Transcript for:
Ethics and Disciplinary Guidelines Overview

foreign good that I was able to sponsor that biological break Larry created me that that slide so I appreciate that so let's see what do we got here Marcos okay this is what happens when someone doesn't comply with ethics I don't know another note is there a formal way to submit a compliment well um we do have a CCAP administrative um I mean if somebody wanted to submit a compliment about somebody yeah they could certainly usually that happens within the agencies um because like here we're talking about disciplinary guidelines because we're talking about ethics and things and so um you know when we do our yeah there you go Awards nominations when we when we do our conferences like our big um hi Yolanda welcome back we do our big uh CAC um conference in San Diego or it's in San Diego this year but every year um or some of the other conferences we do we'll put out a a call for nominations for um you know like leadership or Visionary or things like that so there are certain topics and people can be nominated and then we we usually give out four or five awards at those types of things so those are a good way to acknowledge um your peers or your supervisors or whoever it is there you go so um Larry's post and stuff for us so there you see award nomination so yeah I mean obviously we always want to um I mean that's not the the uh you know basis for this training but that's a great question Marcos I mean when we're in this um you know that's one of my sayings notice what's right you know so we always want to if we're gonna be you know empowering and um coming from a place of motivational interviewing right which is one of our one of our skills and abilities and one of our um techniques that we use then yeah absolutely yeah so um you can always go on you can nominate people for awards I mean if you if you just want to write to us randomly and say you know this person is doing a good job or whatever but usually that happens like I said within the agencies or it comes from your clients um you know so yeah but in the case of this we're just reviewing the disciplinary guide but great point I like the positive thought there Marcos that's great all right um so we talked about this um what I'm gonna do right now I'm going to share with you the um I mean I want you to stick with the slides but I'm going to share this with you so that you can um you could save it and print it you know download it and save it and take a look at it but that's what I just shared with you was the uh uniform disciplinary guidelines so that this is basically the document that I'm kind of going over right now that's going to be the whole document so it'll be good for you guys on your own time to review that look at all the different you know because some of you might not know that you know oh wow if I do this I can lose my whole career so um it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with that and also like I said they're familiar it's like knowing the laws of you know driving now you can't just run red lights you can't just run stop signs you can't do you can't just go around running into cars and do whatever you want um you know there's rules there's guidelines and there's penalties if you if you can't park in a Red Zone you can't park at a you know if you the meter Runs Out you can't you know all of these little things and that's just for driving um you know I said that just for driving because that's you know very important but you know we're dealing with people's lives here and we're dealing with a career and we're dealing with other professionals and we're uh so it's so important so for you guys to know what to look for if you see something going on that somebody's doing it's like you know I I noticed that in that disciplinary guidelines that um you know we're not supposed to be doing that and that person is doing that um so you may have to you know I've had to do a couple formal complaints and um both times the people got let go I mean it was found out to be because I was in a supervisor role and people came to me and said I'm handing this to you and you're a counselor and you got to report it so I did you know I had to because of what we're going to go through right now all right so I'm gonna jump off the camera but I'm still here um um would you say there is a high rate for these sort of violations yes there is a high rate Jim and it's um shocking actually it's been getting better since this disciplinary guidelines has been created um because it's actually written down now before it wasn't actually like written down as as um I know what the word is detailed as it is now I mean now you can actually read it and go wow if I do this this is what's going to happen to me it wasn't like that before I was on it was you know 15 years ago I was on an Ethics Committee 10 years ago Ethics Committee someone would do something the complaint would come in we would call them in say yeah this is what you're being accused of blah blah blah blah they'd say okay yeah I did it and we'd say okay go to three hours of ethics and you're suspended for three months and then that's it but it wasn't like written down it was a it was a very um what the word is just a very willy-nilly kind of a system I mean those it was a three-person panel usually I mean and the people that I mean those of us we're like judges you know it was um so now it's it's very uh you know it's written down I think people like you that are that are coming up can read it now and go wow if I do that this is what's gonna happen and I think that has a much more um much more value to it so thank God people like Larry and you know our CEO Pete and and Sherry and people from cadapt and Cadet or not but adapt and c cap and um Katie got together and formed this document you know so um because it's very cut and dry so this is going to be an example of