all right y'all the second wave of imperialism is upon us so get your comparison pants on because we're going to look at all the different methods that Imperial expansion actually occurred so if you're ready to get them brain cows milked let's get to it okay before we start comparing different methods of State expansion in the second wave of imperialism I need to set the stage with two developments first the geographical focus of imperialism has changed in this period recall that in the previous period which is to say 1450 to 1750 European Imperial expansion was focused heavily on the Americas and various regions of Asia and Southeast Asia and yes Africa was also important but the main European Focus Us in Africa during the first wave was to establish trading posts along the coast and then use them to trade for natural resources and enslave laborers but in this period 1750 to 1900 Imperial expansion is going to focus heavily on Africa and Asia and Southeast Asia and not so much in the Americans and the second development is a change in which Imperial states are trying to take over everyone's crap now remember in the last period it was Spain and Portugal who were the first movers in building Maritime Empires and they lick that power popsicle all the way to the stick but in this period Spain and Portugal are starting to lose control of their colonial Holdings and they're generally declining in importance but then big first wve players like Great Britain and France and the Dutch will also continue to play important roles during this period even while Spain and Portugal are declin and then a few new players are going to enter the stage namely Germany Italy Belgium the United States and Japan okay so that gives us the context we need to start comparing the various methods these states use to expand their power into various places throughout the world and I'm going to introduce you to four major methods you need to know oh and if you want no guys to follow along with this video and all my videos check the link in the description okay the first method of Imperial expansion used during this period was state takeovers of private colonies and yeah you heard me right there were some colonies that were controlled not by governments but by individuals or businesses and I'll give you one example namely the Belgian cono in Africa now this was a private Colony held by King Leopold II of Belgium you see Belgium was a relatively new state that had just become independent when the second wave of imperialism began and so the Belgian Parliament decided that it would be foolish to go out claiming colonies while they were still toddling onto the world States seems wise like get your own house in order before you start conquering other people's houses but as it turns out old Leopold was not Afflicted with a great deal of wisdom and so he made arrangements to gain control of what became known as the Congo free state for himself and why would he do that well by his own Reckoning he was a humanitarian he made it known that he intended to convert the indigenous people to Christianity bring them the glories of Western education and all the rest but turns out that was a big fat greasy lion just served as cover for Leopold's brutal exploitation of the colony for raw materials most notably rubber which resulted in the loss of millions of Lies once all this was discovered public outrage ensued and the Belgian government took control of the Congo in 1908 and ad ministered it themselves and I could also mention the Dutch government taking over Indonesia from the Dutch East India Company or the British government taking over India from the British East India Company but whatever example you prefer just remember that one method of the expansion of Imperial state power was the movement from private control to State control of certain colonies okay now the second set of methods for State expansion we'll consider include diplomacy and warfare and here we're going to focus on the colonization of Africa and just for poops and Giggles let's begin by considering how States expanded their power in Africa through diplomacy now that's a scary word with stanky meatball breath that you will absolutely see on your exam so let me Define it diplomacy refers to the act of making political agreements by means of dialogue and negotiation and not Warfare okay so the big example to know here is the Berlin Conference that ran from 1884 to 1885 so because some European powers were already beginning to claim some parts of Africa a fierce competition for African territory exploded and it became known as the Scramble for Africa and I can't emphasize enough just how important this competition among states was for fueling this new wave of imperialism like everyone just sort of agreed that the way to become a great power in this period was to hold the most territory throughout the world like he who dies with the biggest empire wins and so now that Europeans had the technology and medicine to start moving into the interior of Africa that competition escalated quick fast and in a hurry like a bunch of toddlers fighting over the last powdered Donuts anyway seeing that this competition over Africa would probably lead to Warfare our boy ovon bismar of Germany called the major European Imperial powers to the Berlin Conference there they talked and negotiated until almost the entire African continent was carved up into European Colonial Holdings and you know it probably goes without saying that they invited precisely no African leaders to the conference to gain their input and that led to the drawing of borders in Africa that divided previously United ethnic groups and brought together rival ethnic groups and that's going to cause some uh problems but we'll get to that in another video but for now Berlin Conference diplomacy that's what you need to remember but second some states used Warfare to expand into Africa and again there are plenty of examples here but I'll just tell you about the French in Algeria now the first part of the 19th century France was seriously in debt to Algeria who supplied France with much of its wheat needless to say Algeria wanted to get paid and so French sent a diplomat to negotiate some more time on the payments well the Ian ruler wasn't having in things got so tense that the ruler hit the French diplomat three times with a kind of fly SWAT and so how did the French respond to those three swats they went ahead and sent 35,000 troops to invade alers and claim the city and then continue to take parts of North Africa I mean obviously a mass Killing Spree is Justified after the horrendous dishonor done by the fce water incident anyway despite much resistance throughout the 19th century from successive Muslim rulers in Algeria the French ultimately prevailed and expanded their power into Africa through Warfare Okay the third method for expanding state power in this period included the establishment of settler colonies and those are exactly what they sound like the Imperial Power claims an already inhabited territory then sends a bunch of its own people to live there and set up an outpost of their own society and remember that settler colonies were big in the previous period like for example the 13 British colonies in North America well in this period the British went ahead and established settler colonies in the South Pacific territories like Australia and New Zealand and once Britain had control massive waves of British settlers came in to populate the regions establishing a kind of neo-european society and introducing diseases that killed huge swats of the indigenous populations like the Aborigines in Australia and the Maui in New Zealand and then finally the fourth method for extending state power in this period was the practice of conquering neighboring territories I mean sailing across the sea to exploit and kill people for your own benefit is just way more difficult than exploiting and killing people who live next door there are three states all of whom were kind of new players to the Imperial game that did this first was the United States the desire for westward expansion had been part of the DNA of Americans even since the days of their colonial rule under Britain but with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and further Wars with Mexico and Spain in the 19th century the desire to expand Westward into neighboring territories became so fervent that it became known as Manifest Destiny which to them was a calling from God to possess all the territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean the more Americans moved West to claim that Destiny the more they displaced indigenous peoples who had lived there from time IM Memorial and in order to complete the conquest the US government forcibly moved indigenous people onto reservations additionally they also practice policies of forcible assimilation with some groups like especially their children by forcing them into American style boarding schools where they would be stripped of their culture and Americanized and then the second neighbor conqueror you need to know is Russia so basically in the second half of the 19th century after Russia's humiliating LW in the Crimean War a militant political Doctrine known as panslavism spread among the Russian Elites the main idea was to unite all Slavic peoples under Russian Authority including all who currently lived under Ottoman and Austrian Rule and so that ideology along with the desire to achieve great power status on the world stage led to numerous campaigns to claim neighboring territory for example in 1860 they established a trading post all the way on the Pacific coast and V and then by the middle of the 1860s they had claimed the step lands of the khaak nomads and then expanded into three USC states to the South and that is not all but you know you get the idea and finally the third state to make a habit out of conquering their neighbors was Japan who stands out in this period as the one major non-western power joining the imperialism party and how did they do that well remember that due to its rapid industrialization during the mai restoration Japan had laid thousands of miles of railroads and quickly modernized its military and now that Japan had joined the club of the Imperial Elite Japanese authorities decided to do what industrialized Nations did and start building an empire as a result Japan expanded its sphere of influence over Korea Manchuria and part of China Okay click here to keep reviewing for unit 6 and click here to grab my video note guides which you help you get all the contents of this course firmly crammed into your brain fold and I'll catch you on the flipflop I'm L rout