Transcript for:
Crafting Engaging Introductions for Writing

hello riders i mrs. sharp and today we're going to learn how to write the first page of our informational writing informational writing has three parts the introduction is where you introduce the topic the body is where you tell all of the facts about your topic and the conclusion is where you wrap it up writing an informational book is a lot like building a hamburger first you have the introduction that's the top of your burger in the middle you tell all of your facts those are your toppings at the end you write your conclusion and wrap it up today we're going to talk about the introduction the introduction tells the reader the topic by hooking the reader's attention to hook the reader's attention you can begin with a sound let's look at an example choo choo a train travels across a rail called a train track by starting with the sounds choo choo I hook the reader's attention and want them to read more here's another example boom bang pop a burst of color exploded in the sky by using the words boom bang and pop I grab the reader's attention and they want to keep reading you can also hook the reader's attention by asking a question let's look at an example what has eight legs and hunts at night by asking that question my readers want to keep reading to find out the answer here's another example do you ever wonder where all that sand came from that question hooks the readers attention and they want to keep reading to find out the answer you can also hook the readers attention by telling a surprising fact like an adult elephant can up to 15,000 pounds that's a surprising fact because 15,000 is a very big number here's another example the highest score ever made in a soccer game is 149 to 0 that's also an interesting fact because 149 is a lot of points to score in one soccer game by stating that at the beginning of my writing my readers want to keep reading another way to hook the readers attention is to show excitement with an exclamation here's an example bran cheetahs are the fastest land mammal in the world by saying the word run I'm showing excitement and I hooked my readers in and they want to keep reading to see what happens next let's look at another example watch out here comes a Tyrannosaurus Rex I'm showing excitement with the words watch out those words hook my readers attention and they want to see what's going to happen next so when you are writing the introduction to your informational book you can begin with a sound you can ask a question you could tell a surprising fact or you can show excitement today we learned that the first part of an informational writing is called the introduction the introduction introduces the topic to the readers by hooking their attention we could look the reader's attention by beginning with a sound asking a question telling an interesting or surprising fact or showing excitement for my informational writing I'm going to write a book all about monkeys I know the sound that monkeys make is ah I think I'm going to begin with a sound sometimes a writer might use a combination a beginning with a sound asking a question telling an interesting fact or showing excitement after the sound puh ah I'm going to ask the question did you know there are 264 kinds of monkeys I remember the word you is on the word wall so I'm going to write that word and snap the words there is also on the word wall so I will write that word in a snap can you help me smell it th e ar e did you know there are that word is on the word wall to a ar e 264 times let's stretch that word out I times monkeys since it's a question I'm going to end with a question mark did you know there are 264 kinds of monkeys that's an awful lot of screeching I think I'm going to write that next at who that word has a jump that I know ah that's an we know that word because it's on the word wall so I'll read it in a snap awful lot can you help me stretch out the word lot oh ah of that word is on the word while - do you remember how to spell it that's right of is of' screeching let's see if we can stretch that word out together her eat to remember which which letter say ch ch screech in how do I write the sound in that's right ing Eng that's an awful lot of screeching I'm going to put an exclamation point at the end let's go back and read what I wrote Lulu aha did you know there are 264 kinds of monkeys that's an awful lot of screeching the introduction hooks the reader's attention and makes them want to keep reading more when you are writing your introduction I want you to remember to begin with a sound ask a question tell an interesting fact or show excitement