what this is gonna be this is a slide that's pretty much going to replicate what I just handed you guys or shared with you guys so um reporting requirements right so yours counselors have um an obligation to report if you see something unethical going on and if you turn your head to it and it's found out that you knew about it and didn't say anything then you are like I said just as culpable as the person committing the violation and that's why when when the people that brought the violations to me when I was a supervisor or counselor they brought it to me they weren't counselors they weren't obligated to report but they came to me and said hey this person is having relationships with clients and this person has asked me to drive the clients so that I mean gave me very specific examples and I said okay well can you put all that in writing and then I had to report it I mean I didn't want to I loved the person that was committing the violations it wasn't a personal thing it was just uh you know somebody put it in my lap and now I have to say something it was very uncomfortable and I didn't like it but on the other hand um I also didn't like that somebody was taking advantage of clients this is not okay so um it's awkward I've also uh you know had a counselor at work that literally passed out on opiates at work and um you know this was someone I was very close to and been working with for like five years and they went through some stuff and they relapsed and and had to tell the supervisor and then we had to test them and then it was it was bad you know and they were mad at me and I didn't like that but can't come to work in a treatment facility on opiates I mean sorry I'm at least not able to function like that um so here's a reporting course so if you get the violation which is in this case it's called one three and three D so there's three different sections to this um and this is a violation so remember the narrative registered certified or licensed aod professional which is alcohol or drugs alcohol or other drugs now you're called sub sud substance use disorder becomes aware of an alleged violation of the uniform code of conduct and the professional has a reasonable basis to believe the allegation may be true and fails to report it to the Department of Health Care Services until the registered certified or licensed counselor certifying organization within 72 hours so if you hear something you believe it to be true then you have 72 hours to report it to CCAP or to Department Health Care Services all right so if somebody else reports it or if the person that reported to you reports it and says you know I told Craig about it a week ago did he not say anything and they say no he never said anything so they come back to me and they go hey did um Joe Smith tell you about this suspected violation and I say yeah and they said well did you believe that that could have actually been happening and I say yeah I said why didn't you report it and I go well you know I'm anyone get any in trouble you know and Hee Haw around guess what now I have an Ethics violation and guess what if that's found out on my first offense I have a six month suspension a proof of completion of six hours of education and ethics so now I'm in trouble because I did anything ethically wrong as far as Behavior goes but I did something that's clear wrong because I didn't protect the sanctity or the Integrity of the profession so now I'm now I'm suspended I got no paycheck for six months and I got this little ding on my record and when people look me up it says suspended and it's just all not good um if that happens again if I suspect something's going on I believe it to be um true I don't say anything and that happens again the second offense revocation permanent denial of licensure certification or registration fees are forfeited so if in two instances I know something that happened and I don't say anything I lose my career I didn't even do the violation but I didn't say anything all right so um you may be faced with that as you go along I mean hopefully you're not I mean I hope it's always my hope that everybody is doing everything 100 but you know we could see what's going on in the world police and all that stuff now and it's like okay well you know 99 of the police are doing a good job but one percent might not be and now they've made it where if another officer knows some uh one of the officers is doing something unethical and they don't report it they're just as culpable it's kind of the same thing it's like look we gotta we gotta look after each other because we're protecting the clients all right here's another one um violation is one two two A to B to B3 and 3D violation is engaging in sexual conduct with a client program participant significant other or resident who is currently receiving services or has received services within two years if you get caught for that on the first offense that's proven again everything comes out and yep that happened first offense revocation or permanent denial of license or certification and registration fees are forfeited you're gone you're out done felito um that's how serious they take having sexual conduct of the client we're going to talk later about how that happens because remember as the counselor you're in the position of power and the helper and this person is is vulnerable and dependent and sees you as someone that's helping them and um it can get it's easy to see how this happens actually um although it should look at your second offense here's the second event see First Defense that's it done rap find something else to do in your life because you're not going to be a drug and alcohol counselor so don't have sex with your clients pretty easy it's 380 million people in this country you don't have to have sex with clients in your treatment program unless you don't care about your career um all right so more prohibited