Introduction to Deep Learning at MIT

Sep 17, 2024

MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning

Course Introduction

  • Instructors: Alexander Amini and Ava
  • Course Duration: One week, fast-paced and intense
  • Focus: Foundations of AI and deep learning, a rapidly evolving field
  • Context: AI is revolutionizing fields like science, mathematics, physics, etc.
  • Lecture Dynamics: Introduction lectures in AI are changing rapidly unlike other subjects.

Deep Learning Overview

  • Historical Context: AI has solved problems beyond human capabilities.
  • Content Creation Example: A video generated by AI was made at a cost of $10,000, which became viral.
  • Current State: AI content creation has become common and accessible using language prompts.

What is Intelligence?

  • Definition: Ability to process information to inform future decision-making
  • Artificial Intelligence: Giving computers the ability to process info like humans
  • Machine Learning: Teaching computers to process data and make decisions without hardcoding
  • Deep Learning: Using neural networks to process large datasets

Course Structure

  • Components: Technical lectures and software labs
  • Topics: Foundations of neural networks, perceptron, application of deep learning
  • Learning Goals: Build and apply neural networks, understand and deploy AI models
  • Labs: Music generation, computer vision, language models, project pitch competition

Foundations of Deep Learning

  • Deep Learning: Shift from hand-engineered features to learning from raw data
  • Neural Networks: Built from perceptrons (neurons), use nonlinear activation functions
  • Activation Functions: Sigmoid, ReLU, introduce non-linearities to handle complex data
  • Model Complexity: Neural networks vary in depth and number of parameters

Neural Network Architecture

  • Perceptron: Basic unit of neural networks, involves dot product, bias, and non-linearity
  • Layer Construction: Layers of neurons with weights and biases
  • Programming Neurons: Using libraries like TensorFlow to implement layers and networks
  • Deep Networks: Stacking layers to create more complex models

Training Neural Networks

  • Learning Process: Define inputs, compute loss, adjust weights using gradient descent
  • Loss Functions: Softmax for classifications, mean squared error for regression
  • Optimization: Gradient descent and its variants like stochastic gradient descent
  • Challenges: Finding the right learning rate, handling large datasets

Techniques for Neural Network Optimization

  • Batching: Use mini-batches to improve computation efficiency
  • Regularization: Techniques like dropout to avoid overfitting
  • Early Stopping: Prevent training beyond the optimal point to avoid overfitting

Practical Considerations

  • Loss Landscape: Real-world networks have complex landscapes
  • Adaptation: Using adaptive learning rates and optimizers
  • Parallelization: GPU utilization for faster computations

Closing Remarks

  • Conclusion: Overview of neural networks and optimization
  • Next Steps: Upcoming lectures on RNNs and transformers, focusing on sequence modeling

Additional Resources

  • Presentations and slides available online
  • Support through Piazza and teaching team