Assalamualaikum Welcome to the magelangflasher tutorial channel and now in my hand I have a Samsung Galaxy A12 So this cellphone is the case that the Google account is locked or forgot the Google account, we will try to bypass the Google account in an easy way with the help of a data cable and a computer, but first for the process Bypass the Google account, we must be able to access the test mode on this cellphone, how on the Welcome page we select the emergency call menu then we type the star fence, the empty star Pagar then the cellphone will automatically enter test mode if it can enter test mode then the next step is us prepare the tool to Bypass Google accounts on the Samsung Galaxy A12, there are only 2 files that we need. First, there is a Samsung USB Driver that must be installed on our Windows so that the cellphone can be read by the tool that we will use. Incidentally, I have installed the Samsung USB driver so I don't need to re-install right away Go to the frp tool, there is Sam FW frp Tool version 3.1. Let's just extract it for the extracted password, it's Magelang flasher , all lowercase letters without spaces, when we type the password, we extract it right away, click OK and we wait until it's extracted into a folder, we open the folder then we run the tool by double clicking the file some FW frp tool exe, we just double click it until the tool runs like this, then the cellphone is in the test mode position. Let's just connect it to the computer using a data cable and we wait until the info is read by Sam FW frp tool- if in the column at the top the Samsung Mobile USB Modem mtp appears, it means that this cellphone has been read by the FRP tool, if it hasn't been read, friends, check the driver again after the cellphone is read by the tool as a Samsung Mobile USB Modem. Let's just go to the menu test mode menu on the top left with the words test mode we select this menu then n, we select the remove frp menu, just click on it, we wait until the reading process is complete, then if the cellphone has been read with information like this starting from the model to the firmware, then a notification will appear, enable the test mode, we have entered the test mode by dial the fence star is empty, the fence star so we no longer need to enter the test mode, just click OK until the adb enabling process is successful if it is successful to enable adb Then a display will appear allow the USB bugging on this cellphone screen, we will wait until it appears The USB bugging display on the cellphone screen has appeared, yes, allow USB d'baging, if it doesn't appear, friends, you can remove the data cable again, then plug it back into the computer. On the notification that appears, we can immediately select the allow menu and wait until it's there. Changes in appearance on the cellphone screen, let's wait a moment okay, now there's a change in the display on the screen, han the next dphone, the cellphone will restart when the Bypass frp Google account process is complete then a notification frp remove successfully appears so the Bypass google account process is complete, the cellphone will automatically restart, just wait for the results . the cellphone is still connected to the computer using a data cable, don't unplug the data cable first, then if successful, the cellphone will immediately enter the menu display so we don't need to setup again, the cellphone is automatically setup . USB so the setup step is also the best, right now, the cellphone has entered the lock screen display, but here there is still one more page that we need to set, namely the find and install great application page, we can select the menu later in the upper right corner, exit our process just choose he continued, the mobile phone goes directly to Tam, the Google account menu options are limited, we can login to a Google account or create a new one using the Google Play store application, so as I said earlier, the Google account bypass process is to activate developer options or developer options in settings because the Google account has been successful. we Bypass then we can just disable the developer options for the usb bugging, we can also disable it then the developer options from active we just disable it now for the developer options it doesn't appear in the settings menu and this is a Samsung Galaxy A12 with information on the Android software version 12 then patch level 2022 Okay, thank you for watching this video, hopefully it's useful , see you in the next video from the Magelang flasher channel. Remember to keep the service price, Wassalamualaikum and of course, the soul is good, so a note