sexual behaviors same kind of thing except this is about um hold on foreign member and this happens too because the family members see you as somebody that is saving their family member and I'm not going to go into the whole story but I've actually been um basically on the on I mean you could call it stalking if you wanted to of a residence girlfriend um trying to give me gifts and all kinds of different things so it became very very uncomfortable um and sometimes the family members are the instigators it's not you um and you know yeah it does happen in the private sector Egos and things get in it's like yeah I'm helping these people oh this person's looking up to me oh man they really think I'm a you know I'm really their Savior and I'm that no okay um but that's the feeling because it feels good when somebody's you know pursuing you or telling you what a great job or thank you for all you've done man you saved my family you saved my brother you know you uh you know and pretty soon they're showing up at your groups or sending you stuff or coming to your office or something and it's like okay um I can't do this you know and they're not listening it becomes um it becomes uh you know taking gifts so we'll talk about that too but yeah it happens in every sector Yolanda um but in this helping field you know people want to show their appreciation and there's different ways that people want to do that it's not like for us where like if someone gives you good service at a restaurant you know oh that was a really good waiter that's a good waitress what do you what'd you think about the service oh it's great okay I'm gonna give her a 25 tip now I'm gonna give her 20 bucks on this you know 80 Bill all right cool that's nice good we don't get to do that nobody gets to hand us cash for doing our job right like most professions you know it's okay if my carpet guy comes and does a good job I give them 10 bucks and tell them hey go get yourself a burger or something um they do that all the time sometimes I go out and flip the gardeners a few bucks you know it's but we can't do that all right um Financial exploitation that's another one so just another example um so if you intentionally exploit a client participant family member um you gave a scenario how would you handle this as an RDP as an ridt I would take everything to my supervisor um you know isn't already you know hopefully you're you're you're being supervised in most instances as an rdt so hopefully somebody's going to be there to guide you through all that kind of stuff and maybe even be a witness to it so if something happens where you're not being supervised at the time which you should be then I would take it right to the supervisor even me as a certified counselor when that scenario happened where this happened over like a six week period this this person uh was in my group with my with the client the client left yeah she came back wanted to sit in on my groups with the supervisor approved but then she was trying to give me bring me lunch and a whole bunch of different stuff and um I kept telling I can't accept it can't accept it can't accept it can't accept it she's trying to give me all kinds of gifts she mailed me stuff and I couldn't take it you couldn't accept it and but I told my supervisor from the very first time oh the third one is kadap CA dtp alcohol and drug treatment alcohol treatment program um yeah so you have to set boundaries um but yeah I would go to you know always go to your supervisor because when like I said with this person and they came back and they were like can I come to your groups I'm very codependent I just want to come to the groups okay fine it was an open group on a Saturday they would come and then next week she said can I come get us yeah she brought me some sandwiches I said I can't take those but you can put them out there you can put them out there for the for the residents to eat accepted on behalf of the agency but I can't take any personal gifts oh okay then she came back the next week and she brought me this fruit basket from Harry and David's of pears and oranges and crackers and all kinds of stuff and not cheese and this stuff's not cheap it's probably this hundred dollar basket I don't even know what it was but because I can't take that I told you last week I can't accept any gifts well I'm just so appreciative of what you're doing and I can't take it put it out there for the guy so she put it out on the table and everybody ate it and it was great well somewhere I usually don't do a lot of self-disclosure but one of the groups I'd shared that I collect stuff from the Golden Gate Bridge so she came back to my group two weeks later and she brought in pics or she brought stationery with the Golden Gate Bridge on the front of it with my name printed on it from the desk of Craig Cory and a picture of her in a bikini underneath the Golden Gate Bridge and I was like okay now we're going Way Beyond this isn't about appreciating me helping this is like no but she gave me something that I couldn't just put out on the table for the guys and I said look I can't accept this you have to take this back he's like well I got it for you and I'm just my prince I can't take it I've told you for three weeks now I can't accept any gifts but she has to be personalized it with my name and it wasn't food it wasn't anything I could just give to so um she was upset and I sent her away with it and then but I told my supervisor each time look this is getting weird um a week later A box came in the mail heavy box and addressed to me from her and it was full of books like The Road Less Traveled and a bunch of um Buddha sayings just recovery oriented stuff but she had written inscriptions in the beginning of each at the on the front cover of each one to me like personalized it to me and so I gave it to supervisor what am I supposed to do with this I can't send