Algorithm: Iteratively assigns points to the nearest cluster center
Hierarchical Clustering
Definition: Builds a hierarchy of clusters either by agglomerative (bottom-up) or divisive (top-down) methods
Applications: Genetic data analysis, market segmentation
Apriori Algorithm
Definition: Finds frequent itemsets in large datasets, used in market basket analysis
Applications: Discovering patterns in retail data sets, recommending products
Metrics: Support, Confidence, Lift
Reinforcement Learning
Key Concepts
Agent: Learner or decision-maker (e.g., a robot)
Environment: What the agent interacts with (e.g., a game board)
Actions: Choices made by the agent (e.g., move left, right)
Reward: Feedback from the environment based on actions
Policy: Strategy of the agent (e.g., best path to reach a goal)
Definition: Type of reinforcement learning where an agent learns the value of an action in a state using Q-values
Algorithm: Updates Q-values based on the reward received and the max value of subsequent steps
Applications: Game playing (e.g., Tic-Tac-Toe), robotic pathfinding
Example Process for Q-learning
Initialize Q-values arbitrarily for all state-action pairs
For each episode, start with an initial state and select actions using a policy
Update Q-values using Q-learning formula
Continue until convergence (maximum reward is consistently achieved)
Practical Applications and Use Cases
Netflix: Recommender system using user viewing patterns
Amazon: Product recommendations based on user purchase history and patterns
Healthcare: Predicting disease occurrence and patient outcomes
Finance: Fraud detection and risk management
Tools and Libraries
Python: Programming language for implementing algorithms
Scikit-learn: Machine learning library in Python
Pandas: Data manipulation and analysis library in Python
NumPy: Library for numerical computations in Python
Understanding the key types of machine learning algorithms and their practical applications can significantly enhance decision-making and predictive analytics in various domains.