think what is he doing he's going to ult you're not going to kill off this oh no don't flash don't flash don't flash won't kill nice now I think just stay for the next because oh Ringer's alting on you ringer alting on you oh Shen is alting get out it's lost wait it's it's Omega lost oh so close actually I bought holy [ __ ] nice nice the ghost value what the [ __ ] Isel flash take him out Theo a you're a [ __ ] a man that's chill it's chill think just Bas bro oh [ __ ] oh he's so low no way he gets out okay I think that's poter on aalii there or something Dodges Q there a w in the bush [ __ ] no it's all good where is Lulu I don't know where the [ __ ] is Lulu was Lulu not with you there like at the beginning and then at the end she's like all the way in River how did that happen like kitten just left oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wi the Poo okay right now yeah yeah like right click there like the how how you're doing and just get ready to open up on this guy you win hard right now okay okay I think the only thing you have to think about is check if he has T2 boots uh if he has sorry if he has uh Tabby if he has Tabby he probably can't win oh [ __ ] cord is it yeah you're right it is eh just just walk past up to the turet anyways just [ __ ] see take take a peek ah he's not here sad oh you no you don't he has Tabby he has Tabby dude he's so sorry he's so sorry what solo Q ADC is going to go Tabby Honestly though uh it's unlucky it's it's kind of unlucky because if you had gotten the jump on him I really think you could have won can I go on this guy e it's not oh yeah yeah you can now you can now you can now open up on him no Shield oh Tomo is is so clean with it are you serious the snip the SN okay don't use your stealth just push and then after the wave is dead stealth and and look again this is this is how you snowball twitch they're going to forget they're going to forget that you exist looking yeah yeah yeah oh wow what he flash away why did he flash away no you're just running now right now maybe go bot and let a Callie take mid that's what I would do oh [ __ ] he's fighting wait wait for Ste no you can do your thing yeah honestly maybe maybe I'm a little bit too much of a beta male but like I like I like what you did maybe blue get uh jungle Bush this would have to be the stupidest player in the world to die here oh my God I think he's going die here ni he ta still oh he's dead as [ __ ] never mind wow nope well you lost mid turret for that but it's fine for you yeah whoa wao that's smart wow that is smart I have never seen that before where you go for the next turret while the first one's dying what the [ __ ] yeah you don't want to waste the charge bro I've literally never seen someone do that wait he took your ride he took your Lambo what the [ __ ] Bas Bas Bas Bas Bas Bas Bas you don't even want this in it [ __ ] it I don't even want to take a 20-minute top and hip but you have Kraken in base you get it off thing Baron you can hang on hang on hang on oh wait for Shields oh flash you're good wow that guy is op what my stun oh my my God I'm so [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with my Braum I mean there you you ult it into the stack but it was like not the right targets you know that was like a I think that was like a Shen and a Braum or maybe it was a TIA and something I think you might be right yeah this Varys is just a tank he's tank VAR oh it's warded there uh you couldbe fight with him with ulti the second he jumps oh yeah keep pulling them in keep pulling them in yeah well bro just fight trust me trust me just fight ni I was waiting you were hiding uh you can't kill him he has serifs and Cosmic drive and some other [ __ ] items he hit a blind tom9 holy [ __ ] I'm telling you this guy is [ __ ] fakeer reborn oh oh my got that Bry wait cuti is insane what the actual [ __ ] oh they [ __ ] totally know what you guys are up to don't they nah n just do it anyways ghost up ghost up you're going to have to dodge your stuff you're going to have to Dodges dodg W oh oh [ __ ] rest rest run run run he's going to taunt he's going to taunt don't hit into his W just just fight fight fight now fight now it's Woody oh oh my God the Bor slow is too too pogress oh that didn't kill him uh you can't win that those guys will 2v5 you know I'm going mid yeah yeah run away run away let's see here Dr in 30 it's lucky that your your [ __ ] comes up uh if you want to try to be like do a miracle play I think you can win if you open up on their backline and flash a c and just like then when their team is like broken for trying to kill you your team just jumps in after so which means you have to flank you can't you can't stay with uh you can't stay with Lulu you have to let but like varus looks a bit tanky no yeah it's true it's true but if he ults to the side and then you flash it you might win so I think I think I think you go reposition now go up go up okay let let the fight play out and then you just try to to do your thing on their backline okay yeah yeah let the fight play out don't don't leave stealth until you absolutely need to this could just be oh oh rank AR one shot Lulu what my Lulu oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah I know it's it's weird it's weird I think there if you're were like in in line Bush or something right and and you're in line Bush and you just open up on their back like like May maybe maybe some crazy [ __ ] would happen scared to be split against Rengar though no yeah it's true it's Rengar [ __ ] you but I don't know that's the only way my chat says you you're hitting three people instead of one yeah guys definitely that's relevant oh Shen ringer aled wow that is not fun wow wait but you live these uh doesn't why is this guy flaming your Lulu doesn't doesn't uh Rengar have edge of Knight so it's like not even possible well you win these you have to flash oh oh what's happening man that he can just do that yeah I guess the one item tank can just do that to you I think you I think you actually might be able to turn this around in base oh reset no oh he got the kill on on God it's possible on God it's possible uh never mind it's not possible okay just try just try on the vars let's go that guy's not taking damage do something a colie holy [ __ ] he's dealing zero damage what y the the be that Rush take items is just taking the aalii oh my go oh oh owie o oh Lulu took your kill let's go I wish I played ad I would have made Poe go like 050 this game with his goofy ass lethal T his goofy looking ey bro yo the store [ __ ] sucks [Music]