it back I can't accept it he said well we'll just cut the inscriptions off and put it in the library for the guys so that's what we did they were all good recovery books so we took off the inscriptions and I put it in the houses for the in the library every each house had like a library and um we just put them in there and um you know I told her thank you but I donated that to the house and please stop it got to be crazy um at that the client was gone Janet so this was the girlfriend of the client um the client was gone the client had um completed and was finished and they had she told me oh they had broke up and she came back pursuing me and I was like wow you know um she called me like two weeks later she was a a private nurse for the Sacramento Kings one of the owners of the Kings and she called me and invited me to a to escort her to this party at with the Sacramento Kings and I said look I can't go and you have to stop um this is just out of control and finally she did I mean I just kept my point of this is that if I would have accepted the sandwich in the beginning the very first thing like here's the sandwich and I would have said okay thank you and I ate I would have set the tone I would have broke the ethical violation that it's okay for me to accept gifts and so when I went to my supervisor along the whole way I was able to say look from the very first time she showed up I didn't accept anything I gave everything back and I told her clearly I can't accept stuff whether she listens or not is one thing but um so I know that's an extreme case but what you always want to be able to do is say I always did the right thing I didn't take the sandwich I didn't take the fruit basket I didn't take the bikini picture with the with the you know stuff on it he didn't take the books I didn't accept the invitation to go to the king's party no no no no no no no so I always reported it and I always did what was right so I didn't have to like you know worry about that so I'm not saying this is going to happen to you but so you know people want to show their appreciation and a lot of times it's it's just innocence it's like hey can we thank you you've done so much for us now you're gonna get cards once in a while you know from a next client or something I got a card from the youngest client I ever had he was 18 when he came in hadn't seen him in 10 years all of a sudden a card shows up and it's a picture of him a thank you card with a picture of him um he just got his Doctorate he just spent the last 10 years he's 28 now and it was a picture of him saying hey I just wanted you to know thank you for all your help I just wanted you to know I just graduated medical school and um here's a picture of me with my mom he was in his you know cap and gown and his medical his uh whatever you caught on some kind of scarfy thing and his diploma and um you know that's cool that's um you know that's cool you know you get a little thing like that says hey you know when I was 18 you helped me and I'm 28 and I'm I'm a doctor now I mean those are little things you could shove into like a little manila envelope and when when you're wondering why you do this stuff every day when you get that difficult client you got that resistant client that's just you know at the end of the day you're just like wore out and you're like why am I doing this and you can look in there and go oh this is why you know this guy became a doctor um that's different you're gonna get stuff like that but money and gifts don't do that all right so that's my little rant um all right so Financial exploitation once again you don't want to do that and a lot of times when it comes down to is and it's sad to say it but it's true um a lot of our clients come in it's like so how are you going to pay for this you know we want to help you but how are you going to pay and most of our clients are Indigent or they were I was like when I was using for all those years I wasn't sticking money aside in the day I decided to get sober oh here's my Recovery Fund oh I better not buy any meth with this because it's going to take away from a Recovery Fund no I was burning everything up other people's stuff too and ripping you off and helping you look for it so I didn't have any money no way to go in um so it might be a family member it might be something if you can't just get somebody vulnerable and then exploit them financially because they're desperate you can get in a lot of trouble for that as well as you can see here six months suspension nine hours of education and ethics you'll see that too I mean um part of the reason our profession is under the microscope sometimes is because there's a lot of people out there that are unethical there's a lot of insurance fraud and a lot of you know stuff that goes on over drug testing um client you know um is taking advantage of clients and um this is all kinds of stuff so you don't want to get into all that sorry my screen blacked out there because I talked too long okay um all right confidentiality um violation intentional and malicious break of client confidentiality for a spent six month suspension proof of three hours of education and ethics six hours of Education confidentiality if you do it again revocation um so remember we're going to get a lot of private and personal information from people and we just have to be careful I mean it's kind of like the you know the nurse and the doctor going down the elevator if they're you know if you're talking about a client you never know the person that's in the elevator with you might be that person's wife mom brother dad your sister son whatever um and they'll be like listen to the story going wow that sounds pretty familiar hey they're talking about well we're talking about him or her um so yeah protect information at all costs there are certain situations where you can break confidentiality and we're going to talk about that and like I said with covid-19 and Telehealth and some of the stuff that's happening right now there have been some revisions to it but um for the most part we protect the client information um more confidentiality um reviewing or causing it to be revealed directly or indirectly a confidential communication made through an addiction treatment professional except is required by law if you violate confidentiality it could be a five-day suspension proof of three hours of education and ethics completion of three hours in education confidentiality this is one of the rare ones where you might get a break on a second offense and get a 90-day suspension and confidentiality classes but could also be revocation um it has a little addendum down there could be revocation or permanent denial of your license or so you know um I just don't disclose information about your clients it's pretty simple um but people get frustrated people want to talk and it happens in all kinds of different situations you know if you're over in the kitchen if you're at a residential and you're over in the kitchen or you're out back and you don't think people can hear you but you're back there talking to another counselor and one of the residents hears you and you know next thing you know oh yeah they're talking about you back there and and then uh like so you know you get a letter that you're being investigated for ethics so um you can talk with your own colleagues about stuff and just want to make sure that that whatever you're saying is private confidential all right so um here we've got the uniform code of conduct can be found on the website and ethics complaints information can be found at the CCAP website so um if you want to look into it some more I already gave you the uh disciplinary guidelines so you already have that but if if you want to look it up you can find it here um if you want to file a complaint against somebody or whatever you can do that if you want to follow up on a counselor or anybody you can go into the registry and look up all the counselors by name make sure they're valid or suspended or what their credential is you can go in there right now look at my name and see that mine's good till September of 2021 um so you know if someone wanted to do that they could all right any questions about the guidelines before we get into ethics ethics okay yeah so um like I said I mean you don't want to be walked around being suspicious of everything and everybody but it's also um you know um in any profession not everybody even if they have the best intentions when they got into the profession or whatever sometimes people slip or you start seeing things and you go that just it doesn't look like it adds up it might not if you just see stuff I'm like oh yeah it's a different Behavior or uh yeah it doesn't seem right so um just pay attention all right so the first rule of what we do is Do no harm right um I mean that's the most important thing our clients come in with no trust um low self-esteem um just you know a myriad of of problems and destruction not everybody I mean people come in at different levels not everybody rides the elevator all the way to the bottom like I did I mean some people may get off the elevator sooner and you know hey my wife is my husband is saying that they wanna they're gonna leave me if I don't stop this or my kids aren't talking to me or my work is is in jeopardy um I need help and maybe you get some people that are willing and they're they're pretty open and they recognize they have to do something some people come in defiant resistance sent by the courts or or whatever but whatever the level is that we receive people we want to be able to empathize where they're at and meet them where they're at that's what empathy is Right meeting them where they're at not where we think they should be so we don't want to do anything that's going to harm them um especially since we're helpers and they're coming to us for help but if I go to the doctor I don't expect them to do something that's gonna make me worse so that's a big part of it Do no harm just always remember that Do no harm sometimes you drive around and see bumper stickers that say Do no harm that's probably a person that's uh counselor of some sort all right so the code of ethics and conduct for all alcohol and drug counselors registrants and certificates right now I'm going to share with you uh c-cap code of conduct you don't have to sign it or or do anything like that um you have to return it to me it's just an example I'll give you the California code of conduct in a little bit but you're gonna see this when you apply it CCAP or when you apply for your certification or your registration each year you're gonna have to agree to this document because like I said in the beginning this is a legally binding document you're saying yes I understand my responsibility is a substance use disorder counselor and I agree to this I'm going to behave and act in a way that is um congruent with this profession congruent means in line with meaning that your behaviors match the words that are coming out of your mouth you know so sometimes I'll tell clients you know it's um your behavior you're incongruent you're you're saying you want to do this you're saying you want to get sober you're saying you want to change your life you're saying you want but you're late to all the groups you don't do any of the assignments that I ask you to do you're resistant most of the time you don't participate you don't so you know the behaviors don't you talk willingness but your behaviors exhibit resistance so we need to get those things in line all right so um it's kind of code of conduct is that what we're doing as professionals should be consistent and in line with what we're saying we're doing all right California AOG counselor uniform code of conduct this is this is these are slides are uh a little bit outdated but the but the conduct is is still the same so I mean the so the current California governing registence and certified alcohol and drug counselors require each certifying organization to develop a code of conduct which establishes minimum standards that are designed to safeguard the rights of clients in aod programs and Facilities certifying organizations May impose more stringent standards that do not conflict with the standards contained within this uniform code of conduct so that's kind of what I was saying earlier is that you can be uh you can have a a violation but um the certified organizations can increase the the punishment basically um it's also saying that the code of conduct this code of conduct that we gave you is is the minimum standards so if you're doing any less than this you're built your your below minimum um you should be doing a lot more than this I mean even when um so this is what they're saying at the least at the least you should be doing these things um when you go to take your icrc exam once you complete your all your schooling and your hours and you apply to take your test and it's not an easy test not at all not supposed to be um but even when you get tested you're going to get tested on your minimum knowledge your minimum competency you look at that and go wow this is a lot and that's still just the minimum it's like before you can go out and work with clients on your own you at least have to know this or be doing this at a minimum you're still going to have years and years and years to learn I'm still learning 20 years in this field been an executive director been you know held program director deputy director been on numerous Boards of directors um still learning still learning I still go to conferences our conferences and I know I'm lucky I get to go to our conferences and see all the great speakers that we have and every once in a while get somebody up there and oh man that's amazing that's so cool to learn that when I was like at two or three years as a as an intern I'd go to some conferences and I'd be there with medical doctors or some training I didn't understand what they were talking about they were like way above my head that didn't really help me now when those people talk I can kind of get I get it I kind of understand it because I've developed I've learned new things all right so let's talk about some of the principles of a counselor um registrants and certified alcohol and drug counselors will conduct themselves in an honest forthright and professional manner registrants and counselors are prohibited from engaging in the commission of any disrupt corrupt fraudulent access absolutely related to qualifications functions and duties of registered or counselor including but not limited too securing a registration certification or Renewal by fraud deceit misrepresentation or any application or material in support of any application certificate or renewal so when we say misrepresentation um you know one of the things that I know some people got caught up for is to apply to be registered or certified you have to have a high school diploma or or equivalent right so um some people will check the they don't have that maybe maybe they didn't complete high school or they didn't take their GED or whatever but they check yes I do and they go through the whole process and you know we it's approved or whatever and goes through then somewhere along the line they go to apply for them we find out do you have a high school diploma oh no you know I don't well that's misrepresented so they go back all the way to the beginning like well you said you did hear well yeah I lied okay now everything is in Jeopardy because now you you represented yourself as something that was not true you know and so for some people I know one guy that just uh you know he never had high school diploma or GED and so he went back and got his GED so he could you know it's like oh this is going to take me an extra four months or whatever he went and signed up in an adult school got a GED and they could he could apply in integrity instead of uh well I misrepresented myself and I hope I don't ever get caught um right away then right away you're starting off um in this profession uh doing something unethical and that's just not a good way even if you get away with it you know good for you but still you've done something unethical it's just not a good way to start off your career so um all right also misrepresenting the type of status or registration held by the person or otherwise misrepresenting or permitting misrepresentation of his or her education professional qualifications professional affiliations 20-person programmer entity um so sometimes uh people will say so let's say for example you guys are registered okay and let's say you've been um you got registered and in your third year of internship and so you're you know your counseling and you know so you go and tell your family or somebody that you're a drug counselor so what do you own the drug counselor are you certified yeah I'm certified but you're not certified you're only registered I shouldn't say only because registers is important you're registered but you're not certified so that's risk representing yourself it should be well I'm registered to become there's nothing wrong with them it's just as important there's nothing wrong with being an intern or a register you should be proud of that but it's kind of funny how people and I've seen it a bunch of times people will say they're drug counselors which is true but when the question comes are you certified oh yeah I'm certified but they're not they're not certified drugs they're registered drug counselor so or somebody says they're uh uh you know licensed drug and alcohol counselor but they're not lies oh you're licensed oh yeah I'm licensed yeah I'm not licensed I'm certified I'm a cadc too so I don't get to tell people I'm licensed I could have got licensed back when it was open but I I missed that opportunity so I don't get to say that you know I didn't I didn't apply for it so you know and maybe as time goes on right now if you get a masters you can apply to be a laid act and you get license bam a licensed outcome drug counselor so somebody asked me if I'm licensed I don't say yes I say no I'm certified so it's just being proud of who you are and what you're at the point you're at it's okay not trying to to make it look like you're more than you are um refusal or failure C refusal or failure to provide proper identifying registration credential certification where appropriate or required when offering aod's counseling services or business cards on informational or marketing materials so if you're a uh let me jump on that hold on a second here so when you're representing yourself um you should always have your identifying information so for example okay so like on my business card um Craig Corey cagc2 and I don't know if you could see it but um you know it has all that information and on the bottom right there certification number and it has my certification number at the bottom so if I if I'm giving this out and I go to a lot of conferences and I get to meet a lot of people as membership manager this has my title it has my certification and it has my identifying um a021800216 that's my certification so somebody wants to look me up oh that was Craig choreo that's his thing um you know my name's pretty unique but there could be a hundred Bob Smith's you know what I mean um so somebody goes to look up Bob Smith I mean you need the identifying information so you're not going to um you just don't want to misrepresent yourself in in that way so you should have whenever you have a business card or anything like that make sure you have your um you know your organization your name your your license number or Certification Number registration number whatever it is should be on there um all right d advertising marketing and promoting program Services training education or experience in a false and misleading manner a step forward by the business and professions code so it's kind of the same thing up you just don't risk represent um you know if you work for a treatment program that's a that's a sober living don't say that you offer residential treatment for one that's against the law but I mean for two don't you know people shouldn't be um misrepresenting themselves either either as an agency a program or as a as a professional all right so um I hand out a lot of marketing materials I mean even when I do these these trainings um one of the reasons that I mean I would be on track as best I can anyway to stay certified but one thing that's always been important to me is if I'm going to do trainings I don't want to put Craig Corey cadc2 icadc and then be expired um it's important to me that if I'm going to put my name and my picture on a flyer and I'm going to be representing myself as a certain type of credentialed counselor that I'm actually am that not oh yeah well he is but he's expired because he didn't get his stuff in on time doesn't matter what I was it matters what you are currently all right um about three minutes our next biological break so let me get started on this registrants and certified counselors shall maintain professionally appropriate boundaries with clients family members and clients and conduct themselves in a professional non-exploitive and lawful manner and our prohibitive room and notice that a lot of times it says clients and family members I just told you the story about the family member I've never had really too much problems with climbing more problems isn't the right word but I've had more situations that could have been ethical violations with family members than I have with clients because clients I get to set the tone from the day they come in the family members you might meet somewhere along the way they're not in treatment they don't understand everything about it um so engaging in a pro inappropriate social relationships sexual relations or soliciting sexual relations with a client or the former client but two years from the termination of the counseling relation now what's important about that is that's c-caps or that might be your certified organization might say you know you can't be in a relationship in any way shape or form with any client that's been in your under your care or your agency's care for two years your program that you work for hopefully you're familiar with their policies and procedures might say one year so you might read your agency you know XYZ Recovery Center I'm reading everything says oh you can't have a relational number of clients for one year like oh okay for one year but you have two sets of rules to follow you got your agency and you've got your certified organization so you got to follow the one that's that the longest if you have a relationship if you're a CCAP counselor and you have a relationship with somebody a year and three months after they were there and you go and you get a violation um complaint against you and your defenses that well you know positive procedure has been my work said one year yeah but you signed a code of conduct that said two years the CCAP is two years so you're in violation so make sure that you or it could be that your agency if you worked for is three years might be less might be more I don't know but make sure you know what your make sure what your your agency protocol is and what your um what your agency protocol is and what your your um certified organizations protocols but if I am already involved with someone okay so um we'll address that after the break Kyle it's 150 so I want to stay on track it's uh 10 minutes to two so let's go ahead and take our 10 minute biological break it's 10 minutes to two let's be back at two o'clock okay